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January 29, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

… Weather The last quarter - and It's getting colder. Sir 4b Iat Editorial Worrying About Final , t { VO. XLIX. No. 93 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JAN. 29, 1939 PRICE #lVE CENTS Refugee Horde Forced Across French Border Former Presidential Aide Says FDR May Run Again, Congress Puts New Relief Bill By Rebel Push Loyalist Soldiers, Civilians Overrun French Border As Franco 'Takes Over' Insurgents Control Most Of Catalonia BAR...…

January 28, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

… Weather Cloudy, slowly rising tempera- ture and -roabi ;m 5-- Sicr Iat&J Editorial - Guard Campus From Foolish Females! Glory Of War --- Exploded By First Shell VOL. XLIX.' No. 92 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, 1ICHtIGAN SATURDAY, JAN. 28, 1939' PRICE FIVE CENTS Democracies Rush Program For Military Preparedness English Spokesmen Warn Hitler; France Moves To Increase Reserves FDR Favors Selling Planes To France (By Associated Press) Franco's victori...…

January 27, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…fir.. -y ICloudy and w, az r C. ma ' Sic iganh AO Dait Editorial A Code For Cyclists in lection ?Procediz'e - VOL. XLIX. No. 91 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, ICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JAN. 27, 1939 PRICE FiVE CENTS ._ t Epidemic Threat New Curfew For Freshman Women Is Set; Perils SurvTivors O f Chilean Quake Judiciary Council Permission To A.M. Week-Day Li nits 9:30 Nights Hundreds Of Bodies Lyin In City Streets; Rescw Workers Help Refugees Esti...…

January 26, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

…Weather Snow and not so cold today; tomorrow cloudy and not so warm. Sir igrn dm2mc=mlMmhh..- Ahr AL Editorial Doctos Bils. VOL. XLIX. No. 90 Z-23 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JAN. 26, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS .. nsurgents Encircle 3arcelona; Flames lage Through City Loyalists Refuse To Quit; Thousands Are Trapped As Bombing Continues Insurgents Urge City To Surrender HENDAYE, Jan. 25 -(P).-- Shell- fire and Spanish Insurgent sieg...…

January 25, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…Weather Continued cold. I AML- A& tr ~zti~ij Editorial Two Minutes For Democracy / VOL. XLIX. No. 89 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 25, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS Chiefs Of CIO Snub Martin; Name Thomas 'Acting'_Head Decision Is Made Public In Detailed Statement Of Two Vice-Presidents Charge Violations Of U.A.W. By-Laws WASHINGTON, Jan. 24-()-The CIO announced today its "complete support and recognition" of the In- ternatio...…

January 24, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

…Weather Rain or snow today; VOL. XLIX. No. 88 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JAN. 24, 1939 Editorial A Primerx For ]Democracyea. Tomn Mooney's Wasted Years.. PRICE FIVE CENTS Federal-State Public Health Plan Is Asked "By Roosevelt Proposal Would Provide Socialized Care To All For Low Annual Rate Congress Is Asked To Study Measure WASHINGTON, Jan. 23-P)-A vast program of Federal-State health activities, to cost ultimately $850,- 000,000-...…

January 22, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

…Weather Severe cold wave today; con- tinued cold tomorrow, snow. IL Sir Jan jIai1li Editorial Labor Incorporation Still A Dead Issue? . I i ommiammomom VOL. XLIX. No. 87 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JAN. 22, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS U - U Franco Seizes Second Vital Point In Drive On Barcelona Rail Center On Coast Falls As Two Lines Advance Within 23 Miles Of City Loyalists Repulse Foe At Third Point HENDAYE, France (At the Spa...…

January 21, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

…I WeBather Considerable cloudiness today; mueh, colder tomorrow. A 44 )t VOL. XLIX. No. 86 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JAN. 21, 1939 Move To Oust Hitler Removes Him Adolf Hitler 'Frolic Heads Lst Fellers, This Ain't Martin' Begun Reorganizes AreSelected TEMPE, Ariz Jan. 20--The ArTMPE izna ri JB. F-(h-T" j H ectic Fia .u u~ Arizona State Teachers College cam- Exe u ve c s apylresfimen pus quieted down today after three uproarious da...…

