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January 12, 1939 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-01-12

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Cloudy, 1:

ight snow; no deeid-id
g'e in temperature.


Lw igan




Hopkins Sticks
By His Record'
In Senate Quiz;
Mtir hy Is Hit
Refuses To Retract Word
He Uttered; Admits He
Said Too Many Of Them
Rep. Hoffman First'
To Attack Murphy
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11-(/P)-Har-
ry Hopkins, seeking confirmation as
Secretary of Commerce, sat before a
Senate committee for four hours to-
day, vigorously defending his record
as administrator of work relief but
admitting that he had made "mis-
takes"--two in particular.
"If I had the road to go over again,
I would not have made any political
speeches of any kind," he said, add-
"But I do not withdraw a word of
those speeches or indicate that I
have changed my economic views."
He also told the Senate's Commit-
tee on Commerce that he now felt
that certain WPA officials in Ken-
tucky should have been discharged
for poliical activity in the Democratic
primary campaign last Summer.
Views Are Aired
For the rest, he faced a group of
frankly hostile Senators and stead-
fastly refused to concede that the
record of WPA as a whole was any-
thing but good.
In great detail, Chairman Bailey
(Dem-NVC) and Senators Vandenberg
(Rep-Mich) and White (Rep-Me)
went into the past utterances of the
nominee, his views on spending and
other policies, and activities in WPA
Despaite the":fiet that Hoapkins was
thrown on the defensive throughout
the day, and that much criticism was
expressed, members predicted that the
committee would recommend that the
Senate confirm the nomination. Fav-
orable Senate action has been gen-
erally forecast.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11-(P)--=The 1
appointment of fbrmer Governor
Murphy to be Attorney General un-
derwent its first baptism of fire in
the House today.
Representative Hoffman submitted
a 58-page arraignment of Murphy's
political and labor record which drew
cheers from the minority and roused
Democratic leaders to the cabinet ap-
pointee's defense.
Dramatically waving hand-made
bludgeons he said were taken from
men in strucl plants, the 62-year-old
Michigan Congressman asked Major-
ity Leader Rayburn, (Dxm-Te):.j
"Was Murphy enforcing the law
when the strikers had these?"
Confirmation Assured
Rayburn retorted that Hoffman
was "talking 'broadly around the
question" and demanded that he sub-
mit evidence that Muphy had violat-
ed the law in favor of the strikers.
"I understand everything has been
peaceful in Michigan for months,"
Rayburn observed.
"We've got rid of Murphy," retort- j
ed Hoffman.
Rayburn interrupted Hoffman to
Iask 'if he believed "there was any
doubt that the nomination of Frank
Murphy woud be confirmed by the
Senate." Hoffman replied :
"Not in the least."
Capt. Tomkins
To Talk Here,

Movie To Illustrate Story
Of Windjammer Trip
The story of the last voyage by sail
aroun.d dangerous Cape Horn will be
related at 8:15 p.m. tonight in Hill
Auditorium by Capt. Warwick M.
Tomkins as the fourth lecture of the
Oratorical Lecture series.
Illustrated by motion pictures, the
story of this 20,000 mile sea passage
in the 85-foot schooner "Wander
Bird" is a dramatic record of excite-
went, danger and courage.
Captain Tomkins and his crew
sailed out of Gloucester Harbor in
1936. on the trip three major stops
were made and documentary film ma-
terial of exceptional value secured.
Captain Tomkins has also earned
distinction as a writer of sea stories,
both fact and fiction, and two vol-
umes of the Yachting Encyclopedia
bear his name, those on celestial
navigation and coastal piloting.

American Munitions Aid Japan
In Brutal Warfare, Judd Holds.

