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January 10, 1939 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-01-10

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Continued rain with lowering
temperature tomorrow


lflw iga


Iliranumna And
The Anti-Communist Pact

VOL. XLIX. No. 76





Athletic Board
Seeks Breach
With Colleges
Paying Players
Asks Amateur Institutions
Stop Scheduling Schools
Guilty Of Proselyting
Says 'Professionals'
Should PlaySelves
The Board In Control of Physical
Education, in its anhual report yester-
day, denounced increased football
professionalism and proposed that
institutions which adhere to amateur-
ism sever athletic relationships with
schools guilty of proselyting.
In sharp terms, the Board struck
at colleges which permit open subsi-
dization and suggested that such in-
stitutions b rated along with pro-
fessional teams in competitive circles.
The Board recommended tha the
National Collegiate Athletic Associa-
tion bar guilty institutions from their
ranks and added that "professional
and semi-professional teams" should
"play among themselves."
Report Is 20 Pages
The report, a comprehensive 20
page document dealing with every
phase of the physical educatioj de-
partment, was signed by Prof. Ralph
Aigler, chairman of the board.
The verbatim statement reads:
"The close of the football season has,
as usual, brought further discussions
of intercollegiate athletics in general
and of football in particular. Various
evils have been pointed out and occa-
sionally remedies suggested. One of
these re-examinations of the subjct
published in a popular magazine and
written by the president of an out-
standzng midwestern university (Ed.
note-Robert M. Hutchins, president
of the University of Chicago) has at-
tracted a lot of attention. Some of it
is serious and some of it humorous.
Most of the article apparently is
based upon the study made, a number
of years ago, under the auspices of
the CrnCage oundation and pub-
ished in its 'well-known bulletin No.
23. The criticisms that have been
made of that Bulletin may also be
made of this discussion-practices'
that no doubt exist some places have
been played up as typical rather than
Decries Athletic Scholarships
"It must be admitted that there
are serious evils in the way in which
football, particularly, is conducted at
many institutions. There is little room
for difference of opinion, it is be-
lieved, that it is indefensible for a
supposedly educational institution to
hire athletes to represent it on the
playing field, and it is believed to be
even worse to hire them under the
guise of students by the award of
"athletic scholarships" or by such
devices as remissions of tuitions
granted to athletes as such. Most of
the difficulties arise out of an un-
willingness on the part of too many
institutions to have their athletic
teams sink to the natural levels of
accomplishment which man-power
of their normal student bodies would
"Sooner or later there must be a
separation of those institutions which
look upon intercollegiate athletics as
mere adjuncts of educational pro-
grains and whose . teams are com-
posed of young men whose presence

on the campus is due to a real desire
for a college education from those,
on the other hand, whose teams are
made up of hired performers.
"While such separation may involve
(oUntinueC on Page 3)
Hayden To Lecture
On StateTomorrow
"Modernization of Michigan State
Government" will be discussed by
Prof. Joseph R. Hayden, head of the
political science department, in a lec-
ture at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow in the
Amphitheatre of the Graduate School.
Professor Hayden was appointed
by former Governor Murphy to head a
committee on reform and moderni-I
zation of state government and the
report of this committee will be pub-
lished soon. The lecture is the sixth
in the public affairs series sponsored
by the American Association of
University Women under the super-
vision of Mrs. Stephens Attwood.

Pianist To Give

Veteran Josef Hofinann
To Be Choral Union
Josef Hofmann, world-famous pian-
ist, who has completed almost six
decades of concert pereformances,
comes to Ann Arbor at 8:30 p.m. to-
day as the fifth Choral Union pre-
sentation of the year.
Born in Oracow, Poland, of a
mother who was an operatic soprano
and a father who was a conductor,
pianist and composer, Hofmann be-
gan playing the piano at three. He
made his professional debut in War-
saw at five. He then toured Europe,
and, in 1887, came to America.
In recognition of his long career,
last year was celebrated as Hofmann's
Golden Jubilee year. Music centers
from coast to coast joined in tribute
to this fine airtist. To prove that crit-
its, who acclaimed him as being at
the height of his career now, were
right, Mr. Hofmann made a nation-
wide concert tour, giving 50 perform-
Capt. Tomkliis
To Speak Here
Briton Will Present Talk
And Pictures Thursday
The story of the last voyage by sail
around dangerous Cape Horn will be
related at 8 p.m. Thursday in Hill
Auditorium by Capt. Warwick M.
Tomkins as the fourth feature of the
Oratorical Lecture series.
Illustrated by motion pictures, the'
story of this 20,000 mile sea passage
in the 85-foot schooner "Wander
Bird" is a dranatic record of excite-
ment. danger and courage.
Captain Tomkins and his crew
sailed out of Gloucester Harbor in
1936. On the trip three major stops
were made and documentary film
material of exceptional value secured,
In the Azores Capt. Tomkins
secured pictures of the farms, the
peasants, the windmills, 'the thresh-
ing, the costumes, and, in contrast,
other features in sections where
modern customs have already been
Two of the most enthusiastic mem-
bers of the crew of ten who made the
arduous trip are the Captain's chil-
dren, Ann, aged 6, and "Commodore,"
aged 4. ,

