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November 16, 1905 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1905-11-16

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fullfojfIIIAN A TL Y

G.H.Wm VTIld:
lbs iargest stock in
st W I Ioolen-, for
we~ oni ar. Of
h i lafabrics and
speciaflstyli for Stil-
c .. x d
G* H. ild Co


THE MICHIGAN DAILY,. tiltIce r ft:tal ( r x
I hiitiol of Iiclisy .fiintitfirtil
l~te sscnd -classmttet n te Ann dlteiiilitthbi fiatcits of i(tiiiive-.ity.
ArbiriPositoffice.fThe ci cmili bfo re te'litrisist giittt
Publslied daiiy (Motnday ssxcetid) duiingiii ii iof-ill If1i-lot--s 1i t.T hefltprtsetnce
ihe rollege year, at 117 Fast itiasiiistis
stret. B tllphone 892 o e11c7. four iso f rins n it' ifritomti 1iuisoit
vvas a <-riii ii ii n titsiasto and
Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW if s llwJip e xtifthfat this
Business Manager, WALTER R. BANS 1 tiitf \°l ist f c~i- n fi rtthemry if
I o a ttndediit atdfiat thirsirt
Athletics,,......... (larencerf. tildiidgr rIo ti-fl-. itr-r ile reizfationiof silt
Nit ............tssois ftD1 ititt eyclieri-Ied luose frtirit Not fir
Mitoitng........ArlttL. iteadr
Wome titttt-tt .... . . 1ffitsJ. Arstrttog ti i lit-tti -u ~ittitirif fitweecni
tt tTOttt, A FF titictwoti~re~ t -lot 1 111111crsittrs. fir
tI. 01 t-s l Ftt nin . iks lt itillfitt i ' ittif t i c it. f iff i o iif
ASSO3CIATE'S. Itt ukarits "ill fir withi I itigmtotit
ti-oge A. (Osorni lssd C. Smithi 0 1isf Iifiitli tl ti
J. Earl1Oge, Jr. Gosige.Bartnts
Rioert ft.tCianty henriy A.Iontgomersy- -
ft. V, S rttevnotn Wilisr Metruibainn f\ fi1;f 1'f 1? if ifi U f l'ffT Itf.t,
tGriti ItiiBrady JiihniiF. i WcVf \f~it rzi3ff \
to .Du Foil it1.it tt I .if Jonsiii_
RATES: $2.5o psirsar, 0 or o it paid i I fiot itteItif Irotspa11100etone.)
advances. I . l (ft Bit rd we1 rit. .205

ntill-.- ndit ill f t itf criiith.is ftfiill-,r
cattitgir ini thif i ensrut loflibrary t a'
saflary if $50 iatoiicceed tfi. isqBatItt-i
tndtif ss-.- larritiot
A. potrati in olii i Ihutl. it\Slf-
ment lby fits iatiuifiter-Ait ft-itot
batcheiro f It it titticit feritti 1 lift
Floyi if Ifattit- hefill tra -i mH
te art gtifrf s ru- deirft i f1.itIand
plictulresftng so ttga0lery ita Ibe
tofpteited Sl-ft o i i Ais ifiHelnttI t ifw--
ife fiy of i tr i ,edtoir. - i tithe
Ifiz t- inc-tt1la ift iii fpill ft-liftoft er
of-- tonft-Its yuhfgiftto f $.l iiiif -i
for tt. JMo I.ritlirait f l if ci ,
fT hr eo lt t--. ft l'. re ll Itt11
fon it inot he.iiii.-.I t.all and blea it
$30sft titllim'li n ~lit -d
irof. . C i.ieedtofthe phys 111.icsd-
ft sictu lt-f I inesstftrthefci it i
hate ftstuen t fit fpil 1t istl t- in
phyicsonitc lit I iti of i 110111

Banes n
fit flit - - - ,(t I c-ti-.
tt-f wih-.(1 I
75c 10 12 Etc.
bo t r auI - Iti i
iHi; li i z t
.l ud5c

Address: WALTER R. HANS' Business
Manager, 236 S. 12th St. Phone 849 L.
CIO 21 NfAf


, ec()izcl roar Orl .team.
Romp, ccil"cr: wel lti, 1o; ; t()ltrth

To ICl

wto .tfi i f-.

B s ,1loftI it if -

w are ; ti ol"' it, rg< ..

it it!it- i- ftii-t uttp-
11 itt )O/i- ti -lit-s lii1)t
it1 ii I i tt t - io l ft Ie
rr1f ltill ftitiops. Imul/
to hoit flto fIt oilt fttti
/ I
Students' Bookstore j



C.E0is t WL '

Nir 18 -litiscolisili is. Mitcfigan, of
w - 1Ic. fi3N t1 I-il f iltfri of
flhicago1, tilthefti- lit an -ft-s
co trse tf . _ churtch.-
No- t - l iiclubfitfticei ti Giatger'.
hullt C 111a11Unitoticofclit.iii i
c i<'ic ;,room , la b 0l lift, il. l.
ft iianul bnq e. Aihigl
\lrlmni associa i i f Detrit, el
iti ftcub etot
itft1 ufiefdtififti '()t
1''ecti ~ e I iii titlist
Michign facs a tilts potiimi t-cc
ft-iy i for t- ol tte C ria

ftrtori team.
tll s itr oli te<t
itfififuti liftlt lh c eg t
lii I- . riht- alfack weght
tid e 1 11" t-fitf
itiefr on -ci f. iff
Tta 11 l cft i rg1-



