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January 20, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-01-20

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The 'weather~ 4
Snow or rain, rsing tempera-w
tures todav; tomorrow snow and
colder. .rtH.

To Dormitries...
Coal Bill .. .


France's New
Cabinet Drafts
Gesture Is Made To Retain
Support Of Old Popular
Front Government Bloc
Age Pensions; Farm
Insurance Promised
PARIS, Jan. 19.-(P)-Premier Ca-
mille Chautemps' new government to-
night drafted a ministerial declara-
tion promising fresh social reforms to
hold support of the old People's Front
majority in the Chamber of Deputies.
A source close to the Government
said the manifesto would promise
swift completion of the code for so-
cial peace which Chautemps was
starting when dissension with So-
cialists and Communists caused his
previous ministry to fall last Friday.
Bills providing for old age pen-
sions and agricultural insurance also
were designed to maintain socialist
and Communist support of the new
cabinet which Chautemps succeeded
in forming yesterday.
The new ministers, formally in-
stalled today, will debate their social
reform declaration at a meeting to-
morrow night before going to the
Chamber Friday for the first vote of
The National Committee of the
People's Front met tonight for a final
study of the political situation. ,
Most of the delegates favored the
more conservative cabinet, without
Socialists or Communists but with
the People's Front program, as the
best way out of the difficulties over
labor and- financial troubles.
Eighteen of the 20 ministers in the
new cabinet are radical-socialists,
including Chautemps. Communist
support apparently will not be need-
ed to keep it intact.
Continuation of France's vast
armament program seemed assured
since Foreign Minister Yvon Delbos
and Defense Minister Edouard De-
ladier are retaining their posts in
the new cabinet.
Recurring labor disturbances still
kept the political situation tense. The
latest outbreak included a demand by
Bordeaux municipal employes that
the city council increase living al-
lowances; Jan. 27 was set as the
deadline for completing negotiations
before issuance of a strike order.
Rising costs of living, attributed to
fall of the franc, have been the basic
cause of recent strikes.f
Medical o-op
Drive Opened
Spooner Explains Plans
For League At Meeting
Sentiment for a league to provide
cooperative medicine found increas-
ing support -last night as Charles W.
Spooner of the engineering school,
outlined plans before the Ann Arbor
Cooperative Society for what is amonga
the most progressive attempts at pre-
ventative medicine in the country. n
Declaring at the meeting in Lane

Rosten's This Proud Pilgrimage'
Opens Tonight At Mendelssohn

Edward Jurist Heads Cast
Of 50 In Newest Play
Of Scholarship Winner
Norman Rosten's new play, "This
Proud Pilgrimage," opens at 8:15 p.m.
today with a cast of 50 students in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre for
a three-day run under the direction
of Valentine B. Windt, director of
Play Production.
The lead role will be played by Ed-
ward Jurist, '38; su'pported by
Charles Maxwell,'Grad.; Arthur Har-
wood, '38; William Rice, '38; Myron
Wallace, '39; Morlye Baer, Grad.;
Howard Johnson, '39 and Peter Mark-
ham, '39.
Feminine leads will be taken by
Nancy Schaefer, '39; Evelyn Smith,
'38 and Helen Barr, '38.
Rosten, who will himself appear in
the cast, was recently awarded one
of the 1937 Bureau of New Plays
scholarships which entitles him to
study in any university selected by
the Bureau. Theresa Helburn, direc-
tor of the Bureau, sent Rosten to
Michigan to study playwriting under
Prof. Kenneth T. Rowe, of the Eng-
lish department.
The plot of "This Proud Pilgrim-
age" is centered around the incident
of the Haymarket riot. On May 4,
1886, in Haymarket Square, Chicago,
a bomb was t wown, no one has ever
known by whom, into a peaceful{
mass-meeting for agitation of an
eight-hour day. Amid fierce public
hatred and dubious political-judicial
procedure, seven men were finally

Tops Players Tonight

Business Men
Economic Ills
Administration's Advisory
Council Presents Ideas
1o Blast Out Recession
Release Of Report
Is Expected Soon
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19.--(P)--The
Administration's Business Advisory
Council, including a half-hundred
men drawn from many fields of in-
dustry, went to the White House to-
day to present ideas on current eco-
nomic problems.
To President Roosevelt the business

