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January 16, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-01-16

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The Weather
Warmer to(LI v t now and
colder too-awrttw.

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Sir igan~ctl


Are Wer Going?.








Minnesota, 31-16,
In Last Half Rally

Gophers Held To Three
Points In Second Half
By AirtightDefense
Wolverine Height
Dominates Losers
MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 15.--()-The{
University of Michigan basketballj
team remained undefeated in the
Western Conference tonight, when it
beat Minnesota, 31 to 16.
The Wolverine squad entrained im-
mediately after the game bound for
Madison, Wis., and another game
Monday night with the Badgers who
lost tonight to Purdue.
The Wolverines, in marking up
their third straight triumph of the
campaign, were behind by 13 to 11
at the half but came back with a
strong defensive game that held the
Gophers without a point until only,
three minutes of the second half re-

Scores Six Times

Left Thwarts
Bonnet's Try'
At A Cabinet
Socialist AndComunis
Parties Refuse Support
To Any Radical-Socialist
Keep Popular Front
Intact, Labor Cries
PARIS, Jan. 15.-(A)-The People's
Front tonight split anew over finan-
cier-diplomat Georges Bonnet's ef-
forts to give France a new govern-
The Socialist group in the Cham-
ber of Deputies voted unanimously to
refuse to participate in or support a
Bonnet cabinet after the Radical So-
cialist Premier-designate offered So-
cialist posts in his prospective min-
Bonnet made the offer in an in-
terview with Deputy Albert Serol,
chairman of the Chamber Socialists,
who immediately communicated with
the group. The vote followed.
The Premier-designate announced
that he was awaiting a formal letter
from the Socialist party confirming
this stand before taking another step.
The former Ambassador to Wash-
ington formally accepted President
Albert Lebrun's cabinet mandate af-
ter a day of political jockeying to
find a successor to Camille Chau-
Bonnet's own party, the Radical-
Socialists, approved his assumption
of the task provided he form another,
front government. Communists, So-
cialists and the more conservative
Radical-Socialists composed the Peo-
ple's Front.
Shortly before Bonnet went to the
Elysee Palace to accept, the Social-
ists had expressed opposition to a
Radical-Socialist Premier and the
Communists took a similar stand,
calling for a meeting of all People's
Front Deputies to consider the crisis.
The General Confederation of La-i
bor added its weight to keeping the
three left-wing parties in line by
proclaiming that "it is necessary to
keep the People's Front intact."
Though Bonnet accepted the cab-
inet task, the situation was still con-
fused by refusal of Socialist Leon
Blum, chief of the first People's Front
government, to support Bonnet's pro-
gram for a conservative solution of
pressing labor and financial problems.
With their Communist allies the
Socialists have demanded a controlled
foreign exchange as partial solution
of monetary difficulties.
Student Body Plans
To Revive Tradition
Of Michigan Opera

Naiiie Kyser

Name Kyser
And Dorsey
J-Hop Bands
Junior Class Ticket Sales
will Open wednesday:
D~istributiion Monay
No Blocs Of Tickets
To An Organization
The orchestras of Jimmy Dorsey
and Kay Kyser will play for the J-
Hop Friday, Feb. 11, it was announced
last night by Robert A, Reid, '39E.
chairman of the committee. Reid said
that unlike previous years, no blocs
of tickets will be sold to any organiza-
Tickets will go on sale to members
of the junior class 1 p.m. Wednes-I
day in the lobby of the Union. They
are priced at $5.50. After Monday,
Jan. 24, tickets will go on general
sale. Sales will be limited to 1,300
and will be conducted from 1 to 5:30
p.m. week days and 9 to 11:30 a.m.
Saturday. Kyser's agreement was
completed last night in a long dis-
tance telephone call by Dean Walter
B. Rea, assistant dean of students.
Kyser is known as the exponent of
"sweet, smooth rythm," according to
Reid. Dorsey, brother of Tommy, is'
well known fov his work with Bing
Crosbyo and more recently for his
stay at the Blackhawk in Chicago.
Letters concerning the procedure
for arranging booths at the Hop have
been sent to all fraternities, Reid
said. Independents were notified
that an independent booth will be
arranged for at a meeting 7:30 p.m.
Monday called by Seymour Spelman,
'39, and Harold Stewart, '39, of the,
Identification cards will be required
of all purchasers of tickets to preventJ
attendance of persons unaffiliated,
with the University. Tickets resold
for more than the original purchase
price will be void if discovered, it was
Students Work'
For Ambulance
To Help Spain1
Progressive Club Drives.
For $250; 15 Midwest'
Universities In Effort
Progressive student organizations
at 15 midwest colleges and univer-
sities will take part in a campaign to
raise $1,500 for an ambulance and
equipment for Loyalist Spain, and to
the 49 American ambulances there.
The Progressive Club of the Univer-