07 1 oar R 1 it .11 ,5 UM iu <u=<lhiff ietotii lW. it
D e or tons !itl ititifpla. f .It Soudh<if eu fir l
lui ethitif ti i - .iiti T he fts If ittiitn
PILLOWS ),BANNERS, FISHNET rititmgttiftu shold-.fi-tti 11 ife


tisconsi leylct...s f. 18 it1
ll i t fline.. .. .. .. .. 2 4
iti t sitt lite ... .- . t.. 190 5-7
iitfif bahckfield 174... .1 4-
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aferoo --te esiotnifftfictotrd
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o tf --itt LIiittApninedsciithareftir
procees ffite peftomance-. tre fto
iframatic itfletiutls into hft univt-rsuit
f lit Itutut fifregents transactrif i
-grist of1rotine businesst-uinutg tfhnday.
The seissioniuopeitetutuf tetniiniittetf(itt-

1f-.i fttM-re R, lDigou ttfn \ift Il
sit- C tri-i ut- lifit t ut u ere i crit
cites io tf a t ttlt ufi t he lrfit 1111
ThneI botrdf acc-piet-i i ltictti no
te Lntuf t i--.NiWu)il oif It lit to ho
peetat a tlmteite Itigt eei-tuif ii
Pinsidenut :itttotff mill ftefivetr a ll
It . Iflark fiitttl c tlet aI sitai
int =;tuiiiitisc is otifiill u imadilt sal
arito he $fit 0 per yeflit liii ft -w
bachlorof ars \ asIolii red pon- 1
fifittut l t f uIifttu, Ii ft 011e1
PetteJohI _Nf t t lii iit Ilifta 1,1
isStufliottr 1 1 iiic W sh ur
of fhe ay for adI O otfffO
lateing if ifs fitmied1sppl
coud Itprnt ftin a ill I14 1" h
old itto f"ur cnc -ft cc q.
ca rbalt e upie, y t .at ifh
fuor s I ~~ llu ri 1 1.
Th tf f as been kepift bush, if
la s to dflitse itg' ull tts Itn
-eis -A I rd ClnA t io n iiit ft"
i th ilesoth sillvnirts dteisale
as ufthegrets-t if any nsir card
ever o-. feredft t hey tf u denf- tbo-. If. c
I,),^T Ia ys sl r o e -fcdt otli case, tiltor nealit i t ii
utweni111W-u-ia -Udif fl1 Pfhon
12201, 17 0

Brolt, f t
Nanc~red';. ,.
aryill, (TI
(is ant CcE c gi
f inl l
and inoft

Jot utrI
Os ntot
to i:lo

ff11 .111,t-
e' it sotft

0 ?,; ,es. 224=2260S.State St

Ifll Mu- Ig- li,-pit~tu iout anqetulas ft
ight wsaigutnd sricies.Nit u-til
hitrc arc h lt' ttcommittes in
fut --f theutrepartions1111. Ill tif us-

.Announcement of the
Studentst Lecture .Association
1905 Fifty-second Season 1906
Jerome K. Jerome
IChas. Battell Loomis - Dec. 1
Jacob A. Riis - . Jan. 16
F. Hopktson Smith - ----
Loraulo Taft = = Jan. 31
Frederick Warde = = Mar. 12
Pres. Alderman flar'far.
SOUSA'S BAND = Mar. 30
Leland T. Powers = May 2
Oratorical Contest
Open Number = - -_-_-
Tick ets for- the Entire Couzrse - $2.00
t oy be oltainnal at S. L. A. Office or froms Student Seller:
Seats reserved-50 Cen~ts Extra-at S9. L. A. Box
Office, Main Corridor, University Hall, beginning October 30
SINGLE ADMISSIONS $1.00 S. L. A. Phon~e 532
Office Hours, 4-6 Daily (Saturday exceptc

They have a Co~operative Store. Ask our visitors about it.
But no Co-operative Store in the land except Harvard,
carries a larger assortment of stuck, and no other carries a
better stock, so far as quality is concerned. We carry only
first quality goods, which we guarantee.
In NECKWEAR we have the most select patterns in this
section of the country. In UNDERWEAR, SHIRTS and
HOSIERY, we have fresh new stock at most reasonable prices.

$1.00 to hrep$1.30 :
J. L. Ch ooon211S.. Aain St.
MIN AND jHtoRON S0Tff1001
Capitfal, $50,000,17Outip us andt ftt, 165011
ftnpasits. ~ s ,; to ret
at $2.00 ati
Rt. foe ou, I Vuitt-Pr
ft if so~ru.t tossAssi.
Chicago Buffalo Bosaton, New York
Through Traoins Was!t a. 11., 2.4s1)ut.
t.55 a.nit.,9.30ip. nt. it£5I . a ht.
LocalsEast-5.00a sit., lis t 4.5p.
ThfocciTruaiisWs.'0a I. .6L .
Cnetions a tu foriiSt. Luits,
Kantststity an thy; tlk uu
W. W. CASE, Al-t, Ass Arboir

- '1'


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