U.S. Cuts Off
Of Airplanes
Munitions Control Board
Reports Moral Sanctions
Have M miniized Market
Spain Is Already
Kept From Buying
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9-(N)-Con-
gress learned today that "moral sanc-
tions" invoked by the State Depart-
ment against countries bobing civil-
ians have virtually shut cif .Japan's
purchases of military aircraft in the
United States.
This information was conveyed in
the annual report of the National
Munitions Control Board which said
the system of munitions export licen-
ses now in effect gave the Govern-
ment complete and current informa-
tion "on the exact quantities of arms,
ammunition and imnplements of war
which leave this country, the country
of destination of each shipment and
identity of the exporters."
To Blacklist Aggressors
The report made public for the first
time a circular letter the State De-
partment sent last July 1 to all air-
craft makers and exporters asking
their cooperation in keeping Ameri-
can planes out of the hands of na-
tions whose armed forces bombed
"The Department would with great
regret issue any licenses authorizing
exportation, direct or indirect, of any
aircraft or aircraft accessories, aerial
bombs or torpedoes to countries the
armed forces of which are making use
of airplanes for attack upon civilian
populations," this letter said.-
The Department asked all manu-
facturers and exporters having con-
tracts with foreign governments fall-
ing under the ban to report full de-
tails of their contracts to the De-
Japan's Name Doesn't Appear
The name of Japan did not appear
in the Board report in this connec-
tion, but it was reliably learned the
Department meant the order to apply
only to Japan and Spain. Spain was
not affected, however, because all
munitions shipments there are banned
by the 1937 embargo.
Despite the ban, Japan purchased
about $9,000,000 worth of military air-
craft and accessories here in 1938.
Most of the shipments were licensed,
however, before that country was in-
formally blacklisted for its civilian
bombings in China.
The Board's chairman is Secretary
of State Hull. The Board functions
under the Neutrality Act.
The Board reported that despite
rigid control through export licenses
forty airplanes which were manufac-
tured almost wholly from American
parts reached Spain last year., The
circumstances, now are being investi-
gated by the Department of Justice,
it said.
Senators To Quiz Hopkins
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9.-()P)-The
Senate Commerce Committee decid-
ed to ask Harry Hopkins some ques-
tions-possibly pointed ones, on poli-
tics in relief before passing upon his
fitness to serve as secretary of com-

