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January 28, 1939 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-01-28

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Cloudy, slowly rising tempera-
ture and -roabi ;m 5--



Editorial -
Guard Campus
From Foolish Females!
Glory Of War ---
Exploded By First Shell

VOL. XLIX.' No. 92 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, 1ICHtIGAN SATURDAY, JAN. 28, 1939'


Rush Program
For Military
English Spokesmen Warn
Hitler; France Moves
To Increase Reserves
FDR Favors Selling
Planes To France
(By Associated Press)
Franco's victories in Spain rever-
berated around the world yesterday.
Great Britain and France forged
new military and political weapons
for any possible test of strength with
the Rome-Berlin axis, as President
S Roosevelt announced in Washington
plans for placing America's skill in
building warplanes at the disposal
of France.:
Britain named a new Director of
Mobilization who presumably will map
a complete program for calling land,
NEW YORK, Jan. 27-(s)- ,
Proposal that the United States j
give immediate consideration to
recognizing the Insurgent gov-
ernment of Spain was made
today in a letter to President
RoosevelW from the American
Union for Nationalist Spain, a
_ newly formed' organization, list-
ing among Its members Alfred s.
S Smith, former New York Gover-
nor and Papal Chamberlain, and
the Rev RItobert G. Gannon,
president of Fodham University.
sea and air forces int action ifI
necessary, General H. 0. B. Wemyss,
assistant Adjutant-General in the
War Office from 1935 to 1937, was
selected for the post.
Cabinet Considers Proposal
. The French Cabinet had before it
proposals to summon additional army
reservists. Informed circles in Pris
said the Cabinet tomorrow would
consider adding three months to the
two-year term of obligatory military
teyvice. These suggestions were said
to have resulted from Italy's calling
up Wednesday of 60,000 reservists.
British Ministers, who conferred
with Prime Minister Neville ,Cham-,
berlain, sounded warnings reminis-
cet ,of "go easy" speeches aimed at
Chancellor Hitler before the Munich
crisis of last eptember.t
Speeches, broadcast in German byj
the British Governet radio cor-
poration, appealed to Hitler and the
German people to banish "the spectre
of war and enmity between nations."
The appeal was made by Montagu
Norman, Governor of the Bank of
England, Poet Laureate John Mase-
field, and 16 other leaders outside
political life. It was believed to have
been designed to influence Hitler's
speecg to the Reichstag Monday
Cabinet Plans Discussed
The announcement in Washington
disclosed that the sale of planes to
France had been given formal con-s
sideration at a Cabinet meeting. In-c
asmuch as a number of private Amer-t
lian factories are now idle, the Presi-
dent said, it was considered an ex-t
cellent idea for them to take the
foreign orders, and thus begin oper-
ating and be ready to get started!
promptly on the large orders expectedI
to be given them later by the United
States Government in behalf of its
own air services.
This disclosure brought from the!

mandatory neutrality bloc in Con-
gress rumblings of dissent. Senator:
Clark (Dem.-Mo.), a moving spirit inI
that bloc, announced he would try to
get Congress to prevent sales abroad'
of newest type American military
White To Give
Lecture Here
Newspapermen Will Talk
On Journalism Work
Lee A. White, Public Relations Di-
rector of the Detroit News, will in-
augurate a series of lectures on prac-
tical and professional problemsin
newspaper work at 3 p.m., Feb. 151
in Room E Haven Hall.
The lectures are sponsored by the
Journalism department and willE
bring to Ann Arbor outstanding news-'

Scott Nearing, Economist, Hits
Paralysis Of Social Progress'