Londoil!Fears Jack Brennan, Gridiron Beauty,
IMalian Tbrust NamedQueen' Of Ice Carnival

Fifty-Four Per Cent Of Jap
War MaterialPurchased
In U.S., He Maintains
When one-third of all the bombs
which Japanese airmen drop on de-
fenseless Chinese citiesnand four out
of every five gallons of gasoline which
power the planes that carry them are
purchased from the United States, th
American people must express their
dissatisfaction with a governmental
policy which furthers the hideous-
- -
Following Dr. Judd's speech,
the audience unanimously sup-
ported a motion to have him ap-
pear before a joint meeting of
Congress to plead the cause of
China. A similar motion was
passed earlier in the day by the
Ann Arbor Rotary Club.
ness of war as it is waged by a totali-
tarian power, far. Walter H. Judd, for
the past 10 years a missionary doc-
tor in China, declared before 600 stu-
dents, faculty and townspeople in
the Union ballroom yesterday.
Under the totalitarian concept of
warfare, Dr. Judd said, no group of
the population is exempt from dan-
ger. War no longer means the clash
between picked armies on the field of
battle, but a ruthless disregard of any
non-combatant rights to secure any
objective. The whole philosophy of
Industries Aid
Says General
Army Production Plans,
During Time Of War
ExplainedTo R.O.T.C. ,
Ten thousand American plants
have already expressed their willing-
ness to follow detailed specifications
for war-time production, submitted
to them under the Industrial Mo-
bilization Plan, Brig. Gen. G. T.
Harris of the United States Army
Ordnance division told 600 R.O.T.C.
students and engineers yesterday in
the Union ballroom.
Ems' hasizing that the nation is
"infinitely better" prepared today for
an unwanted war than in 1917 be-
cause army officials and industrialists
understand what and, how much is
wanted and "how we are going to get
it," General Harris insisted that all
plans for war-time economic activity
are based on cooperation of industry
and labor. Under our capitalistic
system, he said, industry must be
given a fair profit during war as an
incentive, and one-half of plant ca-
pacity must be reserved for the ci-
vilian markets of industry.
The army and the people of this
country want civilian and not mili-
tary rule during war-time, General
Harris said, admitting that in the
necessary campaign to marshall all
factors of production "we may have
to sacrifice some of our peace-time
The necessity for preparedness in
these times, in order to keep us out of
war, has led to the formation of de-
tailed plans involving drastic con-
trols"'for the coordination of produc-
tion and transportation, General
Harris said, emphasizing that it is
necessary to determine in advance
the priority or relative importance of
various activities.
Industrial mobilization plans have
been already drawn up, which would
provide, for example, for the conver-
sion of Michigan's automobile fac-
tories into ammunition-producing
units, General Harris told a packed
ballroom. Confiscation of industries

cannot have any part in the plans,
however, he added, since the war de-'
partment believes in maintaining the
capitalistic system even in war-time.
The purpose of all plans, he said, is
to save time, since the first six
months of any war use up stored
supplies before industry can really
produce war products.
A War Resources Administration,
civilian - dominated, national and
non-political, would be needed to di-
rect economic activity, he explained,
just as the War Industries Board did
during the World War..

war as conducted by the Japanese is
to break the morale of the Chinese
army by inflicting untold misery up-
on non-combatants and prisoners of
war. At the bombing of Hankow in
September, 1938, attention was con-
centrated not upon the airport where
75 Chinese planes were in the hang-
ars, but upon the most densely popu-
lated tenement districts of the city.
When Dr. Judd was called upon for
relief work in treating the injured at
a base hospital in the city, in the'
first hour after the bombing he op-
erated upon 28 persons, 26 of whom
were women and two civilian men. On
another occasion when a Chinese city
was bombed, 2,800 non-combatants
and 350 soldiers were killed in a four-
hour raid.
This wholesale slaughter can be
carried out only with the aid -of the
United States, he emphasized. Fifty-
four per cent of all the war materials
used are supplied by the United
States. The extensive lines of com-
munication which the Japanese must
maintain to hold their conquered ter-
ritory would not last a day were it
not for the Ford, Chevrolet, Dodge
and Studebaker trucks which travel
the roads in daily convoys. Bombs.
gasoline and airplanes are also ex-
tensively supplied by American in-
terests, he said. Every American
should, he pointed out, make his ob-
jection to this system known to his
representatives in Washington and
urge legislation to curb the ship-
ments of war materials to Japan. He
also urged boycotting of Japanese
goods, emphasizing that since one-
half of all Japan sells is bought by
the United States, her economy would
be materially crippled by boycott ac-
So many stories of atrocities com-
mitted upon Chinese women by Ja-
panese soldiers have come out of
China that Americans, recalling the
"Belgian Atrocities" of 1914-17, have
become cynical about them, believing
them too terrible to be true. They
are altogether too true,. Dr. Judd em-
phasized. The wholesale rape bf
Chinese women before the eyes of
(Continued on Page 2)
4 Groups Urge_
U.S. To try Out
Pilot Plan Here,