Beauty Queens
In Close Battle
As End Nears
With a photo finish apparently in
the offing, partis 's of the leaders
in the election of 'he Beauty Queen
to rule over the 39 University Ice
Carnival were pre ring last night to
go to any lengths t insure the victory
of their entries.
As Thursday's deadline came closer,
the leaders in the election, which is
the first of its typ ever held in the
University, were separated by only
slim margins. Holding the lead by
less than one hundm d votes was Mari-
an Phillips, '41, a hor of the recent
Perspectives broci re, "Why I HateE
Men," which created a major stir ont
the campus a few weeks ago, withE
1111 votes.(
Trailing Miss Ph!llps, though close
together, were: Mrcia Connell, '39,
with 1097 votes, Jane Nussbaum, '40,J
1063 votes, and lfarian A. Baxter,
'39, 1047 votes. Cmplications arose
yesterday when four prominent
Washtenaw sororities threatened to
back Hercules Renda, diminutive foot-
ball star.
The Queen will be announced on
Thursday, in time to rule over the
Carnival on Friday night. "The Sin-l
ister Six," sponsors of the Carnival,E
have added to the mystery of the af-
fair by calling attention to the fact
that the Carnival will be on Friday,
the 13th.
The principal feature of the Carni-
val will be, as previously announced, a
mass exhibition of figure skating byI
the Olympia Skating Club of Detroit.
Judd Will Give
Talk Tomorrow;
I(i Asiatic War'
I ,'
Forner -lospital )ircelor
T o Discuss Significance
Of Sino - Jap Struggle1
Dr. Walter H. Judd, former headI
of a large hospital in the Chinese-1
Japanese war zone, will speak at 4:15t
p.m. tomorrow in the Union Ballroom
on "The Significance of the Present
Struggle in the Far East."1
Dr. Judd was head of Missions Hos-
pital in Fenchow until it was taken
over by the Japanese and has first
hand information and observations
made at the time of the capture.
Besides an interest in the present
war from the medical standpoint, Dr.
Judd feels that the neutral nations3
are supporting Japan far too
strongly. When speaking here on Nov.
8 of last year, he reported that he had
seen "American ambulances carrying
wounded civilians, American trucks
carrying alien soldiers over the 'good
earth' of China, American doctors
treating Chinese, men, women and
children wounded by American
bombs, and that he had had a part
in American relief, feeding refugees
under the shadow of airplanes flown
with American oil."
Dr. Judd will also speak to the
'medical students on "The Country
Doctor in China" at 10 a.m. and to
the Ann Arbor Rotary Club at a noon
luncheon meeting where his topic will
be "The Background of the Struggle
in China."
11939 .J-ilop lickets
To Go On Sale Friday

Troops Called
To Strengthen
Slovak Border
Barbed Wire Fence Strung
Along Demarcation Line
In Military Movement
Budapest Will Keep
Envoy From Prague
BUDAPEST, Jan. 9.-(3)-Soldiers
strung barbed wire across snow-cov-
ered fields along the Hungarian side
of the Carpatho-Ukrainian border to-
day and brisk military movements
were reported on both sides of the
troubled boundry.
No shooting was reported in the
Munkacs and Ungvar districts but
Hungarians reported a large Czech
and Ukrainian force had moved up
to the demarcation line at Derczen.
The Hungarians said X concentra-
tion of Hungarian troops near Derc-
zen forestalled another incident such
as that of last Friday when Munkacs
was shelled by Czecho-Slovak artil-
lery and the bombardment yesterday
of a village near Ungvar.
No Loss Of Life
Unlike the Munkacs incident, no
loss of life was reported from the
village of Nagygejoce where it was
said incendiary shells were used.
(Both Munkacs and Ungvar were
principal cities of Carpatho-Ukraine
(Ruthenia) before the Post-Munich
settlement of Nov. 2 at Vienna in
which 4,875 square miles of Czecho-
Slovakia, including a chunk from the
eastern or Carpatho-Ukrainian end,
were awarded to Hungary).
Hungary delayed returning its min-
ister to Prague, shortly hinting that
the clashes had endangered relations
between the Czecho-Slovak and Hun-
garian governments.
Minister Stays In Budapest
The Minister, Johann Wettstein
Von Westerhain, was in Budapest.
He explained he would remain here
until relations were "clarified."
The foreign office issued a state-
ment that another incident would
have far-reaching consequences. Each
country was reported quietly expelling
citizens of the other and the Hun-
garian Revisionist League charged
that "German influences" played a
part in the trouble.
Snow fell intermittently in the zone
of friction. Visibility was poor but
observers reported Czecho-Slovak
forces were bringing up materials for
building of pontoons near the village
of Gat in a swampy borderland re-
'Ilypntotic Powers'
Tell LocalFamily
,To Forsake flomek,
University psychologists today were
pondering the case of an Ann Arbor
family of six which Sunday night
sought protection in the Washtenaw
County jail from "an evil hynotic
power" that obsessed them with fear.
Apparently suffering with some
strange fixation, the family was on
the verge of mental collapse when it
reported to Washtenaw County Sher-
iff- Jacob R. Andres.
Milton Lasco, 29, father and hus-
band, told police that he sent three
weeks ago for a pamphlet which
promised to give him new power over:
himself and his life. The pamphlet
arrived, and with it a spinning dial
which was to show him his future.
This spinning dial continually
warned him of the evil awaiting him,
and indicated'that his home was un-

safe to live in Lasco declared. Obssed
by fear, the family finally left home
for "protection."
Sheriff Andres made arrange-
ments for the family to go to Ionia,
where Lasco has a deputy sheriff

