The Michigan Daily
ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, \\ I l)\i I) ',oVt i) . o-
NO. 32.
-- --- ---- -- -- - -- -------- ------
Tooth Capenters Win a One-Sided.
(laine Characterized by
A safety and a isttchdown, with Blliss
falue nectre goal, tells tie story of
yesterday'rs class fooall gamae. eding
in thte raher odd score of 7 to o. The
ttett who will htaodle the forceps atdI
lhe httzzinsgtatacitte clearly otc lassedI
le uisesers of stgar-coated pills atd
the ic tore. thee -extracted wutl av
beettttoreoveriel isg ts for cos-
stst and icstr fttttblitg. \tItc tite
was conssaes init te lay ott acottttof
pett ninrtsiandtt te laes' lack f
Itsli te ist tw intuiistes of sply Ctp-
sait Bliss cut looise forist shunidt relyadl
ru ftersards crr'tyig the hlsli tier
li te ostly tuo wneisost f t gmte.
lie failedi to gal.
Thle hlsttsesps reeiedl le kicktff
an trussotff tsckle liy MciassildOwet
suceceesdedin ttpainsg the oval ithie
detts' tet-yardl lue, otly tsle hellfse
slown'ss. 'Fistswtas tte onlyi titte the
winr'gust1lue swass its daiger. Ner
lieendiioif te linst shslf, Mortse bsoee
shrsugli for i iftyvyvsdrunt.1beig
sissstediiy Otteni, te ltsttoessts' stiediy
hafback. 'iTe fist ltalf ettdei witi the
alit intemissdlde (f te lldtansinit
thei ipossessiotn of te dntitsts.
iumisnsg caracterizesi the seeosnd
half tivet mttieetans tiseflst. Wiest
losse punitedshorstlty sfter te opieitg
f te scondtiperiosd of pla, the al
rsolledi tosue iire festeeiesisd te
ssssssessts' gust1posts whierea itsesy
den downt sssteuereovseringsdssctsr for
:saeyThis ededite soring. Te
rist of le half wacs replete with brilliants
tlsies oif ilesive plainsg osithuepri
oif the detisisiwhis sae lonsg rvisitandi
siead ine u csiely ti lse theal
sit fusmbiles. Miss cissdlMisse strredi
itn this period f play.
'lstgamie estdedtistillte all its the
sests' tisssessisiott the lisoiieisis' tet-
yardllue. CaptisnsisLeis sitniiEslissck
Niesonisof te 07 egiseers were iter-
estedsplettors at yesterday'es cuttest.
Thesjunsor egieers msee te' sittier
sf vtets ni s coiest Sstriavs ssrsns
lislhe.. . . . .(1h... . . .I i e
Sturft ... . . . .. ...... Elisek
Eiisonts.. ., R. G. .... .. Ipsin t
Chapan ( ss ICpt.)I R. 'I'........Smtht
('rm............ ". ... .. V itisssr
Ileadl......LI 4 ....... ii Cokil
lutist ........ R. 11. 1;.. Bits CastsI
Stosss'tiise.... B .... i or.
Rleferee-Iecier. f tiist sI )stsss
ialics 15 isiuttes.
'lucere is a sihief, sr thieves, arosad
its te uiversity setisnsoftun. 'Ts
faecuty miess andioneustdei tsce a]
ready faliess ictimsitoe.Iis.ioe their, pi-
ferinig propesnsities.
Ont 'Mondtay onse sof The Daiy eitors
left a hat andassalittl sf gsuntlets its
lie generaltibirary coak rosmt. Sortely
afterwards "Usscle Jimmy" te es-
todians coms sispeledi o step oiS for
a momsssent. 'Whiens le resrnes the
gauntlsies were gone.
'The theft 55a5 reported os Assistant
Libirarians Kocih wvho was dusly symspa-
thetic. Osly a fewsosss later Iis ows
at ansd oeroatiere takess frmithe
al of iis boring house. Professor
Sadler of te egiseerisg department
losintgIis headgear anti ussserit ite
saime ime. ''here is sits cw isto te
thief-or thiees.
Stickney, Inmus, White, Long and
Barnes Head Important Com-
mittees in '06 Lit Class==Nom-
inations For Senior Counci.
'Te seniorsit leycasiss setvst'sr'
shiv aftesrnoossssfisl-the itestmesis'
ts' clsselectioin. 'lTessariosis in
itittees wris poite ndnointin
wet i st iifori tesitse i tii. 'lise
foiis g cits ie st fcir ite o
Seiorests stsitii'sile C. Fosserer
chirmtin;i J tits A tsliss. Rlystam-
ilton. HomseitsC. I sttisti;.iss Mabses'
Ked li lr Moffalt, Aliss thl
Gen'er'a'li 's't''ti''etis--I in L.Long
isairan:iFank . lI isisl . isotgi' .
