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January 12, 1939 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-01-12

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THIURSDlAY, ,AN.,I12,'1939


Hays To Give VFin
Southern Show' Revived Here Di
Famous 'One Man Show' By WPA Cash Textil
To AppearAtUnity Hall T
Part of the state-wide museums
The "One Man Show" from the project being conducted with WPA Rich,v
fSouth, Le, Hays.iwell-known for his funds is reviving an art which, in tels arec
gongs and stories is comingto Ann this country at least, is practically ex- tiles on
Arbor at 8:30 p.m. Saturday at the tinct. Miss Dorothy Myers, director in the gi
Unitarian Church social hall, Unity of the project, is supervising the work Collegec
Hall, of three woodcarvers in Grand Rap- The t
One of his recent projects, a mobile ids hangings
troupe of the drama department of cases, we
Commonwealth College, resident labor The group has just completed a Strengel
school at Mena, Arkansas, has just full set of wood characterizations of on the s
completed a six-day performance of Alice in Wonderland for The Chil- emy of
a review called, "Hush Puppy," in j dren's Museum in Detroit. At pres- She is thi
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. ent they are working on statuettes ell' whos
The review, "Hush Puppy," derives of Michigan mammals which will be architec
its name from the meager stew which was of
often is the sole dish on the tables of distributed to the various Wayside outside.
Southern tenant farmers and share- Museums being organized through- In m
croppers. One of the plays in the re- lout the state. Strengel
view, "People's Press" was collective- The carvers are supplied with pic- but no w
ly written by the drama class and is tures from which to copy, and pure side they
produced and directed by Lee Hays white pine, red gum, oak, yellow pop- gins, tra
who also played one of the roles. Also lar, or occasionally mohogany wood. and mat
presented in "Hush Puppy" are a Besides the woodcarvers working in
marionette show of that name acrd Grand Rapids, onjy one of whom is a
another play, "The Pecan King." woodcarver by profession, the other Anniot
This presentation is actually a pre- two having worked in the furniture Murlo
view of the show with which the factories, Miss Myers found a man Chang
Commonwealth players will enter the in Ann Arbor who makes expert terday a
labor organizing field in the early carvigs with only his pen knife Union br
months of 1939. i.ltourlnam
According to Hays, "Hush Puppy" lassied sJan. 1.
represents a depadrture in the social
theatre which, as has, been true of-~~~~ ~ ----- -~~--~~~~
other Commonwealth Player's offer-
ings, is likely to find favor with simi- FRE E A D J U ST
lar groups in other parts of the coun- k

wish Artist
isplays Work
e Exhibition To Run
hroughJan. 25
vivid colors and delicate pas-
combined in a group of tex-
exhibition through Jan. 25
;round floor showcases of the
of Architecture.
extilcs, which ineude rugs,
s, bed-spreads and pillow-
re designed by Miss Marianne
, a Finnish artist. who is now
taff of the Cranbrook Acad-
Art, Bloomfield Hills. Mich.
ae daughter of Gustaf Streng-
e pioneer work in modern art,
:ure and interior decorating
the greatest importance far
his own country.
aking the hangings, Miss
1 first makes a color sketch,
'orking design. She stands be-
weaver when the work be-
;ns1-ating her ideas into color
unce BrAge Winners
h Woo, Grad., and Ying
Grad., were anno need yes-
as winner of Tuesday night's
ridge tournament. The next
lent will be held Tuesday,

Toin Mooney joined an American Federation of Lab or picket line in front of a San Francisco retail store '
where a strike had been in progress for twenty-one' weeks. lie stayed oxly long enough, however, to have a
banner pinned on his chest and to have a picture made, sho'wing him surrounded by a group of grinning girl
pickets, Then he hurried away. "I 'have kept pace with the world," said Mooney, who was just pardoned after
twenty-two years in prison.
Ten Tongue Ticklers Method LOn In Practical Use

where words are often mispro-
nounced. Even in that sanctum sane-
torium. the radio, announcers and ac-
tors frequently pronounce a word in-
A list of the 10 words most fre-
quently mispronounced on the airl

Recognized B Franklin Award
Freshmen Forni
Dr. Robley C. Williams cluding the 100-inch mirror at Mt. A
Shares Honor Awarded Wilson, Calif. ft will also be used in rchitecture Chib
the preparation of the much-publi-
For Work In Astronomy cized 200-inch telescope. 'which will Alpha Delta Chi, newly organized
be the largest in the world when com- club for freshmen in the College of
The awarding of the Franklin In- pleted. Architecture, has just been approved
stitute Medal, one of the highest hon- Dr. Williams now acts as a consul- by the University Council.

Winter carbureter adjustment and exhaust gas analysis without
charge. Enjoy winter driving with more miles per gallon of gasoline.
Please phone or stop by for an appointment so you won't have to
wait in line.