Self -Containment Policy
Scored Before Audience
Of More Than 200
The problem of poverty in the midst
of plenty, of great technological ad-
vances accompanied by acorrespond-~
ing lack of social progress, must be
Iolved, Dr. Scott Nearing, economist
and author, told more than 200 per-
sons yesterday afternoon at Unity
This labor surplus in addition to
a capital-surplus, he said was "indic-
ative of the gradual paralysis creep-
ing over our economic system."
In 1929 the United States foreign
trade which brings about 8 per cent
of the United States' revenue was
approximately $5,200,000,000, at the
present time said Dr. Nearing, our
export trade has decreased greatly
because of the shrinking world mar-
Majority Say,
lift Embargo',
Imo Campus Poll
85 Per Cent Of 454 Votes
Are Against Measure;
400 Cards Go To Capital
Eighty-five per cent of the 45
students who voted in a campus-
wide poll yesterday "favor the im-
mediate lifting of the embargo
against Government Spain," the
Commitee to Lift the Spanish Emr
bargo announced last night. More
than 400 post cards, asking that the
ban be raised so that the Loyalists
can buy arms in this country, were
mailed to Senators, Congressmen and
the President.
A letter addressed to Congressmen
urging them to help "democracy .to
defend itself" by lifting the embargo
appears in today's Daily as an ad-
vertisement. The third and last "cou-
pon" will appear in tomorrow's Daily
calling on President Roosevelt to do
his part in raising the embargo, ac-
cording to Edward Magdol, '39, chair-
man of the joint committee composed
of representatives of the American
Student Union, the American League
for Peace and Democracy and the
Ann Arbor Committee for Medical
Aid to Spain.
Tle 388 students who wrote "yes"
on the question blank in the poll yes-
terday and the 66 who voted "no cast
their ballots at tables in the Union,
the League, the Main Library and
Angell Hall. Eight hundred mimeo-
graphed letters addressed to Sena-
(ors and Congressmen in Washing-
ton were distributed from the tables.
The Committee reported that two
:elegrams were left at the tables to
be sent to the Capital.
F.D.R. Lists No Swing ,
Among Favorite Tunes
There isn t a single hot tune among
President Roosevelt's nine favorite
songs which will be broadcast Mon-
day night as a birthday greeting to
the President.
Back from the White House came
the list: "Drink To Me Only Withj
Thine Eyes," "Juanita," "Love's Old7
Sweet Song," "Anchors Aweigh,"
"Yellow Rose of Texas," "Last Round1
Up," "Old Kentucky Home" and
"Home On the Range."

ket. He described this period as one
Iof economic nationalism with coun-
Itries vigorously implementing Fred-
rich List's doctrine of national self
containment. He ascribed the adop-
tion of this theory to the desire of
ruling classes to protect their trade
markets. One method that Dr. Near-
ing described, is the subsidizing of
foreign trade by which a German
camera is sold for 100 pesos while
an American camera costs 450 pesos.
If the subsidizing and barter meth-
ods continue the "American exporter
Sdoesnot have a happy future" he
Our internal trade gives the Unit-
ed States about 90 per cent of
revenues said Dr. Nearing. He added,
however, that if the business cycle
continued its uncertain course, the
prospect for stability becomes more
and more improbable. There are
more capital goods today than the
market justifies he said, and pointed
out that many plants were operating
at 50 per cent capacity.
The failure of capital to be rein-
vested has created a situation in
which saving, formerly a virtue, has
reached the point where today many
banks give little interest on savings
above $1000. Mr. Nearing explained
that banks don't want to carry sur-
plus capital because of government
The creation of a class of perman-
ent unemployed coupled with the sur-
plus of capital unable to be invested
(Continued on Page 6)
Italy Presses
French Claims
Rebel Victories Intensify
Fascist Demonstrations
ROME, Jan. 27-(P)-Italy intensi-
fied her anti-French campaign with
authoritative press attacks and noisy
student demonstrations today in the
wake of the Insurgents' victories in
The Fascist mood was that the
day is nearer, as a result of the fall
of Barcelona, when Italy will pre-
sent a bill to France for payment of
colonial claims.
Authoritative Fascists, commenting
on an official French offer to call an
international conference on the Euro-
pean situation, made it plain any
such conference must be, if Italy is
to take part, one in which Italy could
better her liosition in the Mediter-
Premier Mussolini's attitude long
has been that Britain, France, Ger-
any and Italy the "big four" of
Munich-should settle Europe's prob-
Hopwood Contest
Draws 53 Entries
The Freshmen Hopwood Contest
drew 49 entries this year, Prof. Roy
W. Cowden, director of the Hopwood
awards, revealed yesterday.
This year's contest had 53 manu-
scripts submitted: nine fiction, 16
poetry and 28 essay. A close parallel
may' be drawn with the 1937 contest,
Professor Cowden remarked, in that
42 contestants submitted 52 manu-
Last year had 67 contestants sub-
mit 84 manuscripts. Th decline in!
manuscripts, Professor Cowden dis-
closed, was most apparent in the fic-
tion entries, nine of which were re-
ceived this year as compared to 24
last year.