January 20, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

…Weather Cloudy today and tomorrow, probably light, snow. SitIga Iait Editorial The Face-Lifting Of The Court,.. -*to t6, VOL. XLIX. No. 85 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JAN. 20, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS Class Of '42 To Pick Frosh Frolic Heads At Polls Today Literary College Candidater Receiving Vote Majorityt Will Become Chairmanw 29 Enter Contests For Eight Positions Freshmen in the literary and en-I gineering colleges will go to t...…

January 19, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…Weather Local snows today; tomnorrow mostly cloiu L Sictian ~~Iait VOL. XLIX No. 84 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JAN. 19, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS French Spurn Loyalist Pleas; Madrid Sends Catalonia'Aid South Offers 60,000 Men As Pressure Of British Compels ,French Action Franco Tightening Northern Blockade PARIS, Jan. 18-(A-The Govern- ment bowed today to British pressure by agreeing to keep the Spanish fron- tier closed to aid for...…

January 18, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

… Weather +nw and wider. 1 VOL. XLIX. No. 83 __A________Y____ VO.XX o 3Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18, 1939 Editorial Arms For Democracy.. PRICE FIVE CENTS Speech Post Will Be Filled By Densmore Davis Is Named Assistant Literary College Dean By Board Of Regents Densmnore Awarded Full Professorship Passamaquoddy And Ship Canal May Receive New Appropriations Prof. Gail E. Densmore has been appointed chairman of the speech3 dep...…

January 17, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

… Weather Cloudy today: snow Wednesday followed by Thursday Y Ar Alo, low 4tj t CIL r t VOL. XLIX. No. 82 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JAN. 17, 1939 __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _, PRICE FIVE CENTS Badger Rally Whips Frantic Michigan Five By42-39Score Lead CIanges Six Times In Final Period As Game Turns Into 'Dog-Fight' Tom Harmon Stars, Scoring_14 Points By TOM PHARES After 13 minutes of play last night, Wisconsin's...…

January 15, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

… Weather Continued fair and c Fitt". Y Sic ig an I&I illi 1.Editorial Justice Where Justice Is Dau Turbulent Germany 'I VOL. XLIX. No. 81 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JAN. 15, 1939 PRICE FIVE France Moves To Scare Duce; Masses Troops INorth Africa Mediterranean Will Bristle When French Atlantic Fleet HoldsSpring Drill Paris Fears Italy's Influenee I Spain PARIS, Jan. 14--(P)-France today ordered displays of force from, one e...…

January 14, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…Sir igan 4I3i1II Editorial in Re Susidi1gZa tion VOL. XLIX. No. 80 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JAN. 14, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS Loyalists Evacuate Ebro Banks Before Rebels' Eastward Sweep Recruits Hurriedly Depart a city of women tonight as every rr ,. (, available man made ready to leave House Balks President's New Atack In Brunete BACELONA, Jan. 13.-(P)-The Spanish Government announced to- night evacuation of the Ebro River ar...…

January 13, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

… Weather Cloudy, snow today or tonight. Y Sic iJan AIP at Editorial U Professional Football: Why Not . Gone Are The Days . VOL. XLIX. No. 79 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JAN. 13, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS Senate Group Corroborates Frankfurter's Appointnment, Public Hearings Produce Enthusiastic Applause For Harvard Professor r Nominee ReaffirmsI Faith In Constitution WASHINGTON, Jan. 12 .-(-P)- A Senate judiciary sub-committee ap- ...…

January 12, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…Cloudy, 1: chang Weather ight snow; no deeid-id g'e in temperature. Y Lw igan ti VOL. XLIX. No. 78 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JAN. 12, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS Hopkins Sticks By His Record' In Senate Quiz; Mtir hy Is Hit Refuses To Retract Word He Uttered; Admits He Said Too Many Of Them Rep. Hoffman First' To Attack Murphy WASHINGTON, Jan. 11-(/P)-Har- ry Hopkins, seeking confirmation as Secretary of Commerce, sat before a Senat...…

January 11, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…WFeather Cloudy and colder, posibly l VOL. XLIX.' No. 77 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 11, 1939 r Editorial When Hitler Looks North , , PRICE FIVE CENTS House Advised To Pare WPA Spending By 150,.Millions New Deal Leaders Silent As Sub-Committee Scores Appropriation For Relief President Hopes For A Restoration WASHINGTON, Jan. 10-(P)-The first comittee of Congress to act upon any art of President Roose- velt's new spending progr...…

