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November 16, 1905 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1905-11-16

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IM AIr Ic 1,
W iw
The b, n Dal 1 y


Nox. 46.





Final instructions to Guests- xi- xilxlx x x
Sale of Seats Today-Program, ispeakexrsx xxii x xx1 t, ils
nlenu and Decorations of Most i hefix1il ; order
Elaborate Nature. Dr. All-ell xx iin ildllr)hcll' }
to sm se. lxiii Joxii t'- Kernii
th cc l mu x i xlxiii( I the xiieh xRegent ieter \Vixx
few xxxxxxlinxxxxxxx xixxi- ave ben 1 l exxxxxxiko 'u, llis" ln
out xby 'the 'ommixteex bfolexthe xxxxrxxx (lxP. i)dxd. i
lxx ix xxxxxxxx xxx lx xxx x lxo\
1w lxat theib xxxxficixx 'x ii\ xxxxxixThe lumn i"_ h , IrI 1 (W<
xxi lii iialso l ilxx xibexxxxso ldiihiiaftrilooliatthei il loseby ii xxii i liii
xxx' 111 xiiiBo'"'glleryx xxiiixixmxir ictr(i yloti ~bl h (m
xxxis iile- plwent o take'i s seai and outid ubtxteifoemostittor v iilthe'
to xxi(intrerne i iserv xii ix i iice uss sae (f lndii i Hsii ,ie tst tt
lxxn' bacne ikesx i llenerth n ii--iattheannal innei s aii most
xix ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ap xiixiiOniex xx xxi xi ix I Ii~~i aii ilii the' xixxiiliii' xxx ie lx 1
male' entrance ofii flxiii i xi Sxii (xxiiiheck- xi
I(, i b iiitendei toixx araliii s x e11i \ix llxixl. cu l" h acpt.
All xi'ha l xof xiiib iii yl. lle f xm llso buyxniubic x i
Perons ho' inxix'i'iiii xxxi i cxix sxiii ili Mr.xxiiKern. xi x xI
ter thex xx lx lxxxiii x xi i the'mini e-x hexoatmate-iobehashaxaiii-
xiiiald latxxxiii lix'c i tr
t l ,f i Ii ii ani y a ndiiie d oors ii
x ii f'is e p n xrm io ii xxiioi lxxiii public lifii of hisii' ctrlii xxiiwxxiii ihxi li
t~wil closxdxitxi the sxxii' r oi reda s a mosi prominit xiii
( ii ixixixi xat xxiii ",:30i olockxil ixi xxii ixiixxi xxi
liici'tm xixnxv m ea ines fo ,I 'xxxiii xxit ixixicarryll1 xx w i' itxhe
the l lxxdinner, ndlfromlthe, iniaions xxx lixn~ nlhnraao;nt,.
not ii' x lxxxx' xxix marx
xxxi" succ :ss irxlxill(i (Coasionxheiced o '11tyarf on18page 12) I
xxxx'ave xbeen xdilld h cikn K rn iseecexaIlelhr0 te'tt
G1'i iii
tr tra ll tal es.xxi ii xii ix l 'xxxntn ed on pa' .
exxxii i'i'x'rpa i'ory tox he ix' iix'alx'i I -'i- -

BlY (box. V 'ariofusion Call Be
Avoi! ided Where titer
th ield.
Iift i1 ti11'11)11 I {)')c'xx cxii 1i xx i (11'
l l'?i 't ':c' c't ) i!. k' Iit r1 l~tti~t :tt )1t xiii,'llc +
. I!1' c 1] 111 1)1 ' t 1 - w c t1I r',1 1; 1'1
<li' "11 l l _1 11 l.?' t) ' II )1- 11" ic )1 li t1
1V ~ ttxiii1c < ix1ixaniisI
tllc~tti 1!111 jtt~t ix ')-c [i ce _<'1x tt i
th rttltc gi c \vII i~c cr t'< lc xii1i