Roosevelt Assures Court
Of A New Deal Majority
With Reed's Nomination

Five Faculty Members Approve
Of Choice For Associate Justice

Gophers Lose Third
While the defense was taking care
of the fast breaking Gopher for-
wards, Leo Beebe, John Townsend
and Jim Rae handled the offensive
maneuvers to give the visitors a well
deserved victory.
The height of the Wolverines, espe-
cially under the backboards, was one
of the deciding factors while the Go-
phers' inability to connect from the
free throw line was another.
It was Minnesota's third straight
Conference loss.
Townsend, all-Conference forward
the past two years and tied for run-
ner-up honors in individual scoring,
counted 12 points to be high scorer
of the game.
He personally put the Wolverines
ahead 6 to 0 with eight minutes gone
and it was eleven minutes before the
Gophers connected with a field goal
to make the score 8 to 3.
Kundla Scores Four
Then Johnny Kundla, lagging be-
hind on a fast break, broke free for
four consecutive short shots before
he was bottled up, but by that time
the score was 11 to 9 for the Gophers
and five minutes remaining.
Roelke and Townsend counted the-
remaining points and the Gophers
left the floor with a 13 to 11 ad-
vantage at the half.
Beebe came out strong in the sec-
ond half with three straight short
shots to pile up a 17 to 13 lead, and
then the Gophers became demoralized
and Michigan found little trouble in
sending their tall men into the scor-
ing center for short shots.
With only three minutes remaining
(Continued on Page 3)
Russia Halts
All Payments
To Mussolini
MOSCOW, Jan. 15.-(P)-Russia
today suspended all commercial pay-
ments to Italy in what diplomatic
circles said was a disagreement over
delivery of Soviet oil to the Italian
The government charged that the
Italian navy had failed to meet fuel
bills owed the Soviet, that Russian
ships were being detained in Italian,
ports and Italian firms had suspend-
ed payments to Russia.
Diplomatic circles said the Italian
naval ministry had declined to pay
for oil supplied by Russia on the
ground deliveries had been less than
promised under a contract between#
the two governments.
Art Exhibit On
In Alumni Hall
Mastro-Valerio' s Wo r k s