New Campus Literary
Magazine Is Projected
Three members of the faculty of
the English department began yes-
terday an investigation to deter-
mine student and faculty senti-
ment toward the revival of a cam-
pus literary magazine.
The three are Giovanni Giovan-
nini, Morris Greenhut and Charles
Peake. They were selected by
members of the English Journal
Club, of which they are members,
to conduct the investigation.
The group will attempt to deter-
mine the amount of interest on
campus toward a literary publica-
tion and the number of persons
willing to contribute to it. Mem-
.bers of other departments will be
asked to contribute to the maga-
Persons willing to submit their
writings and to work on the staff
of such a publication have been
asked to contact one of the three.
The campus has been without a
literary magazine sirpce the failure
ofCnempory v o resume nubli-



hung, the indictment of anarchism
replacing the murder charge.
' One man, Parsons, was a speaker
at the meeting. He could have
escaped, but surrendered himself to
the law believing that by his in-
(Continued on Page 6)


Haber Claims
163,000 Fired
Since Last July
7,000 Still Fail To Report
At Summons To Work
On New WPA Projects
The tide of receding business
washed about 163,000 persons off pay-
rolls in Michigan between July 15,
1937, and Jan. 15 of this year, Prof.,
William Haber, of the economics de-
partment, former state relief director,
told the senate unemployment com-
mittee yesterday, according to the
Associated Press. .
Professor Haber estimated that the
total number of unemployed on the
latter date was 376,000, or 18 per
cent of the states' gainfully employed
Michigan Hard Hit
The home state of the automobile
ndustry had been hard hit, he said,
not only by increases in unemploy-
ment in the manufacturing plants,
but in other lines of business as well.
Employment, he pointed out, drop-
ped 25 per cent in October and No-
vember, reversing a trend that had
seen the number of jobless decline
from a peak of 592,800 in 1932 to an
average of 255,200 in 1937.
On the other hand, Louis Nims,
Michigan Works Progress Adminis-
tration director, said 7,000 of approxi-
mately 20,500 persons called to WPAI
jobs since Dec. 1 had failed to report.
Chairman Byrnes Astounded
When Cha~rian Byrnes (Dem.,-

Put- Death Toll
At 47 In Quebec
School Tragedy,
More Victims Are Reported
Nearing Death; Mystery
Fire BringsInvestigation
ST. HYACINTHE, Que., Jan. 19.-
lP--Officials tonight listed 47 per-
sons dead from the swift fire that
trapped students and teachers in the
'College of the Sacred Heart early
Twenty-two charred bodies lay in
the morgue of this small Quebec
town, but only four were officially
Dr. Paul Morin, district coroner,
opening an inquest into the early
morning tragedy, listed as dead the
25 others missing in the belief their
bodies were buried under the frozenj
wreckage of the school.
Fears were expressed the death toll
might mount much higher. Five of
the most seriously injured were re-
ported close to death. They were ad-
ministered the last rites of the Ro-
man Catholic Church.
Twenty-one of those who escaped
the flaming structure were hospital-
ized. Some were injured by leaps
into the snow. Almost all were clad
in night clothes.-
Dr. Morin announced the four iden-,
tified were Brother Jean Baptiste, 64,
Sherbrooke, Que., who died of in-
juries, and three students, Deus Rich-
ard, 15, Jean Noel Vincent, 15, and
Lucien Leclerc, all of St. Hyacinthe.I

