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October 19, 1905 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1905-10-19

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The, Daily

\'of,. XVI.

ANN AII ,)Ib. IiI['lll(GA\

10Y, ()('T( I o. I o ).:z

Wet (rounds and Fear of Injuries to
Players Cause the (ame to
Bie Cancelled.
rier)i y ('Coatch ot andi)\anage ar
thaxt the lDenison igmte wuld ie l l-
advi~e. It as fered tat astc
grouds ee iiterrIihtle cditian saoie
cii iandttttic e kept ciii f lhegae
;a au ichNerasa Stturday.Cacih tact
eile f liythai t ihe ceef i ftl
itt eh if \Iici ii ciis to icctic AStitcl;a.
ro~setu irtl he is tkin no chtutu it
I)it i l hadtt a ittem i0f iatst ad i
e io i i it g t ti o fi w o r k t io
ac licu t ol t e gmib i g c ll d of
hol t itcr. cIi.' Yo tpti th m hrug
sis Hours practic, thre ie. ho er
tn ferdner tteyi-eretaen'ic tct
nigh lt annoucetht iite e-ipfcr Sat-
ti-t ;i aciii ititttii l ile it fult-
b l; a i Ii cii i iia tlt ef t i lt he re-
m ide ofthl lie-ip ein te "nt
as pri- itt-il
'T it cccii e h ,u Ot .h t5 . -iiT h t eta i t rc
cittnoifi t havoc lw itiBotc',eepit-ee
:t o teIii tutue : dr h ltis i
fat hit ty to the ccciiloii cii tt-ofiaig ati
i-io" Dll a i eededti-ifictheitCorit
lCitt cccac I tttt m cc ii ci 'eiteiiii
t\ii c liebut sped as t 1 teee itte-
poii i ;tic c tit Nuuliti. i TheIi i n e
,pattere tutf flt h trhne it er
tatubu s tt c hutccandiiitatiBth'sti
Nb ilt i w e l totir til offtthree ttiegat
d i s iiilitinle-,than li tirt litlc-a f
actualulaty spakssetwi t:ie tti
(lit iltic iex iitin agteatit Knoxte
chti ilit ii- iweil lit-re caiocablcec t h
Eah f-t i fcietrs iii c iiireetect-
doiv s. wi le \ltit ic iigaluteatitheci le it-ti
iii ia l-yhed (nthe t hi erti hand.i
V titiliig it ltaccrdiit iiing t t icplitli
afronitict:AmArboticold not gini iilt
itiie tie le thilte ioitt tle iait nrii
dipayedciii the n l rlelcicitict
and wuere twuuice cbl titvae ceriaec
katticetritory anifolie lookttiec dacg er
bylittaluic cepito -theii-'- wtiiiecttttaiu
tiricdat-tiocici c esct gcite int co r icng
ii he tri ftlc ttlwit cwite lfee l aiciti
is swirt tice hethtec iesifail yesy.
an ctit basilutstcmenciseem ctoahtve-
ttitteitettereo eticttupaerion.lieb-c
rciii ita)cirfetehi rci tr cineti-tca a
thw thil cccifwcof Mcig'sc sitta etttelyte-
eoublessreadthvit PMrg icien eth cif
wlelto ttpythe ceticig lilawetrieatircdayt
arryfetbalcaeianttitisage. ific Yos et'sc

a cleant gamue. itsactic at Mihliganc, ciii Ie
httaadacptedl a policy- if ilence' -ic the

inuy(ns io in ()fipoitionot h pl iiit
()f hcertaldingcitst hospaita i st.
Ile Knoxci ccii -c-a V N sa'(is
legititic ceiie icile lgty ( l cge
andi thee diit-ttiiet l l iii skccs
whlichit tc-ccici - Itc-i-<< a : N11"l
tutun efecifi h tO had Only ii
cc liii h, - t cie - -
< c Ifct estcli
i-fc ti i lt cigtgi iii th ol an tei
chaciii b w rcitt cccii litle cc , ls ta
live yardsicitiitieachciii , cc he ii 1hni
1) li a ,Ini- ic of 0 lpp r al

"third Singing cMeeting to - field
Tomotrrow- Night Bantd Ques
tioto htic c us: sedI.


