The Michigan Daily
N XARBOR, MICHIGANk\ "I N's-sj)\\ I 'thlR 17, 5905.
Vol- Z V [.
AGAIN IN PRACTICE Te smaoker held by the' Iowa clh
-asinesay nighlt was a ntissikcd sa7css
Big Fullback Again tIons Football froant start to Finish. It was field miiiiiiiIII
Togs- Will Be in Saturday's5 for thlieeit of the newttesn and ahott
(same With Nebraska. siityii eittfereereesisesnit. i)n-ins
th eelilggreetitags Were s sit iitote
Fra nk I sit 111111 tl(, big Xliclign Iliilinois chib lsltieflt was salsot assettihiesi
fo<Sniilar functiont. ' alk ere isen
fil ih a enlid ill evter bI residenti (ifesteeT. IC.XX iitacr
silllce is as stilt li thestasson ftfeaiitss11XPow sfde1. 1Vs'.seeas-siFor
slit\ litaf sitill fo ilts sitte fitsIrespondtiedl. The iliteessatrenlittle st
e eielo tsf ite csie s i f t hesst5rongst lt efifs 11 ifis the titite sit.
l~li' taii~t e~t ~ si Sr tstilt Its MICHIGAN UNION
1,,l >1111 ; l~; o 1,-( fcilts if a BANQUET TICKETS
I 11e t c illses, tl ist p so- Arrangements Completed For tbe
tic l~: tll~llthe as s pa si lad isposal of Them t Student,
Faulatvt ind ln i
tie:asaclt. I Ic s I wi t in ii 155
1,f ts i c i ifte o or ly i
em lii 1555 iiit r st, fiuts te iwayc le
if sitshings il)int i ,l prcie o e
i f }r Xii stil ilssif itsi i
slitan Is>is avfitlaCblewilshsessts
fitscd 1et S a1 t iit ts i ts tCAite st i
,1t and555151 and arc - li el ltso
ifs" stinlt f to ill I tihs fit ve stsbeet
is tilt will jplait tiilts i thetu t he fits
sItI laiiAit gait s Nebasita
c)re it does~sli1t filltinde t he slt kis
fcrnc mle; Al ffot asblimadillei
si Xstilt sht iils i s"!(\ " ~ t t lchg
ill,.shem iseles aesi f uits sto l ay, t
tic isnth gme itlmembeis othe i
Ncr tsamiesistr ill hld satimeettig
'1hif s a si n f i ghilst ansu tit hat tililets hil
fincts iso wiff be b1outttsils ll dsdccidesd
wit thisn sfits s eisgilei ft playitns
i1isci i sila aud nts aite sIlls.
ne h tctottis decieedsNebiiiaska
55ffiss tlio5a5strongistemt huts airlist
i1 satetdto ibyltefitsstst(isc
ilm h hs tk n i e t t f lirst tl
for-il('patltreeitrifoutilt ss- iuh
has eiter defa lidtD. X1tiffiststftust-
Coc ifl iii p.It X st atiist i-
s its i tesfetaftstoleavesthi ield
slierts II-4t-i ifts-s-i minues o s- f 55a5-
liee. tilt-its li-s-e-puit throughists i
m()st wery aint now t ifeigamtilts
siftt -~t issits sifts ;m su thif i mensiCsiltle stilt
sit ltX t Vanderilt al ie insss- ooi tilt
oiitiostsi t()atitemptfianythsinsg a- stress
tci sits sts ggle- twifthuse stills. C si
silts \ttrc-rtss. Tedituaissrt, JohnstCari
rel, andsHarrtWorkmn re itaitlfsuiffer-
ing.withchaley orse blt itis to fit
.ill still Ihe inshfistic fits Xedns ay't
g~n yStiltsy-it t he lateif
After lte:is sitignas-l racttce te
tittfs5 ])t illsh met o work fal5 Is ling its oni
ft still andithela-ersion sscsialof tilt
cite1 hoeIso ishtis tic-sthessround is
ftiibalttlue slto tshfisbIriuise s rssecvedlist
SaturdaiyIsis Illslistemlnsts sre iten-isivess
a5 try it rinssg tir macietasftsr wicht
ft it-fsticvaitsity sellssit wasgivsets
si"'01 t Itclms the dumttmyts-.aui
Coachf XVoist idstaftersi--rd thtiIsene
sits ilseiment golastes thiet dumttsy-wi-til
sithsptirstttit ste-tilts-effecis ithley-
fiwe lst iili t.
