When East Met West ..
ALL-AMERICAN Ralph Heikkinen, still the unassuming Ramsay gentle-'
man of two years ago when he was "too slow" to be a running guard,
has returned from some 8,000 miles of transcontinental adventure and 51
minutes of East-West football with the following items: '
1--A definite decision not to turn professional.F
2-Two sweaters (All-American and All-East).,
3-One watch (bringing his total to three).
4-A tan football blanket (bringing his total to two).,
5-Two gold watch fobs.
6-A chunk of balsa wood,
7-A sombrero.
8-A toy gun.
Using these eight possessions as chapter titles in his novel of strifei
and cocktail parties, we find that Heikkinen has done the following:
He has hustled from Chicago to San Francisco.to Los Angeles to New
Orleans and home in 20 days flat. This includes a three minute stop for
water before game time and an 18 day guzzling contest which Heik did
not win. He has made speeches, munched banquet delicacies, hob nobbe&'
with movie stars, seen mirages, sweated under a 90 degree sun, read three
plays, and decided to go to Law School.
"I definitely am not going to play professional ball," he admits. '
"I figure to be far ahead in the long run by going to Law School. The
pro club owners this year are offering chicken feed salaries, and many
of the players that I talked to are telling them to go fly a kite."
Selected along with teammate Don Siegel on the Eastern all-star
squad, Heik got down to football business Dec. 19 in Chicago as coaci*e
Bernie Bierman and Andy Kerr began whipping their squad into shape.
Now to the other seven items:
"After a short practice in Chicago we headed west working out at Des
Moines, Cheyenne, and Carlin, Nevada. We finally hit San Francisco and
began a round of banquets and speeches to boost the game. Visited the
Shriner's Hospital for crippled children, and I first became aware what
a really worth while project this game was. It's the only post-season affair
that does any real good.
"We moved to the Grand Hotel in Berkley and began practicing in
earnest. We used half of Bierman's plays, which are almost identical
to Crisler's, and half of Kerr's, who uses a double wing. I liked Bierman
especially well; he has a strength of character and a quiet, modest way
that reminds me particularly of Fritz.
"Socially we were terrific. It was one banquet after another, dates Vth
University of California girls in abundance, and lots of fun. Consequently
the squad was in rather poor condition. I honestly believe I was in the best
shape of any man on the squad despite the fact I weighed only 176 pounds.
Played right guard on the first team and left guard on the second and ran
a lot.
Matmen Prep
For Dual Meet
With Hoosiers
Nichols Out For Revengei
Against Weiss; Indiana
Hurt By Loss Of Haak
Capt. Harold Nichols, who will be
seeking to avenge his defeat last year
at the hands of Seymour Weiss in
the Wolverines' dual meet with In-
diana, will lead Michigan's Varsity
wrestling team, champions of the
Big Ten, against the potent charge of
a determined band of Hoosiers to-
morrow night at the Field House in
the opening meet of the season.
Vanquished last year by Indiana
in the curtain-raiser for both teams,
19 to 13, the Wolverines are really out1
for blood this time and will show just
that when they take the mat at
7:30 p.m. tomorrow against a very
confident band of Hoosiers.
Indiana Veterans Available
Coach W. H. 'Billy' Thom is bring-
ing a veteran squad to town with the
exception of the first two weight
classes, 121 and 128 pounds. Clif-
ford 'Two-Bit' Myers, last year's Big
Ten 118-pound champion, and Bill
Duff y, who walked off with Big Ten
126-pound title last year, have since
graduated, but Coach Thom is not
singing the blues as one would or-
dinarily expect. In Andy Livovich,
Myers' understudy last year, and Bob
Antonacci, a sophomore of exception-
al ability, Thom has two grapplers
who would be welcome on anybody's
The remainder of Indiana's club
represents close to the best bunch of
wrestlers in the country, with veter-
ans Joe Roman at 136, Seymour Weiss
at 145, Angelo Lazarra, John Keeler
or 'Tuffy' Inman at 155, Chauncey
McDaniel at 165, Chris Traicoff at
175, and Sammy Hyde at heavy-
weight, who will replace the ineligible
Bob Haak, football tackle, set to
make things very tough for Coach
Cliff Keen's Wolverines.
Two Sophs Start
As for Michigan, close to the same
situation exists. The Wolverines are
also a veteran array with the ex-
ception of the first two weights, and
here it will be up to little Tom Wei-
dig, 121-pound sophomore, and red-
headed Andy Sawyer, also a sopho-
more, to start Michigan off on a
flying start in an effort to hurl back
what will most certainly be a very
strong Indiana challenge.