Indiana Beaten
As Swimmers
Nab All Firsts
Weak Hoosier Is Stopped,1
68-16, In Spite Of SlowI
Times; Sophomores Star1
BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Jan. 15.-
()-Michigan's Big Ten and National
Collegiate swimmingch a m p i o n s
swamped Indiana. 68-16 in a dual
meet here today.
The Wolverines captured all first
places and every runner-up position
except the second in the 50-yard free-
Coach Matt Mann's natators ran
up a typical Michigan score, but their
performances were below average
Wolverine standards.
Capt. Ed Kirar and Bob Emmett
gave Michigan the two top positions
in the 100-yard free-style race while
Walt Tomski's 24.1 second 50 gave
him the victory in that event.
Slow time was fast enough to cap-
ture the first and second places for
the Wolverines in the 150-yard back-
stroke race. Bob Sauer and Bob Burke
I finished in that order.
The two relay races brought a pair
of the slowest performances made by
Wolverine representatives in recent
years. Unextended by Indiana's hap-
less Hoosiers, the Michigan quartet
of Kirar, Tomski, Holmes, and Hut-
chens floated along to a victory in
the 400 yard free-style relay in 3:47.3.1
The medley trio of Burke, Benham,
and Tomski took 3:15.2 to negotiate
the 300-yard distance, but they were
the first to finish under the wire nev-
A neat exhibition brought a first in
the diving event to Michigan's sopho-
(Continued on Page 3)
Coffee Hour Open
To Pre-Foresters
Pre-forestry students are especially
invited to the Union Coffee Hour from
4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Wednesday when
Prof. Shirley Allen of the forestry
school will lead a discussion on for-
estry topics and problems.
Among the things he will discuss
are: "Forestry; Its Future," and
"What Forestry Has To Offer Today."
This is the fourth in the Union's
series of pre-professional coffee hours.
Dean Henry Bates of the Law School,
Dean C. E. Griffin of the business
administration school and Prof. Paul
Jeserich of the dental school led dis-
cussions at previous ones.
I '~'? WT 11 T1: ----------1r.Y

Bates Calls It Admirable;
Dorr Finds Senate Vote
Factor In Appointment
Calm approval of the nation will
greet the appointment of Solicitor-
General Stanley Forman Reed, to ti
Supreme Court vacancy created by
the retirement of Justice George
Sutherland, if a sampling of the opin-
ions of the Law School and political
science faculty taken here last night
is any guide.
Although opinions varied from en-
thusiastic approbation to admittance
that the appointment is about as good
as any that could have received the
confirmation of the Senate, most of
the faculty members contacted mere-
ly expressed quiet satisfaction. No
one could be found who disapproved
of the choice.
Among the comments made were
Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law
School: "It is an admirable appoint-
ment. Reed is as good a man as
could have been chosen. He is a pro-
gressive, yet not an extremist."
Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the po-
litical science department: "It is the
best appointment that could have
been made. Reed's professional
equipment, attitude and character
are all satisfactory. His record, both
in private life and as a public servant,
indicates that he is the man for the
Prof. Harold M. Dorr of the po-
litical science department: "It is as
good an appointment as could have
been made under the situation-that
is under the necessity of securing the
confirmation of the Senate."
Other comments from members of
the law faculty were: Prof. Ralph
Aigler-"I have heard good things
about him. He is an outstanding man
of good ability professionally. One
thing is sure: it is a better appoint-
ment than the last (the appointment
Treasury Head
Hints At A Tax
Revision Soon
Repeal Planned Of Excise1
On Manufacturers, He
Tells House Committee
WASHINGTON, Jan. 15.-()-The
Treasury's chief tax expert told a con-
gressional committee today that fur-
ther extensive tax law revisions might
be proposed "at some later date."
Roswell Magill, treasury undersec-I
retary, made that assertion to a House
Ways and Means Committee at in-
itial public hearings on a sub-com-
mittee's recommendations for chang-
ing the tax system.
He said additional revision might'
touch on such matters as:
Personal tax exemptions, repeal of
all "temporary" manufacturers' excise
taxes, tightening the relationship be-
tween federal and state taxes, and
taxing interest on future issues of
federal, state and municipal securi-
Speaking for his department, Ma-
gill endorsed the sub-committee's
recommendations, which involve mod-
ification of the undistributed profits
and capital gains levies, and many
other changes. He had helped the

of Justice Hugo Black). He is neith-
er a radical, nor athard-shelled con-
servative and might be called a rea-
sonable' liberal."
Prof.-Emeritus Edwin Goddard: "I

