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November 22, 1905 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1905-11-22

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The Michiga n -Daily
ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, N\1) :l\ I I1)A \N \(t N1?11 2 2,]05 NI.-lO


No. o.0

Varsity Again (liven Light Practice-
Several Regulars Not Out-Pre-
dictions About Game.
'The feature of yesteda'svarsitl
fotalpaticer'was Coach osts tnee
mehdof preparinig for iCkersal.
flooin' ey' was given the honor of inper
liain te only maniontthe lroii
trnm licliiifers"iand booted the
i si onsistvntly sit ianl sixt-iee 1
(Ii N Coah ilst xtl pr01abliltdevote
thei mjoe part (of his attenion the next
week to tig the Iin o hoto so
Too ni l omi 1amtonotd, slilir'
IndRiteitsiild weriinot ot:Otfor the
pratiue.s I~vnteits)n whotwere ot
wer lt of silKicktng ipractie witht
Garry tuat nd I I in oin te
lcrtoi'stunits took ip mios of le
i tittealihtitgl patc e h
IFootba ll criticstoughii~lotithe csine
t}semi to Ihaiie differet itopinioncn
'en" lite on iotir sitt h 'laiiogi-
hi edaygatme, upon tsiih eed h
'itEccsll is oie'tev titnt any na
)It ihe Mlrt~iciganteito 'sd tltvis ligoal-
''no iltailit nwillrdefeat NMihigani, ar-
gigta l u hi rgs) ptayig on a
oferiorv teamdefeaterdilsichNitlgn one
an Ithat Ekktrwill turnothlivtivh again.
n)hrwile a'ittiiin" that cer'ssll
osrn ht IEctcr sll iwill not
kditorlvof I)aily:
A on firn ii ii rcumtncne.at tundvd
ic ;ale ofi (liirgo\Mihi'antiket,
hivvvvysiterdayI fiir ll te t,. of MN.
Indettss iep IdtiketsIthr upytu
lii it r, 1he crtain lpatie c
tog'tikets were appit roachedaftr'vtlii
:"leadasked tn aidtlvsrle dollars
for iwhat theywerevrightulilyvs'nitled
o,' at twio dlatiTe clers hol
loroiv tickets iidileIft on arls fo'
Chiiago. Fromi all aoniitsth le . of
M. ahlteti i nogriorm lewoo f sch
ii tetided actniition 1d cmenothas
-it eothr stidents in lineut "h
to) tikets andtil teice aske o ul
1Wsait i se it lsutheriSic
fI .ceentg tei'gamne
sineoflbleacsests cktrsrto Mticigti
'todront' in theirirespctivirscion cyou
Ie nllifid aiiredeeds itis face vale
anothersries berig sustuteiiandlutti
osaleu'intmanitrtt lgaatie
eahimitt itieoral at ptu rstii )euinti'-
uir w ithi Iims. t Ihis trceeig
ia een uinde tkeiioii Iomtertocas-
ins at otherisisuiinsN'While I aii
no coiifideiitthaisits sitcesrss iill hr
acin ed I feeIltt it is worty of vin-
soerstiton:IThessIe liess emblody the
i-:imneitl sihichiwis imaiifest this eve-
iig among old uniiversity toen, and the
wirie rwouldile grteful for comnnent
oi ie esante. WNilliam J. rya.

fiRNIOR ((O1NCIL 1101D8
ITS IIRST' 0M'll Nf5j
ttme it RotmC, Universosiyihill, it4
o'ctmocklFrdayafternoonil and'totcIed
tie foilloiun tempIoorar icst'uPres
eeiig dprt l iiisresiet, .
C. Carrier, e"ngier''ting itspaitmet;
secretaryIn I)e AMacomliterr
)lctiartinir ii
hut litmtleisine ss if a deiniteisoirt
fo hr Iuntins wh ) ich heoranza
ii)) is tsiI is toiprifiii ndno iswis
deided toh ratth cntituitsools 00 O tis it
shirex tetl itwhi iltheshl'')in
ste bfristl 'i'i ters' 'ilroom ts r 1a s
ato ilie mitttitns oiithe niwlotrgten-
isedcouncltilT he IItcosunciil stonsists if