1'':Al'l~i.A\~h lix xi; I ivi;A'i'
lix '' it ' i l' ' ni xai ll i ,t is i ll)
),s xx k xmi s ic rxi iii xliti
n aw " IN ab'ove d'' me.i It" i s
he pul) ;s ')f his cxxxii adva ce ian
h (ic~ .I n)thelie inaitof etlxing"
hr i co m , lcith) gve o it ni inher
i cea nmcrandngW te agitudex'i
'xiiie 1v hfil h ixiiiiiiii i ' of its
:iic' \arir ; ,)ln adv nced
11 tra wia ('I es la im, tiiia sti'i ,ii
intr s'ie' nd bie nil n tinal4 i- x
lcst Tv,) eal ag th l- i rig xiiiof
\llian ha xt m enin the'x na' i onaliii'
. h s..l ich'iaxix'1i.' 11'x I lalh-xix

Harry Hammond at Right End
and Hal Weeks at Left Half-
Wisconsin Team Will Arrive
at Jackson Today.
("(),tel l ast has atii' iiii la i'st losenedliti
xx'orm . lxxir'y i'ixixixiii I xiiii plaxy
right end'ixli i 'lxxxxxlhad"ix'xi xxxill
filxheoterththrt udeiddxitionxi
ofleftihalf.iiThe raceiforxxhix endiii i
be inju id tuat cnibixi ug-iti nt
The coach, i'i1 ii g ig ii'x-xxliii lightC-
he rtdis sill()Igxxiiixxo s satan
tiii xig -1111C x lx h ldi yesterd'alxy xxii
were i11 thex lbest xofxspiriits xiii lxlie ishort
thei xxxi iwasixspenti xnxsiigs andxxilarixx-
xiii ixixixi 11(' nd 11 1tan xxii' i-
Jxxxlxxxxx lg riii x lxi xxwilli arivey i'il
lightli mbii er'iiixxx ii'ix'xiig u ratc ilxbe gixi
liii xng lxxxiiipe xxxiihxxthexia'ge
'xxix I:rboxr itomoxrrow x xxiiariig andiitle
tramixi xxilxxe'picikedx- 111xi xani iihe ii'xy.
ofi xl'exst i x''xe ix'ixx'xr $20,000x, andi
xxxir $30x,000x.


patc lry trc i ight. At xii -
va xfabul oui ethadoiil~.
c lisii iii , tg th r Nih th iv !
Shade -li rdl lig tsban lrsofx i llxii
a liei ixnteril f xii e iningxrx hall, xthe
fifyl x ii lx me on x)Ie idex'axn' xthe
xiii lcnn eloposielxxiii ' ing'xi
the praxixes ofi tirx esecivixm~
xinates,' i lei llixix e irit i ll rn
Mt'ti 'ie ixiwxno xexpen"e land
xalifato rsux'rTex's eitus
ia ti lic iga xxtrs a dinterest-i
xl xin ekr' hv en slected.xx All
are here ino iiand i li". ientertained
byxf he'O'iexxiinx x''x'ing thir i i t.xi xxi
lxxix xi alligfxstsxhave-Bxxiii seatedxixixhe
mnsa lb ill ldi si ngxx ixxi-xhc

IxI~lI FORIllI(ill ill,;
The wok of dcoratig Stat stCee
forithe ix l i xx -lxxiscxxxi' t;ixil ih'xx'
xiii' liii lix xxxM'llyiuofx theii indo' wsii
ofx Stte' sreetbusiess liacesiixar e al
readiyiBedi ckedi i i tiiiii the colorsii ofx'the
W io -eal ' ixxi citxi ii xxix' x l
lxIt is xx ' xii'i'tSta 'istr et 'ill
stett irriild kli llxximakeliiaxxdispilayi
of he )mlow an h w if xli liilxiii
andiithe carialxx and1'x Nv iteo ixn
to xN x xlix A c lxfrtxiii tyx'xi ous'e'i xl x
&xx 'x l ill heif'rstiin xth ' \ iiw

xiii i 1'h 1 ac

S lb h litie
>fi 'II Iceiix at
() tiii- cre

TO I aiy iin ii c i of'axxiii riix xx-'
i'tl 'diiih'iiscot.-Itxii xxii i iis d b ieid
i"- iiii'iUn iii'r xxt 'xifixixigixi ixgoi"
Thei imarchiiis iiiiixliiiibyi j iiiii ii, H.
Renxik& M o f Detit.x

- /ruxixi I'txxx i "l i xiiliifor Iflxx xixf 'x'f(, i'i'iiiiixlu

kiiRii IIi' :1M i xixxxii xiii \v

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