Maslsolmi Jssp4S it s. Ket i s A inna
iagh ' Mils\iss (Cecul eiii'tittr. .iss Nuts
Cap ansitug''nsit-Louis iD. Siikeist,
chasssi iismnMasitalli A\. lii.N.Yi. Ant-
desoAli sMa rtC'sre, Miss
Rsth, iss ii stnts Stmsstong, Mis
Mau i'Nage Missanitsits iiii.
man Hary ra le. ttakilarkilWil-
liam \is I lies R.C.sMorisis
Cith. iatschli. B . 's isiss" iissSi vs
Stewa-rt is ells'McLin.it
Soial-T.II Ltso Silburinharmn
Rakerliss Mlst iLC iFevre.si
Adising--flarsitstCo.ughlin, I.haiman: is
Sits.geitF.iBlancihasissJohnssT.slbls I it
bl utti Merl titticic .Si'MissRthsHs'wei.
Ma'y-C 'si" les Hiss Assussi l silt
Ii slut tW5iiamsis G. IHoasg. har'
its: stNesstons55geter . . lits-r.
OlIN M\ill IN) OpE
Nlii"5WO.M.5N'S LIE ilC
lihe \Woman',t iLeaguis tll) hsslslhsh'
annalipenmetingst Basritou' g'i-
sisiisis s ilsridyateniiinsfronts{4tis(is
Antgelilissal. 1Miss Carisispisietisofii
use eaisgiss,. i-sihii'ssides. ir Sitngellsill
gie a slls st somesisis its tclsely i-
ltsn. Sits.CaraiAs eristsfsitro~ti, list
seectsisisitsI t spsid:-il thills. insissH.
Ston sitssitsiainsi hitsstimse listbee
muchtin tiesrested.
Sirst.usy, wife f toiessor I lst
sss, tilne e aisusItsfi ithle sdeiartmitetti
asitrnm sutaits) i Iiisgsssitill pr'is'ntiits
thu lge iiste iii'stasiit NiMrs. Alices'
iFrsitsaitPalmersits-s gift fisosm her ils)otshi',
.Mr. tutcu its Sits.I iiss Is k iaC'grad-
lita itilts 15551universi'situndwas theiiiSits
prse i ltside t li 5sfsitheWoa'sLe'agesiwhiei
i it'as. estabilsisedi iti) i.
'its- G irs' (liis-clusis till sng se-
eil electiossassthue chios'iof ts-
speeches. .5rescptists sill te iedin
the pirises liwst isieasftee tie ties
grmadte-aisohh dioyoill issrststie receptionssslise.'They
srs'allit iseresste'sinitscollege gisisatutu
wvilte s'er gsasdtsseelasires'sss-
ter. Kefreshmstent'sill te seredsini
tesdisisg roomsissi thii' sbaisess. Al
collegeswovstent andh isesstiilasies sre
.His ,iliat rot, is Kllin )Mt' Pres. Hlvering of Senior La~ws
lnitai isi - Cis ehiss' .ss' h susiss s. tan
Ii<l~t' . litsssnRoblilert iF. Atlins. Announces Standing Commhit-
Sit 'iss ihrsssssll sesisedy. .\hlss 5nn~ tees For Ensuing Year--Seven
Reinr. IMeni Out For Senior Council.
'Tss'foill sssssss i-is-e ssssssssis-s Iso th
SIcois'. ";. ". C Eslissis. I, reel \I .\S' 5 i i'is-( i-t i sss isv -r ie st fitl st
i tri ss c ftss iis.. 1<. N. i-s ssninustiss'oif) ii l i s l 's esidentssI litter-
Ciiiii'siitititiiI tis' simfti
PRACTICE COURT STARTS laiii l'tis sppcrinttteis stt tnuisueui
_stiss 'u sisssu -n ysterdihsy follow:
Future Legal Lights Working Out susussss t. h comittee-PuR. I .\tesi.
ins Mock Trials--Well Con=
tested Cases Result. j
Th st-ol f te ipractics-essomet of thie'
1; cm t~ is sha; ss'5555 fori the' year.
us iii lss'sss'iw'fl]h r cs I williss-sits-
tested, i~iritaikmd" di s l n n'
'is' TO r l o tela sssossf lsie m
li i, . pe c an e is ii i he iese si ref
Tonl of he e ussussll i.. sis, a llusuis
sui ,ts ' wis5 ' 1i lu sdemandeifs r the'i en-'
IR 1 is f ; . s ['Nsusu Lss N is
aionissfsi sir issir ressif roisin.
