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January 25, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-01-25

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The Weather
Snow, with strong winds to-
day; tomorrow cloudy, snow;
severe cold wave tonight.


Sit i 4tg an


Thanks B. & G....
League Of Nations
Seems Beleaguered...




Rebels Claim
Teruel Quitted
After Deadly
Artillery Blast
American Volunteer Units
Are Reported Destroyed
In Insurgent Dispatch
Government Holds
Strategic Positions
Teruel, center of a month-long
battle, was evacuated completely by
the Government last night in the face
of unceasing artillery fire, Associated
Press reports from Insurgent sourcesJ
claimed last night.
American volunteer troops, which
Saturday were reported by Govern-
ment source sto have wiped out two
squadrons of Insurgent Moorish cav-
alry, were reported destroyed by the
Insurgents yesterday. The troops
were known as the Washington and,
Lincoln battalions.
Killed By Machine Guns
Although the Government made no
mention of heavy casualties, Insur-
gent advices said the Americans were
mowed down by machine-gun fire in
their desperate attack. A third unit
of the International Brigade-the
Walter Brigade-Insurgent sources
claimed, was "decimated."
An Insurgent communique said ob-
servers had reported no sign of life
in Terue since Gen. Miguel Aranda's
troops drove down the Alfambra Val-
ley, north of the city, making the
Provincial Capital untenable.
Loyalists Hold Two Positions
Government troops, however, were
still holding two strong positions toj
the northwest, making it impossible
for the Insurgents to enter the city.
Should they do so the Government
troops coul dsubject them to the same
severe punishment they have been
Generalissimo Francisco Franco's
troops held strong positions on three
sides of Teruel and, with fierce ar-
tillery fire,, were seeking to extend
their arc to the east, according to
Insurgent reports.
The desperate battle resolved it-
self into a fight for the urrounding
heights, complete possession of which
would bring automatic control of the
Willi am Green 1
Is Still opeful
For CIO Peace

Famous Filibusters Run Gamut Rising River Lynching Bill.
Of Books, Lectures And RecipesTidesSweep'Forces Senate




