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January 12, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-01-12

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---------------L Y I!U









B -by David Lawrence-

31 I

v! PMOt


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
sttudent Publications.
Pubished every morning except Monday during the
University. year and Summer 11ession.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it . or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rightsof republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan,. to
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mnail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
420 MAWoie+ Ave. NEW YORK, N. Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 193839

Board of
Managing Editor . . .
Editorial Director .
City Edlcitor.-
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor .
Asociate Editor ,
Book Editor
Women's Editor
Sports Editor .

. Robert D. Mitchell
* . Albert P. May10
. Horace W. Gilmore
. Robert I. Fitzhenry
S. R. Klelman
R~obert Perlman
a arl ilman
* . William Elvin
Joseph Freedilan
Joseph Gies
. . Dorothea Staebler
- . Bud Benjamin

Business Department
Blsi fes Manager. *, .Phlip WBuchen
creodt Manager -. , . Leonard P.: Slegelmanu
4vertising Manager . .. . William L. Newnan
Women's Business Manager . Helen Jean Dean
Womien'a servce Manager . . Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
te Nd Menace
And The Court . ..
'J'HE DIES COMMITTEE habit seems
- to have taken a firm hold on certain
individuals around the country. Two examples
of the type of mind which predominated among
Mr. Dies' witnesses during the so-called investi-
gation of un-Americanism have turned up at the
open hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee
on the appointment of Prof. Felix Frankfurter
tolle Sureme Court.
The witnesses, who appearedat their own re-
quest, were a Mr. George Sullivan and a Mr.I
Collis Redd. Redd appeared as a representative
of "The Constitutional Crusaders of America,"
while Sulivan's qualifications as .a witness lay
in the fact that he has been a writer on "anti-
sulbversive" subjects
Sullivan's "testimony" was to the effect that
Professor Frankfurter had been associated with
two well-known Communists in two activities,
(l) William Z. Foster, in the American Civil
Liberties Union, and (2) Maxim Litvinoff, in
tie "Jewish Hall of Fame," made up of 120 of
tde greatest living Jews. Sullivan asserted that
Prfessor Frankfurter made no protest at being
lilted along with Litvinoff. "If Litvinoff and
Frankfurter belong to the same group," the
Associated Press quoted him as saying, "surely
neither of them belongs on the Supreme Court."
The :AMerican Civil Liberties Union is one of
the many organizations slandered before the
Dies Committee last year. It is devoted to the
cause of aiding individals of all parties and
persuasions who have suffered deprivation of
civil liberties, i.e., the right of free speech, free
assembly, etc. It is a measure of Sullivan's
erude intellect that he characterized it as
being engaged in defending the right to over-
throw the government by force. Both Sullivanj
and Redd stressed Professor Frankfurter's race
anid foreign birth. Both used the term "subvers-j
iW' in referring to the origins and affiliations of
the prospective justice.
- Redd, the Cpnstitutional Crusader, at first told
te Committee that his organization represented
"consumers, taxpayers, the unemployed and
everyone but the CIO and the A.F. of L." A little
questioning presently elicited the fact that Redd
is the sole member of the "organization.,
nt is fairly safe to say that neither Sullivan
nor, Redd nor any of their numnerous proto-
types who have paraded through the public
prints in the last six months have anything like
an accurate conception of the democratic form'
of government or American history. They repre-
sent a species of mentality, not too strong to be-
gin with, which has been clouded by inflamma-
Cory "anti-subversive" literature. It is the type
of mind of< which fascists are made; and if it
as be laughed to scorn today the time may come
when laughter will not suffice to combat it.
Especially is this true when- one considers that
it is a mind founc- not only among one-man
Qonstitutional Crusaders, but high-ranking army
Officers (cf. George Van Horn Moseley, major-
general, retired), congressmen (cf. Representa-