January 10, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

… Weather Continued rain with lowering temperature tomorrow Y lflw iga Dm133H Editorial Iliranumna And The Anti-Communist Pact VOL. XLIX. No. 76 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, rUESDAY, JAN. 10, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS U U U Athletic Board Seeks Breach With Colleges Paying Players Asks Amateur Institutions Stop Scheduling Schools Guilty Of Proselyting Says 'Professionals' Should PlaySelves By BUD BENJAMIN The Board In Control of Physical...…

January 08, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…Weather Cloudiness today and tomorrow, Slightly warmer tomorrow. Y £frt igan I~aitii Editorial Germany's5 Fourth Front..t VOL. XLIX. No. 75 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JAN. 8, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS Olson Grants Labor Leader Tom Mooney Full Freedom Famous Prisoner Pledges Life To Peaceful Pursuit Of 'New Social Order' Governor's Action Ends 21-Year Term SACRAMENTO, Calif., Jan. 7,- 4)M -Thomas J. Mooney, Labor's long- imprisone...…

January 07, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…Weatber Fa~jr -pd colder. LI L Sic iganr I:ait Editorial TileGov ernor's Message... The Acid Test For Civil Service . l PRICE FIVE CEN VOL. XLIX. No. 74 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SA'TURDAY, JAN. 7, 1i939 PRICE D'I'VE CENI Wil(b" Mooney Pardon Seen Imminent 600 Students, zc ro QujiltetIfqT oday After Twenty-OreYearsFaltDne Cfere ce' Season Vindication Is Expected and packing ti~25Tpainvewath a-"Village1 aInHi C o V S fe E' , .way...…

January 06, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

…Weather Cloudy and colder, possible snow. Yi t e Lie igani~ Abr :43 at t to Editorial IDo You Want The Truth?. Required Reading For Congressmen . . VOL. XLIX. No. 73 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JAN. 6, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS Fr ankfurter, Noed Liberal, Named To Fill Court Yaea'ney Senate Apparently Certain To Confirm Selection, Praising Legal Abilities Murphy's Chances Called Favorable WASHINGTON, Jan. 5-AP)-Har- vard's noted libe...…

January 05, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

… Weather Rain, sleet or snow probable today. OF Sitr igan ttl Editorial National Defense And South America VOL. XLIX. No. 7 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JAN. 5, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS New Premier Builds Cabinet' For Japan On Fasc stie Lines Movement Behind Scenes Forces Prince Konoye's Removal For Hiranuma Strong Army Group Stands Behind Shift TOKYO, Jan. 5 -(')-(Thursday)- - Baron Kilchiro Hiranuma, fascist-in- clined president ...…

January 04, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…I Weather Cloudiness today; tomorrow probabilysnow. L G Sic ig0n jIaitli Editorial A New Era In Trust-Busting? . More Refutation Of Coughlin Speeches. VOL. XLIX No.71 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 4, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS Tokyo Cabinet Resigns Amid Policy Schism' On China War' Konoye Government Out After 6 Stormy Months Of Emergency Decrees Holidays Postpone Official Resignation TOKYO, Jan. 4- (P) -Premier Prince Fumimar...…

January 30, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Continued unsettled; possibly rain turning to sleet. L Sir igu ttt EditoriaL, Beware Of Freedom .. . Silk Stockings And War .. . -ONNONOW VOL. XLVIIL No. 94 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JAN. 30, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS _______r___________________ PRICE FIVE CENTS Blast In Italy Kills Fifteen; Many Injured Explosion Of Munitions Devastates Segni; Said To Be Worst In History Mussolini Arrives To Survey Debris SEGNI, Italy, ...…

January 29, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Snow and wanner, with fresh southwest, winds. Sir& ~kzitF Editorials Spame The Drugs And Save The S4m~tit « .. A Lesson In Journali in«.. Vn'tT, VTVliYi_ N. 9 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JAN. 29, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS I V kJ4...LJ V ZS M mmom i _. Hull Protests Man-handling Of U.S.Official By Jap Soldier State Department Report Of Incident Different From Japanese Version Allison Labels The Attack Unwarranted WASHI...…

