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November 22, 1905 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1905-11-22

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The largest stock in
the City of exclusive
styles in Woolens for
Gentlemen wear. 0f
high-class fabrics and
spscial style for stu-
0. H. Wild Co.
ail 31s. tates St.
A Book of
U. of M. Views
Ovrs0 ages o superb
phottto-egravngs of the
ca-ulnpsaw0(1l builing/s..
I/Oitijfldesined and
p/ited over: wtaskes an
excellent so en/.Mal/
on ome150, or to go0er
frwends and sov them
what the - lFttsitS oos
Sheeban & Co.
Students' Bookstore
Money Loaned
On Watches, Diamonds or other
prsonal property.
Watches and Jewelry repaired.
Bargains in Watches & Diamonds
Office at residence 331 E. Lbety 8t
Ann Arbor.
Hurs: S tol1:30 a. In,to 330ad t
Sp. M.

Entered as. second clsesatec a th Ass
Arbr Pstffice.
Pubished daily (Mndsys ecepted) drin
the cllege year, at tr7 East Washington
street. Beltpsteer89z. omene phenr76.
Masaging Editor, CLYDE L. DEW
flsaisea. Masager, WALTER R. RAS
Athletics........Clarence E. Eldidge
Nerws...........Louis D. Stikney
Exchange.......Chales E. Winstead
Bsic ... .......A. H1. Otmeye
Wene...E........Fffe J. Arstrng
Hugho Allen Franklin C. Parks
R. Clare O'Brien.
George A. Osbrn Harld C. Stith
J. arl Ogle, Jr. Gerge A. Brese
Ferris N. Smith Frank J. Clark
Robert H. Clancy Henry A. Mntgmery
D. F. Steesn Walter Meenam
Glees H. B3radley. John F. Wre
Soy V Lll Floyd H. Jones
RATE~S:$.5 per year, nr $.as if paid in
Addrean WALTER R. A4S' uane..
Manager. 286 S. 12th"S55 Phose 84 L.
Editor Tday-ROBERT H. CLACY.
NOV. 22-S. C. A.tmeeting at 6.45.
Nov. 23-Lawcluis datce st Grner's.
Nov. 24 -Inter-departent debate be-
tweetn AphaInssad Webster so-
citis, riom (G, lw butilitg, 8 p. t.
Nti. 24- eague par- at Barbor gytm
at 4 oclock.
Pititsurg Orchestras ottCorlt
No. 25 Atntisal baqetMisclisgetn
A15t5cts Assocatiotn of Detroit, E'e-
owcraft c1lub, Detroit.
Oberliss vs. Micitsgets otferryfild.
Nov. 30-Chiceago vs. Mlictigst ott Mar-
shalt field, Chicago
The obetiontslhas beets raised to the
tropsed-lestabtlistmtent of one Tgo6
mtemaorial by al udepartments tat a cot-
tentiots wosldl aris betweenrth ie iffer-
ent departtmets as toswere the saeta-
orji-Istioutl be placed. While we io
snt believe tat the stdetslsinsatlor-
ity wousld alosw narrow departmsetatl
jeatlousy to stand ith ie way of a sde-
sirabte unitv ersity refortm, tbis oljetios
ntssv Ibe stat itsatoter way. It is nov
rattcatty asstredithtat ithte stt far
oistantftussre we sllat have a Miigets
Uniont cltb ouse. This bilditgswol
bei frefromIrtttdeatmaetta distinctions.
1st ttis mseeing place of all Michigcs
menssit souosls beohighy appropriate t)
establi-h all cas etorials. slo
might itagrate tis cstoton. Te
meosorial funtd colectesd tis yer front
all setioso, swhichs will poibably
amsosnt to abot otto thousand dollars,
mtightt le left intstttunttil tle cubt
house shall be busilt. It cosli then lbe
usedin et stablishing sotme stbstattial

andi sornasmetal smemotalat fitt o6 ii Al\I I N 'S(T ' SI, to)0sSiNKIt; ,TS.
thetomeiss ofitthterunsiots. Suchactoi/its
mostret-ovrsitwoulsbean empstic es x- Slititlo u/ter i thecnlusIin of Stur-
pressions by-a largoe1part ifithesolstudentdarys gatttje Iliof. A. I. lisItinilctl5 chair-
b)ody if itheir confihdencein tihe clus ls ti ofuthIei- titoardofcotitt0rorceivedi
1h0use0 project. La tol-utrit/om atProii. ttliiartlI 1.Joe

