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October 20, 1905 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1905-10-20

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The Michigan Daily
ANN'"k\RBOR, MI('IIf} \, FRIIAY ()LE \\ f( ii . yi


The Miichigan Union and Memorial. IiSliitltilll'litl
Comnittee Should Get Together riniiiiiti tI ht f teLie n t criIeel
the Prevailing Sentiment -What latToqetosaestld is
Faculty Members Say Tl ~oi of ihe, luni ,sca ni
to resuIl itin tatbuildingiii iltil i n clii i -
a conp liltliii N ii s t te t tilt ii liii ii
ill 1c51an 1the ih ianIunion l ubI i qesi on 1 of111 ieiitieeit shliiicm-
11111 Ic.o11a1 t ittcomb ti eTwo mo' - i prateli anyiipartic u t ure i i , one'111
pmih flo ing It il tl'p inion iof tie 1111 ira lt ttei ii iii
i: il cui i e tt--i l ete iiii i 111.. It i s o1b1 iii lii iit III i ,till Tha
l ti IT l: a tu ttt - .111
-i il iitiiItuu ii111 t ''litititis h iund ito i iti i i
Thio trsm thlinistuttl e,th soe r not uiii iii'' a i t a t isii ic lu ed iti ta
te.tu lie t-tio f t tretet tit i c rmwin usd th reeene oIh
li ln r it t il la e it'geatcub h ue. il- so tl odnry ie lb
itTh i cm ue.- futile tiicate ttt ti \ i t i ig l e seiiit d e.
t ige int til. lt 1111cii outiet p li ii d Try > ttie lniii assoc1iaitioni ii
Downi i i teleittt i Huch ns. i1111 ttmiii1111 1ii iandiiteilpurposei ltoibeii li -
lid e , Iti t: utu ii tl t i i ai goodee asse1 teiii i tro ghiti roj ic
'ccilt.Iniiii t ht i itere islstitinth.I f f11111 u h us1-sls a toitti veii ly
I111 her111 in faor oIad i i~etha sin o dferne [nyI vnu
a u lc b mfi on. 1l4veiallirg r indiitiC~ it tutldiiig
it: N tudstu fctio to it alli- ite'titorg n izationsel
,lon cmps lu sared in ih uch i-i trlit111111 u tu tiecaddd to' both
credit1o1l111ssupporter;. Itis atinei 111111 liiio~tc
lliii oiii ilililiTil VitueIo

A' II iih is ic I hi'il i' \\S-
through.Iiie tiesiitlts.1>iofiiteelctioin
arte majoritiesiiatlt>as tiftll llws i
Rath M111 1 ii :i tateDo ld P
S tndlmaage.i ay akr, 0:oraor
iCL el ega te. R ().i f see. 4
D ivii.and I imis o bsbllii aat
;v t ii >- liltie tettied iltiii ii t;;

The ridii t rt l llitil- t iicis ii
th 'i clr iti Ofi i ch111 il"Itll ii '-i*t
c i, ' tl tf t ititf11 1111 liith ic (

"Molly" Wendell to Lead Four Thou-
pnofsand Students in Singing Meet-
ii Subscription For Band Will lBe
elfrin Taken Up.
;111 in - T 1' i ii on tilh e i-ve io tt' e 1-t igt
o li Wcl c v I liilead utl loyaltt i i-uf tl
stipp tl e ri l he hiriald w at:wil
lt( W ai-i 1 'ii,1(1, 11 1 iii el tInic ttiti prvt
'ti()lt spptttoltheiI iunliverstiiite, ill b priin
ill the to ,peaki and crowi lite ''it ltile spe (l
u-cdti tpiit whuithiCharatiz el i ' l a lsthel--
ch fi f nee t to iisay t()e er l- -citi in-t i
I eN1,C liltt) b tilvet a t hetti liii
o; n- an n nlg liii w i i l iii ion t ltk
I- n(- I liii e olc s vd lt by te ---

Questionr Is BeingarAexdinglyJAsked
Fl._icll yereon \~t 2028, )11acco nt o thevcl-
CANNE RA KA IN? 1i11teI nlnercani he treated
liii-s the tothetutu lit it iii iii liii
By Footiittttball uppo ters '-os t 268i :t~t v()rx;seeIl
Isi ' t Confh ieniit iit hmiiii i-uuui o --uuuuut-"i"it it l c u wlti
tit a tuol-tiuicDrv te/itt 1 °Ita' 1
tee lilt' feldi;;s
i'es on' fii thei l t r f N -tif n. oti .
,atteliii I tiii i. Thi riii
tutu1111lifl18i1-2iil)(r1c1.111 lii
the rcpor lImm sc tilt frm tei
haf )f-t1s llrc1 :l - m
Nebraka c nna Sturd y's ; nteu t i lh <n rces tl cd (ik
liii lof ith . it I liiirs, t ittililil I lse it ) . () h a io s n ta tii
.\i i I- it-ill e as w ek;Ii(
it ydmufa c111f lii l-ilitanthe'' ad-tii-lt( i ~dl il
(lid Iast satnday.then a ticole ior i