. Ton France
Paris Calls Gloom In U.S.
I istified, Backs Reports
By Bullitt Akd Kennedy
U.S.S.R. Ulddaunted
By Reich's Threats
LONDON, Jan. 11.-(P)-The re-
ported opinion- of Ukited States Am-
bassadors Kennedy and Bullitt that
European developments threaten a
second world war this spring has in-
creased British and French fears
that Italy and Germany are out to
dominate the Western Mediterranean.
While it is not known here what
Joseph P. Kennedy and William C.
Bullitt, eqvoys to Britain and France,
respectively, had in inind, it is gen-
erally assumed they must have re-
ferred to, among other things, Italy's
cries for part of the French Mediter-
ranean Empire and the new Insur-
gent offensive in Spam -
May Ask Mf'eration
Informed British, sources said
Prime Minister Ch berlain would
ask Premier Mussolin on his current
visit to Rome to moderate the tone
and content of Fascist claims against
French sources said flatly they
thought the Ambassadors' pessimism
was justified. They indicated any
Italian attempt to force France to
give up any possessions certainly
would precipitate war,
In Paris, London and Berlin it was
not overlooked that the pessimism
of Kennedy and Bullitt might also
have the domestic function of in-
fluencing Congress to support Presi-
dent Roosevelt's rearmament pro-
Alarm Expressed
Informed quarcers in Paris and
London have expressed alarm over
Germany's announced intention to
build up to submarine parity with
Britain under their 195 naval treaty.

'Sinister Six' Announces
Election Of Footballer
To RuleSkating Sho*
Jack Brennan, '39, will be "queen"
of the 1939 University Ice Carnival, it
was announced yesterday by "The
Sinister Six," co-sponsors of the Car-
The popular support liven Brennan
near the end of the election for the
queen, "The Six" stated, made the
choice of the leading female repre-
sentative impossible. Brennan, a
Varsity football player and author
of the now-famous statement that
"four out of five women are beauti-
ful and the fifth comes td Michigan,"
will rule over the Carnival tomorrow
night in the Coliseum.
The Carnival spotlight will be oc-
cupied by a mass figure skating ex-
hibition by 40 picked members of the
Olympia Skating Club of Detroit. The
Club, wlfich will feature several star
skaters, will also present a number of
individual acts and specialties.
Fraternity and sorority skating re-
lays will also provide entertainment
at the Carnival, it was announced.
The sorority relay will see Gamma
Phi Beta, Collegiate Sorosis, Delta
Delta Delta and Chi Omega as rivals.
Beta Theta Pi, Psi Upsilon, Pi Lamb-
da Phi and Sigma Phi Epsilon are
entered in the fraternity relay. Tom
Laforest, referee of the Intramural
Hockey League, will officiate. The
winners of the two races will be pre-
sented with trophies symbolizing the
campus skating championship.
The Varsity Barid, under the di-
rection of Prof. William D. Revelli,
will also appear at the Carnival, with
a number of new and interesting ar-


Germany's princi I reaction was
tiat the Kennedy-B litt opinion was
-as the Berlin Lokalanzeiger put it
-aimed at "making Congress pliant
to the wishes of Roosevelt."
Official Italian circles said war
',--O fici'

could be averted by settling Ltaiy s
demands on France. One highly
Only Three Places Remain placed Italian estimated the chances
at "about four to one against war in
Open To Test Proposal tesrn.,
the spring."
Before Its Trial In 1940 Moscow commentators sharply dis-
counted any predictions of imminent
11virsn nzf n Cermanv threat to-


Attempts to include Michigan
among the 10 universities which will
test the government's plan to train
college students in aviation received
fresh emphasis last night when the
Flying Club of the University elected
two delegates to attend the National
Aeronautic Association's meeting Jan.
15-17 in St. Louis.
Requests that the University be
included in the try-out of the plan,
are being pressed by the Flying Club,
the Glider Club, the aeronautical en-
gineering department and the Statej
Board of Aeronautics. Only three
universities remain to be named.
At the meeting of the Flying Club;
last night, Emerson W. Conlon of the
aeronautical engineering department
and adviser of the club, discussed the
pamphlet on the training plan issued
by the Civil Aeronautic Authority of
the government.
The provisions of the plan seek
from Congress the appropriations
necessary to train 20,000 flyers year-
ly. Approximately 300 students will!
be selected from 10 universities, how-
ever, to test the proposal next semes-'
The local delegates, Edward T.
Martin, '41E, and Hans Weichsel, '41E
will fly to St. Louis for the meeting.