Like the Hoosiers, Michigan is pow-
erful at each of the remaining weight
classes. Due to the ineligibility- of
speedy Bill Combs, star soph 155-
pounder, Coach Keen has had to look
around for a strong replacement. Al-
though satisfied with the showing of
Rex Lardner and Ralph Turner, regu-
lar 155-pounders, Keen realizes that
in order to bring home the bacon
in this meet he must present the most
formidable array of grapplers at his
As a Fresult, Keen .hasdecided to
bring Frank Morgan, veteran 165-
pound star, down to 155 for this meet,
with Dick Tasch, who performed at
175 last year, taking over Frank's va-
cated spot.
This move will inject added ex-
perience into the Wolverines' lineup,
an important factor in a meet so close
as this one is expected to be. Tasch,
a two-letter man, will be called upon
to face Chauncey McDaniel, who
edged out Morgan in the Midwest
Meet in Chicago and who also boasts
a convincing triumph over John Gi-
nay of Illinois.
To Lead Wrestlers
Jim Rae Disproves Theory That
'Modern Athletes Can't Take It'
By TOM PIHARES Dehner, Illinois high scorer, and as
So modern athletes can't take it his teammate Charley Pink puts it,
any more? They haven't the guts the "Rae played Dehner swell for four or
old timers had, eh? Well, those who five minutes. If #e could have stayed
saw behind the scenes at Michigan's in he'd have held him to five points."
two Conference basketball games last From Bad To Worse
weekend can testify to as great a dis- Butthen the bad luck got worse.
play of courage as Michigan athletic Rae was kicked in the leg and a hem-
history has ever recorded.
Eleven days ago, Jim Rae, tall, morage resulted. They took him out
brilliant Michigan center, aggravat- for a while although he did get back
led an old back injury, acquired in in for the end. He had played 15
high school football days, while play- minutes of basketball but in the lock-
ing in his home town of Toledo with er room they had to help him to put
the touring Wolverine squad. The on his overcoat.
next day he couldn't run, he couldn't The back was no better and now he
bend over-and what hurt him most also had a bad leg. Jim laughs when
-he couldn't play basketball. he tells how "they had me in the
Consulted Jim's Father ' bathtub practically all weekend." Ii
As last week went by and the sea- was to keep that leg and back warm
son's opener with Illinois neared, and loosen them up. Northwestern
Jim's back got no better but he grew was to be met Monday and Jim want-
more determined. Coach Bennie ed to play.
Oosterbaan consulted Jim's father, " didn't think there was a chance
who is a physician. "Would it hurt in the world that he'd start," admits
his son to play in his present condi- Oosterbaan, but he didn't know his
tion?" Dr. Rae came over from To- pivot man. Rae announced that h
ledo. "No, it would merely make the wanted to play and the rest is history
back hurt more and stiffen up." He led the team to its first Big Ter
Bennie shook his head. victory and scored 14 points himself
Warming up before the Illinois And that was with a sore back and
game, Jim admitted that "it hurt a bum leg. Not bad for a cripple.
quite a bit" but then something And It's S ll Bad
snapped and he felt a little better The k
although he was very stiff. He started e backddsnstus s hegcan
the game guarding the great Pick bend suddenly without wincing, bu
11will it stern him?
Harold Nichols, senior from Cres-
co, Iowa, and captain of Michigan's
Big Ten title-holding wrestling
team, will lead the Wolverines into
their opening meet of the season
tomorrow night at the Field House
when they face a powerful Indiana
Mann Will Use 28 Swimmers
In A.A.U: Meet Here Tomorrow
"The West was all hopped-up for the game, and they beat us on
two long passes by Bullet Bill Patterson of Baylor, who they say is as
good as Davey O'Brien. We had much better players, but they had
better teamwork. I had to play longer than any man on our team since
I worked at both guards.
I ,
"The calibre of the players was excellent. Marshall Goldberg jf PittsA
burgh is the finest back I've ever seen. Tremendous drive, and a very fast
starter. Bill Osmanski of Holy Cross is the hardest hitting fullback I everf
came across, but he pulled a leg muscle in practice and only played three{
minutes. George Faust of Minnesota punted excellently and Siegel gave a
splendid account of himself. For the West, Bock of Iowa State, whom I1
played against, is a very good guard and Vic Bottari of California a hardF
hitting back. We'd seen him play in that Cal-Georgia Tech game on Christ-f
mas Day.'
"We travelled together all the time and the fellows were great. Gold-
berg is a peach as is Don Wemple of Colgate, Curley Stebbins of Pitt, who
proved to be a top-notch crooner, Bill Daddio, Francis Twedell, Walt Shinn
and Johnny Pingel of Michigan State.
