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October 03, 1905 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1905-10-03

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The. Michigan Daily


A\NN' ARBOR, C. IIC.'II"\X. 'I'i'IK, 1)\'. ( )C"' 1()IllI:ii3, 10 .

No, .

Fight New Men Added to Training
Table-Harry Hlammond Out
For Practice.
Garrels, lDtstlatt. oe.Barlow, W'ork-
man andI Rumnney were added to te
list f nmen areaty at tie training table
Suttday, ott acuttfthst ieir godsl sork
in te gatme Satitrday. Clettett was
addied Sttttday mtrinttg atttl BI ut-
eltlil stetttonttlasttiglt.
The ttett were pt trutgt light sig-
al tpractieryesterday after swhiht the
wter gve a chancetoi tackle te du-
my A shsor gamte otassciationt foot-
baltews indutlgedillit after it beaettto
ark t rsttthulrutghsigtals.
Hlarry Hmmondts I.who wnthis"S'
last year, retorte for rectie yester-
ay. IlIs'looks sisy pusstth~eae
its lst eat sindiseeuus tsle i god
cmitioiislia lray fr s IharI game.
..Shortt..i lng tst itwhorli ot toni
crii uths sthet lthe Iprctie froststhe
sieitnes Isitituredl leg issomig
iotd it c tely 'situ le exets ts getit
patietisah its uaiuuint.
Y twill sedth~e tfollwinesg le-ip
Isa.nt 1Kalmazs/ties morrowi tsis aftei'
uiuu1u: Cietsseter:iiGrsaham'ss-its1
Loe gu'ards:55" . ins C stuer t issParick lnd ke
I, si; Grrt s andilStsst essis:Nr-
It slisses Ishsles; .I H sisssisiss tullbacsk
Thelitilieil sweigts Ihiav eesst it
Iu b>Dieco C zarick sifllows
'I SIINorcrosssl Is tr .. -
\\ C.iL is iii fsit ack....l-i S i
J FI Schulte, gsuar...5t/ _
1t' I1 Carebs, ssl .bc;.7s
f[ ).I tees. ed.......Csit 17
I) IC I (carrelaiis, e ke. (l.. *f5 1 i
D.i. Dunaip'kitacke, tttti al.0 1
J. AL Los'e, guardCtackle. .5t
W. J.I ils , etl.stlt. Si si 1
C f.1%. iatiie, tacltsesal.9 8
1.s.sBrlo, at...57!
,1 W. lV. leitselsil, g.. 5..i-s I
. R. Citastiler, fssiiiak..g- 7
A1. P. Itsssssey, al, essil...-
D. 1.ier cetfsliiac'I. ..-
('et-essi, gard i, centuer...-8 R
After lprspecting tuesis years it te
irznset Kslike, "Dutieh" Ferbert 97
fr fousr years ihalbaciek isisth vatisit
andtileli sitthe '97.'98 ads'9t eties
has at kss strsk it rih. Ia lete
srittens ts Getorge' AI. Seens.s'99 liii
at presenttipraetiighla' its Ch ieao
Fetrert sas its ttisehisisat lst
smsiledl upoits its adithat Ie sttenisi
to retrns ts the UnitiedilSutsnet
"'(isarailbse smatte ritl" is atihasitufist
'Postasskiiite freshmine ligiility stlt
doies't interfere either. It is a ase
sit "fetm.'' A South Igls sreet midt-i
its is doig early mioirinitg sunits wirih
a pigkini assd a dg as her lell imates.
'A studsenit passing testreet caethle
sbll stit otlbosinds asd sessi it bck. it
tass causght y "el ire tillsall oserese
in te istrciins ii Yist's lisosk sand
its a flash boedeiblak i a wiay that
wsouldl isakeSuant esnis.
Artiste'1'. 11,19g. last year ose ocithle
W~ily's assoite -etoissr, adilastreseit
Canadlians etoer Osithe IDeriiNess.
speinsSuniiday ini Anni Arisr.

SEVtilDs I) SiN10R 1I1'I''ICKisl F' WELCOMES F:
Cli II
Anoherticet aperd nth U ed he President G'ives
iiey tafthsli ior c las. T e iktNew Stud
is hssea edl iy Hf rystic I Contisib i oniiii'of
lh ots o h aiu fie s p ion- usr s iiiwich 'it'edsits
ics o e ]oton, ists an it esi add tleressth i lsr 'i
'list icet' its fish i s si oliiii s : c iess- st'en w case hc
liut aisy ItC. isgltlis i cs'e'iresi--old studentus stly i)i'.
sesit.Miss lUtile S. Stasis, sec'reiar'e, Tbe Sstisse ades
;luiss'' thl T ylor:i' t easrert' fy'\V tvc tul- as one vii
itrle ;bskletbll n isis'ss'NI iss i 'ituit "Chrissitiniy is inot
fo , tightess iss lice Cii lk is his enik e n
poetess. Miss littiltit ii tioratir davi lIN particular s
AletC.O gr e tat ase.Ki1 lto o iiiiiit
Ke n Iey iiibie C \ra tor ica b ld~e el-patseiai