Anti-Lynching Bill Among speaker can hold the floor until he 1" hl
More Recent Deadlocks wishes to yield to another, and he Three States ight Sessionu
kscan not be compelled to stop unless
Historic In Upper House question is posed, following which the
_______floor returns to the original speaker
By ALBERT MAY Fourteen days was onlyathe ineu One Dead, 600 Homeless Democratic Leader Says
There's been a iot of talk in Wash- bation period of a filibuster in 1927 As Floods Inundate The No Other Business Is
ington these last two weeks. aimed against the passage of an im- Hg A d Felds To Measure
Southern senators almost to a man portant appropriation bill. That Highways ieasus
have been conducting a filibuster chat lasted for two months and is r
against the Anti-LynchingBill which probably the longest on record.Iowa, Wisconsin Conference Report
is making its bid to stand alongsie The longest, individual filibuster IA sOn Re rts
is makig its idHousingd Awaitsd
some of the most famous (or in- was that of the elder LaFollette in I llinoisin Area__ts_
fmu)flbsesihitr.1908. The Senator from Wisconsin Iln i r Struck !_____
This particular brand of oratory is talked 18 hours, during the greater WASHINGTON Jan. 24.-(2)-
peculiar to the Senate, which, because part of which time he sat on the arm ROCKFORD Ill., Jan. 24.-(AP)-A Southern Senators, openly announc-
of the small number of its members of his chair and drank a mixture of sudden upsurge of icy waters forced ing their intention to block the anti-
and their pride in unlimited debate, eggs and milk as he went on. In more than 600 families from their lynching bill, talked tirelessly tonight
has no closure rules such as exist in 1903 Senator Tilman took a copy of homes in three states today. through the Senate's first evening
the House of Representatives. The Byron's "Childe Harold," and it was One life was lost and dozens of session of the year.f
House rules limit debate, to an hour only on his threat of reading the en- persons were endangered. Highway Administration leaders held the
per speaker when there are a lot of tire work that the Senate consented and railroad traffic was seriously im- chamber in session late in an effort
representatives who wish to speak on to include in an appropriation bill a peded by rivers and creeks which to break the legislative jam caused by
J war claim for his state. swelled out of their channels in north- the filibuster against the lynchingl
a question.I
i Under Senate rules, however, a But perhaps the most infamous west Illinois, southern Wisconsin and bill.
filibuster of the recent past was that eastern Iowa. The night session finally ended
of Sen. Huey Long of Louisiana who More than two inches of rain fell late in the evening in a parliamentary
Cunt W"on June 12 and 13, 1935 spoke con- over most of the area. A sharp drop wrangle about whether Senator Pep-
urrent W ars tinuously for 15 and a half hours. in temperature turned the rain to per (Dem. Fla.) would be making his
Long was trying to attach a rider snow, however, and key cities in the first or his second speech when het
T . Be Subj ect to a bill extending the NRA which harassed areas reported the streams resumed tomorrow. He already hadF
was just about to expire. The rest of had begun to recede. spoken six hours when he quite to-5
the Senate, however, seemed adamant, Boy, 6, Killed night
UOf Two Talksso he arose and let it be known that The death victim was Eddie Proc- Democratic Leader Barkley served
attention would be paid to him or else tor, 6, caught in a murky swirl as he notice that similar long sessions
the Senate might expect to eat and attempted to ford a normally dry run would be called daily untildisposition
Canadian Leader, Chinese sleep in the Senate Chamber for a en route to school at Amboy, Ill. of the anti-lynch bill, against whichC
few days. southerners have been talking fort
Educator Will Lecture He castigated the Administration, Streets, highways, country roads, nearly three weeks. He refused to
Euao Wilbridges and fields were inundated.1
several fellow Senators, read the Con- let any other business interferewith
omorrow, Thursday stitution and lectured on it for five Rockford was the hardest hit city settlement of the anti-lynch contro-
hours, read excerpts from Victor in the distressed region, which versy, even holding up action on thet
Two international figures, Dr. HuHugo's "By Order of the King" read reached as far south as Peoria Coun- Administration's housing bill.l
Shih, Chinese educational leader, and (Continued on Page 6) ty in north central Illinois and into A conference report on that mea-
Sir Herbert Ames, Canadian states- -- _eastern counties of Iowa and southern sure, already approved by the House,
man, will discuss the world's current counties in Wisconsin. is awaiting Senate consideration. 1
war problems in University lecturesB Be s M ust The situation was not alarming in Southern Senators expressed confi-r
thisusiness w-ee1 . the neighboring states, however. Po- dence they could talk against the
Dr. Hu Shih will speak on "De- lice rescued some 50 families from anti-lynch bill-and thus prevent a
mocracy vs. Fascism in China," to Lend Support flood menaced homes at Beloit, Wis., vote on it-as long as the Senate was
morrow, while Sir Herbert Ames will Swhere two inches of rain hiked the willing to sit.
talk on the subject, 'Does German Re-per Be v sRock River and Turtle Creek. Senator McKellar Dem., Tenn.)
armament Necessarily Mean War?' R o eei es Four Families Get Help spent the first couple of hours of the
on T ay . Bothletur wi be I ____Four families received assistance at long session today talking about
given at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural Sci- .' Janesville, Wis., where some streets TVA. He was followed by Senator
(ece Auditorium under the auspices Says Governmen. I1iLiits were four feet under water. The road George (Dem., Ga.).
of the'political science de partment. Should Be Extended to Beloit was cut off. George denounced the bill as being
Dr. Hu Shih is recognized as one Water surged about a cabin near unconstitutional. A peace officer
of the leading contemporary Chinese Only When Imperative Clinton, Iowa. Four occupants were would have to die at the hands of a,
scholars and is Dean of the School of rescued. Elsewhere in Iowa streams mob in order to escape the penalty
Literature of the Chinese National ROCHESTER, N. Y., Jan. 24.-P)- left their banks, flooded fields and in- provisions of the bill, George said.
University of Peiping. He has been a Daniel C. Roper declared tonight that terrupted highway travel. He was referring to the section of
leader in the progress of modern edu- ___________ the bill which would make a county
cation in China and last year was government "is definitely in partner- in which a lynching, or an abduction
Igranted an honorary degree at the ship with business as its servant andf [ JJ for the purpose of lynching, occurred,
Harvard University tercentenary cele- protector and will remain so," in 1ubens I Is I el liable for damages of $2,000 to $10,-
bration. sounding a plea for cooperation to 000. The damages would be payable
Ames is acquainted with the general to relatives of the f c eto t
situation in Germany, having attend- enable corporate business to "function in omm u H oeieaeoavin t".
ed the Nazi rally in Nuremberg last for the good of all." Amendment to the Constitution per-
summer as a British Dominions guest "It is recognized," the Secretary of Interview Refused Until mitted the Federal Government to
from Canada. He was the first treas- Commerce said, "tiUt the limits of punish individual citizens within
irer of the League of Nations. I Trial Is Finished states, it had the right to take over
Both Dr. Hu Shih and Ames have gxall state powers.
Pctured in Ann Arbor on several oc- I as the failure of industrial leader-;MOSCOW, Jan.- (/P) -Americans He contended the 14th Amend-
casions before. Ames has been lec- ship makes the extensions seem im- icircles tonight virtually abandoned ment prohibited certain actions by{
turer for the Carnegie Endowment perative for safeguarding the capi- hoped that Soviet officials would states. But not actions by imdi-
for International Peace, and Dr. Hu talistic system and the public good. -.-I grant United States Embassy repre- viduals.j
has traveled in this country study- When and where business proves in- sentatives an interview with Mrs. - --
ing educational organization and lec- capable of adequate self-discipline, Ruth Marie Rubens before she had
turing. government must respond with con- been tried for espionage. S a'
Dr. Huh Shih will confer with Chi- ;tructive legislation." An embassy request to interview
nose students on campus today as part oper spoke at the 50th anniver- the woman, identified as an Ameri- .
f i to-day sahere. Tonight he :ary dinner of the Rochester Chan- can citizen, in Lubianka prison was ToBe ewed
lbe guest at a dinner meeting ber of Commerce and over a local refused Saturday by Russian authori- -_____d
of the Division of Social Sciences and Iadio station (WHAM). Ies
tomorrow he will be entertained at Of'l' ht o n cul'
dinner and at a closed meeting by the He stressed the necessity for the Officials replied that no one could VIl SerY cC'mmIssIn
Chinese Students Club. government-business "partnership" to talk with her until a police investi- Meets Here Wednesdayj
H w ar te n u cooperate in safeguarding the prin- gation into suspicions of spying had__
cheon f the tr Clua t ciple of the urofit system because the been completed. Mrs. Rubens was The State Civil Service Commis-
Union tomorrow.government, he said, must rely upon arrested Dec. 10. sion will di cuss the salary schedules
__tax from income as its chief source of Some sources, however, predicted of 17,000 state employes at a meeting
revenue. that she would be deported shortly. here Wednesday.
Japan Guards "Business as a whoe recognizes the The meeting also will deal with a
need for a broad program of social
XT I L + ,., Z F.1R Ntt i t F f oe title