WASIINGTON, Jan. 11--The broad principles
of President Roosevelt's message to Congress, in-
sofar as they relate to freedom of religion as a
foundation stone of democracy, are still being
discussed here. For the truth is no message in
recent history has focused more pointedly the
fundamentals of democracy in direct relationship
to the policy of national defense.
When thePresident said "religion, democracy
and international good faith" require a united
defense, it will be recalled that he significantly
declared "to save one, we must make up our
minds to save all" because they are "all the same
Never before has a President linked religion
to democracy as a thing worth fighting for with
our national power, and that is why the subject
is still uppermost in conversation and comment
here, notwithstanding the fact that a week hag
'gone by since the message was actually delivered.
The spiritual note in public affairs, to be sure,
has been rising perceptibly of late, so the Presi-
dent's emphasis is opportune, but it is also a fact
that what the totalitarian states like Russia,
Germany and Italy have been doing to undermine,
religious practices and religious worship has
created in America a deep-seated feeling of con-
cern lest the indifference toward God which
motivates Fascism and Communism spread to
The basic point is what the defiance of religi-
ous tenets has done to the Russian and German
and Italian governments in raising the banner
of physical force as the supreme purpose of the
state itself. America, of course, is not going to
war on such abstract questions, but America is
being asked nevertheless by the President to
understand the forces which have bred such
barbaric policies of anti-religion abroad.
Few people here would deny that the disin-
tegration of a democracy can be begun by de-
fiance of religion, for it is well understood that,
when fair play and individual liberty, which are
so interwoven with democratic institutions, are,
broken down, irreligion sets in.
It is nevertheless novel to find 'public policy
being shaped by considerations as broad as these,
and the consensus here is that Mr. Roosevelt has
quickened the heart of the American people with
his restatement of the democratic faith.
There is something more important, however,
than mere restatenent of democratic doctrine as
an integral part of national defense purposes for
the benefit bf foreign peoples or our own. It is
the fact that attention begins to be placed on
religion as an inspiration in public life itself.
Clearly, if religion is the source of democracy in
an international picture, such as we are witness-
ing today, it is even more so when the domestic
picture is viewed.
Those words, "social responsibility," which
have been used again and again in public ad-
dresses to denote the scope of social and economic
legislation, take on a new meaning nowadays
when the President himself speaks of religious
feeling as a central part of our national life. Out
of religious thinking, irrespective of creed or
race or class, often comes the motivation of good
government. Often, on the other hand, in the
compromises of party politics or in the individual
ambitions of persons who want to be elected or
who want to be reelected, the tenets of religious
faith are cast aside or at least neglected, and
the principles of common honesty and unself-
ishness, vhich are basic in the Christian Faith,
are ignored. Again and again, some political
leaders console themselves with the notion that
politics is a kind of game in which the moral code
can be different from that which is supposed to
prevail outside of public life. It is here that a
return to religion is most needed, and there are
signs that such a revival, quietly and unosten-
tatiously, is beginning here as it is in Great
What the President said may have referred to
the broad international aspects of democracy's
fight for self-preservation, but it also applies
with equal force to the need for changing the
personal lives of persons in positions of respon-
sibility in government and business; in fact,
throughout those key institutions which from
day to day make democracy function.
Certainly, with compulsion the underlying
force of Fascism and Communism, volition .be-
comes the only parallel force in democracy, and,
to induce the right sort of voluntary action for
the common good, the place that religion occu-

pies will tend to become more and more vital
in a democracy like ours. That's why the Presi-
den't message will remain a topic of conversa-
tion hereabouts for months, if not rs to come.
Nazi Demand To Switzerland
A warning to Switzerland that if she wants
to be regarded as a neutral Power she must stop
agitation and propaganda against Germany i
contained in the "Vokischer Bcobachter," the
Nazi party paper. It says-
Germany, as one ofathe guarantor States, has
a right to demand from Switzerland neutralized
since 1815 that she maintain national neutrality.
What Germany must very definitely claim from
a small neutral Power is an objective and fair
attitude towards German affairs.
It is a matter of complete indifference to the
Reich what goes on in Swiss Internal policy. On
the other hand, the Reich must require from
Switzerland that she restrain the shameless agi-
tation which has been going on for years against
the internal policy of Germany and which has
reached intolerable proportions since the taking
over of Austria and the Sudetenland.
Swmitelnd nivmt hp inr eissr nn--i +n