Sophmomore Spark Plug

Varsity Wins First Big Ten
Game Of New Season
As 27 Fouls Are Called
Rae Individual Star,


14 Points

Mike Sofiak, diminutive sopho-
more forward, played a prominent
part in Michigan's victory over
Northwestern last night, scoring
three points, and shining on the
London To Ts
U ndefated lee
Wolverines Seek Revenge
For LastY ear's Loss
To Visiting Canadians
Michigan's undefeated hockey
team will have a real task on its
hands tonight. in trying to retain this
perfect record, when they come up
against the Athletic Club of London,
Ontario at the Coliseum.
With real determination Coach
Eddie Lowrey's squad will oe ready
to battle a team which last year
handed a powerful Wolverine sextet vt
13 to 2 defeat.
The London team will have the
same squad which came out on top in
last year's contest, while "Spike"
James and George Cooke will be the
only Michigan men who faced the
Canadian team last year.
Although a bit battered after their
impressive win over Port Dover last
Saturday night, the Wolverine squad
will be at full strength, which means
that 10 men will be ready for action
against the strong visiting team.
As yet the only injury suffered by.
a Michigan man came Saturday
night when a Port Dover Sailor at-
(Continued on Page 3)

Wolverine Cagers
Out-Rough Purple
In 37To 28 Vi*ctory

EVANSTON, Ill., Jan. 9 (Special to
The Daily)-Jim Rae, lanky center,
who scored 14 points on six field goals
and two free throws, paced Michigan
to a 37 to 28 basketball victory over
Northwestern in a rough, loosely
played game tonight. Twenty seven
fouls were called, 14 on the Wolver-
ines and 13 on the Wildcats.
The Wolverines took a 10 to 1 lead
in the early minutes of the game
and were never threatened. They held
a 20 to 12 advantage at the half.
Northwestern made its only serious
threat to overtake the Wolverines by
scoring seven consecutive points near
the close of the first half. The victory
was the Wolverine's first in the two
Big Ten games. The, defeat was
Northwestern's second straight in
Conference competition.
Harmon Opens Scoring
Tom Harmon opened the scoring
for the Wolverines with a tip-in shot
under the basket. futherus countered
with a free throw, which signalized
a Wolverine scoring' flurry accounting
for eight points. Thomas started the
drive with a long range field goal
and followed with a free throw.
Rae then got his sharp shooting
underway and connected with a pair
of baskets, shot from near midsec-
tion. He connected a free throw, as
the visitors went into a two to one
Les Harman scored Northwestern's
first goal of the period after taking
a pass from Koble under the basket.
Beebe then found the hoop from far
out and Pink added a free throw to
extend Michigan's lead to 13 to 3.
Wildcats Start Drive
Harman scored again from far out
but Rae and Sofiak scored in quick
succession to run Michigan's lead to
18 to 5. In the cl sing minutes of
the period Northwestern finally got
a drive underway which accounted for
seven straight points to narrow the
gap to 18 to 12. Goals by Voigts,
Shepard and Koble accounted for
the points, just before the gun, Pink
hit a long one to run Michigan's
lead to 20 to 12.
Michigan opened the second period
ith some long distance shooting by
Beebe and Rae who scored a basket
apiece from near mideourt. Shepard
hit from the side for the Wildcats
but Harmon made a free throw for
The Wildcats scored two points on
(Continued on Page 3)
Spanish Vets

P zarallelismi Of Partv An~d State~

_.,_ _ _ _ __ , _ T _ ___. _ ..