"From San Francisco we ,went to Hollywood and naturally spent;
most of our time visiting the' studios. Went through M.G.M. and met
Robert Montgomery, Reginald Owens, and Rosalind Russell, all fine
people. Watched them film "Fast And Loose," a new picture they're
making. Then we took in Warner Brothers, which is really big, and
saw a lot of stars. Had my picture taken with Pat O'Brien, a real foot-
ball fan, and met Joan Blondell, Jane Wyman, and Frank McHugh,
"Saw them shooting two pictures-"Dodge City" a technicolor ex-
travaganza with Errol Flynn and Olivia de Haviland and "Broadway
Cavalier," a boxing picture with Wayne Morris. They snapped Siegel
and Morris together, Don being a Golden Gloves champion, and then
we watched them take a fight scene with a bunch of gangsters break-
ing balsa wood furniture over each other's heads and pulling punches.
We all picked up a piece of the stuff.
"Took the pullman to New Orleans, stopping off at El Paso long enough
to pick up the sombrero and toy gun,. and outside of a magnificent mirage
we spotted in the desert, spent a quiet time at hearts.
"At New Orleans, the East coast boys hopped a boat for home and five
or sit ofus stayed on to see the sights. Great place.
"The trip wasn't a cheap affair. All the committee paid were ordinary
expenses, and tips and souvenirs set us back quite a little. It was a great;
experience though-seeing the country, basking in hot weather, and meet-
ing a fine bunch. I'll never forget it."
All-East Coach Chosen Budge Plays In Detroit
NEW YORK, Jan. 11-(P)-Jock Don Budge will meet Ellsworth
Sutherland, the silent, coach of Pitts- Vines at the Olympia in Detroit to-
burgh's football teams for 15 years,, night in the seventh match of their
will coach the eastern college all recently inaugurated tour. The vic-
stars of 1939. tories have been divided three apiece.
Coach Matt Mann evidently be-'
lieves there's safety in rumbers be-
cause he's goiig to send 28 Michigan
swimmers into the Intramural Build-
ing Pool tomorrow night in an at-
tempt to wrest state swimming supre-
macy away from the Detroit A.C., de-
fending champions in the A.A.U. The
occasion will be the State A.A.U. Meet
and the time will be 7:30 p.m.
The Wolverines, like the biblical,
prophet, have not been without hon-
or save in their own state. But with
Michigan, it's been a matter of lack
of representation rather than lack
of ability. At any rate, Mann is going
to put his belief in collective security
to the test by sending 28 Michigan
swimmers, freshman, varsity and
graduates into five events.
Out For Record
The 28 Wolverines will be swim-
ming an aggregate of 41 times with
the relay team leading the parade as
it tries to crack three national records,
the 200-, 250- and 100-yard free-
style relay.
The 100-yard free-style should
bring fireworks in an attempt to bring
the past up to the present. The past
will be Ed Kirar, last year Wolverine
captain and a double winner in the
50- and 100-yard free-style at both
Big Ten and National C~iampionships;
the present. Walt Tomski and Bill
Holmes of the varsity and the future
five freshmen and Bill Prew of the
Detroit A.C.
Prew was last year's scholastic
champion in the 50-and 100- while1
Holmes is defending A:A.U. cham-
Barker Defends Title
In the 150-yard backstroke, "Good-
Time" Charley Barker will be around
to defend the title he won last year.
But his teammate Bill Beebe will be
giving him the stiffest of competi-
tion all the way.
The high dive will bring together
some of the outstanding springboard
artists in the country as Bob Gard-
ner, a protege of Clarence Pinkston
himself a former Olympic diving
champion, tangles with Hal Benham
and Adolph Ferstenfeld of the vars-
ity. Benham and Ferstenfeld were
third and fourth respectively in the
National Collegiate championships at
Rutgers last March and they will be
aided and abetted by sophomore
Ralph Pyszynski and freshman T-
Bone Martin.
Halina Tomski Entered
Halina Tomski, who has amazed
local and national fans with her
speed, will be back to defend her 100-
yard free-style title. Miss Toiski,
sister of Walt Tomski, now holds four
national marks and is liable to crack
another at a moment's notice. She
may be given notice by Miss Irene
Burke. Miss Burke was here at the
Swim Gala last Dec. 9 and forced
Miss Tomski to go hard all the way.
The bulk of the entries has not yet
been received but more complete en-
tries from the Detroit A.C., Wayne
University and Battle Creek will fill
out the card.
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