men carried a statement of ti eir cation last fall.
viewpoint, drawn up at a preliminary
meeting. For the time being, it was
withheld from publication, but thereU.S. Oil Tanker
were indications that it would be re-
leased later.IB
Document Attracts Interest Is a t r d B
Much interest is attached to the R
document, for the Council has, on
some occasions, found material for R
criticism in Administration policies.
Although today's meeting was ten- Ship With American Crew
tatively scheduled several months ago, Wa En Route To C
Secretary Roper told reporters it as Eataian
fitted, in as an integral part of the Capital With Russian Oil
series of discussions Mr. Roosevelt has
been conducting recently with various PARIS, Jan. 19.-()-Authorita-
groups of business leaders. Live sources tonight reported that the
Suggests Production Control
While formulating a message to f American tanker Nantucket Chief had
Congress, the President has urged a been captured by two Spanish In-
Uystem under which the leaders of an surgent gunboats off Barcelona Tues-
industry would meet, estimate the day.
prospective demand for their output, These sources declared that the
and adjust production accordingly. capture occurred while the American
Sub-committees of the advisory tanker was attempting to run Insur-
council met throughout the morning. gent Generalissimo Francisco Fran-
Stephen T. Early, a presidential co's blockade of the eastern Spanish
secretary, said Mr. Rosevelt told the coast.
business leaders comprising the coun- The tanker, formerly namedthe
cil he was working with other groups Gulflight, was en route to the Cat-
who have already conferred with him alan capital with a cargo of Russian
and still others to come towards cre- oil.
ating simple machinery with respect The 'capture was witnessed by
to policies. French warships which declined tb
w__ _interfere., They reported the incident
to the French Navy Ministry, how-
1Jo s rever, thesame sources said.
N vy The Nantucket Chief was flying the
American flag and carried an Amer-
Islan ., F rces ican crew.
French reports said the tanker was
last seen being escorted by the In-
W1I LI)M Plane.S surgent vessels to Palma, Mallorcan
island stronghold of the Insurgent sea
and air forces.
Greatest Mass Flight Made. Lloyd's shipping registry lists the
In Record Time From 5,189-ton tanker Gulflight of Port
Arthur, Tex., as owned by the Gulf Oil
California Naval Base CoI rtin. .
HONOLULU, Jan. 19.-UP)-The -
Navy strengthened Hawaii's aerial de-,JHop Tickets, Af ter
fense today by landing 18 more of its I L A
long-range patrol bombing planes on Survivin g Air Trip
PalHarbor after a non-stop flightt
in record time from San Diego, Calif., On Sale Tomorrowv
2,570 miles away.
The planes, carrying 127 officers
and men, completed the flight in 20 Preferential sale to Juniors of J-
hours, 12 minutes. Hop tickets will begin at 1 p.m. to-
It was the Navy's greatest mass morrow, Jack Wilcox, '39, ticket chair-
flight and brought to 42 the number man, said last night.
of big naval planes thus transferred The sale was originally scheduled
here from the mainland in the last to begin yesterday, but was delayed
year. Altogether, 48 naval planes when the plane on which they were
have participated in formation flights being flown from Chicago to Detroit
from the California coast-all in the was grounded.k
past four years. Tickets will be sold to Juniors, who
It also brought unofficial estimates must bring their identification cards,
of the number of naval planes in from 1 to 5:30 p.m. Friday; from 9:30
Hawaii to 75. Counting army planes,|to 11:30 a.m. and from 3:30 to 5:30
reported to include 40 bombers and I p.m. Saturday, and from 1 to 5:30
100 pursuit craft, it gave the Islands l p.m. Monday. The time of the gen-

To Block Foo
Repudiate Anti-Dormitory
Dance, But Refuse Aid
In DispensingOf Tickets
Council Continues
Support Of Dorms
Leaders of 28 of the campus' 41
general fraternities denied any con-
nection with the Poo on Foo dance
it a special meeting of the Interfra-
ernity Council last night but at the
name time refused to participate in
9 campus-wide sale of tickets for ther
iormitory committee's Foo dance to.
be held tomorrow.
Heads of Greek letter groups in-
iicated that refusal to sell tickets to*
the dormitory dance did not mean
that they were opposed to the dormi-
tory movement. Discussion in the
meeting revealed that they are in,
favor of dormitories if and when the
University clears up certain points
regarding eating and other require-
ments of the dorms.
. Criticism Brings Action 1
The action denying any connection
with the Poo on Foo dance came1
after criticism had been leveled at1
the fraternity group because of the
anti-dormitory dance.
Poo on Foo was started a short
.ime ago by Walker Grahm, '38, and
a group of fraternity men, who,
through an advertisement in yester-
day's Daily, advised affiliated stu-
dents not to "knit your own noose"]
by supporting the Foo dance.
As a means of combatting thec
dance, this group arranged for the
Poo on Foo, to be held in the Armory
at the same time as the dormitory
Allen-Rumsey Controversy
Announcement of the Poo on Foo
capped opposition to the dormitoryt
movement which began when the ad-
ministration was alleged to have i
"double crossed" fraternities by mak- I
ing freshmen who live at Allen-Rum-.
sey eat all their meals there.
Although most fraternity men at
last night's meeting were strongly in1
favor of dormitories, the fear was ex-
pressed on the part of some that fra-j
ternities would be pushed into the'
background and eventually off the
campus unless some provision were
made to protect affiliated groups as
new dormitories came in.1
Urge Support Of Drive -
Leaders of other Greek letter]
groups saw no reason to fear the1
abolition of fraternities and urgedc
the whole hearted support of the
dormitory drive.
The statement of the Council con-
cerning Poo on Foo and issued by its
president, Bud Lundahl, '38, follows:
"At a special meeting of the In-
terfraternity Council last night it was
unanimously passed that Michigan
fraternities will not support and have
not supported the Poo on Fooedance.
This action was taken to clear up
misunderstandings which arose from
an article in yesterday's Daily."
Try To Block
1Anti-Lynch Bill