war lnsoiar as any %Trina yal at
the Soviet Ukraine is concerned-on
the opinion that Germany is still far
from prepared.
Polish Tenor Stars
In Viennese Film
To Be Shown Here
"The Charm of La Boheme" which
will be shown at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow
and Saturday at the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre, under the auspices of
the Art Cinema League, is a Viennese
musical based on Puccini's opera.,
Jan Kiepura, Polish tenor who has
sung with the Metropolitan Opera
Company, plays the part of Rene
Lambertin, a young artist who aspires
to be an opera singer. With Marta
Eggerth he sings many of the arias
from Puccini's opera.
The story takes place in the Latin
quarter of Paris and deals with four
artists who hope for fame in their
chosen fields. Rene Lambertin and
his sweetheart, Denise, find them-
selves playing the roles of Puccini's
lovers, both on the operatic stage
and in real life.

Sen. Hittle Raps
Packing Effort b
By Republicans
Legislator Denounces act^ b
As Attempt To Control i
Legislation On Labor r
LANSING, Jan. 11-(?)-Sen. Harry f
F. Hittle, Republican, Lansing, f
charged fellow-Republicans in the
Senate with attempting today to
"pack" the Committee on State Af-
fairs in order to control labor rela-!c
tions legislation that Governor Fitz- t
gerald proposed in his message to the
lawmakers a week ago.
Hittle raised the issue in opposing
a resolution sponsored by Sen. Earl
W. Munshaw, Republican, Grand
Rapids, who sought to increase mem-
bership in the State Affairs Commit-
tee, of which he is chairman, from t
five to seven members.
'The stacking of this committee
will hamstring sound, conservative
action on the so-called labor rela-
tions right now," he said of the reso-
"I am not dealing in personalities,"
he said, "but I don't propose that
John Lovett (executive secretary of
the Michigan Manufacturers' Asso-
ciation) should write this bill."
Hittle himself is a member of the
State Affairs Committee and of the
Senate Labor Committee, generally
regarded as antagonistic to some
phases of the Governor's labor rela-
tions program which spokesmen of
organized labor have found objection-
LANSING, Jan. 11-(,')-Governor
Fitzgerald indirectly rebuked a legis-
lative committee investigating Civil
Service today as a Democratic mem-
ber of the committee charged. its in- 1
quiry was "a prosecution and not an
The Governor ordered Attorney
General Thomas Read to provide the
Civil Service Department with coun-
sel, pointing out that under the law
the Attorney General is counsel for
State departments and is obliged to
defend Civil Service from any attack.
'Technic' Out Today,
Rodger Announces
Featuring an article on the fune-
tions of a consulting engineer, the
January issue of the Technic, en-
gineering magazine will go on sale at
8 a.m. today in the East and West
Engineering buildings, Walton A.
Rodger, '39E, editor, announced yes-
terri v.

Main Power Cable Is Broken;
Union Guests Left In Darkness

A 30-foot stretch of cement-en-,1
cased cables, undermined by- exca-
vations for the new dormitories be-
hind the Union, collapsed about 3:30
p.m. yesterday cutting off electricity
from all the newer buildings in the1
Union group.
Guests in the south wing of the;
Union last night trod their weary way
up flights of stairs, elevators being
out of order, to their rooms, chased.
by weird shadows on the corridor!
walls as their candles flickered in!
hands more accustomed to snapping
light switches.
Over at the International Center

to save the pin boys the trouble ofl
carrying tapers.
Workmen, finding the cables brok-
en and dragged from their terminal,
strung an emergency cable from a
point beyond the break to the ter-
minal. Power was-restored by 9 p.m.,
Ex-Faculty Man
Is Dead Of Asthma
Dr. Walter W. Tupper, for 21 years
a member of the botany department
before his resignation in 1934, died of

Dean Lovell
'At Coffee

Will Speak
Hour Today

Prof. Albert H. Lovell, assistant
dean of the engineering college, will

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