have a fine impression of Reed. He's
a good man for the job. McRey-
nolds and Pierce Butler will be kind
of lonely now."
Church Group
To Hear Of Riot
At Haymarket
Dr. Lemon To Speak On
Enduring Investments At
Presbyterian Service
Several students will participate in
the candlelight service at the Uni-
tarian Church today. Norman Rosten,
Grad., will give the poem "Albert
Richard Parsons." The hymn, "The
Reformers," by Whittier which was
recited by Parsons just before his ex-
ecution will also be sung. The Rev.
Harold P. Marley will speak on
"Proud Pilgrimage to Haymarket." He
will be aided by Rosten and Edward
Jurist, '38, who will deliver the Inter-
lude, scene 5, act 1. A cello solo will
be rendered by Gratia Harrington,
At 8 p.m., Prof. Lowell Carr of the
sociology department will lead a
round table on "The Public Mind and
the Courts."
Dr. William P. Lemon will talk on
"Enduring Investments" at the 10:45
a.m. service of the First Presbyterian
Church. Dr. E. William Doty of the
music school will lead the choir in
several numbers including: Prelude,
"The Lord is My Refuge" by Reger;
Anthem, "Seek Ye The Lord" by
Roberts; and a solo, "Fear Not Ye, O
Israel" by Buck.
The Westminster Guild meets at
(Continued on Page 6)
Reports Again
Name Criser
As New Coach
PRINCETON, N. J., Jan. 15.-P)-
Despite lack of confirmation, reports
circulated here today that Fritz Cris-
ler, Princeton's head football coach,
might move to Michigan as Harry
Kipke's successor.
Even in the absence of any direct
word from Crisler on the rumored

Senators Applaud Choice
Of The Solicitor General;
Public Hearing Planned
Nominee Defended
New Deal In Court
WASHINGTON, Jan. 15.-(A")--A
clear majority of administration sup-
porters on the Supreme Court ap-
peared assured today when President
Roosevelt nominated Solicitor Gen-
eral Stanley Reed, a veteran defender
of New Deal enactments, to succeed
retiring Justice George Sutherland.
Senators, who mist pass upon the
nomination, generally applauded the
selection of the Kentucky lawyer.
Even some bitter foes of the Presi-
dent's defeated bill to reorganize
the high tribunal joined in expressing
But there were numerous demands
that public hearings be conducted be-
fore the Senate votes on the ap-
Senate Approval Seen
It was apparent that the nomina-
tion had a better chance of being con-
firmed quickly than if it had involved
the name of someone whose known
views were more radical than Reed's.
Senator Burke (Dem., Neb.), a
leader in the fight against the Court
Bill, told reporters:
"I would place Mr. Reed in the
same place I place myself-a progres-
sive-conservative. He has all the
qualifications to make an outstand-
ing judge."
The 53-year-old nominee has de-
fended administration measures
forcefully before the Supreme Court,
first as counsel for the Reconstruc-
tion Finance Corporation and later as
Solicitor General.
Administration men count on the
nomination to assure Roosevelt meas-
ures generally the support of at least
five of the Court's nine members in
the future.
Sutherland Returns Tuesday
Justice Sutherland, a member of
the court group which has voted most
often against the New Deal, has an-
nounced his retirement, effective
Tuesday. If confirmed, Reed could
take his place on the Court imme-
diately after that.
Since Justice Cardozo is gravely ill
of a heart ailment, some persons in
the Capital believe he also will retire
shortly and that the President thus
will have an opportunity to make a
third appointment.
Reed, a Democrat, never has held a
judicial position. He has practiced
law for many years; first privately in
Kentucky and in the Federal service
since 1929, when Herbert Hoover ap-
pointed him counsel for the Farm
Senator Minton (Dem., Ind.) told
reporters he understood the Judiciary
Committee had intended to conduct
public hearings on the nomination,
regardless of the nominee's identity.
Ruthven Speaks
At Inauguration
Of Tulane Head
President Ruthven will speak for
the state universities of the country
at the inauguration of Dr. Rufus C.
Harris as president of Tulane Univer-
sity Tuesday, it was announced yes-
Accompanied by Mrs. Ruthven, he
will leave for New Orleans today. He
plans to be absent from Ann Arbor
for a week, staying over to address a
joint dinner meeting of Michigan
alumni and alumnae Thursday in
New Orleans.
At the Tulane celebration Presi-
dent Ruthven will speak on the in-
augural program and also at a Tues-