Y o0u of M
y Sec Terry.
LAST SUNDAY'S New York Herald-Tribune
carried a notably clever account of what
Edythe Summerskill, the lady M.P. who spoke here
recently, called, "Qhambelain's peregrinations."
It was a copyrighted story, datelined London
and written by Joseph Driscoll, and the first
couple of paragraphs will perhaps convey the
tenor of the whole:..
"Prime Minister Nevilleh hnaberl in,,tire-
less salesmai of his own bran. of peace
labeled Appeasement with a capital 'A, takes
to the road agafin Tuesday, when he and his
junior partner, Lord Uaifax, the Foreign
Secretary, strikes out for Rome to try to sell
Premier Benito Mussolini on the merits. of
maintaining the status quo and whatever
peace there is at the mment.
"In advance of the departure,..lr Cham-
berlain's busy critics. are already ringing a
"no sale" sign his mission. Admittedly, U
Duce is a tough customer to approach and to
persuade to sign on the dotted line. However,
Mr. Chamberlain has got himslf into such a
position that he simply ipust come back fron
Rome with-a sale of some sort; otherwise, his
traveling days are over as a Prime Minister."
Information beyond this point, we leave to the
curious. However, in case the thought occurs,
permit usto say that not even the slightest ref-{
erence is made to a farmer's daughter.
R' ALPH HEIKKINEN, Michigan's own travel-
ing representative, has returned from San
Francisco, where he played as a member of the
Eastern All-Stars in the Shrine game on Jan. 2.
Heik's impressions of the West gathered be-
tween frosted vernors at the Union contain a
brief for China Clippers, which made a magni-
ficent sight in 'Frisco's picturesque bay; Olivia
de Havilland, beauteous Hollywood actress whom
the squad met while she was making a picture
with Errol Flynn; exuberant Mickey Rooney,
Pat O'Brien and Rosalind Russell and Robert
Montgomery; gay. New Orleans, and Baylor's
Patterson, an unsung halfback who pulled a
Davey O'Brien for the Westerners to chase the
Easterners almost out of the ball park. He thinks
Marshall Goldberg- is the fastest starting half-
back in football. ,He doesn't think many of the
stars will play pro football, and this includes
Howie Weiss, the Wisconsin powerhouse and the
Big Ten's most valuable player, who asked th.
Detroit Lions for $10,000 with a wink in his eye.
Heik also reported that Don Siegel, Wolverine
tackle who also represented the East, lingered
in New Orleans for a few days.
Heik took inventory of his gifts as an All-
American selection, .showing u s,- the beautiful
watch Kate Smith sent, Ni hich he was wearing,
and telling- of the New York Sun's Waltham',
which he prizes as a time-keeping gem, other
watches, blankets, sweaters and scrolls that were
heaped upon him. He doesn't know what to do
with the white All-America and Shrine game
sweaters. "They're too flashy and conspicuous
to wear about the campus," he said with charac-
teristic modesty.
'He won't play professional football, he ex-
plained with convincing logic.
* *
IN THE MAILS: Dear Sec:.
I have almost finished my first semester
of college life now, and I would like to ask
you a few questions: (The letter was written
on a W4ashington, D.C. hotel, letterhead,
sealed in an envelop of the "Nittany Lion" at
Penn State, and postmarked "Ann Arbor"
A fellow who gets around like that ought to
find the answers for hmself, but since he
asks, we splicited the aid of our campus ex-
pert on such matters.)
"1. Why do students wear white shoes in
winter time?".
Ans. Although the'question obviously involves
an indictment of our moriern economy, SS adds
that it would be a social error to go barefooted,

and besides, they're not white shoes but regular
ones chalked with light dust collected during
long, motionless hours spent drinking cokes.
Thank you. -
"2. Why do co-eds smoke?"
Ans. The hashish school has practically van-
ished, so we presume that you refer to tobacco.
SS claims it makes the girls look sophisticated.
Personally, SS smokes to keep awake, which, he
adds, is a good argument for the use of tobacco
in the classroon.
"3. Why -do students admire the Arboretum
so greatly?"{
Ans. SS, himself a misogynist, refused to answer
this one. As for us, well, the only time we sought
the quiet of that retreat, we wound up in a place
with a lot of queer stone benches, and not until
we saw writing on one of them, to the effect that
"He lived well, if not wisely," did we realize that
wasn't the Arboretum.
"4. Why is Marian Phillips, popular?"
Ails. The lady iniquestion gave 80 some reasons
for hating mnnrecently, and it followed natur-
ally that campus lotharios, none of whom knew
her previously, sought her acquaintanceship.
Anyone with that many reasons was worth know-
ing. SS says he met her mother the other evening'
and was disappointed; she's naive and wit-con1-
scions, he says. Thank you.
"5. What happened to the Gargoyle when
It was stolen?"
Ans. This is a rather touchy subject with us,
but SS claims that though See d'annunzio Terry
appropriated them to bury that phoney "stolen"
gag for the last time, no one really:believed them
really stolen except- a credulous Daily night edi-