J a Ps, Bri tis h
Avert Clash As
Chinese Claim
Further Gains
Peace Endangered When
Tokyo Requests Chinese
Guarded ByiBritish Lines
Chinese Claim Key
Position At Wuhu
SHANGHAI, Jan. 20.-(Thursday)
-(P)--A dispute between British and
Japaneseauthorities at Tientsin, al-
most ending in a clash of armed
forces, was reported today while
Chinese said they had made "fur-
ther successes" on the Hangchow and,
Wuhu fronts.
Authoritative British circles said a
clash was narrowly averted Wednes-
day afternoon when Japanese army
officers at Tientsin allegedly demand-
ed that Chinese within the British
concession be handed over to them.
British Refuses Request
The British refused, according to
these sources. The Japanese then
threatened to take the Chinese by
force, and the British repliedsthat
they would resist. The Japanese let
the natter rest there, at least tem-
British quarters also disclosed that
the Japanese High Command in
Shanghai suggested Wednesday that
British forces evacuate their defense
lines on. the western borders of the
International Settlement, saying Ja-
panese troops in adjacent Hungjao
could perform the defense duty. The
British refused.
At Wuhu, 60 miles up the Yangtze
river from Nanking, the Chinese said
they had gained "a dominating posi-
tion over the city" by occupying
mountains five miles to the south.
Hampered By Weather
At Hangchow, 125 miles southwest
of Shanghai, they stated their forces
were crossing the Chientang river in
"increasing numbers" andl approach-
ing the city from the southwest.
Chinese reported the fighting along
the Tientsin-Pukow railway and
Shantung fronts had been slowed
down by severe weather and snow-
A Japanese military spokesman said
the Chinese had about 400,000 sol-
diers along the Lunghai Railway and
in the Vicinity of Suchow, important
rail junction north of Nanking, and
that they were making desperate ef-
forts to prevent th~e Japanese from
consolidating their North China con-
Fajans Chosen
For A.C.S. Tour
Will.Give Lectures In East
On Chemical Forces
Prof. Kasimir Fajans of the chem-
istry department has been selected as
guest lecturer in the annual lecture
tour sponsored and arranged by the
American Chemical Society, it was
announced yesterday.
Professor Fajans, who leaves on his
trip Sunday, will lecture in the East,
talking at Syracuse, Monday and at
Cornell, Union College, Princeton, and
Akron in that order. The tour will
extend to Feb. 1.
The selection is made by the So-
ciety on the basis of the amount of
investigation done in the man's par-
ticular field of specialization. Profes-

sor Fajans is regarded as one of the
foremost men in the field of electro-
chemistry, especially in application to
the crystalline structure of solids. He
has written numerous works on the
Dr. Fajans has chosen the physical
nature of the Chemical Forces in the
Light of Recent Investigations as his
general topic.
Today's Gargoyle
Uncovers The Seven
'Most Beautiful Men'
Gargoyle today presents the seven
most beautiful men on the Michigan
campus. The Adonises were chosen
from photographs by Sonja Henie
("to rhyme with penny") when she
appeared in the "Ice Follies of 1938"
in Detroit recently.
When told that the seven would be
shown today, one of the 10 most beau-
tiful women on campus, chosen by
Gargovle last year. aneried "What's


Hall 2 S.C.) called this "astounding in view

enlist under the organization's ban- of previous testimony about increas-
ner to make the venture possible, Mr. ing relief demands, Nims said delays t
Spooner indicated that effective med- faced by the prospective WPA work- Sente May Probe
ical care could be purchased for $20 ers in obtaining State identification .T B
per family, numbers may have been a cotibt 1T FodXA tio
Summarizing the services which nue contribut- Ford Action
b mng cause.
would be provided to members. Mr. He said also that many had regis- WASHINGTON, Jan. 19.-(A)-
Spooner listed medical treatment for tered for WPA jobs before they really