Els as ou tl-t t ir tasforpiesie-ands
Showed--s isI ts el.1 - f s - o t eligibile fist
ts- testis issnd tiill proa by-itt ble- in ths-
sam iftlst tls-it lisn tomotrrowst.
if f~ilty fitesssasess istsic edsi-
icail college fissdsecideto-sitlth~e lost-
grauatess-couirse- Ihis yer te s-first iweeks
its Apsit. This c-ustit-c is guvessassisully-
it, tes-sirisig sissiis- a5ttendeds-by lesige
n tmsirs if lssssstsesspusttsic e ractitiotters
ferostsaltpasts of stecounntry.
-ilts- tisstice- cott itteets- otf sts- ich i-
plait, antutu rltsttrssi fts fsritheissi il
lith it-isits. Ass beisfiestatif is ls
IDatilyi teltbif inetitshutdreticke t55s
ill sill. twois sithfrs is its scsI of wi chsl
ts ti hllstudits. Isitsiitsr ave ieenseit
out to ifisstihe ss di fere t ititit assoct~ iitins
iq i ing gs tithle ititi ist desiredsit
ticet; still ite iscts itved forthss end-
lti ll ithe i name'. 1The5aluiit assoiatilis
still ihaivi-scfargest-of tsees It i x et
iei. however, li sth t ay ialumit i lliiIf et
ihi icestrugsien~s sitown.itsi
'i h ikts f or-i-si-ts ilstu en s wiillino
iepc ed it ittti sae i un tl stimtstmes fterit
kissfist its tillmies.sit i mtit ist eit
;ellsfwill asit smbr-ofthittitlst it
tsttttsttti ito I itilie f t s ale itt he
iauts ,frtrn i-m r a ill dli e i fists.
Tetiketssss i l. inthefrmeeoi-il
Itsb- cf e IsisOn f isinenedfrme-sil
XX-slilto vitecit sts- m~ efs ltin i
th sp-g emctpeser-ethtie semt
t it- si lacets of satle. ill 511e ithee-bsxi
siie n ts i t-sityh l.T hei ri willk
be $1is.isso. s ']'Il st ixa litse stlteswisl
sty e t lt ift s tflt iltskin a tsone.atns d
csis id f l ing litelis t er ie o
\iss t ied tclt steeiff thsit r-s it sit
ansis histenits tlit fr n fistlibis- esi in
th uieofte ple is srXt ef t
behind or hung stuptempty nte wll s is
it e ot he I fac ttt li it ws t aitftrindli
ti-s e lIsis th icvets lot inis tspsis rtec
Osnionst tsftcr- its sl litvr s C uty s i
ogstlyf i coin rmissColoradosi, entetained
if( ilcow bsomtot hstccltsts
sfhpism In inIreailk . ''leI
Itereatiewtkspeee-si utte ain tsidea
seemedssstost i be ltsst si t-pa -s itsr-i mie-
eng stoitsort rco-bIstingasadven551ture
is sit pht i eii rsts re asoit sitlits
efistss its a ptialugastiSevras ck
is sstletheXldendenstilt Iaitt dis
prestidetXirthurS. iItiall;-scretary.
FrssilsJ. lis-t reasusrer, Geotrge B
Whteelser -serea-ait-asrssFtlsi-stS.
toeaste ack - asiaa-r I tttstttIF-. i ts-l
biase-ball t-maaer. Cly-itsC. kiss:iot-
stil mtantagerGeotrge IKIGucskenbeirger.
CTeeetsists still tic heldt Satutrday
4 to 6:30 Ps the neests-tgineerinag
Failure of Board of Control to Pris -
vide Funds the Cause-Players
Pay Own Hotel Bills.