The Editor
~Gets Told..
Taking Exception . .
To the Editor;
While reading the editorial Ger-
many's Fourth Front, I was so much
amused that I decided to answer sev-
eral questions to the somewhat baffled
writer. Of course it is true that the
editorials represent the views of the
writer only, hence the matter is not
as serious as it might be. However,
in order to give your realers the truth
of the matter you should occasionally
give space to a slightly pro German
Far be it from me to defend the
Nazi regime in all its affairs, how-
ever the advantages given to Ger-
,many and its people so far outweigh
;the few wrong moves it has commit-
ted, that it can not and should not
be looked at from an antagonistic
side. No government is 100 per cent
perfect, not even our own Democracy.
The fact of a real success of the Third
Reich is causing antagonism and
jealousy in 'widespread circles en-
hanced by the so-called free press and
the radio.
The picture does not look black at
all, as a matter of fact it looks bright-
er and better than it has looked for
25 years. There is no question about
it that Russia is the only and direct
enemy of Germany. Why should Eng-
land and France oppose Germany?,
Any downfall of the Nazi regime in{
Germany means automatically com-j
munism for Germany as well as Eng-
land and France. This is the one and,
only solution to the puzzle. Can youI
picture England going communistic?
As to economic and social condi-
tion of the ordinary German being-
intolerable is a pure and outrageous
lie. The average German has had a -
better living in the past three years
than he has ever had in all of Ger-
many's existence, This is the real and
only reason why the people are calm
and ostensibly pro Hitler, There ist
plenty of work all over Germany.l
From 7 million unemployed to anr
actual labor shortage in five short
years. Production and work means1
wages and salaries. There is also
plenty of good food contrary to some
of the reports printed.
These statements I can prove by
dozens of letters received from my
relatives and friends living in Gr-v
many of the ordinary people, not
even belonging to the Nazi party. They
are .all glad .-and thankful for thec
change that has come about.l
As far. as any minority group oft
anti Nazi feeling is concerned, thatk
is steadily decreasing, because seeing
is believing, facts do convince-doubt-
ers. Even with all this there are still
some nitwits who can not see or do
not want to see facts,. so it is neces-
sary to have a police force. Germanyf
did not watch its fourth front during
the last war and the outcome of it is i
Well known, therefore a well trainedr
police force is not only. welcome butt
necessary to any nation in time off
peace and war. .
-Max Aupperle
Mortality - 1
Commencement of the secondt
quarter of school is an appropriate1
time for academic inventory. Already1
the first contingent . of those-who-r
shouldn't-have-come-in-the . - first-
place has made its quiet withdrawal,
left to. pursue individual fortunes
with the added stigma of being college
"failures." Others will continue to1
make, unannounced d e p a r t u r e

throughout the year for divers reas-
ons-mostly scholastic and financial.t
Such departures constitute no trivialI
matter, for nearly half of those regis-
tered in the nation's colleges this fall
will, not receive diplomas 4 years
hence, if estimates based on previous
years are correct. -
This vital problem of student per-a
sistence in college is dealt with in
an illuminating survey made by Dean
Everett W. Lord of Boston university.I
The survey reveals that of 214,000
freshmen who registered in 241 of
the nation's colleges, 99,644 failed to
graduate within 4 years. This con-
clusion, in itself, is not surprising, but
Dean Lord, in his discussion, raises
several challenging facts.
Dean Lord places partial blame for
the appalling mortality rate on the
colleges themselves, because, he say
since 0,000 of the "detached"~ stu-
dents failed courses so completidy it
fis apparent they °,should never have
been admitted in the first place. Fur-
ther, he says, the tragedy w hich be-
falls such fatalities is not sufficiently
appreciated by colleges or society.
These students are, in effect, black-
listed by other colleges and, to a cer-
tain extent, by business, he writes.
From 25 to 29 per cent of the with-r
drawals are due to financial reasons,
the survey points out; . this, despite
the large sums provided by the NYA,
scholarships, loans and college jobs.
The loss which individual students
and society at large offers from this
restriction -of opportunity has often