Wisrds of Advice!AD T .

iii r iiiha l, ii l
guiw~l ti c c
c1(()1i 51'i'iii to

CI liii I V''iAVORS SIN ?.B1C
C'iiC'RzsIC. Meeting of Freshmen at Ferry Field
- -- fPrecipitates Class Rush --Two In-
i'ieani Cooulsy.oftthI ecusgisst's'riss dle' structors Forced to Climb Trees
atest Ws inite'r'v' itued esserdayeci-by the '09 Men.
t si l i' iiiitt 'ilop sed lhisst's'fits t'e cut-


greatlyered t ibrry onanigex- whc
lit'ss, iand the like Y si -wtitetral
nu e siavailiiids.iiWihiini iltheiiii ''c i c
sits he avtili citi siltsi n' il

111 't'I
1 l l E' (. (
t , "u' i

A ig i51c'aitsgist', ing ctiset. Wh e s ketdicif(tra
vv«>5" ddu s- itelllet on sthelisubcsj't'i lt'hetansasidti AC srss ori'ratheru ndtshress reersal
the1 issues forsie ss' lits ts'e siltsit sllterI en rrest d '''st h sto a ite' cmedt'ty' dramats, ''Thie' I usiiu
listsi t''t 'sssde- sssitee' ls de'a' togest''r sil it ' v- Ssisires," nts eactced onSit ises iticit
e m clelisofie atr, n h tthesits' r- lst n i ts '('les reslhies'swe're' (le "ctis"
iit s bad sked 1 sto thhlt eir ((less e "(li e s rs," stand i fat thelit'whoulue ssast
tiltusitnibutsa fesit iilss earus. (Te reort si iis osti u ers irssecten ('sssre' fithet''8 c lsss,
.jd ao vlc t o elsh i itsby t e ommissteen ut een'l i in ts' glieins'sg r'ays'oitthis
mpi-d. ]hss -is huesng th rfoe al e f icills limit i re f it ear then sttr'dlutist
is sti~ here-leresd austits tititBitrits or- t'oftthe occasi 'iith piono
to In en lf, ll Inni cipaion ft he reptitit I his'' le fauslt .
te ieas pcit hm ii n itod s The (le tsisuuess isse (le honor th (Iis yasr
i t li i f, l hit r!05 I i ll f 5 5attor it silof sthe a ge.' sit tpe'ig hosiiies w illsurstisinssg
~f which uc are I'fitscthu it suite be(Said. "sifr d b MC ]le s iths ilo 'lsed t' 'e'ti
e : ._ II d~cop na o gnealeduaton wh ca nt nsitu scsitsseusec e' sill suply ill
icy ist t iiitmuu. iiri s uitsdle the pinut us ti tdhltti ll ACussArCr i s'shortul, atutu fusesv'eertil
f Isc ris u I h edy t cp it h itheiipruoblims'ofShurusatgrouptof htlss, est. hiless.
"fll ateln lt of tic fiur. Tw nt ya',uc a'goth(liefi'll aughty-ntine' sun its iis ialsiss t
the 55n ''n ilititr tmtv'°tdlhis irt sw it tile tslts't'i among5 the t i iresofth t l ho' ne(tiitttt
'r m , te bro . T d} heue si . sesorkCwttuh (sisy situditein andiutootll ongi thti le'
itn cinr- mts'. itus u itta nii' thsitu ft c aiuti branchs ofsiryofty isususin llstato
c " ti his's' els ii u'in~.g ofu'ut't Ititiy su'uucs its lonetiu Ltstbebtshwilsper'ldi'T wolh it i tut
c, .r id s'strsluts. suisxi ;I sihssss i sg''ust''u'usf Itetu y'yeas's intu ictrs, Buttei'eldiosit hiss' m ca
rli i ilin ., \ hrC hut' st l's ' isltt (lus ssut of ui sletar tuet i, atdsh ltutu iC'itil' tlg utor.l'
felt i ctst to thielirst chi ssst u tbltseuak
i fthlisttutrtic Rusheiduts ytiat briadeiof
th nda iasesliestof e s sisss iu Iti te
lit lutisted util 55 t retretus aiiisit il
su a II v it s i t, th is. Ic )m (tit, t h
ir uist lushrncr of 5'.e till usts'lit r~
r f susul ii th stese tlued III t it
tiso lu fll cent) ofths lsh e(us ils T hu
listro s t stilet uit issi lutst tead li
s 'lit ltirstm th s fn a h a o
4isitleth'nd t'sstucd suits re e 'h'ed uh ' tilt'
a .r mI lill t lah to tstiftlI'St his '
N1,.5t5aed alisthli tita(tilt-illsrelb'r'e'ittt5
lu he amw fthh e snsabbleto heree
itii yt' Aissuhs n ussc oils Ii ' boot i flloews
us ste ststllK ustsash "bogos e gansit hbst it t opptesdu
"sisiu g f ' St ahiss ai'cs l r h isnu stuhe tlfre ish (ur
it i, a emptatio >It dc~tt o lugs' iteer ising s'ug' lu e eo c oeetrann h rw
- igcreltio.55 i t't hus'The llac uly ig'fy'h'sse. gcnltris'ng sch i audsle sfus e . Iielu iu t n
it In hi c5'hucu'iheel ci'ivi igt I tur 'tou t srods' h orgnisgatonsplan '('he fsein -i
i cl cisis Ci e o. eerl huhi n r-hr hn e afetes5 tuh o te m sr
efll hf e on m m ilm r l ulehnilu t r in ing. s he of, ithts et uealurussthep rrm(hi hist' tousss
,u tr lthes su tn ci iii i t i 'll:i g ineering dui- the 'wod had seen'pwsu e d(li' mongsi as's
rton ol otto mg tic(-suig shuwht' he prosspuec'itg. es su r a ss cemeti.' l i'y g otu. s ersry
felo~hp. Alkc tht he ixyer s t ilt' gnclcs fielda ft er I i ghtfc ll."Tw eysi wresuc ts
co pusoy ''bscors its l ''''n te c lii'o s cmmicerisusirthwit emu oa'ble
p l te eu tis nrteeuil t h inus engtineue'ingou'tti uuhe itit n'igt.sy asIt lsss 'uitlst' i he s ssuiawe
'r Itr do N\ till your' year law- cou se, t th u s u'uugis'cnssg' ie 9m c . h y o ,p se
raca nd hs s nth avr orstw dgeeon 'word.usuTe s',w fr"(hi ct ch nhe uut
Ipene sh stsiiis's withutss a chilensiuge
vcayinsussul (li ad t e prem'atuhtre' 'ushi wssouss
hi 'u suit ee; ho gl tlt'e gift sit$l60l,0tltiy1']'. iH. (Stn trshsmanussnabbuhedh usthi skhirmsis
tau~d . Sw - Shutslisltou i' lhsIsthe bo r u egnts, thusfaitiedh aw sy' i(lus nssthea Is o is ssupsl-
t f awv arie tuii ait o I insitg' i t u o, isis a sistin urses. lies hdswaulowe'dI Iis
s~l} fC dlanv uit lduss t ingr t' e m n fthlb iii luasrt le fures hewas tedserly lush away
luistwi i dc s ill; lisbitehu sshihu'i'l utu~ itch t h le'prscription suit i n u a~trry's
I sh. e bulig wilpovd rug hie'
fe 1r cnd N s tillnsci ot eruit sfuss'the ist'luss s' twomien' s w ilingIhsands, freshmenssss shinnedsul up
srit lue tionstic(Csontinusedl isispage .)