Ohio State's Drive
To Triumph 29-26,

Ponders 'Ensian
Public ity Game
'Ensian, which sells proportionately
fewer copies than almost any other
annual published by a Big Ten uni-
versity, is near the top of the heap
as far as merit is concerned, Charles
Kettler, 39, publicity director, la-
A survey he has been conducting for
'Ensian shows that other universities
with smaller and technically less de--
sirable productions sell as high as
three times as many books per thou-
sand enrolled students than the local
staff can.
It just isnt fair, Kettler thinks.
Northwestern, with less than half
as many students as Michigan, has
orders for 1,700 books, Ohio has 1,500
taken, Wisconsin students have pur-
chased 1,120 annuals, Purdue has sold
1,800 and Illinois, the king-pin of the
tribe, has a sales chart hovering over
the 3,000 mark. 'Ensian has only sold.
1,060 books so far this year.
Unless a lot of people buy 'Ensians
quick, Kettler is thinking of giving up
publicity and getting in this hermit
Damagiig Air
Raids Reported
In China War
Chinese Execute General
For Evacuating Tsinan
Without Any Resistance
SHANGHAI, Jan. 25.-- (TUES-
DAY)-(P)-Both Chinese and Ja-
panese reported a series of damaging
air attacks in widely separated areas
today as the war, stalemated on the
ground, turned to the air
The Japanese reported raids in
northern, central and southern sec-
tors, while the Chinese said that their
planes were active principally along
the Yangtze River above Nanking.
TOKIO, Jan. 24.- (RP')-Hope
for peaceful "world conditions"
were expressed in verse by Em-
peror Hirohito in his contribu-
tion to the annual imperial New
Year poetry contest, published
today. The theme was "Morning
in a Shrine Garden" and the Em-
peror's poem was:
"Peaceful is morning in the
shrine garden;
"World conditions, it is hoped,
also will be peaceful."