Is M issgants fil-st its lust-esr a d
tndiaiisittatWay. Ths- rgtitt-
irs;tisu1swihtals ttssssscst tillsilin
slits hligs tush -listes isto ire-this- it-heats
(it ls Xithe W eis tcs thiftsi sittiat d
t(> iseat theisn Iii 555 of5 prasise tso-almas
hate his otil.sf verstlls(sfssfissancia iass
I ts issou tiltsisasositdstir ust if
-lsI f..O«el -perhapii steii e r. a hfsit
scsillsssis notslut att sis il-ti-s ahis fs
Sir itsil t-i-pti f stlleti s tit is
icis il-ii sis ity i tittsttfo tpl c".f (f ct,-
tsies-numbse fofitc illnsitsthsit sias
iii stilthtlto siterstdi th ba .
tilts ieca s o iets ou le ith
C tr ils im ifing stil xe s auth til t su
Chits--i-t usfs tic 1s-t iassUtiIct hs eIen
fasltsostll rovii i ll- 11 falusl sls T i s-cite
fit thse tlce i t Its -ssffor t ser ite s i e
ad iS Sills o th iii d i ssss- -~ l t heitt
ithe -ii ae i ll. H d itn tbe
for the itssltsti of thiSch o f- ni
a to itis-itits lit- uiFiezes .\ltuhssust tis
hal tteb utu lwu l hseteell itout
tilsei t ' prsctitist
T e is - ti i its f t he ff rga5it aio '
Ssuit s Saulday an- sirectoricgus ts
thise i iii stil tiiisfiadm ittd-thi ist lists
1 S 111,111itt s isti tu hatitittwothis a st
lim t," he aid -\ c 1is fi as tly ts
this wallhithluinsthrt iiS ltil tsto
bad, f theipasstil relly b t.
lists taiien sth isia i s dItshikthey hia ve i
tiii i t l sstiltseyhav tha shIbe ivt oolth ti
tie tu s ll stits m llsaprhiat' u r efforusus ts
an wouldti be tsorrlyfitos-e tsefdsisnd
Bilt whailt an e do.()m- nifo tiltr
w tiorn o titu tiadweClltac fts e lS
M am. tgoad itittmll in coltegei thus
liit ilt cktecaseiuthiy disliii-sdto p
pear till parade s in ivi5tlin lth listS-
exstenc wes stsilhave toupurchaselists
Xvnii usscut slut h ay-utru hel tils anuti
tits i() iisItit uiaw is lusts.fusnd Thalit
mo1st 5 oft1 t ca tutu affoltsrdiltofi hia. l
tos-ess thesits eas tha-ts thisbanfIS ausssssu-
usma in si i n s-t sitn fand th it sthie e
1555play ares 5555 C tfttis itd f r th rssls ss s i Sa
thi l cii ii i be55 s 5 fart e ro ttthe ruh
X I ttiire ti)gt isu es", ver s-fes-o
fit s it he satlo if threIbcausith
btiisitsietncuterbtalanchit-i b
sut only eceusive-ulisforsans-iisxIeniss,
ituhv theu isletsiftcussfees remitlteud.Its
exprsse hisel asexceed-ingy srry
thastt.)Ilichigant sssh udt fistic failed his
mtaske simsilarssiprov-isiss act lest s fars
itsish1111ifis-itrm shdcxpentsss weretcon-
Seatts lust till-chessring setionss t thus
Xt-frttstst gamte itill hi sle yetc- -sh ii
(]itsv, Reserved f sc-cs us tl ts i f thus
chein tlsscftiti iff 1 w i nsale tii
XJ ssits Iit ne s stn tit r pIm i
Money H~eld By Board of Control Is
Wanted By the Athletic
lt-e s- u beents- iit geat delttof sta ts
among ifttitssiiudethbodyuritiig this last
fuss sias f thie-futist hisflipitseboasd
f conistolhcotatinintg thus-protce-ds f
thie Cosutsfee etisuo f thi stfcuss ru
}ears5. Itast Scstdittl e ssluttion twas
adp ud t'this-Athltutiecsscuiatintsmeet-
' ngasin tatthis-ntuey fuss turneds
ve tote assiatins. Plus stdensts
ftsh thuat tus umoneuy- souldiigu to htiem,
as they aritsthi-eucieffactssssinu-earning
it, whileis thus ftsard hofisul- st nttirely
different sitwosathe mf s iattr
HIrbert s lrk, -tea 5 c roftheao-
nationsyesterday statedithe hisews 551
iha it d i f t ait iteushestats eat if slthaist
its sits sf itcthsalct tttis sCoferene