I I litc I c i~liy Irg Ic t hattiltr
r f - tIl ts i i~t'iii 1 'i
an I ~ till II IiI Ii
c I-i- 't l i Ilc e c tir n

i-ti-ill be ajar-(
it~it ref ich
;l }l r I X li i
liii 111( a d

did no leave l~irtclr ulltil laft t
lh ndwI it ii;toitseree~ cr
as they previously intnded.Ini 11prb
abl t ill-' N braskati-i il ly hi
gtistd Item tli velt oIteelgl~lt
it iithe $ i" inifttthen ii tut ci ttistil
A oli a ytced had rn
liii' ittr-ct l-mit-ui''> ctul iftiheyi
ciuin to t ii l ii 111 d ll lii ic
luo-fr ih hc it Mihi neiuiuh'' adt
infr: $to fo t ey es 1ii ii littl i t
Ifturthiiaif liii th ies iechtclifs.
iTheit oi i tu ti niatte bar-tue
hirth ill t drtin' gii suiuitlftt- foritheI
;eriicanua.i T ih- liii iior N hlati " tu
tyic loft hei' heu't itnu-Studtt ct-clitku.
tocl tNicii it i ic t ffiue,u3t-tu fet


C I-t1i-it tilit li't i 1t. uIuti-OF TO iiNtIGlT'iS ci Ss i-il

hi- u itb. lu etit embrach~h itch club
itc i~it 1 111 1itth i t'luldig.I ndeed.u
t ik it coli tiddeem rae i n itilt- or
a ' ctultiu l id rci ve laute ifa
bi ltuilig
Ifa ln ant be-orkedou ltong1-
tle-( lineuthnTti shouIldti hotue' tt' tee.
Il uII - iu le;s t u u cu i b le led i - cv i t- c t't e-iit t
fo Jte me oial bf~uligte te
Itt uttnyeucidieationftfhe uetcionsu
utgeffi-li-ubifthe iuidertatkintg if lth-

l I I 11f u?, t) "?a uu I
th tlmithbody.tIfi ci- u i t e efcted
ote s tusti acut r btuh,- ice ti nly 11
lithuht cilcrtainlytbef fumoirecditutu
ceutunertak1 igthaeelegut ceetmc-tic
elvut auet-inuin-"ofifec ituthe
posible.u ioru a hu fiuttilt ielue tiwtu
it-uffaicthSomecofithetutu-cuti tetwhclt
aginarey thau real.

hit .iuouuhii tut u uon \ c huh I -
ton. Indin A ritc n ( a t ill-I--
I iiand Mi sylva ia. Ir ulls-
cntd o hei o ptltgi tr ls e r
tin bpaeoDr Patnthta oitouuivtetu tce.Dr lulori
ftd ElN e have i c lf heitiuti' icllsaf
larynxology' . wit l eirii-lc as lf
I u c uuu suu1sutaf, h u ghll lustiltlirt-
rn in i iiit ie- lty. u ii
ncion"with its aI ddeet~w t hte
M u ttug J lt iit-w$re1$771 1h8t
the begin itchof tyr e i viisc lyer
t iinsitutioun tht it has ewer aid
Itit nowhull n ltetly know tleu t Ithe
stdns iretortty Itill ih tilthue Nut-

l(rt I te. Iiiinto iiu t lii ici tthare in
i itti tti' h tn ie lalga ins h i g s
I Id thuthe ac itliccth t veyi a e
tiltc1111 iinp a ti I fortiiuhis o
tilt! he las tth tt h c ill-ll'' hi ll
doi 5 t()CAI ()It a I iiidi s i hirt themil
ju u ic is here, tt-and ifeveryonit-tkehu
ill IN ''of t i ll uiis tture ti l-
former eitilfots n Ceeig t tamlto
The uimpreion atw s atil i
owl tiuituai uh liiiagoland alitt"let ete
Ne f ettet f tilhat o111tali tll1le t W
nhuh c-itwilltugiveilthecuNuA taska i tmln leven
hiltett iir fee ln Ni tutuhom c ih t he
ctuiue-t and hiis abf iit ctas 'atliteaer thai
Weni welil t abiu iluituted. t li
it feturif eii ft ltih i tuetu in ti e B
pprnitty1ctheerttautl tudtubttty
toie tibue t et h supr ofhebad

tutu race.'

ututtut' f 15.

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