Townsend Leads Scorers
With Twelve Markers;
,BoughnerIs Ohio Star
5,000 In Columbus
Coliseum See Fray
(Daily Sports Editor)
COLUMBUS O., Jan. 24.- Ohio
State's madcap long range runners al-
most boomed out defeat for the Mich-
igan quintet here tonight, but the
doughty Wolverines, led by an in-
spired Jake Townsend, weathered a
desperate last-half flurry to emerge
the victor, 29-26.
A blonde sharshooter named Dick
Boughner, rifling distant shots from
every angle, was the chief Buckeye
perpetrator. He peppered the bucket
with deadly accuracy and caused the
Varsity defense no end of anxiety with
his five field goals.
But Captain Jake, contemptuous of
his treacherous guard, Buckeye Capt.
Jim McDonald, got hotter than a
Bunsen burner during the last 10 min-
utes of the first period, to forge a lead
for the Wolverines which was never
relinquished, although it was bitterly
contested by the firing Buckeyes.
5,000 Fans Expectant
A coliseum gathering of some 5,000
fans got down-right expectant in the
last period when the Scarlet Scourge
(anywhere from behind the foul cir-
cle) began to assail the netted hoops.
John Smick, a substitute center
potted one, but Leo Beebe, playing an
amazingly agile game beneath the
backboard, matched it with a tip-in.
Dick Baker bagged a long one, Beebe
again offering an exchange. Then
the sharpshooters, Boughner and Jim
Hill, scored three longs in hurried
But Big Jake managed to wrestle a
set-up, and the issue was virtually
decided, although Boughner picked
up another deuce from the field.
Rae Hooks Basket
T h e Buckeye distance artists
threatened to rout Michigan at the
outset. After Jim Rae hooked a bas-
ket, and Dick Baker had evened the
count with a brace of free throws, the
local lads trained their guns and ex-
ploded. Boughner's unerring aim
scored two direct hits from the side.
Hull got a push in and the Buckeyes
were out front, 8-2.
Jake, after missing two fouls, both
called on McDonald, finally took a
pass from Fishman and snapped the
ball across his shoulder, almost with-
out looking, for a basket. Rae added
another, which, combined with a
Townsend charity toss, brought Mich-
jigan up to 8-7.
I But the nettlesome Bougner and
j Hull regained their earlier form and
(Continued on Page 3)

Claims AF1 Com ; cil Does'
Not Propose T o Oust
The Rebel Labor Unions
MIAMI, Fla., Jan. 24.-(A') -Presi-
dent William Green of the American
Federation of Labor indicated today
he still is hopeful for a truce with
the Committee for Industrial Organ-
He let it be known that it is far
from being a foregone conclusion that
the AFL Executive Council, which'
opened its mid-winter meeting to-
day, will oust the CIO unions.
"The Council is not meeting in a

belligerent frame of mind," he re-
marked in connection with the pos-
sibility that the United Mine Work-
ers, the Amalgamated Clothing Work-
ers and other groups whose charters !
are suspended might be expelled out-I
right and their fields opened for or-
ganization by AFL units.
"The Council is conscious of thet
state of mind of the masses of work-
ers throughout the nation," Green t
said in an interview. "They want a
united movement. In my opinion the
Council will proceed judiciously andt
carefully in dealing with the situa-
tion between the AFL and the CIO."
Referring to the recent New York
speech of David Dubinsky, presidentr
of the CIO's International Ladiesj
Garment Workers Union, in which he1
blamed other CIO leaders for the3
collapse of the Washington peace ne-I
gotiations last month, Green said:
"I still hope that since Dubinsky
and others have taken a position in
(Continued on Page 6)
Clerk Tells Legislators
'Pay Up, Or Hang Up!'
LANSING, Jan. 24.-(AP)-T. Tho-
mas Thatcher, clerk of the House of
R.Pn rP.%Pn hq t'3* A3'1. '3 m'f2 1 ''r# n tan , fllv

Witholds Total Tonnage
Of ShipsBeing Built
TOKYO, Jan. 24. - (03) - Japan
guarded the extent of her naval build-
ing program today with a brief denial
the navy was building or planning
"such big battleships" as have been
The Foreign Office spokesman, who
made the denial, declined to mention
the tonnage of battleships now under
construction. Such discussion was
impossible, he said.
(Japan has been reported in France
and Great Britain to be building cap-
ital ships of from 40,000 to 43,000
tons. Great Britain has instructed
her ambassador to Tokyo to deter-
mine definitely whether Japan was
building ships which would be in ex-
cess of the 35,000-ton limitation of the
1936 London Naval Treaty).
(Japan is not a signatory of the
treaty. Should she, or any other na-
tion, build in excess of 35,000 tons,
however, the limitations on Great
Britain, France and the United States
automatically would be ended).
Committee Approves

security. the commerce secretary as-t
serted. "Must it not accept the corol-
lary policy that government, as the
4epresentative of public interest is a
partner in all business which affects
the national income?"

