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November 16, 1905 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1905-11-16

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Th1 chi an ail

VOL. XVL A- N N \1IdiiOR, liiiil S.l < 1N( V--i ld iS 141

Nix. 47.


Game This After~noon Will PracticallyDcicWs
era' Championship--Vanderbo:.. iN
Play--Over 29,000 People toWxnsstetr

'Flehxxxesernixotbaill champiinshpngta
wxilpracticallxy bex'settled thisii ii xixi );iIxx xxx
onx }ferry cii ,wihenitlinofathle -grexixesilieI-ea
footaiill itea isithis xxxhai eerkn wn ii ii
'ixixlga e lot faux yers i c \I ;an a rte
has i thxxistaixil successfuitly all xi t iepis riiiz ,
toi grasp fxxxii herxte footba'iiiii t-xi xxxix
()it ih axe the ictory xcoer~e agins lme ofa,
oadtu e klnowlax tedgeutt by ixi ti <xtit
lgxMichigan tliy wiuldxhavxtixvxilxxxi ixi i ax c,
claiem\ toe xxith e am ionsipx iiwi n il i u
thexx Maie and littlie stue dit ertiyi xx thxiir
s ixcoacx, Filinxg If.V si I he nity
\Voxlxxrixxxs lbee isitea t lsng tli iia i..
ch ionx ixsihi f txlix extxx ndxi ii 11 xix xx ,
ino a lg ag mxxie i-iw xxithut lix axixi, iiii thI iii.ntn
lxong rns couxldilwxlxyxs ' 1 n y do Il
ix-ixi polTexnxxtxxx o.xii xi i sxmixixxIim us~t
a muchietterlxxxixthanxhaiiworn th
-xrixlixxx or yearcx , andxitinxx ithxxii xx
toxi, Yost xs xxxxlxxxtdls a b ertlxxxii iii , 1tv
than n id l xxxigs tereisno a
ixixix xxxi xxix lialli
on thex-teami caalx ofxiii xx i I x IiiJxis-
xxi~~~~ ~v xii xxlxiitxs ii
xwho 'iiexcel xvenxills ilas iaili xiii
plaiyers. Theaix thexteaix eai-xxx iii uitxi,
of xexak wihttihxiiialaysihaac\rxiii
tliiiexcepltionxxofx lxsi Saixril ix iwhl
one'ofx tlie'regulaxrs ont-us lc
lines iand xanoteir itti o six re} i
ixreil thixt hexwai ui ble toil' doi xi mii-xl
lxxxti' '.iuiigan'ix ine ashut-lxii xx i lit-
forx bulxxix n t cow s d rig ti
entire seao . Mihgn' e c- gi
itt aiawhoei anit lxxiiiiii xii ii'
it, isoxnuusi" gais tor.]i)it ,nt ct
to x be ixhxoughitheline.xx
Mixhiga'sreod or. x ;i!,
shwl tht hexiitvi or:
po iiixint ix'leieii nn tt lae
tilabeiito'ax nlap - :anyx s x xxi
'lixligaiix 36; Cso.
Msixlhiganx '3; OioixiNoxrtheirn. ox
'iieligaix xi18; iVaxxxiiixltii
'xiehigni 3i ; xiiiraska, xx
\fichxi tt i; 33: Iliioiso.
A-liligaxi xo: (iOhio Siae a
Wssxixi'ixhteftixixofxxPhilkigt anucv;t
xxxnxin, thx Raduers xhav x''gaiiput tirxi slrh a
xxxiii Ixrxidabex e am xxinxthe ie ld this hs r c-
scar'IThex losti toxChixcagoxthaxksxto ine >a,
Ecikersall' incxbyxacoe of 4 ito o
alhoaughxalluiaxlx~sxxdrexors''avexxe- ooeiii'
Badtgers a sixaxxixthexbetixroit . Ap-'ix fxi I i'x'i ,
preilly xundismayedxithe K ig pxxxiex x 6x- iiii t
caimix'rightxback l i]bfoei hstl giiw T a
c'r'wdx- andxx ithlii arxti fi ilxs iiii'5' ixd' n
ai scre ox iiitin12 A ftr xis xixo xy tisii ci
lie sxudentis begxnxto growxnxiufo 'ntc-
a viclxioxxxyx oveirxx xichian anxtxthtxix x lxiij
xxxiiCoaiexsKig'adx olasweiasset t, o
the it-olexteaxxixhaxexxealxtixthierexxxre s opxxd
for the lxxst lxxiwo xw'x'ks A fe dasx arliax-
agox they rcie ahrdxx cl x xxcilowixiwxxii ii lavoidedx
their captaxixxxiistr halback, Vnxeatslef
derboomxasiiinjuxred.iOnixi e is- of xxhlim xre:
consixi roors staed posixtielyx lst boxesat