Dewey Takes Manila!
But That Was In 1898
A stunned night editor yesterday,
lost faith in humanity when a femi-
nine voice inquired sweetly over the
"Is it true that the United States
just declared war 'on Spain?"
After a quick recovery the anxious
one was informed genitly but firmly{
that the United States had nbt de-
clared war on Spain. It most have
been two other people.
After hanging up he thought the
matter over and decided maybe it
wasn't so silly after all. She probably
heard the Maine was sunk and
thought war might come out of the
NLRB Chargoes
Ford Ruthless'
Toward ,Labor
Claim Made In Proposal
For Complete Rehiring
Of Discharged Workers
WASHINGTON, Jan. 27-(P)--The
National Labor Relations Board ac-
cused the Ford Motor Company to-
day of "unconcealed hostility" to self-
organization of its employes and
"utter ruthlessness" in its relations
with organized labor.
This charge was made in a proposed
order for the Company to reinstate
with back pay workers discharged
at its big Dearborn plant and to cease
recognizing the Ford Brotherhood
of America, Inc., as representative
of its employes.
Before the order is made final and
enforcible by the courts, the company
will have 30 days in which to file ex-
ceptions to the Boards findings and
present oral arguments.
The Board's inquiry into the Com-
pany's labor policies at the Dearborn
plant was undertaken in 1937 upon
complaint of CIO's United Automo-
bile Workers Union that the Company
was engaged in unfair labor prac-
Frederico Bach

Rebel Planes
Kill Hundreds
In Figueras
royalist Ministers Sought
By Insurgent Bombers
In Province Of Gerona
Raids Start Fresh
FlightTo Border
PERPIGNAN, France (At the Span-
ish Frontier), Jan. 27-( )-Insur-
gent warplanes believed to be hunt-
ing the new headquarters of the:
Spanish Government tday carried
out three shattering raids on Figu-
eras, where hundreds were eported.
killed or injured.
The Government Cabinet, in flight
from fallen Barcelona, was "some-
where in Gerona Province," and the
Insurgent air raiders evidently
thought that meant Figueras, refu-
gee-crowded town 15 miles from the
French border.
Refugees Flee
The raids renewed fear among the
refugees and started a panicky flight
toward the French frontier. Even as
the bombs crashed into the outskirts
of Figueras, hundreds raced for
trucks and started north.
Tens of thousands of other refugees
were moving toward the frontier be-
fore the steadily advancing Insurgent
armies. French border guards stood'
at barricades to prevent a mass in-
The Government's ministers were
reported to be scattered through Ger-
ona Province, between Barcelona
Province and France. Some reports
said that even the ministers them-
selves did not know where their col-
leagues had set up offices.
Ministers At Figneras
According to the best information
available, Premier Juan Negrin and
Foreign Minister Julio Del Vayo were
at Figueras, and the war ministry
at Gerona, 20 miles south of Figu-
There seemed little possibility that
the Government ministers would try
to move back to central Spain and
set up headquarters again either at
Madrid or Valencia.
At Madrid, Colonel Casado, com-
manding the central front, declared1
the war would go on regardless of the'
outcome in Catalonia.
St. Louis University
Removal Of Loyalist
ST. LOUIS, Jan. 27--UP)- Arch-1
bishop John J. Glennon announced
today he approved the position of St.
Louis University and of the Rev.
Harry B. Crimmins, S.J., its president,
in dismissing Dr. Moyer Springer
Fleisher, head of the Bacteriology de-
partment of the University's medical
Father Crimmins had said that
Dr. Fleisher had been dismissed be-
cause of "difficulty directly trace-
able" to his sponsorship with other
persons of a lecture on the Spanish
War by a Loyalist speaker described
by the Jesuit as an "unfrocked"
The objection of the University was
not to a speaker "espousing the Span-
ish Loyalist cause but to one who
under the guise of rendering a
humanitarian service vilified the
Catholic Church," Father Crimmins

Archbishop Glennon said sponsors
of the lecture were informed the
speaker was "not a priest in good
standing," but, "notwithstanding, the
meeting was held, the gentleman
spoke and frequently attacked Church