Tells Nazi Sue(

What arc the factors which enable
Germany to succeed where other to-
taiitarian regimes have failed in
welding millions of people into a com-
plex but smooth-functioning ma-
To answer is to explain why a na-
tion of 75,000,000 people, bewildered
and dormant seven years ago, have
and dormant seven years ago, has
forced its demands on a trembling
The answer, in the opinion of Prof.
James K. Pollock of the poiltical sci-
ence department and author of a re-
cent book "The Government of Great-
er Germany," lies in the political
philosophy of the German people, the
governmental mechanism which dif-
ferentiates Germany from other to-
talitarian states, and the genius of
the Nazi leaders for motivating this
vast authoritarian machine.
Over a thousand years of evolu-
tionary experience with various forms

?-SS, Polock Says
freedom wh~ch we acquire when we
do gladly what we should have to do
The chief structural device which
enables Hitler to capitalize upon this
philosophy and translate aims into
action is the parallel roles which'
state and party play under National
Socialism, Professor Pollock feels. In
Italy and Russia, the state and party
are one, but in Germany they form a
dual apparatus, mutually corellating
and reinforcing each other.
The heads of the various adminis-
trative agencies within the party or-
ganization, topped by the Fuehrer.
hold similar positions in the organi-
zation of the state. Thus the two
work simultaneously to achieve the
same ends.
The party is the "source of
strength," educating leaders and
"continually at work to propagate
and keep alive National Socialist
ideology;" Professor Pollock declared.
"Under an iron discipline and com-

Tickets for the 1939 J-Hop will be
on sale from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Friday and Saturday at the main
desk in the Union, it was announced
yesterday by Harold Holsdhuh, '40, J-
.Mop ticket chairman.
Tickets will be on sale to any junior
or anyone bearing a junior identifi-
cation card, Holschuh stated. He
added that the tickets would be on
sale to the rest of the campus only
if the juniors' purchases failed to ex-
haust the supply.
The J-Hop orchestras will not be
announced until later in the week, it
was announced by Don Treadwell.
'40, J-Hop chairman.
Martin Fights To Keep
Leadership Of UAW
DETROIT, Jan. 9 -(P)- Battle'
lines were drawn tonight between
foes and allies of Homer Martin,
president of the United Automobile
Workers, (CIO), for a showdown in
the protracted war for control of the
lusty young union of automotive
Over the opposition of Martin,
miembers of the UAW International


Brig. Gen. G. T. Harris, head of
the industrial mobilization and pro-
curement of war-time supplies de-
partment of the Ordnance division
of the U.S. Army, will deliver an ad-
dress on industrial mobilization at
1:20 p.m. tomorrow in the ballroom
of the Union.

Ordnance Officer
Discuss War Plan-


'Petrified Forest' To Be Presented
Next Week By Play Production
"The Petrified Forest," Play Pro- Included in the cast are an American
duction's current vehicle, will have a Legionaire; a former c'ollege football

Ask--U.S. Aid
'iervice And Cunu ins Call
For End Of Embargo
The relation of America to the
Spanish war and tKe necessity of
lifting the arms embargo to the Loy-
alists, were stressed at a banquet last
night honoring Elman Service, '39,
and Robert Cummins, '37, who re-
turned recently from Spain where
they had been fighting with the In-
ternational Brigade. Prof. Harlow
Heneman, of the political science de-
partment, was toastmaster.
Explaining how the people of Spain
look to America as an example of a
democratic nation, Cummins empha-
sized the fact that they also need our
aid. The lifting of the embargo, he
added, would mean more than any
military victory.
Defining the position of the stu-
dent in regard to the Spanish war,
Earl Luby, '39, stated that the con-
flict was looked upon as a close real-
ity. A realization that the Spanish
army is fighting for world-wide de-
mocracy has motivated students to
contribute for medical aid and food
and to work for the raising of the
embargo, he concluded.
.ASU Hears Reports
On ew York Meet
Reports on the national convention

four-day run, starting wednesday,
Jan. 19, and tickets for the show will
go on sale at the Lydia Mendelssohn
box office at 10 a.m. Monday, Jan. 17.
Edward Jurist, '39, veteran ama-
teur actor, will take the part of Duke
Mantee, fugitive gangster, that was
played on both stage and screen by
Humphrey Bogart. James Barton,
Grad., and Karl Klauser, '39, will
alternate in playing Alan Squire, a
despondent, nostalgic, intellectual,

star, who works at the gasoline sta-
tion, and a typical sample of the
younger generation of girls, in Gabby
Maple, who dreams of beautiful
France as Utopia.
"The Petrified Forest" is well-
known for being a play that was not-
ably improved by the latitude of the
films, yet its limited change of set-
tings, its plot, and its general nature
make "The Petrified Forest" a play

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