Publicat~ion the Bulletin is: constructive haotice to ail members oftheg
Pniversity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
ut 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
THURSDAY, JAN. 12, 1939 is being shown in the third floor ex-
VOL. XLIX. No. 78 F hibition room, Architecture Build-
ing. Open daily. 9 to 5, except Sun-
Smoking in Universay Buildings:Iday. through Jan. 18." The public is
Attention is called to the general rule invited
that smoking is prohibited in Uni--
versity buildings except in private of- Ti
flees and assigned? sminlg rooms' T," Exhibits: Paintings by Sarkis
erand eassigned smonkn roomd Sarkisian. and prints from the col-
where piecautions can be taken andI lection of the Detroit Institute of
control exercised. This is neither a Arts under the auspices of the Ann
mere arbitrary regulation nor an at- . A aupion. J 1 A2,
Arbor tart A sociationl. Jan. 11 o2
Tempt to meddle with anyone's per-t2 afternoons from 5 to 5, North an
sonal habits. It is established and Soth Gallerof Alumni Mmoral
enforced solely with the purpose of HatllG leries of Alumni Memorial
preventing fires. In the last five years,
15 of the total of 50 fires reported, or'
30 per cent, were caused by cigarettes Textile Exhibition, College of Ar-
or lighted matches. To be effective, citecure: A showing of modern
the rule must necessarily apply to textiles consisting of rugs, hangings,
bringing lighted tobacco into or bedspreads and pillow cases, de-
through University buildings and to signed by Marianne Strengell, now
the lighting of cigars, cigarettes, and on the staff of the Cranbrook Aca-
pipes within buildings-including demy of Art, is on display in the
such lighting just previous to going ground floor cases of the Architec-
outdoors. Within the last few years ture Building. Open daily, 9 to 5, ex-
a serious fire was started at the exit cept Sunday. through Jan. 25. The
from the Pharmacology building by public is invited.
the throwing of a still lighted match
into refuse waiting removal at the Events Today
doorway. If the rule is to be enforced The Engish JournaCub will meet
at all its enforceinent must begin at this evening at 8 p.m.. in the -West
the building entrance, Further, ittConferezlne Roo m ..of the Mckhat
is impossible that the rule should be Co .Ffesence Room . of the Rackiak
enfrce wih Ue cassof ersns ifBldg. Dr. F. G. Cassidy will speak
enrforced withone class of persons if on "Aims and Methods of Linguis-
a.nothet class of persons disregards it. te. rdaesuet n aut
It is a disagreeable and thankless tims." radtenv students andfaculty
task to "enforce" alm6st a-ny rul. members are invited to._ attend.
This rule against the use of tobacco
within buildings is perhaps the most Psychologica'. Journal Club: Meet-
thankless and difficult of all, unless ing this evening at 8 p.m. in the
it has the winning support of every- Small Amphitheatre of the Rack-
one concerned. An appeal is made to ham Bld . Prof. N.R.F. Maier will dis-
all persons using the University build- cuss "Experimentally Produced Neu-
ings--staff members, students and rotic Behavior in Rats," with a film.
others-to contribute individual co-
operation to this effort to protect Varsity Glee Cub: Rehearsal at
University buildings against fires. 7:30 tonight. Tryouts for "Trial by
This stakement is inserted at the Jury" to be held at 7 p.m.
request of the Conference of Deans,
Shirley W. Smith. Freshman Luncheon Club:. Meeting
---- today. Our guest today will be Of-
Student Loans: There will be a ficer Wurm of the Michigan State
meeting of the Committee on Stu- Police. Whether you live in Michigan
dent Loans in Room 2, Unliversity or not this will be interesting to you.
Hall on Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 17
at which time loans will be consid- French Lecture: The third lecture
er-ed for the second semester. Ap- on the Cercle Francais program will
pointments should be made in ad- take place today at 4:15 p.m., Room
vance, 101 Rtnno3a"m~er