T eQ iOIn -ttonyis ust]mitindeed
who han' t c stsi...ioi. to stilk, or
515-s's1 or i1(w otasstal 'in w ise s
t thi otm fiends of d iscrimiastiois
those 5 i'ssssi's y hegrat ie- sits
spared to isimake itas1nealy lkea
isiacur s posibe. he esut is
form:; srequ ir i'y lawi nci ms attiiiiani
oiisisof5 couri't becaseishe overlooked a'
llp ra is' ii.ii si
14" ulsss osuitsst's - tieini h
i acs re agee uio ts uslst e-cse i
where ctual marovesis uite isacte.
outu'a'n'.sth's issuei f frtsist '5pe
thin suit" r i de tioli urt' i-sie stu
and- inssten suuse lega i's tsitths' s-sts-, lits-e
Work ti-incushe' (Dot is'computs-l s n
Profes' ssor1. Rt..fiSs..i Sn hstheldu
'ts5n s'l tformaitiesg ofuth ca . ) -
C' hi1itFitscis AlinisW5'aggonser.
1 5i, . . Phels.
its s I C. ScitMllasit cusirmasus;
R.F. itiuwnll, S I. Kller. J.L.
Auithing -1.C .CarI ch ima;il
C. suiuusuuk i-.C.5A.Coit osteyssssM. iC.
\C( Slits '-us ,y.tSi. C'.
suits suits hi 1it I isu ss s-tchairmsan;
\I.V. ios. M .\hO.5.Donnsuel.
1a i t- -. hs-.Ri.'Beal, schairman; eW .
( Stosuter. i. .King, . . 1Gransiger
R.P rr h i.ts .hisis.ii'' 'tieist
J. V5llen1:\.1),t ruhy . . Long11,
J- I{. situster.
'hss uss islic f vtilist forlt re ti e -s
ils thi"sen-sirs-counsciiIbofore
nes t Sasit ic i sts th s ssgit oslit te sets
frlaw canite ius i1sties's-r. 'Shoury"'
Iscyin us stsrili's Daly as' csfolowid
isc si d absuil it cudts' otest sf tuusis-
lis .iup i t ul l ist'evening icon sis essit-
Franki i C. Longmanucsu.J. 5M. Fitzgerasl,
I?. V. kinhui'tlii. i. I. ggiisit, I.
W. Fhslisup C. S. Anduus, R-. 0. ilssf
sit alumns'it's- u-i'ng litsack forteths
C'nthn dinnuer nsitthes'seventeenthsuus si
Novemberlii. Not usony thie Michigipan
au n, b t this'jointcu'ceti-n of it-e
siMiciest and iusconesiut gescus hsl
atrate mny iicosiujradsi.o'1.1nee
itea o ss'ttend ing h e upsuss. ' hitu
jiigfthie-tit us ii-ll gie ioppor-
us lii for sakitug thesir'trip his Anns
ii' uitstitue s Islrheadyihearluingtpfavoiratle
isprt;frot iths usi S~sosuins'tushMich-
iat alm i andtilthis'appluictios folut
ictsuallo~t quss foritItformatsionit sre
Th s a tosn of this's'commuite its ris-
inthu. rsie.f teliciikts $.oo twil
tutu- do asitsesefet situthus-aesusicisce.
St hss sit o l ists tsikets cniihit'suld,
hist-itsnp thus-liuit ofite seacinitg f
S'Vteun'sicuiuss'tu'sutsu. 'he cauduelat-
trion'usofu ithus-cussncet anu this'excange
oif inte-varsity courtsris'addluesto hsie
hisst hba.uet ev e ginutosisthie uampsus,
usill sterv ilt eery seatit htie gymu-
are bing fuss'd w thus.-sipoothness
habspesak-ss goodulcentralcorgi'u at'uui.
Dealt Juts'dsit isill ientesrtinsuthe womsest
ofthie -grautschoo slusaIst ter homeui, 923
IOlivias places-. usxt Satuuracy cafternoonut,
at ;k:;osei'cC. Sis. Jordancss a se-
uresdIasulistiof thin prfesos uder
wiho ustinte graduastes sre pusing teir
ut' sutuanduminuoruncourses'snutuhas it-
vtedu the is'osfthuse proessfotrtoSi
meus--i uithshhem
The Publications of Other College
Take Kindly to the New
'iTeeceeness amndi distinctiiveness o
anotheisr NMichiganssideass siborne it
tesitsasmongtuthis'otiter uiersties of
thus coiuntiry. 'Fle hIlsander, recun-
steruited this yearsaluong ispuslar lines
utude thuseimnagitgediorshipii of Arthunr
C'. Poundsi.itisbeittgt'recivedulwith ac-
claim by'thestemsn ite editiriual cis
if studuentmublsicatiionms its siter uiver
atics. lSts inete appiesance of tie se-
ondu dumbther. a nmbher tf ltilershavec
ects receivedlby menseri of testaff
of te inslaisder frosim teliesary stafs
f siller college'. ulicaions, .praisitt
this tnas' deptartre, exprssing faithini
it successs anth favoritg cusatges ii their'
tuivnspsulicatiissof magaiine furh to
followss'this' Michiganiistyle.