iii ; isi hsst uff usir, ittilpa tic sit its
fbt sn ;tis i ll(' pif its is ho l e t i
itloh til- isthie studestorgaizartitus-
Th te ieIsisasi-stilcibyuProfes-
suitr 11tthi 'ik1 Te Cnsferntcssmeets
ti-dac if usit rustsn ai hapitt rt m sir
saith Is sits a u so thec eiibilty f thes
athletss thus justging f cmstilss, th-
order if e uts tand nearly sverythtingi
ithitch coutiltshuaidutto t di5fference ill
Ipno.Tesmsitswisestns-es- suit es
financlullyinolut sidtheluy Stsfy n ty-unie
heins- lhat this U.tof Csuitdllsosmachi io
slu iht h us afsfaui r.s At -X i fsstimeit ifac-
tltysrpsfettivet wet utriosutseasuhi f
thus sitsConferencescoll-essf andssuiesr-
5c55 st555oganiztio.Theyi thils sthis
lftigcotnt oitffitilslistsigeet
ft thi sasltisfctinofasit e his sllsgss
andsh i sall thisnse,, ForI-thIis tu--
postitfntlemanilli estillcuit thus
boar h) I fthe -t-tt osit75.Ty Ihis te
Ihsite situ repid.Latyertep-
csi oris Ifssocaton sfulefa-cuss
repeinta us tilests fomdititor
ports55ation hs themet5usd ala
intationsaffasr-unthspat-uofts coifh--
luwtii ,-su h this l sts rt gu s fssth us-Pit-
The money, ttgther Ii ithSisci hytle
tual sit hisousistousuesed f b-sy hce
iorsdsiftthei a lusts usuofsu ercutfld. fs
tilt f d s the avhuteuspeitdill $ o fusotr
youngis Sls 5just 55witinthei it alliff -ttud
tutuve tkesnitunthemtuselsss tospay
fuse this-soditnutg laidusiduuue uof this tu-
singts-riktscositabuiti $1400
Temnyis ts he sunt til Ferry-
fieldt usnsuit ce. Theusols uitsusstionu
seeilsmiis ti be tastt htr this is t
he sp ill insaicrdt aiths tis ies osf
this fussiestofs-sitsrolsi. who halust uhe egal
right tsthis monsseysuerfty thur Athleti
asocatitsnaswfussare ru-snsinsg thies-estof
thes affasirts ts-esathleti grosunsI
Xitfle uiesity f Csliforsias sl th
dramatisticsocusieis isse esten saombise
alush fortmielf it fullne usrgansizatiouns saltru
Thell(Uitersity Dratesusisc Assc ition."
The spssy seect-ed fuseproucution this
Yea-sr is S tepihentPhililps "iithti sait
interesting Talk on Insurane Ques-
tlen ---Remedies Suggested
For Present Evils.
"Pbicitysumustibesprcice I evr
is-si f south-suitdsfcrrsudtdivideundss
s - abolsshd. 'H i s stu tutuitip
skle n at hisience suumusts
cutedalthie hias isof thueucmpantis."
Thesei tie sosushsitthus Ilsthodus sit-
gestedI by Proufe~ssrGlovresutsof thur
Isi-remo i fst auhrtis ontshi filesi l ii o
fia~s t at huts aesist isin ts sltite
-itsreviusys mflits Prfeso
to correct public opfiinl w it hset tol
that tru r aus tlsto stfuslt ist Ifs-he suoder sus -
othdealofits iitic s hiiss ctil-
cernsisg with -eIalera eeson knosuss
litl o snting-t ftsHtisfdeuss sas flth
f hls si -ivefcs ~t iftn ilt.Isscolls-of
IlIe s so eavu t fis thatI all ties et:i~
stuacecmailtes aruso uutely stl-
andus aluow thirItpulises to lapses is cii-
surst folly. Tsiae te luntineclear
his gve a e trulihul (-f,)1:]i1its - r tif
ifatuseofthsi uT,,surpl-ulIs"-
oftecmacsi .Hti il 6 t -tturied thut
cover ltmanaging 55 ullss andthenIf-u
frsts-eithowts - siytlu-;ti logcaly s-
ii g atsunrekitugs-s pt(u-isis iehuh
XAftc-idwllinsg hsto ss som tuegtitonsits
tchllticut itssss of tis letil, I
fussse l-saessald i lutis
..Large- tih5 ifuds are a5 gestetit
its lutiteIrn compietiits ansdshasnuast lii--
fitdshssould be accoutdadtutues-du
to thie- poliyfholer,. Itsferrcdsivi
dend sfysstem. ssouift u ul utieualandontd.