Academic Notices
English 47. Mr. Seager's section t
will not meet this morning.'
All Students: Registration for sec-
ond semester. Each student shouldt
plan to register for himself during
the appointed hours. Registrations
by proxy will not be accepted.t
Robert L. Williams,1
Assistant Registrar.
Registration Material, College of 1
Architecture. Students should call
for second semester material at Room
4 University Hall at once. The Col-
lege of Architecture will post an an-
nouncement in the near future giving9
time of conference with your classi-r
fier. Please wait for this notice be-.
fore seeing your classifier.1
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar.
Registrationm Material, Colleges ofI
L.S.&A.. Education, Music. Stu-
dents should call for second semes-
ter registration material at Room 4, x
University Hall as soon as possible,.
Please see your adviser and secure all
necessary signatures.
Robert L. Williams,1
Assistant Registrar,
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-i
tificate, June, 1939: Before making;
elections for the second semester,s
bach candidate should check the re-
quirements in his or her major and
minor teaching fields, as outlined ini
the School of Education announce-
ment, page 39 and following.
Notice to Students Planning to do
Directed Teaching: Students expect-
ing to do direted teaching the second
semester are requested to secure as-
signments in Room 2442 University
Elementary School on Thursday,
Jan. 12, according to the following
9:00,. Latin, Mathematics, French,
10:00, Scieice, find arts, conuer-
cial subjects-
11:00, English. Speech
1;30, Social Studies.
Assignments are made in the order
of application.
Exhibition, College of Architec-
ture: A national exhibition of Rep-
resentative Buildings of the Post-
War Period, selected by the Commit-
tee on Education of the American In-
stitute of Aichitets and circu lated
by the American Federation of Arts,
Reich Official Is Target
For Long-Distance Shots
BERLIN, Jan. 12 -(Thursday)-
(P)--Long-distance shots reportedly
fired at a German Consular official's

1W., manceLanguage Buliing.
Mr. Marc Denkinger will speak on:
"Ports de France."
Tickets for the whole series of lee-
tures may be procured from the see-
retary of the Romance Language De-
partment (Room 112, Romance Lan-
guagv 13i tilding) or at the door at
the time of the lecture.
Scimitar meeting will be held
tonight at 8 p.m. at the Michigan
Union. At this time, there will be an
initiation of new members, and all
the old members, are requested to be
prompt in attendance.
Ann Arbor Independent Women will
have a meeting in the Kalamazoo
Room of the Michigan League at x
4:30 p.m. this afternoon. Final ar-
rangements and plans for the Friend-
ship dinner will be announced,
Everyone is expected at the meeting.
Executive Committee meeting of
the. American Student Union at 4
p.m. at the League.
The Men's Physical Education Club
meets in the Union tonight at 9 p.m.
Business will be considered.
he Book Group of the Michigan
ames will meet Thursday at 8 p.m.
in the Rackhami Building. The room
will be posted on the bulletin board
in the lobby. The program will con-
sist of the reviewing of three out-
standing books.
The Ilillel Photography Club will
meet tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the
Foundation. New members are wel-
The class in Modern Jewish Prob-
lems will meet at Hillel at 7:30 p.m.
Comning Events
Architects and Engineers are in-
vited to an illustrated lecture on
Lihing Equipment, Friday, JIan.' 13
at 4:10 p.m. in Room 246 West En-
gincering Building by Mr. Allen J.
M;art ii, oneof (our g!raduates broad-
ly experienced in illumination el-
gineering and research in lighting.
i c will treat timhe feaitutres which
<hould be considered in selection of
lig~hig eqipitnienrt, with emphasis on
those which are important to the in-
,;taller a, well :is the user. This is 'a
special session of the class in EE. 74
but should be significant and interest-
ing to pthers, aind all interested are
Student Book Yxchange: Don't for.,
get your interviews today and tomor-
row, to- be held in Room 325 in the
Michigan Union. Please be punctual
and avoid Confusion, If you have no
intcrview timoe as yet please get in
touch with Union Student Offices be-
tween 3 and 5.
The Outdoor Club will meet at Lane
Hall at 2 o'clock on Saturday. Jan.

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