Il - I-

)tile r

Ill liclitte iii tiC' ()f tihipocitiontc Figures Compiled by Boston Trail-
li lIlilti -
-- ccliii rirlii lt o h, c script Show That Michigan Today
A11 ;c : l el it~c t)t~i (r Has More Students Than Any
I-IMV 110111! ail \e r tlll i ii Other.
ci)t tc'il-lic tl tittecc'tiy. f h iii h cc>,ii ice large-it ciiift acurt 1i
VIgut esccoempiiled liby Frcae lcicil
MICHlltAN UNlON lHOLDS OT tracyii andccticlicicecilldl 1,o;tl
OLIVE- BRANCH Ij 'cveccccc 'lI rt criiit c11citethut ct-into
ii .l N i ;1 2 C liIi cit c ad c ,- , c it at b"itt i at uc ar-itt- t he.Itct faltlci
!)a 1'w i t see ti i c' Mcii m - ca fa H radldcccii li cci cc, Nicltigctii
ccci -it- cl cite Al c ccciii cof Alc t cc ttittl ilchccc
cc I ii -c i-ta tin i c i-tciigtttt cci on
tiead;i c)f iallie laitect iii c-iticsak
i ic h'c \cc wel ''yi irsi cciii,) nrolme t stisi tics pt o datti .
Parerallliiiic d 1v hedirr- Thereult iimvcthtc lbceicigacci atithe
tc 4lc d iit ic cciii itictliti csc t tttt itoi
1)1,111, c ii ii i ald 11ccciieeyi cih)d h, trol e t during' the littler let
u ery pece-it ectig if ihe year i ll c hangett'' ttecse tisucei-
c coniii cilitry inc ithdlie e p citii a;) W ceth r refu eruni
rc)IIlm~( c \ il 1) (1- ciirii ci dliitude ts e ttr'ttth ttiritg cif eatil
c 1A1 i'1 o \. Il)ccciiin er ier ,tide totac lcnd nc for the y it
dicrl~lI II icttio lt oi c cuina hite ittaityIN oablctiic heit retutu c iii I tiresa
is I fchli, y te ( li offcia", eilluccayc lci ci studen c t r ttn -
m -) c tit esi atc e Liiesiy o ih
ci te iig tht L.a y oh r is tl .o
ei ng itecitiii uicdcthl
I~r IIIthestaisic' Whei ihe asc"}mtte
pcie, Mr aydri tutu c iii ch iii1
it lch c tc duof cicittli bi t ()II cc
i I ade( ]n te 1\e~ve Ill t\ l dccll ci clae n
:ed .l lylt it cci and tek le
11 ink ut-i- )i-- r ha; b e t\e

Wi -ii -i t lvRiTcui ii

cclaituu u c iccciuc for hi N T e tcct~ }
previo s cpla to iac oterinii iii d fiii hci -I H
unctil Saturdayciii d iii ,niilt clc '
to. IJh trent lay rsi f il R ott il
personal cch il cu -thci t rci.lli
fUiupredcti ht 1cu lciii ttu ichin oiacc tni
lrit g bcc u tli t hre is o anst~ti ci
athud lie title 'if 'c-uime t i s top;cW I \I
ct N eh r-u cahat c-tiheu' 'i tit trides a nnou t a wit y
cs tc-ea5tic h eyp hlet, n he -ic ii(f lntl,
id tha itc h c dccc acdetne o g t?' l'
thecir test cltccci t rce to ic . (cdiii
!1 N:L'iX hI S XIX\;''C l I. Im ka