Withottu doshutthsl ue hInlader has
opensedi ainewsfieldi fusestsuent publica
tosint America, salldhbefor'te pssig
sit anoiiteeyear Siutispredictedl from
shut gen'teraltI ts-eiof apprenciationsbyispe-
is, that iits ityle- will hs'estmsbodied inm
thus magaigescofiouher sehuools.
AssistantshLiirarianssFimnney ye'serda~y
delared: 5"Its smy obhservatsiossosf the
psubluicationtso'f te le isgs-sof Ameurca,
te Inlanderiesuactpresentiusas fiel
apartuelfromts sll othlers. Wihut dof suth
is success wsill he folloswedl by the aop-
slusn fthits'samieinitothits- u'titig's'
Th'ie tirdi issue sof thes-nslnders's'fuse
nishtes te mui u'sttonunsed. us ttionhis
si th cii hasnge ini style 'suidsmsk-uIsp.
[embsiers f thus edsiorialitafcuf sitchrn
luhts thus ets pliciu s hht peciradually
branuledsslonlumg thiseslins. 'heits-ise
toriasiis t Lu.featuree.shCi. Gachel,
srs ediorlu-s thelsredth is lde spr-
munt artuisslforgmnaisy 'tnshsperi
ence, adasriso lever draswigs
typifyimig college life siss'o t beuom
smmeed. Sais mbssster i~ s tcotatimn
cartossus'sby 'Sr.atcellsnit isu sistaff
uf wie interest t lt'e siudssiutgnmm
'hss'hts numbse f this'pulcton it is
flhedi aiths slera-ce tuiclsssbeasrig tut
tisimely utiesity topicss. Ittbrighti
fictionss atd spuen isiwits-s.e attraciv'
featiursss.white is editrialt apesm
breezey, healthy usnlts-sutnsreulict-ittthus
truss-SIishigansp ~ii.
'Site sc-tirsu tisussof ie esuS chine
.%en ma s5huits unil-t -:iMis
Esthser IHarsmonuatsthits-Kappuusi Aliha
'i'hsitaihuseSiMSindayhi~. hSoti f lihi
old embders tutud iseecl f ithe meat
onsc ws-uri' presenitushdsprusets fuse
this-y'e a ers.' disssedsu. 'T'nworke!ths
yse a il his- sariedi andulintesretingSev
ecl gooudi Germansu sewspapsisiuandt
msontilsy mgazuises togethue siwith hun
Bliegende B hlitter,thiss-funnsy aler f
Ghermsaniyhavie bhut-s-u scrti'sedsc for.
Snticle'soutpresenitscial, pouliial anti
ecomorsunic qutestiossuwtil he gist-isoti
fuse discussion, andsh sll iformaiss is Ss
he uderiv-edhfromusstheseipapes.
'Tun Virein awill iheldi sevea'eltsocial
gathieriags st he gymnasssisumsthiiis year.
its which sll te sectionss with join. Some
msemaber fthiss'fscutyorsue prsmisn-s
cmii muamn outsie he uiversiy wsihe
askedi to give stalks its German onsutheir
spseciali ine f awork. lRefreshmntius wilt
he served andt he suests of lie Gee-
usmn heidepatmsentwill he gisesn amioppor
5tunity'to beceomue acquuantedu.
Thle (Gertsmnplay wasussuds asuccess
lash year Sthat it hiss'sesnuseied stoSi
plveanaoher this year. Wok awil be
started early, lu t hunplay willt sitbe
giavemn ushl tse seconsemscsester.
Me . Keolik, shu new preeisenut, is
workisug oun seversal sew plians for She
year and hoipes ho arosuse more interest
than was manifeamedl lash year.
JohnstC. Pareren.'oucIs iss c tithss
unuiversihy fuseriat'weels's vaucations. is'
wras recensty empsilioyedlst the Nusupsues
Fleis iPosw-seru'companyu's pt, but uiwsith - --
hseeafter huuesocatdits Bufflfu.i FThesi-womensu at SIitns uts iill ogr
Iar siesA. lFranck, '03.,avhousrecenutly ize' a roostees'dishushi-heis suit ciiths.'ig
computle'tedu cia 55mo5stiaiveturo'us t riipsugases. Spucial mes-pshonisis'willibe- car-
arosunduhsie woru'Ild, lussretsurned l tsohhs thit 'tush ins additiontscitu-seiaulform o sf
hsonueis-MilasaukseeWi's, heudgear still iprobablyu9 he adoptedsl