seventeent intent irss. of swhich tie lit
dletpartmen n) 'utruibutes lits's ton, the
Isis dlepartmetislI tires', lie entginee'sring
deptarutmto I foturme'disica l s'epsirtoent
itiw'o 11ainid ttet'alh om I ad hr
AISO li CItAGO Ioioit
The im lfite icagtoii Cout monIsi)t
toshtithltsoc itlquesstionts a seni
ui'etr~s ltits some hat slat edsutufr
(sgiaituesnt tsial ittlet ini
Ihcg heepticaltts t; it uditsel
rm i tt in this sitttlemenitt Itive timonthsi
duig wic uh tieheus udisini
phseofsocoical csiinitstis andti
Irepares ia iiipo t-t il hssoservaionsh
Or he acuty f scia it)cs ithei
lieetisiustne'd Ahiteight yre)siltittnt
wihichi lii stie se i otantli woriii as I
been 5c 'tml is1 it ttttd thus casei ofitt I
NI. MN elsuutl is a inoltle examtii e. lie
Iad' a tonouIt stuhdyitfitesalo
itsstio iiin ihicago tts is rtpo Itiswas
pulse n thle timert ittn Jotrntait ot
a we tll) knows( bookIonsttisience
Sttllelts ol rturnng rom tei sCo-
1Ohlls arteumslw tiy ttieq u tidtot addsrtss
ullyts'str 51s'uctis ithe isv~neiy
IWi) have''hildI teeicilashpsan
te pis sr eenit sch'olar'''shipI olerI i s
a1t1t11) Coi'sons tinse AugIu st ieisi
sudyiing5 Ith" l~of Am'teric$nlifton
oe l s rmu ved it) sn liiy at ,seS c ia l
tileaerg xenstiei ftis e.lSfholitt
(ship ci'thodruortmtt s fi" mnth')iiI
denc sliagiii hi otti$200 an':his
socitisi emon ihestuntssantifau''y.
AdamisI 'T'aylortad Cooly