WPA Slash Given
Senate 'sApproval
By Vote Of 47-46


Kraus Rebukes
Ghost Writer's
Soliciting Here
Students here have recently been
deluged with circular letters from a
New York ghost writer who claims,
"It is now possible to become a Phi
Beta Kappa, get a Ph.D. or become
the apple of your mother's eye at
slight expense and with practically
no time requirements."
In an interview yesterday, Dean
Edward H. Kraus of the Literary
College refuted the ghost writer's
statement and said that "ghost writ-
ing is not a modern labor saving de-
vice, and hard, conscientious work
is still as necessary for an educa-
tion as it was before the days of
commercialized theme ghosters. Stu-
dents who make use of another per-
son's efforts and skill are no less
guilty of fraud than are those who
crib on examinations, nor does the
fact that a ghost writer's services
require payment lessen the crime, for
an education can not be bought with
The man or woman who succeeds
in this world, is one who works hard
and resourcefully, Dean Kraus said.
It is true, he pointed out, that no per-
son is expected to be an authority on
(Continued on Page 6)
Albion Editor
Victor In rht
Suspension Threat Will
Not Be Enforced
ALBION, Mich., Jan. 27 -(M
George Dewey, Albion College senior
from Grand Rapids, appeared today
to have won his fight against a six-
weeks suspension from the editor-
ship of the college newspaper for
publishing a letter critical of the col-
lege's policy toward tobacco-smoking
Disposition of the case is to be left
up to the Publications Council, com-
posed of four students and two facul-
ty niembers. Earlier the Council voted
four to one against the suspension,
one member not voting. Subsequently
the four student members resigned,
but today they had withdrawn their
resignations, as had two of Dewey's
President John L. Seaton said that
in the future any matter of censor-
ship could be appealed to him.
Radio Advertisers
Act To Halt Strike
NEW YORK, Jan. 27--()-Radio
advertisers took action today to fore-
stall a threatened strike of perform-
ers which would silence many of the
most popular coast-to-coast pro-
A committee for advertisers, repre-
senting a large group of sponsors, was
formed to discuss salary scales and
working conditions with the artists.
The committee, headed by Chet
Laroche of the Young and Rubicam
Advertising Agency, was formed at
the behest of national advertisers who
place more than 70 per cent of na-
tional network business, its spokes-
man said.


To Speak Here

Mexican Economist Talks
At UnionWednesday
Dr. Frederico Bach, professor of
economics at the National University
of Mexico, will speak at a luncheon
at the Union 12:15 p.m. Wednesday
on the topic, "Problems of the New
Dr. Bach has been a lecturer for
the Committee on Cultural Relations
with Latin America during its sum-
mer seminars and during the past
year gave a special course on the
Social Economics of Mexico to the
students of Smith College on their
trip to Mexico.
He acted as Mexico's representative
at the International Labor Office
since 1933, and has served on the
Ministries of National Economy, Fin-
ance and Public Education in Mexi-
At present Dr. Bach is preparing a
book on Mexico, interpreting the
Mexihan revolution and the new so-
cia2 and political tendencies of that
country. '
Michigan Dentists
Will Hold Reunion
Approximately 650 practicing den-
tists from Michigan and nearby states
are expected to attend the fourth an-
nual homecoming of the University
School of Dentistry here Wednesday.
Lectures, group discussions, and,
conferences will be features of the
one-day homecoming program, ac-
cording to Dr. Russell W. Bunting, 1
Dean of the School. At a luncheon
meeting, Coach Herbert 0. Crisler
will speak and show pictures of his
Michigan team in action.
Chief lectures on the program are
"Manifestations of Systemic Disease
in the Hands and Face," by Prof. Ar-
thur C. Curtis, of the medical school;
"Fads, Fallacies, and Facts about Diet
as Related to Oral Health," by Dr.
Martha Koehne, of the Ohio State
Department of Health; and "Immedi-
ate Denture Insertion," by Dr. M. G.
Swenson, of New York University.
De Paul Women Date
More Often Than Men
The average college man has one