12 South Ashley Street

Phone 8908

has recently been released from the ors in astronomy, to Dr. Robley C.
University Broadcasting Service. In- Williams of the astronomy depart-
cluded among these are Tuesday ment and Dr. John Strong of the Cal-
which is pronounced tiuz'dy, not ifornia Institute of Technology for
tooz'di; New York is Niu York, not their work in developing the process
Noo Yawk; February is Feb'ru-a-ry, of thermally evaporating metals in
not Feb'u-a-ry or Feb'u-ra-ry; pro- a high vacuum, brought official rec-
gram is pro'gram, not pro'grum; and ognition to a system that has been
debut is de-bew' (in America) and in practical use for some time. 1
not day'bew. "This process is particularly at-
The remaining five arc aeroplane tractive to astronomers," Dr. Wil-
which is pronounced a'er-o-plane, not liams explained when interviewed at
a're-o-plane; secretary is sec're-ta- the observatory. Astronomical mir-
ry and not sec're-tri; aviation is a'- rors are coated with a layer of metal-
vi-a-shun, not av'i-a-shun; quintup- lie aluminum deposited by evapora-.
lets is kwin'tiu-plets, not kwin-tup'- tion in the vacuum. These mirrors
lets; and hundred is hun'dred, not allow scientists to examine stellar
hun'ert (as in "a hunnert 'n' twenny- spectra of wave lengths as short as
fif' street"). the atmosphere transmits. It fur-
nishes him further with a mirror that
will not tarnish and is considerably
r harder than the silver-on-process.
D ireeto ryinThis development has been utilized
in the manufacture of all the large
mirrors made during recent years, in-

Stans on the process. Last month he Officers of the organization are:
was at the University of Texas where Bruce Hartwick, '42A, president;
an 82-inch mirror, the second largest Phoebe Powers, '42A, vice-president;
at the present time, was coated, and Robert Gaede, '42A, secretary,


Two Museum Pets, Will Guzzle:
Chotce Tidbits At Birthday Party
Nursemaid Karl Goellner and Ted is considerably less during
Will Awaken Bears Bruv the winter months," Mr. Goellner
commented. "All I have to feed them
nd Sis For Celebration now is a few apples, a quart of milk
and a little bread. But they ought
By JEAN C. MAXT.10 to be thankful for that. Up north the
Sometime this month Bruv and Sis, people in isolated communities have
black bears at the Museums' zoo, will been troubled by bears stealing their
celebrate their sixth birthday. Cele- pigs and foraging in-the storehouses."
brate may be the wrong term as Karl
SGoellner,who is in charge of the ani-H
als, will probably have to awaken H. W. CLARK
them to give them their birthday English Boot and Shoe Maker
feast of a couple.pounds of raisins. Our newrepair department, the
But they will probably realize that best in the city. Prices are right.
I it is a special occasion, for raisins are 438 South State and Factory on
rare tidbits, administered only:when South Forest Avenue.
Bruv or Pete, who has had so many
birthdays he can't count them, get
in an ornery mood.
Raisins are handy to have around,
too, in case Mr. Goellner forgets to
secure the cage door, and comes back,
to find a couple of 500 pound bears
wandering around the interior of the
animal house. Strictly speaking only
Bruv weighs as much as 500 pounds.
"Wild black bears seldom weigh over
300," Mr. Goellner said, "but our
bears are well fed and don't get
enough exercise."
"Upkeep for Bruv and Sis and Pete ''F



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Sigma Rho Tan
Hears Prof. White'
Prof. Alfred H. White of the chemi-
cal engineering department spoke on
"Plastics" before a meeting of Sigma
Rho Tau, honorary engineering so-
ciety, at 7:30 p.m. yesterday in the
The widespread use of plastics in-
dustry today was explained by Pro-
fessor White.. Not only are they used
in electrical appliances, automobiles,
buildings and furniture, but many of
the clothes we wear are made from
synthetic material.

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TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen, nsn, uolic Speakmng, Mathemat-
408 S. 5th Avenue. Phone 2-2935 i c s, Languages, Woodworking,
5689. 271 Stagecraft, Cooking, Sewing, Home
Nursing, Painting, Drawing, Metal-
T)PING-Reasonable rates. 1. M. craft, Mechanical Drawing, Piano,
Heywood, 414 Maynard St, phone Gym Classes, Photography, Inter-
or 2-1416, ior Decorating. and Community
'TYPING at re son~able rates. Mrs Orchestra, For further information
Howard, 613 Hill St., dial 5244. 176 1call 5797, _287

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D{/Lel re-l iin bottles for us. inhouse,
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.50 Glostora
.25 GoldenC



a Ital. Balm..47
Plate Powder .19
ne ....31

.60 California Syrup Figs-.36
1.25 Caroid & Bile Tabs.. .71




.25 Carter's Pills




.10 Clapp's Baby Fd 3 for .18

.75 Doan's Pills


.60 Edward's Olive Tabs. .36


Hopper's Rest Qr. .64
lodent Tooth Paste .33
Kurlash .56
Lady Esther Cream. ..98
Lifebuoy Shav. Cream .16


1.25 Father John's.


.50 Gino Pills

Ma . 25 - Eves. 35c
. Today and Friday!




with his illustrated
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.30 Hill's Cascara Quinine .161


.50 Midol Tablets

.60 Murine (for Eyes) .49
Pertussin .51 & .89
1.25 Petrolagar .89
.50 Phillips Milk of Mag. .28
1.25 Pinkham's Veg. Com. .83
.50 Poslam Salve '.33


.50 Lyons Tooth Powder ..28
.50 Marchand Hair Wash .34
1.00 Mar-O-.Oil Shampoo .56
.50 Mulsified Shampoo . .32
,.60 Neet Depilatory ...36
50 Phillips Tooth Paste .29
.83 Pond Cold & Van. Cr. .43
.50 Reyelation Tooth Pw. ,27
.10 Sayman's Soap, 3 for .18
Gloria Mdy Tissues, bxy500.19
Velure Lotion .27 & .49

1.20 Similac
1.20 S.M.A. Powder
1.00 Upjohn's Citrocarb.



1.25 Veracolote Tablets. .,77

.10 Woodbu ry' Soops 3 for,


U ~ b ~ Is - " M~ T ~ M I

I.,.l T4. Verocot lot Thhlt 4.77 a 1V0 WoodhurA Y.vv'Soo.rs 3 fotr"ea

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