I.1st ntgtls 'iiifisuiti' 'h'i'ts'it oot gave'i
Big Crowd Will Attend Thanksgiving his aimaltt lecturto lthlest Wh"intend it Choral Union Series Opens With a
(Gamer-Large Advance Sale oft o nerth raoicl11oct Symphony Concert-Varied
Seats-Scalpers at Work. ''Tusts cillircyRedtiuth ani tuWAu IT"(; I Course Offered.
a o Oh lulla y ofthiose pr(,s iiin__\v___r_
Diutor Ctim ls t lairsdI annu ncedi girls.ii'oue utrus tc cetliiintteChtorahlIUnioni
yeteda ta h hd eurd rt o Mes~ Tuelo Iidd~nthi is' (cms Fidahy isighit, whietnthe
It'e dit"arsito hiag :an srturum fo ur les110wh ich ii houil e olowdin rut it- hsutr5' ticshisiraus ndtuert'Aehe le rshiip
ills ith titi st guskgirM nol.Ts' "''ot'ispec'u- t'' 11an11 tlts 11. I'h n r tuttci~io lit iutt l l beit his rdttl is Ulzver-
ia tai si'illt e us' i1shed'l bylthe' i- r i te opnn othe climax. wasiii uitutus ctiity ill in a symiphon~ly hI1'1fr'U111 T'le
sua c m s q iand ftumlthe ituisti ttgen itrum' an(]u theiii mt u ui ito ills mi'' mmml esi~ i n tiger ho
shown1 atlitesent1it1islikelyithatfullydivmitsui u-siso i as i-ln N n M hsere' it is rightly cosids-
is( thoitmusnd 'iihim' i n titple wil at t t h itssuinT rhueloodmus h muti eremmt I mu Iof the oem stism u isica r -
Ilotltshga e.tis tby re'ingmm"exampesfr1he0onr mu~tt sntis cutry.hi
Thieflust train, 5115sls 'i f mils' bi'g'- iora~tioni ll liu st t'' ugthe ptumuts hes tii 0had P lr M ,lairs sconithrol this: rc es
tae cr c oces n u c as ilt muti ntuit i.; tll. Bot he mm Ir ithas reached a 'high posihti in thie
located in h eter1 of the 1 ran,1 wsilt Mrtt thitt rgdI veyonltltystilt raminifu m usiits foriitsleastr'it iau
iev n ro t o oMu Nnt1 5) hiltnitheIcittitiiiThei 1 summu seith m si tia twho si th s for thie hightest
mumnng(tuturive n iCicag at411 in ihi sw mitioe' vrs. Nic)ium uuuus s adbs. it e art ihes irogram sfur
thes a'tr'i' oon.iu t'e scond spil wut sill set, buti i orion uls tilist be handeid um h tu~i st miralists herovertturen to O'Oeh-
use iiviiuv, (' (?ie baggst cariC1;«ht oniorIts httitheiAM i sstmmmofuthshsyr if saittos
oahs on aliii'cats mues' iningmu car'sir o ndtuumt still r-sl t sx ('lc. sytmphonylll) hiurgautt t- ucndsrasy Sytsa
ansnum cas ~cho hes rear of "ThtreiarciNomelinteresmmitemuin mliyii I huOn c rtfIommshte Strutss
the 111111 tututhesis i i imues e m hiss admith reii llsui rthm co tstss t iiss mumisuimuilsth" sand siegfried's
titri susil i a sll5 isoum t0:oadarve ya hn in anytu' rvuis 5ye'u''u sad itu1 ft f ( Jurnmmumy ftroin hDie Walkutre."
hl hitsgo''ts ill . s it l tan wl 'fss ' '''' l. ' ''i s al as \ihm ti p rg tutu tutu iduay inighit
The excu i tit sii iuiiis go'1tnig ioly way ibintito sl t teisttiltmtn.tt' cntinS taf inAnCAbo. li-
i te silInhiu ao rt urn51\ ii iii i siii"5tillf lutist a11111 ste Ilcrn n, volsmt mum (iii "s l a iing
onal rg la tai n t i ndincuing for ora ii lttionis iten hr: mmiii hlitruut mp iltist; a M u ri
Mni day.tmu'Detc'embers'v 4- lis tutu i ed.u 1 h Misis coti altoii this Ixunei hs inqartet,
wil e n sae tth \hltc ssea- ' 110l (0' 1A( XI Ith'RhIOIM all of wtutu m ill appear11 I oill thus series,
-- \ h ISh''FI ' 1\0' PIl cnsie aglax'muss m iit 1 ah stars
u wicihltfit soundit uainmity cnunsot he iti-
u O e f heto;,.ne~ushape ' t rilumed m supn Frsh sifIouitthuur triumiphs
be i thevicnityof osto lat wek. i th cas an iabradttheise artists
,o li decied. t g((itmtothe sIlar its m co tt o m itsuiog,-somutoumrenen'thin
sta rul 'nd sce th Iarvr 51ar- lesatinl munu his o iif fiotmer visit
r11( ith OaIhitt 'hits, hissipsumismhe snit
usre, others t u t ifyn themigh se puot
"'The1ind cc~cwas()to >.J"iiig rahtm tumul ~nt lussforusthsuMay Ates
frInw'''siad he fllos' t atu nh -, 'tiva'l,'f'rt whic h tehiait s ilt readyu beies n
l; es AL as i <> Intl(()d ig<'rrne 't I into t tuy, um I um is t hu i
ti ttis's, huhit]',' m''eyer s's e s sit tlt" mmn iii lim l r poa ls cout ed them - clii (. tu pt Immtugei' s mum u'sry i's uuy
ind ts' Nihttiganm useta lstalitn. hum anditumlts he soith cill multis s ignals thsrust sm 4 ait tesir yuh grotmth.

mmmi hum tht this' ruhmutt u' us

,o t s'ablitts oi

u'-er' slh st y suml thers'. tuiu-tibhn o thu s 1-
its'.'T'en he ists id ml()st hornsums aui