Administration Surprised
As Economy Bloc Wins
First Battle Of Session
Decision Cuts Relief
WASHINGTON, Jan. 27-(A')-By
the dramatic margin of a single vote,
the Senate rebelled today at President
Roosevelt's spending policies and
Joined the House in ordering a $150,-
000,000 cut in work-relief appropria-
It voted 47 to 46 to provide $725,-
000,000 to finance WPA from Feb. 7
to June 30, instead of the $875,000,000
requested by the Chief Executive to
the dismayed -surprise of adminis-
tration leaders, who had waged a
hard, week-long fight to sustain the
The Senate's "economy bloc," con-
sisting of almost the entire Republi-
can membership and 20 some Demo-
crats, was jubilant at winning the
first battle of the session, and the
first test of strength on this issue
since the November elections.
The result was a guarantee that
the $725,000,000 appropriation will be
in the bill when it is sent to the White
House. Since the House, too, approved
that figure, it can not, under Con-
gressional rules, be changed in the
House-Senate conference which pre-
sumably will be called to deal with
changes made by the Senate.
The Bill' now goes hack to the
House. Unless the House accepts in
entirety the Senate phanges, the
measure goes to a conference com-
mittee for composing of differences.
In addition to cutting the appro-
priation to $725,000,000, the Senate
appropriations committee added an
amendment providing that should the
sum prove insufficient, President
Roosevelt might make a supplement-
al request for more money. As an in-
ducement to Senators who hesitated
to enforce economy at the expense of
the unemployed, it provided that not
more than five per cent on the work
relief rolls should be dropped during
the cold weather months of February
and March.
The vote came after a week of such
parliamentary Jockeying and careful
nose-counting as the Senate hasnot
seen since the Supreme Court Reor-
ganization Bill. It was a week which
saw vastly more work done in cloak-
rooms, corridors and senatorial of-
fices than on the Senate floor.
Anti- Se mit ISM
In Mexico Hit
Violent Demonstrations
Rebuked By Press
MEXICO CITY, Jan. 27 -(M)--
Violent anti-Jewish demonstrations
in which a Jewish merchant was
threatened with lynching last night
drought rebukes today from the Mexi-
can press.
La brensa termed them "acts, of
barbarous fascism . . similar to
those which converted Germany into
a threatre of foreboding."
Several Jewish-owned stores were
stoned after a meeting organized by
the Popular Democratic Front at
which President Lazaro Cardenas'
administration was assailed.
Anti-Martin Faction
To Realign Forces
DETROIT, Jan. 27-(P)-The CIG-
supported faction of the United Auto-
mobile Workers realigned its forces
tonight to carry on union business
during its battle for UAW control
with 4 rival group led by Homer Mar-
C Claims of the contesting factions

for control of UAW funds and records
are due for a court airing tomorrow,
when Circuit Judge Arthur Webster
is scheduled to hear arguments on an
injunction suit, but indications to-
night were that the hearing may be
postponed to permit attorneys to
familiarize themselves with the case.
Traffic Safety Course
Will Be Taught Here

Fuehrer's March Into Vienna
Witnessed By Prof. Wolaver

The march of Hitler into Vienna
and the - fast-mioving events of the
Anschluss of last year were mainly
newspaper dispatches to most of us.
To Prof. Earl S. Wolaver of the
School of Busipess Administration,
however, they were an exciting part
of the daily events of his stay in
Austria last year.
Professor Wolaver is one of several
persons on campus who have seen
first hand the events of world and
national importance within the last
year. The stories of more of these
persons will be published in the
Daily during the remainder of the
The speed of the transformation
of a small nation to a province of
Germany is illustrated by the experi-
ence of Professor Wolaver's son, John,
'42SM. As he went into a movie at

Wednesday to Friday when, at 6 p.m.,
Schuschnigg interrupted all radio
programs to announce that he
would resign, and that* Seyss-
Inquart would take over the govern-
ment. He said that he had resigned
to prevent bloodshed. At the time of
his speech great crowds were in all
of the streets. Immediately following
the speech, crowds ceased shouting
for Schuschnigg and began shouting
for Hitler. Bands and parades con-
tinued marching through the streets,
but German flags and Nazi insignia
appeared everywhere. The only warn-
ing anyone had according to Profes-
sor Wolaver, was rumors circulating
earlier in the week to which little at-
tention was paid.
Starting at 8 a.m. the next day the
onslaught of German troops began
and continued until Tuesday when
Hitler himself arrived. Another four

Dr. Furstenberg Warns Against
Stimulants As Aids To Study

Students, facing sleepless nights in
a last desperate effort to master a
course, often turn to stimulants to
keep them awake, Dr. A. C. Fursten-
berg, dean of the medical school,
said yesterday, as he warned of the
destructive physical effects of the
drug, benzedrine sulphate.
Benzedrine sulphate is taken by
students to avoid sleep and stimulate
the mind without due regard for the
consequences they might suffer phys-
ically and mentally, Dr. Furstenberg

instability and occasionally a violent
feeling of nausea.
The case of a student who took
benzedrine sulphate was described by
Dr. Furstenberg. This boy had used
the 'drug and had remained awake
and mentally alert. As he stepped into
the examination room, he felt well
equipped to handle the test. Scarcely
had a half hour of the examination
been over when he began to per-
;pire profusely, a condition followed
by acute nausea. He was unable

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