IThcs-etiquirsmsits isapp~hlied stIEsgiti-
itbe wuldrcuoreiltt ul itutunti-
densitc. Not ,vus-its- fpristeoits-sroisl
of sustk ssshususauini pfrittuhsds.
If this- - is tfi utrend of l std
heeded andgs- fthetstsu openii pit iity~
itivt-s hsthie lmsthossanduu manlatgtst
minor sut ufses scill hitcorrtedsthurotutitgh
u-ss ome it.Thus-recordsus of that
ity will 1be ailtopensbook:-uihiitill publlishu
its dividend scale itsfs intes res, uoutalitiy
auss expenfseascfouslued fitit) uomutsusaig
thussi dividens- and sit itstill publshsuits
homeu u ofits- -suf sit list i dtchitt, (us
shotr.acll ralsactoslsh-isll hbstchutdsp
t the is- iht ot f pulicispctshion."hi
Isiisccl ss usnPrfessur Glovnetrst-sld
that cosuisevaut tivetmen, tpciaits-aitsin
sutranuce.serese ededutoitslrct thusffss
osf frs-tcitompuhanuies Whenutec 11roper
oficessr:: ludtishuus hbersuseecucuteddfitvsue
tsnlitsonesaainthl this-mrican Ipsit
plt mtigtexp5efici t earisuritciturtthes.t
Plavilliithe vseiy- e ussss tsursusssus-st
beginss thissafteeunoonsuThure reter hge
his-er-f isentserssedtthisyes-cuTthes
result if this drawings is s follows:n
tirst rossud, ttersieevs St Joint, /aa-
ligeret., Fus. Kelly vs Nancree.le-o-
--cussvs Leidy I- th vs Wettristh, Bel-
tush aS. XXhitieChasse s. Xtscsess-aStit-
see vs AyeerstBarnes s Lucius,. lBsl-
hoursues. Watusons ButchttaasItBelicit,
fhsaxhter us- WilhlaiutsWhsitheadutvs.
Simonuss, Iloaius. sHancocstk, Paxter vs.
Allumenutretiort sit courtls at I osclock
sac as souons tfter thast as tiossibule. sifless
rosundumustishfifiinishtedl upWednesdsay.
fotIut(usuref thusbans dificutlftiets.
XX51is iit cii a t thuso sathofssut it ex-
clauiedtutuintusru usso. Thuseeis notthi-
its- el-se thu- itlas-hf oisfld a hug;bleacher
ciuwdso awellsandisuitsi plyustan'sut havae
usia- s ingiwi-hou Iit. If thuegasira-
tion is fpcrmittedihthisais-iwacypit will
be a disgrac bo sftothis lusiestof sconu
frlsh ntuto ii ftssestuet fuisut
*it a shametilts exclimetdo0115senior.
ThisIe ii i tsa hat tbig clett likse X'urtu-
it stssh uf usuld e Wthiti a GItuu isi lre-.
puos tufous. X~ illfunswusht ithetaltit-
letic asociatin iisn' aluhestiear thur
isnksil t c costl urt ye at--its fast, I under-ute
sstnd, that ifs 1pocketbookssstsusastheertwelI
lindtjst unow.tIf it won'supporftifuuits
band stiithuhuotai-se thur tat-
ft if. Cecrit ay te a n tsI ffotrdtoislIet
this orgaizartltitn lci t i tnustae ilshulseuf
ste foostballfsesr-isi
ireciuorChlIa Iurutera rkseud ta
at XXiscotusust thu r tsukii bandsmembhers