'hut thinlf 881 11-1 5.0 h)ihfk

the tmm s its iii in tosgoiit, '; rc t'') ,t(r i tutu si''uttl fi' lthe']I,111it tithe h IIC '''Il'8 hNf 'hif hf\rS
'sistdtat,11 tt herttit ktsa;so n teiba'su' t u nderii mtioitia litsle
asp isfse hnuul o hudhme 11(f .C alro h deptuhmesnt
'hlt in smu t hiee thusansmits ii sit lii must its est iont : 4'o d rt lmit of mmm itsne m''ngin''e'rin' h ut' returnsedh
frmCiao l fwihwr (l Im)it hutn Cii ;e uc sits t I iliumt'sfromiatrlim ithe ilscmst swh'eehue attensi-
isoe tre c'l~k ysera fe- T a olf( bl" a d a w1)c ]) ( a t io t i ti t umnuum'' ilie 'Soiet' if Naval
no n. Asii 11 t it twa's almt i cedits morelutSt ittitia it.(iArc itts (1Mmmi h 'uumus 'ginturs in
yetrdy M rnnuta'esasim'vil'"A re'lmm'euteaimi" 1( ave sbeen Niw mit iy. 'ie oca i of hus
( i itS atMle (iii'''':fll(to it lk1l o l atetu)t h nut' its it it rli ts rmptws I lls 1 imm ~tIns if a i siitat'ionm
det r~cl p aold oitae ;tet tIIsufl u)w hd w lesmt tlt i'ittug t'o ht i to mu me aIucnum befores thu:maitnai
musa; 5 w mutmig- mfor inMnyers ' s standut() kishuulw itat tim thstl 1'11 5 hl. I t Cititteeint iptstlenm t of Pthonms PJly-
The 1e entie atost1t musth s 55555 ittall sitaight fo tal. lular- ehnc l s t lt n t'1hs:Preus t S taiSstums
tuev(I fr tu' N it i l i laau u'u, Maimyo'of mulnsth tsit ii uti;t' for thn cud nlini ofhaboutmii )fimihe mviribim' iini\tituit or"i't'
it ummusrc al m' ii i ('hitisigu. Thms' tirtyly artuis tilt hi tt li paStit u t i ails' Silts's''1Ohm. Sadler'm's'ttir'tt h'le hig
Stld h t; st t ting C"'i'ls-tt''Of ml mmmi frot t lut t sIt w s a in tlm is gaIusuuiu' navi'd int 'm i I imts' u'wien-nimeuimug hstid-
futtmo peoplete the S' eais 1 simm g siulto' I harvartutht S u tpaeit c- eat- h s muen ileds ituit uter amid liar
diidd metens Mihin"uu stnuutsait]'uu I mli tfthe "M'.'O''a reurn'''' og 'nd tiou us tsk if testiug ihas he-
thet u!"mli inumChitsgo-s" ints Isat iin(utit ai d friten tosui he ts'k it smuts' esnug testedh foe
It ' i's'epot]ta t l ltheii ;eaitS s tich f-ml u'ard .'tutmuuu'duV;Lortiu a ndausi it is
ilium t ut u i tu Ohii us mumn (Chica''it "I f N lis whaii t se is Claimedioi h , I i hat this' differenut tests' nees-
wuter msh miisol, h ;eulao; w o h \e Seo g ti( rt H rad b tlt ii 0 sin lust hits' n],mi east le umsed hwith
b uh set ar aled lm tu~itu'' $s2'tlintyll n' I rtis Illxt Salm t oy inuit ocupyim'm ''nealy time swhole year,'
mu'" Sct.l Hil-,iandtshu ldtuuumtno tt utu hintw d t()__
O\tmis leii tse dplortat ium --uevenuWsthinkikigmitm hst tsh tnce' ofiYNthus j U Nhf)hRI tS ItNVif
ialsu etiscouldiu no t al e ccnlugals1d01' mdrtsr eiii pse() s'] isk s h 'tf I I tCit,lft 0 7fSS ICON
indtl uu\iii seat;,sthiss lum 1 ttcasouhit k ok bcue it.is iltninti nut lii''
i s i5Ii no m u mumutt ill Nblam . nisul usoure mui. men ut si' ll I anuit su S shr tly b fori','thi s enmiormi'ts etred'
minig a lhum's sai l in tr Birdmu askednn fmine fass ss um tithan) t slay it here.' upoumunhim It t'ttiu ctasusiciture ses-
3000 ose twin chitnis Mu m orehuus thuanii Theu wtitiet criticizednth e liii mii l, he uor its htal usstomsydebtae
ruthr solt hersm e fre.iu i Scal~ul sts ere m likei ith wnituiat thiseC'tllmmwhn- ilmmthuecap 'inuitsweateurrim ruihuuum 'hes