SV. f'o tte Qul' s' cs
After 22-Day A scent
Into'Spiritual Life'
MEMPHIS, Tenn., Jan. 24.-(/P)--

William Brownrigg, personnel di-
rector, said competitive civil service
examinations would be conducted
Feb. 12 to create"a list of persons
eligible for appointment as nurses in
State hospitals and sanatoria. Quali-
fying examinations will be held at

The Rev. Israel Harding Noe grudg- the same time for nurses already on
Federal Photos ingly returned to the "natural" plane the payroll.
Stonight,joining with doctors in their Seven classes of applicants, men
* juefforts to restore strength to his fast- and women, will be examined. Brown-
Are S own e ravaged body, but only for the pur- rigg said applicants must submit their
Aoswe ofhastening his return to "spiri- applications before midnight, Feb. 3.
(iaoffee Hour Will Exhibit Conceding his fast had been broken Fascism Is Called
Wwell-meaning friends, the clergy~
CollectionIIFo' W k man, removed as Dean of St. Mary's New Caes -
Episcopal Cathedral because of what idtdU n
An exhibit of 50 photographs, Bishop James M. Maxon called his
loaned to the Union for three weeks religious "vagaries," drank the juice Modern fascism is merely the re-
by the Michigan Federal Arts Project, of six oranges this afternoon, ate the surgence of ancient Caesarism, Rabbi
was put on exhibition yesterday in pulp and swallowed several ounces of Bernard Heller said at the Twilight
the small ballroom, where the Union water S
Coffee Hour is held daily from 4:30 to The clergyman was seeking to offer dervice of the Unitarian Church Sun-
5:30 p.m. proof that "man can, here and now, Ty
The showing is part of a plan to put on the fullness of the godhead rule, emperor worship and the eleva-
exchange a series of photographic bodily," with the aid of creative tion of the state far above the indi-
exhibits with various college unions strength "transmuted directly from vidual in both," Rabbi Heller said, in
in the Middlewest. the fathers life." his comparison of the two. The tech-
Included in the present group is a nique may be different, but Rabbi
collection of natural murals spon-;niu mabedfrntbtRbi
sored by the United States Naval Dr. Kahn Elected Heller believes that the same ends
Armory of Detroit, some photographs are sought.
depicting th D rocesme otcng, ro CoveianL Clb Rabbi Heller advanced the opin-
dirng trkhend -resef schuingoCoven'ntClb ion that citizens in fascist countries
iron work and bas-relief sculpturing __e n n f n sm
znmcnl~inr clncofntifnt are often in want of even the sample

Meanwhile, the Chinese, continu-
ing their efforts to solidify and
strengthen their forces, executed Gen.
Han Fu Chu, one-time governor of
rich Shantung Province, for 'diso-
beying orders and evacuating the pro-
vincial capital, Tsinan, without op-
posing the Japanese." Gen. Han
previously had been reported execut-
Japanese said that they had
bombed Suchow, strategic rail junc-
tion north of Nanking, but Chinese
said that the damage was slight. Ex-
ceptionally heavy bombing raids were
made along the Canton-Hankow rail-
road in South China.
China said that their air force1
which "is becoming stronger," had
destroyed the Japanese airdrome at
Wuhu, 60 miles up the Yangtze from
Nanking, and had bombed Japanese
positions south of Wuhu "with dam-
aging effect."
Fighting in Shantung Province con-
tinued, but apparently there was little
change in the situation.
Bernice Cohen Is

Move To Kill
Bank Holding
Firms Drafted
Glass Plans Legislation
Against Control Units;
Morgenthau In Accord
WASHINGTON, Jan. 24.--(IP)-The
movement for the abolition of bank
holding companies gained momentum
toddy when Senator Glass (Dem., Va,)
disclosed he was drafting legislation
to do away with them and Secretary
Morgenthau announced a conference
on legislation in this field.
Morgenthau told reporters he was
in complete accord with Glass on the
principle that such holding companies
ought to be abolished,
But he declined to predict the atti-
tude of other Federal officials con-
cerned with banking. He said a
group of them would meet the latter
pait of this week to seek an agree-
ment on legislation to regulate or pro-
hibit bank holding firms.
President Roosevelt recently crit-
icized holding companies in the bank-
ing field, declaring that some com-
munity banks were controlled in large
financiaIcentersand that the little
banker was passing,
Glass, one-time secretary of the
treasury and author of much federal
banking legislation, said that he was



Bernice Cohen, '39, was appoint-
ed secretary of the executive com-
mittee of the Student Model Senate,
replacing Virginia Krieghoff, who is
graduating in February, the cemmit-
tee announced yesterday.
Martin B. Dworkis, '40, chairman
of the committee. announced that 200

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