i\ viM? S' o1 xix's Good Feeling Existing Between Twvo Universities
Emphasized at Last Night's Michigan Union
issvxxsxxi Banquet--Wisconsin Glee and Mno
Mad-lin Clus' Hearty Welcome.
v~t~i I I xxii.ei'x° sxx'xxxix I ixixiIx II ItxiI xxx of ixthe liiyari's banqutt han Ill ai t last year's
xxxiii. I xirii xx ,ofx I iicliigix rix oxx ia oixile x ii 'iC- onxiitiuing, lie spolke fthfle
\lxusixiixi1(1lxxi pxxxx he-f'ni e stxili ticxti onxix s frlinIdlyifeelixig xxxiii existedl betweeni
xxx"'xxixofx'iiost ii'ixiixembxi f te te xoxi ex'iiix's ixaxsixd iliat all
cc_________n___________ xntxhaex xxxian ix xii et a certixnx bjridle xx
t i xxxviii. i xIme xfrI llorei' -xxx-x-ssixil aflaxr.IWithl i sscixii fromix the Ixict thxax it was
Iiut. I ixxeiix-i. 's t thxlix xsxxiiixxx x hiel tactithixtxthex lxxxi i 'x a i lixirt xxo xxiiotir wnx stale. He
lviii -opened ailix o I tad ofx 7:,3op I-,x'l-icrixecthe xxriothe Uionxxiandelsail
headii xxxii xxiwas carried ,antiwithoutia'hitc. muh goxdxin xx culticatinig loyally, to
l-- I dti~lt~-.{s prepared xr'xxndixxh'elxxix- -'sityxasxxacwhle'..

(W VIC1116AN
1 rc l S. Ntwcros.<
wci-11t, tc hci:lit
I . 1're; trecl at 3
r, rd vear oll team.
'. Ic tttatl, rtilll>ac
1tia . ttza fx . 'I 17ir Ilantnlc7trr(, ri ltt
ri ; l z^i lrt. 0 ft., r it
at 1 I Y(Ic Parl,. (Am

wwIcI I te r; rH erxing ii ng e ey
quater Hicy xere xsxved istep risi ont ixiti
t, ft.,i 8 the i xxxi ilof lclck ixi-rk. Th gal-iij
rci nel ~pr lxxiTatthxxxiii ht (ac-1
'~fak; crii lxiii1 ty pupseo ite xouity-tl
ilt. a e,22. te in xxxxrgil xxand s'x sg xxtuxe
cag . T'ird ,l hian piit can to b ix' iluici
And tha acloe. eingiiI olx friiedshiut
,weiht. 15; nd m tua resect et ien thiL5 -
xxxiark i at'xxi I wriix of i hi gan an x1i i n
Wan wasiclrai'ed l asii i ght i sii lsoi eyond