mum thes crowdtith mnd mtip umr seats lists I si's' i 511an t o tiposig manitti''in jurhint'' colos mwe 'e'ecihs'u ponm i th vu littile
hday anthd si seued isthe s ines iofsome loohin d el actmii miuatt lly ssi me( int itlt'tti bush au financriasl questions
hihp id ni orsmmu law'ixs lforthes utulmu it n um t Durtumuth mn smwvas tikenmutul wrum gt l ull lth'eclass oratrs t o a sfint'
ce tshim atf tiy 5mce nt o sindmmIsiin ts i tnline, Ifth hisay titus' f' aii iijit' fhinzy.u hie:foomtbasll umnuin wasm nid fusom
tiniy tushkSisanitheitrumbyiochivtSin tudmsents---- -- ________ t h i lss Ituo hdlar'sse set ointl umiet'-
suh of theiur seats sinintutJewst-ca~lpenrs J I 't I Sth NlhF :lf PNIfT'h. isal msuntd.Thin wattaogsit1this
cuan becomusm uiner y ni uling i g' h M ar-um'inthuaslury strentiuusly' oblje'edu. ltres-
gills. Ditor m airdi di etu's'i'mg ini The Jew smnwiine uuet imNichoso tIale'its maginedlhue sr-s in thus
his 1)1owe muto revnt sil ecnutlatsors s ti hlt this~s tinft iimmonlat foum 'clocuk tit 1'sereh Chsttblstr l of epsutises ini maul
uig poussessiom n fscats, nnasn u ser us hut raIis- fmmudsI fotu t( I r'eltief mf thus'Jetss great huifficully u n mu m sing'' thus:trosululedh
sinusdtecsmnted nisre foredmm snoli I utothwo o herpertyu''and' measmIwtes
tite. Omit Jsu h intuitincatgoutasshu t p~r i)t resetriKistinite r eits. I Fihly, ascompirosmises wvsisffeteds
tohi ve mir S ti is win huih hie "intl at ih1CmP1tinssinWhichai ; h osur te ems- tura-a nsmthCalsttis Chourch'ostenwinre gratutesd
Chcaair tnsd mthic h he itesnils maorsell till of IJeishsIt nnis 11)ts sllithe'c'llegesns sixn dolhtlar s tI hrfray tile sost of
fume frotmut$)~ o hu$s-oaseait.Auty Slut-lof 'miet, wsnstsartedl iniNuewNYtrk tumusetlincths, Nomuirthispaiotichs ene
theist wus is thtsseinmt-ilhroats is hiarduly Cuty andi tire ttd -t nmilliosum of Intllirs of this rlaso s' huntskit" forward toii the
wovthy ofibeling cosidueredtha- utumthr hutselieit uonitedr. LIgo Ssunsuuessslss ext meng, tonalich sluttag banqu~et
of tisgreat uinsttution.Iiwill hiasenrimarge suf the woarkhr e.i 1 withproably itsadvocatedtandid sehated.

1.Nt KS (ON 1.1 hfRAtfllfS
Ni the regular enterltainmenst of thin
OR'omanmsu's Leaigue this comuintg' Fridaty : At e rectem eting of thur Amuer-
afterntooti atIsture o'cloktwh so fuarces icaumslitbinriv assocant s asst Potrtlandss,
willh he prrsenttedt. They sire, "GosneOrego',uT 11heosdoreinWON Kochi, libirarianu
Abhroad" ustudh-"ertrudte NMasont." 'Thehu:ii ueUtniv esityofinicigani,deliv-
h)arts withltie tplayedblit college girls eresd a vero'inteestig'adduress out Cute-
traistedtby (list Gialit of hue Schmootl of negie htlinrainns.Nit Koceh's ussddress iwas
N'tisic.. ThieGirls' Mandeolinu b hiswiltleconceruntdlmiiuntlyuwitthur arctiteture
maske is dehutl with a selectioin betweens of thuehuebrues ereednutisthin Unitedt
inlts, College aind facuty wioitmensuser States thirounghithun genereosity of Mr.
iniutiedandllare requtestedlItintring' their Causrnegiestud uris ilustruatd by-see-
hlse tickets for admission. ruty-five stereopticons views.

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