As Stop

Senators See It
To Legislation


theC miajor i innes vii~ts LUoTe were in need of relief, because of a IuThere were indications today that a
home within a limited radius, minor mistaken belief that such registra- I special Senate committee might look!
surgery, free medicines prescribed by. tion would give them priority. into the National Labor Relations
the doctor and consultations and pre-
ventive treatment-all without cost. - Board's decision that the Ford Motor
The plan is open to all who wish to ! A W Now Provides Company violated the Wagner Act.
join, Mr. Spooner said, declaring that The Board recently ordered Ford
based upon the risk-sharing principle U T oT - The Miiiut" ito reinstate 29 employes alleged to
it provided an ideal form of insurance I have been dismissed because of union
against sickness for the average fam- A nti-EuiCion L n 1activities. When the Company failed
ily. to comply, the Board asked a Federal:
Circuit Court of Appeals in Kentucky
DETROIT, Jan. 19. - R) -The to compel compliance.
Ames Lecture Date United Automobile Workers' "flying I A Senate Judiciary Subcommittee
Erroneously "Given squadron" today visited the home of will take up next week a resolution
Ronald Crider and soon bullets were by Senator Burke Dem., Neb.) call-
flying. Veterans said it was the worst ing for an investigation of the Board.'
The date of the lecture by Sir Her- b e o is f Members said that Burke would
bert Ames, Canadian statesman and bloodless shooting in the history of make a preliminary statement to the
financial expert, was erroneously an- the police department. 'subcommittee next week, and would3
nounced in yesterday's Daily as Early this afternoon two constables be permitted to suggest board activi-
scheduled for today. The lecture will started evicting Crider and his fam- ties which the committee might wish
be given at 4:15 p.m. Thursday, Jan. ily, piling furniture on the walk. Soon to review. They added that the Ford
27, in Natural Science Auditorium. between 50 and 75 men arrived in case was one which might come under
Sir Herbert will speak on the sub- automobiles. They were the "flying: committee scrutiny,
ject, "Does German Rearmament' squadron" which takes a hearty in-j
Necessarily Mean War?" He spends terest in evictions.
practically every summer in Europe, The moving back process began. stumesThe Custom
and attended the Nazi party rally in Then Lagonis appeared at a second- But Foo PooS The Idea
Nuremberg as a British Dominions stArv windnw with a nistol in each

an unofficial total of 215 fighting eral campus
planes. be announced

sale, Wilcox said, will

Free Text Book Library Here
Follows Plan At Yale University

WASHINGTON, Jan. 19.-P)-
Southern senators said today they
would attempt to sidetrack the Anti-
Lynching Bill early next week to
clear the way for other legislation.
Southerners have carried on a fili-
buster against the bill for 12 days.
The fight has prevented Senate con-
sideration of President Roosevelt's
legislative program.

By BEN MARINO I pointed by President Ruthven and in- Senator Connally (Dem., Tex.) and
Michigan's Text Book Lending li- cluding, Prof. E. A. Walter of the other opponents of the bill contended
bi ary is patterened after the Loring English department, chairman; Dr. they have been picking up strength
W. Andrews Library at Yale Univer- Bishop, Prof. A. D. Moore of the en- steadily. Proponents of the measure
sity established in 1882 in honor of gineering college and Dean Edward were expected to oppose any attempt
the founder's son, according to the H. Kraus of the literary college, the to sidetrack it.
1935 report of the Yale Librarian, An- procedure is different. The library On the floor, Senator Ellender
drew Keogh. here started with volunteer dona- (Dem., La.) continued his long de-
The idea of a lending library to tions of books from University stu- nunciation of the bill. Ellender, who
benefit students financially unable to dents at the request of the commit- started speaking last Friday, dis-
bear the cost of expensive text books tee last May. These books were col-I cussed dangers which he said would
,vas started at Yale with a gift of $1,- lected by the various libraries about result from any "amalgamation." of
000 and subsequently increased with campus, and through the efforts of the White and Negro races.
additional grants by the widow of I the main library which organized the _
Loring W. Andrews until the book collection and kept records, they were
fund reached the sum of $23,000. concentrated in the Angell Study Ann Hawley Wins
Student gifts increased the supply Hall. Recently the book donations
of books available yearly, the obso- made by students have been sup- 3rd Sp eec Contest
lete books being sold and the proceeds plemented by two alumni gifts to- r

used to purchase books in current use.
As many as 1,300 books are contribut-

talling $1,050.I
Most of the books which have beenI

Anne Hawley, '40, of Salamanca,

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