50, IS thatclihieyiwolci
iii c t i ccii t liia
c n it c ~ le ;iti chc
R(!pesc~~at vc hit- is
ill citCl'Cl V's ; 1 teiO


~CST' I i11"

cX secoiud tickth l ped ared in the cci pinttolice -c
freshmant i t detarycl a liiihe nei ticet N cc f ear, ,:
it huiueded icy I eHery XA Ic ccdcii t li ofii crep n h ii
IKansasCtc it.M. lludcitihis ac-ii cirm~ ttr
readythi ci cii Ihimsetlf ticc hu ft'he! c lIic11 an"
leadcinug memblues 'if teu l as, Hew s ccci al-(, acc!itt
insatruuenutalt in t t icl ccpiii (liii fitsh-c rod ccc 111 t~
manic positersandiii isc dliii d i s mI a rked iii ccl ti ttc ls
exetctutivt aiit tnurauut ng isc las Vcii "T11 Irw
nmates forthuelic e i cliSui rs. la h 7e~ t V
cI he ii oh r e cand iae a t asfollowsc tie c cc ciliii ti r
Vice-preicdenct, '.iiac aceui Jeffhi s tec eacn caih(1i
secretary, 'licMiss tGrace iakeer;treaur er, e C "i - - -
Leonuardl C.Reich; teachk imanatger,[Jalute- icc ;d
cud F. hiecutetit. liasebual itttttgect 1hi ' lchi- a
L. Arncuoilu akeutallIluccuagee, Nbilca(tel i a c e
Oliga liiugeictcict tnude aaucci hu, t

lt«h i-tile u-'ctis
1. I c LNIiic siii
ill -c11n -1i1 on fcc
ii re eiicc i thc

t~na aiccciiMs: cliinar a amc-
Icl 5.S n i iirb ciiaiol i dno t metu-
heWnIms ithiheitsti i ideiphmtd
ofthcmi dct c ve \ii cusesiiourcibIest
ccci d iict cccibutan irl' ie-
Ali tataice cc alc. M atth
'lo wnstog-i tidee stude iii body
tilt11 '1,01111d ad i ti al o ectni cn -
<II;in fl" n: tis lAr iiiuit hprm cicicu
1w m d ccrsring lucthesantidievici
meas. If the ciioi ccI uccucuc tee ai
,;c icicciuc c ucutoccappo icc- ccnltt or con-
ft -xi c- we ciiillut Ic cmt"uth~ii cc- d
diii all inc ccir tupowerc do 1 bdini;gabuicit anc
icganecc c

hi rihu ii of thie c tyii s ;IsfI Nw
ut ia , 3,ti;C a ifhutitutu I tutu Yale,
3,o ; (a till, '()8;t Ilii s 20 _
N tilhrt cciue2,41c (l1ic-c-' 30
iltuic tt lit luTc~a dccct5 ;Nutrask
7501 Viriia,0;
Puresidentccinstt iiiof thie tLniteritt
l(tucicch Scecec licit tcs us c eie
cat inviutautlionc fomcSecretary c bbt tiiff
dliihe Nat ccioa bMi ]cucuccLacgui- Io
afiiae teii- 1estvwt
Tihe 1oltiuittectincth cttubiheeciii
<n iri latt er o sdced teil
hi I cluciuci ecucc-u- chi d - ,
citt1 defutndte t isaelititert h itc i
Lciniin utu' iiiticpurpoid te dccci s-
ci ae t~d Ifccivccic iltetiow flda
hae not yii eiit benciomletedfoitchh isi
yeat'scworu, tut i t ixctedcthat cull
liac iiicuaituut esa(-cc ate-itt-i, c tt
b ei ce acpitmcceIt tuturclihuthiietchi-
Miss imenc A fiape t, ofiDe-
troit.yiupatiireqt iut of'fienuccu,-a irce-
tech, the c'cfamocluus inituciscl

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