day luncheon.
King Carol's Intervention
Seen In Parliament Strife
BUCHAREST, Jan. 15.-(P)-Ds-
cord over Premier Octavian Goga's
reported plan to dissolve Rumania's
newly elected parliament grew to
such an extent tonight that it was

sity plans to raise $250 for the drive,
A Michigan tradition is being re- which will end March 15.
vived-the script for an opera "Pa- Plans for the campaign were drawn
jama Parade" is nearing completion up by delegates from midwest schools
and plans for its production sometime at the recent American Student Union
next semester are progressing rapidly, ! convention at Vassar College, where
it was announced yesterday by Edgar it was decided that each organization
Porsche, '38. would raise money, in accordance
With only an informal organiza- with its strength, to pay for one
tion, a small group of interested stu- part of the ambulance. The Progres-
dents have been collaborating for sive Club and the group at the Uni-
several months to write the lyrics and versity of Illinois, each of which will
compose arrangements for the mu- contribute $250, will purchase the
sical comedy, the cast for which will engine and body respectively, accord-
be made up solely of men. All that ing to first estimates.
remains nov., Porsche said, is to pro- Organizations at the following;
vide plans for producing the show. j schools will participate in the drive:
There will be a meeting to draw Universities of Michigan, Illinois,
up the necessary plans at 4:30 p.m. Minnesota, Purdue University; Ober-
today in Room 302 in the Union, lin College, Kalamazoo College, Ohioj
Porsche stated. All those interested Wesleyan, Central Y College, Flint
in assisting are invited to attend. ,Continued on Page ti
Rosten Believes Social Trends
Should Be Linked With Drama
By MARIAN SMITH to burn within her and even at that
Because the Haymarket Riots of time, 50 years since the riots, could re-
1886 were coincidental to the trends member her exact conversation with
in America at the country's highest her husband. Rosten then became
peak of development, Norman Rosten convinced that the play was "begging
used them as a background and focus to be written" and decided to take4
for his drama, "This Proud Pilgrim- "first crack" at it himself.
age," which will be presented by Play Rosten came to the University from
Production Jan. 20, 21 and 22. Brooklyn College and is now doing
Rosten explained that he had used graduate work in playwriting. He
the essence of the exact history of spoke highly 'of the dramatic setup
the riots for his play, but that it had here in Michigan but said that it is
been used as a background over which only a start in the right direction. He

the c

ommittee work out its program. offer, campus dopesters believed the
e undersecretary advocated re- report. Speculation said that Crisler
n, at least in principle, of both would return to the Big Ten arena
apital gains and undistributed provided the athletic directorship of
s levies. Michigan was combined with the
coaching post.
"I'm happy here in Princeton,"
ek of A House Crisler said. "Everybody seems wor-
e Cried about this except me. This mat-
Stals M n'sCo-p jter is closed unless I have something
more to say about it."
e men's cooperative h o u s e Campus chatter, which rose to a
Zed for next semester has been great crescendo, had it figured out
oned until next year, Lester 1 that Crisler, although satisfied with

YC ~,L Wil D1isF1c1ss Plans
An exhibition of the mezzotints, L
aquatints and etchings by Prof. Alex- For Local Group's Future
ander Mastro-Valerio of the architec-,
tural college and etchings and litho- The local branch of the Young
graphs and woodcuts by the Chicago Communist League, a national organ-

he sketched the greater, more imag- believes that the Little Theatre move-
inative material of America's epic ment must be forwarded, and that
growth. He feels that every play the hope of American drama lies
must by definition be tied up with the there. Th(
social trends of the time, and this Michigan Needs New Lab Theatre plann
production brings out the building up, Michigan definitely is in need of a postp

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