January 28, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

…i The Weather Fair, not so cold today; to- morrow snow, and somewhat warmer. C, 4.... r Lit igu Ar i3attij. Editoriav& Would That It Were So. . . ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JAN. 28, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS 'VT VT VhfNo. 9 1 "Y a. ===== aa . u. a IN is . . Japs Charge U. S. Official Was Insolent Claim American Diplomat Deserved Slap In Face From Sentry At Nanking State Department Reveals Sharp Note SHANGHAI, Jan. 28.--(Friday)-...…

January 27, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…W The Weather Continued cold today; tomor- rom, possible snow flurries and colder. C7, A6F Ap 4jjtr4 t 9 an ~Iatj Editorials Who Opposes 'T'his Bill, Anyway? .. . is A Good Offense The Best Defense? VOL. XLVIII. No. 91 Two-Day Cold Spell Lets Up; "Ontario Is Hit Only Two Lives Reported Lost But Undetermined Number Still Isolated Transportation By Snow Shoes Only A storm which had crippled a quar- ter of Michigan for two days rolled on...…

January 26, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

… The Weather Snow and continued Cold, Stronig northwe-stern wimbi., 12- sic igan~ jkit Editora1iv ~Possible Rsilts Of The Irish Stew,,. VOL. XLVIII. No. 90 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 26, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS 'I f ! Bigger Army Is Hinted At By Roosevelt President Ready To Ask More Money For Both Branches Of Defense Preparedness Urged By House Leader WASHINGTON, Jan. 25.-(P)-The United States Army may be greatly strength...…

January 25, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Snow, with strong winds to- day; tomorrow cloudy, snow; severe cold wave tonight. L Sit i 4tg an IIaitj Editorial Thanks B. & G.... League Of Nations Seems Beleaguered... VOL. XLVIH. No.89 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JAN. 25, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS III I II IwIMrIMMr"IOl rr I I I Rebels Claim Teruel Quitted After Deadly Artillery Blast American Volunteer Units Are Reported Destroyed In Insurgent Dispatch Government Holds S...…

January 23, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

… The Weather Gtenerally fair today and to- inorro w; not much lchange in templerature." 12 £6fr iga m ~Iui4; Editorials Andrew Jackson And The Merit System.. VOL. XLVIII. No. 88 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JAN. 23, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENT$ 3 [ f Government Wins Verdict Over Oil-Men Conviction Ends 3-Month Battle; Delay Sentences To Hear Defense Moves Defendants Facing Prison And Fines MADISON, Wis., Jan. 22.-()-The Government marked...…

January 22, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Cloudy with easterly winds; slight change in temperature. C, 4r Sir igir Iat&4 Editorials It's An III lWind, And Blows No Good... VOL. XLVIII. No. 87 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JAN. 22, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS Circuit Court UpholdsTVA, Ends Hearing Injunction Refused Utility Companies Who Sought Invalidation Of Project Cite Supreme Court Decision In Ruling CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., Jan. 21.- (P)-Tennessee Valley Authority com- p...…

January 21, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

… The Weather Snow in north, rain or snow in south today; tomorrow partly cloudy. Y Aklt igan ~5IaitF Editoriab Tammany Is Still Hanging Around Railroad Fares... VOL. XLVIII. No. 86 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JAN. 21, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS FrenchCabinet Unites Defense UnderDaladier Coordination Of Military Thought To Be Solution Of Tactical Difficulties Move On The Eve Of Confidence Vote PARIS. Jan. 20.-(P)-Premier Ca- mille Chautemps'...…

January 20, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

…The 'weather~ 4 Snow or rain, rsing tempera-w tures todav; tomorrow snow and colder. .rtH. VOL. XLVIII. No. 85 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JAN. 20, 1938 Editorials Opposition... To Dormitries... Parliament'iE Coal Bill .. . PRICE FIVE CENTS I France's New Cabinet Drafts ReformPledge Gesture Is Made To Retain Support Of Old Popular Front Government Bloc Age Pensions; Farm Insurance Promised PARIS, Jan. 19.-(P)-Premier Ca- mille Chautemps'...…