they s h shfinit555neclly't ric
as ''aths se t s ightess oustil hlt
Iemo ia builing Itngc',tuehrs-
woud sh qite il slistos cts suts5thei
titos's'msutin1d5 equini
Profesor Davtis and i:ccsitat iistu
ianKc av en csing5"abouttAis
i lt mea '.s5of 5i- '.555lthi' 'e ec ssary'
iuns T(li veexi ushtiiedsketcc'.shut
d~ifferntarhistseclstushnd intend us io ait
inir ptolulsrihuto t aussinterestusntile
'('hue hhlitsry is einguraidlyh o 'ut
grownss by theiuivessityusus5hich culeres
sandultileteeth forsnewstochsuk ruosusus
tnits'sacc un istesity press.' I tutusi
sutre'urnt everyiey'etr.
lsurly inthe out '. aucirntitt ffs'tnws-
madsue' by Ptrufessors Iai is h iuse a1(tius.
foir the ut'rposssssh ndfour at'iwh.iiitiot'ted
us if $(5.uann wusildhue' uontruibutedrasa
nusclesus hby' 'hgest Barounrhss. 'A tsa
titehes. wevaer, tsc gy susiumt sill'stiots'
wss' p rmsttit'tttsinitsthe i nd sis ssioft hlt'sit-
sleutsntushndfaculty' 'tdh Si. Barurssitsn-his
(Contitttinue utunusagi' M

IN , trii~iuim tw1 tha
fc ~(I ll tush dowithi
i sit Cfhiss> lis sit
th c us us htionsutw
dent 1111hriistilt aiiio

C lei
l .

Cln usthsi iss Iisussui huh
Cussb CusI lit liA.iii 1S
lstssliec'. Tecs

Order the



42.00 Cash with Order DE~LIVER.Y STARTS IMMEDIATELY Nio BSck N~M ubers cs.r be F+ vrmfsed

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