fl- i- xlo isxi

"'he.xeslxxiirxxxif-clnlege ,life," lie
si,"is xxixt-a uaix gets from asio-
cxito wxithm ix its iellows. No yxxung
man x(iat)xhelihrxwxintoixsuch a icoi-
-5 'cxxxi I ase 'blya ' we xace here
ati M\ichxiganx ' wihout.eaixnixxg things
thati catintbe le rnedxinxx ooxks,"
P'resiiet -'ngeiiix'gxrnxxly viiedai
his appilrova l lixhextropoxix xl ub house.
"Theieireifir it_ is as fervexnti
theiharlsxf thefxcuty as it xpossibxly
cnbllxxx i . iesad, fIx con-
j lol he ititrcxxixedlthe Ironi. Johnx
I lxxxixn s tstmaxxstexi
lxx xstixxsxx'r lu-runcommxiexted xxii the
many changex xs thit-havetakxenxplxice
xsinc' li aiue l-l ifremhee-in1869,ax
inkl thanxxixlike' the pxoialx.lsion.'Txe
oldi taverni s-i-ri- gixtx'andiiialsoithelxad
xliis-c ixaxwayisil-ietiproudI xoftmy
{ rlaii to the l i xxxi i tyil1 he x xill, ''axtil
when I tx-irt-i lix-ri- am)iii eex'this ito--
1 v rtrt su eror lit ml st Ii if ntit ii all
ri-spexti-to xantyixthxer- 'Amexricaxnxxinisti-
tutio ofxixx ix-xrxixixfI "xiii proudxerltxaxi
dl. Is.-ni desicribex-il itialxxumoxrouxs
way theiilr ex- xx'xxx'xxxthe '6x9 xxxii'7o
lituduistincionu afterilevinslg collx'ge.
t''s-it-t ii lxxxii usc (xf thei classiof'70 wai
h xxx P xi Clif xxcxxux is memberxsnc
ll~lh h iiixtyiin111111 werexlift lxx
:sav lx IIIx-despirxxli-x. -'xxru
"LetIits go' frt xxii hert-ut - 0axuuxIl in xxuixu
cuntxxuriylbeyonxd ltost ofxiati,-anditheh
xitelists ofihlmnitiyxabove ulli-veriytiniig
Atxthlix- nclion ofilxx islx addrlxess,
xxxii xxx xxiii beretlxxaiii telegram.x-s
wishxxi-xingcess xtoxiithe, xuinfrontx
Wrashiintoni an'xxiiN'ew'Yoxrk talumiv.
The Hlxxn. 'eturIWhite econfined-ixima-
sel tolxxrecuiig x poemx whicxxhiproued
roars xxfxgaughtr fromxuthe uditiene'
d Whitnx xurgedxhlixxxxcohtie, hutarosie anth
It remarked xltut <xISthere mere xxx many
cspeaker s hue xnxxsxhxx't xay anything
mexteinxoruler lto give thue othxerisx
d l'T'ostmaixstue Idern i xxxuxxxeul thaI
Alesuxii' ix xrumm indte (Cxanadianx
poet, was unaxxibliitoxbe.pre'senhtixnd ii-
troxhixl Geir"ge R' Coddltmxyoir xxf De-
tt thie mostxx xxeautiftul inithe' Uniteed
5 iStates,- iii h xnxt sIpeaker,
xxxiii r oddspoke ofxxithe imiproe-
meritinxuivit sptxiit incexxi'the limit
ahe lxihwaxxxax'Mhichiganixstudient.,i-li
xcoxiimsxendh thue lixchuganxxUionixuxfox'
'xxii txt' X ix lxxxiii itluxsitxsxx, espxeci-
c xaly nthlxticsuxtidsaxix thxatlie irustexi
lithelay xwas not lfur xiiitantichenxicsiihi-
ttgai hldhavelxia cliub hoxuse lxltal lxx
(Cninuedxlon pagp 3.)

-)'111 x c ix /"'xx<i ixll fxii'/'lIxvx'x xxiii.5's/i'xixxixi''
I 'x! Ti lxxxix ' i >]I l -x ~ xx: txlx xi xiixtx-x. 'xi x itxi- x i xi


cgmt,\lih. xx T . ihl t iudcorted wi i tlh i-
-r, xhr ix ul utitixandii xred itshade
i-ut; tti i i ;!W r s s I oe( u lxxxii liei
'xx lu-,lPrpard'sc:lcxx --:1 tc1i i'a Ie11 nd 'te 's'sxkonx
r ~ rtill lx Ixsinxl i iv t o 's-'iii'xtiWiconsi
- xrihtxtckl it tu rturnedii a lMihiganxyell. hx'xuxgh-
lxfet x xl . at h eeingl-. anix chanii ge ii ofixixi-tu
and isiillxlh students dratxiii indicaitut e(i
xxI hei c i natxii lxxi fxlthes' dinnerx
ixuxe i liii ut i uuhuix~ceinxx guilt
uxuxtowx blit reerece xtxth xlac ith
in pigse z).} iihe ilh-. i lts ere mere aix uxuxttxhxtiqx


(Cotinuxed ix

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