January 19, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Occasional snow today and tomorrow; rising temperature tomorrow. L r e Mf 1tr iga ~Iat Editorials Who Does He Think, Etc., Anyhow? .. The Rebels' Press Agent? . VOL. XLVII. No. 84 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 19, 1938 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S PRICE FIVE CENTS 17 Are DeadIn Quebec School Conflagration-; 27 Are Missing Firemen Helpless As Blaze Consumes Wood Interior In Sub-Zero Weather Hospitalization Is Necessar...…

January 18, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Occasional snow today and tomorrow; not much change in tetgperatLure. C, 41 r Mf ian jIaitti Editorials Education Made Easy ... Our Navy Worries Japan ,. . VOL. XLVIII. No. 83 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JAN. 18, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS Big' Business Reed's Appointment May Lessen LeaderWLegalRestctons, Bates Says LeaderWantsl, Sees More Flexible View the restrictions which the court has Tf Constitution As Result read into th...…

January 16, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Warmer to(LI v t now and colder too-awrttw. c r" jL4r Sir igan~ctl :43att Editoriab Where Are Wer Going?. __...... VOL. XLVIII. No. 82 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JAN. 16, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS Varsity Five Trims, Minnesota, 31-16, In Last Half Rally Gophers Held To Three Points In Second Half By AirtightDefense Wolverine Height Dominates Losers MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 15.--()-The{ University of Michigan basketballj team...…

January 15, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Fair today; tomorrow cloudy, snow flurries in north; no de- cided change in temperature. L Lt igaul ~Iat Caibinet Crisis in Franee. Campds Periodicals.. . VOL. XLVIII. No.81 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JAN. 15, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS Bonnet Seeks To Form New, Popular Front Government Former Finance Minister Confers With President Lebrun And Chautemps Guardsmen Patrol Streets Of Paris PARIS, Jan. 14.-()-Georges Bonnet, ...…

January 14, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Snow in north and rain or snow in south, slightly warmer. Part- ly cloudy. A XLII AW AokPP low AWUt"Or4tgan ~~Iait Editorials Education Vs. Society? . VOL. XLVIII. No. 80 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JAN. 14, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS Demoralized Rebels Bolt Franco Army Loyalists Recapture Teruel Leaving Uneasiness Rife In Insurgent Forces Cavalry Attempts To Halt Deserters GIBRALTAR, Jan. 13.-()-In- creasing desertions and unea...…

January 13, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Generally fair and somewhat colder today; tomorrow snow or rain. 012 Sir igau : Iztit*3 Editoriaf Judge Lynch, Jim Crow And Uncle Sam... The New Deal Vs. Monopolies... VOL. XLVIII. No. 79 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JAN. 13, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS PRICE FIVE CENTS -_ i I HockeyTeam Beaten, 2-1, ByGophers Allen Scores Wolverines' Lone Tally Unassisted; Janmes Stars In Net Penalties Aid Teams In Scoring Plays MINNEAPOL...…

January 12, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Rain v snow north, and rain turning to snow in south; colder in west today. L Sir&iAzi 30att Editorial, The Ludlow Proposal.. Battle Of Te'ruel.. VOL. XLVIII. No. 78 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 12, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS Adequate Aid For Michigan Relief Pledged) At Whitehouse f Murphy, In Washington, Says Slump Is Serious But AppearsTemporary Finds Evidence Of Automotive Upturn WASHINGTON, Jan. 11.-(P)- Governo...…

January 11, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Snow today and tomorrow, rising tenperawure tody; colder tomorrow. L 5k igucn '6F Editori'ab, (Of 1 rit'7ilities VOL. XLVIII. No. 77 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JAN. 11, 1938 PRICE FIVE GENTS War Referendum Bill Is Voted Down By House, 209-188' Proposal Would Provide For Nation-Wide Poll On Declaration OfSWar Administration Scores Victory WASHINGTON, Jan. 10.-011)-The proposed Ludlow amendment requir- ing a popular ...…

January 09, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…0 The Weather Generally fair, continued cold today, tomorrow unsettled. LI e .ddL- LA&b. XIIF A6F A& Iait Editorials CGeneral Motors And The Recessiont. d VOL. XLVIH. No. 76 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JAN. 9, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS - - __ I i Roosevelt Warns Of Finish Battle' With Monopolists Theologian To Speak Japan's Fleet "agers Take I Raises Fears ForShingtao In Conference llini, 45-37 Pledges Support To End Evils In ...…