Alistoghs tte lioligan stdets
esighstsoell save ochooreula greater iitti-
her of tinmes at the gamethe licvoilumei
of sostnd proudisodwas moost gratifyisn.
Several tinses (te velttasters siccoilotl(
its leainsg thesousithl, ivesto andilca
bluchesoviIn oetii-ty ctoer ciul ii-w
effect wssindedoo remsiarkales. lb-
adloptiotn of risc Datilys ssggo-tiot it
o..tcetral standilfor tao oh/of o rtos
tirosod of decitteI siva tiK °- teoly
Orb tsItogits, '- lit Itilli-o l o
ststndardiThi /i s c luiso st toe fii Lv-
of thes sstdetos to/stoit iilthte 1otisic
ittid sot 10totay remissnes05 snthpr
sit teIsaissiThalt iilvasicatilt ilitl its
fusll shtaise standlth prompt isav in iic
it> std aliivstarch aftoy h sf- I'its
of 1110 bleachers, totpreenlt a pls,/ilO Ie
Itlio.wsis tpraoiseoty
It is to b oild thtthye~-ot
crah tsl sSaturdiays ae wss aill bscre
llsivstigatest. Nit weill ilt viseit
teovsnossssslattributesoany wsil/lfts1seg-
lect tirny \Michsigansatleticathlor-
ties,list ts- fascstiaisthailtan itt)=
olottiocsrrsedswhichs mitll o cn
fatail ati sischt list Snsot he repoi-t--i
sit Feorry gevlI l t-M. IBtirid. lte thiis
irvosr, andit toe boatd ol f conotl.
ssouss ld etetfirs t t /stlituteo a 5111r
ousgh /iniry- its theo iocrceits-lo.
lioo sssohscanttlsttoestaid in tvai/soe
osf theocourtteouissconsictsof iithyeAlM1nn10-
sot/i athletic austhoit/ieis/insesingl/theI
telogroatsir egvet it newsos the ao/ici-
oetos ott Forry-foeld.
The e ar rack-. itsfroutsofithesocam-
p /s arelbin/g losoeroil a-dlstpss si
slacoid itlsoe crossinsistat sone0cit
get dosnssoItshelsot-eetoit-hotisirevakint
i/s or ier sect.'tlshus it sanotheorMicoh-
gentsraitinswsiept aato-bsefioeti-
ruthlless m~arofrost grelsvss.
Fromtthelotoetor oftEdwadv ra n' Itvits
art/do., ote is-sughs ttiudge tatSi''For-
hits> is th isoosly- taoist of \Iicltigtits
atle~tic sdetpartmsenstiswIo Iasi't 1-ros
gusilty of ssnsporissmanslike onduc ssst.
Bostlerdo wseather, isn'ssit-'
At.Arotr high lieatSag/intaw- hight
yestersday aftroonsitsasse-xciinlg ilts
test, by thesoroif isr so ti. Theiirsnext
gamte i ntIt Grandi Rapids high for
thse interscolstsic chatmplionssitof Ito
lan-er pensisulai. TIhtoinneriof ttlt/is
statcls iseots I spisottg Ihighwisscht
switl represent5 thso upper0 1peninsula/.
Fosrdl I. -McGregor, pros/detoif tso
Stutdonsts Loctusre assotion/s, indilr-
wetant operatiosn for applenldicitis it
thse Univers/ity hsitl MAontday tftor-
tts. -Air. loGrogo r is cominsg aloissg
st/eely.-frosts Iis operaitions.

oil Al i etu- -il/i 1-0/t
N/ii lttatt OtIs -t

a /(1

;s-I tt -

eiti(I t ilt> it in ccig ii tic a -
paraii5 nd i i i to the lie oflt"I
nui et/ti s i/othe unit iversIti-i tt o itttt
ofthir Itt inant~t.or tictloe
that the aoctepca, cii fsc

Auto Girl
A Souvenir of the
Great Michigan-Wis-
consin Game; the finest
at the price offered on
State Street.
1tOc each
The Bookstore that's never Un-