January 08, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Mostly cloudy today; partly cloudy, continued cold tomor- row. 12 A& A& .414t r4t g "n 4 t Editorials Anchors Aweigh.. . ''he B att'l Of Lister Hill VOL. XLVIII. No. 75 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JAN. 8, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS Martin Claims Half Of Detroit, Auto Workers! i I 1 U.S., England Negotiate For Trade Accord Regents Get $93,000 And Promote Two Bullets Didn't FazeBora Backs Him-But Weather t Are Now Idl...…

January 07, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Snow flurries and colder to- day; tomorrow generally fair, continued cold. C, 4r Lt igan Iaitj Again They Go Fishing For Herring.. The Changing Concept of Toleration ... ' VOL. XLVIII. No. 74 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JAN. 7, 1938 Sextet Trips Tech Miners In 5-2 Rout Draws First Blood In Fight Over Mythical State Title Before Small Audience Fisticuffs Enliven Hard-Fought Battle A Modern Student Makes Ris Way Japs Mena...…

January 06, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Increasing cloudiness and con- tinued cold today and tomor- row. PF iga ~&ritF Editoriak Fascism FordRumania... MudPyes. On monooly... VOL.LVIII. No. 73 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JAN. 6, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS NLRB Denies Ford's Retrial As He Pledges FightTo End Company Brands Findings Of Board Unsupported; Court Appeal Now Set Refuses To Comply With Board Orders ST.LOUIS, Jan. 5.-P)-In an amended answer to charges of u...…

January 05, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Generally fair and somewhat colder today; tomorrow unset- tled and not so cold. C, 4.... r Sic4i 3ait Editorials As Congress Goes Into Action... Taps For Gen. Ludendoriff.. VOL. XLVIII. No. 72 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 5, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS rrr rirr. r r r wri i i Urges Ta ing Special Benefit Funds To Aid State's Need Sen. Brake Wants To Use Unemployment Benefit Fund For Welfare Proposal Says Fund Serves No Pu...…

January 04, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…9 The Weather Generally fair today and to- morrow; colder today; iting temperature tomorrow. , C, 4 r Sir ian ilattH Editorial, Pull Out Your Own Brick.. Here We Go Into 1938 VOL. XLVIII. No. 71 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JAN. 4, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS Butler Defeats Quintet 38-35 For Varsity's Initial Setback Bulldogs Foil Michigan's Defense By Sinking 12 Long Shots In Hoop Townsend Stopped As Fishman Stars By RAY GOODMAN INDIANAPOL...…

January 31, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

…s The Weather Rain turning to snow, colder today; tomorrow generally fair. L A6F 41P .Iiitr4t g an 1 EditorialB Some Aspects Of The Automobile Labor Dispute .. . VOL. XLVII No. 94 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JAN. 31, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS Murphy Reassuines Duties Of Mediator In GM-UAW Battled Strike Storm Center Use Of Courts Declared To Be One Of Peaceful Settlement Methods Governor Refuses To Disclose Plans Failure Of Sloan-Perkin...…

January 30, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…f The Weathe, Rain in South; show or rain in north portion today; tomor- row cloudy and colder. LI E Lie igauF iIaitii Editorials End Of The TVA Power-Pool Project .. . VOL. XLVII No. 93 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JAN. 30, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS Mississippi Slowly Rising As Dead Approach 350; Levee Line Still Holding Ohio Receding In Its Own Valley; Yet To Empty Into Mid-West Stream $400,000,000 Set As National Damage Stricken Are...…

January 29, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

…0 The Weather, Mostly clouidy andlcolder taday with mtodera~jte northwest w inds. LI e A6F A6F 1 Editorials Mr.uEistian On Russia .. . VOL. XLVII No. 92 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY JAN. 29, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS GM Renews Effort &..21i NLR.B Seeks To Mediate Writer To Lecture T o ijEc tlerm ectStikers-- Auto Strike Asks St. Louis Court To 'For er E lo s {Vacate Limiting Stay, Raging River Endangers Cairo, Memphis Levees; 333 Is La...…

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