FrtutiFrInit., 1- Kuolu a
t5 itsi w1Sn i ~tse Detroi
i/ti sOtes ci- t r l i c
te L-ited/ t t ee il- te-
ait l o il t J a-( a noIc
trotttt I. It ~ oola cl
l'ille for tit'I Y 11- 18)7
Tilecit-c u cli < .h mu


of:(I~ i
a1r1et.s stterssr al
sorvibs oltr ottO inis


is toe


tha stiltc
bel1t te
the1 1 -i
tlt tl ai-

Nayt o / ork11111 (ttut si/it /n A/itt
7 isitit will tsp It zcl a t N/s-A/ut
liii Itt/I1 11111/i t 6tilt/iI) . /1111 e
bingtsaitagetic ts/tiaker, hlista/teid
poinn>/ ttpiotlsandithe1uthor
Cradle of ttIs -Itl ti lit//tnI >11 lul.i.1
tI/i si,s I ii ott litnd.. ).K e r i
itt/ t l t/tttheteeti tiof te reets he-

i/toi \ Nut tt/sort2

111111 - < t c1ittit

'1'1)(15 -ito surto i fit Yo
1001 stltos lc fo
15c eck; 2 for 2.5e
ini i/seawrld
Substitu tes
are dangerous. Beware of
dealers who offer you substi-
tutes for the famous
iV..3. Sooth Ice. V. Shseehan
lye. Arnold tDr. V. C. Vaughan
Jas. 14. Wade E 1F. Mills
N. J.EKyer John Haarer
lno. Each Prof. H S. Carhart
FresnktP. Glazter CGistinlan Martins
$1.00 to $1.50
Fs1iiy 0GN&a'aitaad
uer Dollasr Clocs tare tic beet smade
tarr(lie meney. Fine watch repairing
J. L. Chapman, 206 S. Main St.
Capital, $00,000, Surplus anadPrsfits, $65,000
Daes a Geueral Hanking Buniness and Fay
3 per cent interest en Time and Savings
Deposits. Safety Deposit Boxes to rent
at 9005 and upwards
RI. Ecr, Fees. W. C. STEVES, Vice-Fees.
F. H. BELcEn., Cash. H.A. WILL AsS Asia.
177k Niagara Falls Route
Chicago Bsffals Boston New York
Thrugh Trsins East-8.18 a. sm., 5.45p. im..
45i p. ms., 9.30 p. m. 11.55 p. m
Locsis East-6.05 a.em., *11.10 a.m., *4.05 p.mn..
05535 p. as
Thrugh Trais nWest-2.07a. as,,7.as a. mo.,
9.18e,.to., 2.a3p. sm. 10.25 psim.
Lucas.West-t)4 ,a. im., *8.28a. im., *els0p.
ms., *610ip, am.
* (Excapt .Suittay.I
Gonsneethons at Chcago for St. Louis.
IKansas City anid (le West.
W. W. CASE, Agentl, Ann. Arbor


Announcement of the
Students' Lecture Association
1905 Fifty-second Season 1906
Jerome K. Jerome
Chas. Battell Loomis Dec. 1
Jacob A. Rils - - Jan. 16
F. Hopkinson Smith- - ---
Lorado Taft - Jan. 31
Frederick Warde - Mar. 12
Pros. Alderman .- .- -lnar. -_
SOUSA'S BAND . - Mar. 30
Leland T. Powers - May 2
Oratorical Contest - -___
OeNubrTickets for the Euntire Coarse " 20
May be obtaisned at S. L. A. Office or fronm Student Sellers
Seats reserved-5O Cesmts K~xta-a-at S. L A. Box
Office, Main Corridor, University Hall, beginning' October 30
SINGLE ADMISSIOMS *$1.00 S. L. A. Pkorx. 552
Office Hourat 4-6 Daily (Saturday exceptec

All nmembers of the Co-operative Store holinitg tickets
numbered from 1 to 200 arc eartnestly reqjuestedito1 re-
port at the Co-op. or scud their nsames and addresses
with ticket numbers at once.
Outr first roll book was stolen te first week of the ternm,
and althought we have eudeavoredito10uake up the comh-
plete list we have benunlable to do so. We nseedi the
complete list at once, as we are greatly hanldicappedin i
making out our mailinsg list of notices for thse meettng
to effect the Co-operative Organization. We
need your co-operationt.


Douglas Shoes

WAHR-=The Shoeman 218 So. Main St.

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