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January 08, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-01-08

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The Weather
Mostly cloudy today; partly
cloudy, continued cold tomor-


A& A&
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Anchors Aweigh.. .
''he B att'l Of Lister Hill




Martin Claims
Half Of Detroit,
Auto Workers!

i I 1

U.S., England
Negotiate For
Trade Accord

Regents Get
$93,000 And
Promote Two

Bullets Didn't FazeBora Backs
Him-But Weather


Are Now Idle
Chrysler Announces Plant
Will Reopen Tuesday;
To Give_55,000 Work
CIO Figures False,
Bennett Declares

WASHINGTON, Jan. 7.-()-Half
the automobile workers in Detroit
have been laid off and those still em-
ployed are working only 12 to 24 hours
each week, Homer Martin, CIO union
leader, informed the Senate Unem-
ployment Committee today.
"Immediate action is needed," he
testified, "for the relief of hundreds
of thousands of workers facing im-
mediate hardship and other hun-
dreds of thousands facing such low
wages that it is impossible for them
to obtain a proper living."
Martin said General Motors had
cut employment from a 1937 peak of
220,000 to 161,000, and Chrysler from
80,000 to 15,000. He said his state-
ment was based on figures supplied
by the motor companies to the United
Automobile Workers, of which he is
Ford Employs 50,000
He said best estimates for the Ford
plant, with which the union had no
relations, were that 50,000 of a nor-
mal 90,000 force were at work. No
one, "not even Ford himself," had
authoritative figures on that point
Martin added.
"Looking at the situation as a
whole," he said, "I would say that
employment in autos and auto parts
has been reduced 50 per cent."
Still another witness, William
Green, president of the American
Federation of Labor, called for legis-
lative action to end the slump. He
urged shortened hours of work, main-
tenance of wage rates, continuing
public works and low-rent housing
programs, remission of local taxes to
ou jplding, an extension of
the Social Security System and a
broader work-relief program.
Green Asks Congress Act
Prof. W. S. Haber o the economics
department and a former member of
the Michigan Relief Commission,
testified that 62,000 persons were on
direct relief in the State and that
the number was increasing 5,000'
Whereas formerly there was a
three-week lag between the time of
losing a job and applying for relief,
he said, that had been reduced to
three days, because the applicants
had learned that some time was re-
quired to obtain a place on the relief
rolls. Amounts appropriated by the
State obviously would be depleted be-
(Continued on Page 2
Hospital Falls
To Government
In Teruel Fight
17 Days Of Battling Leave
Few Rebels In The City;
Expect Surrender Soon
MADRID, Jan. 7.-(P)-The Span-
ish Government said tonight that
2,000 exhausted and starving Insur-
gents who had been barricaded in the
hospital of Asuncion in Teruel had
surrendered under arrangements in-
itiated by the Iiternational Red
With the fall of this base, the Gov-
ernment said, only small straggling
groups of Insurgents remained in the
city, which has been thescene of
bitter fighting for 17 days, and that
these were expected to surrender soon.
The captured forces were headed by:
Lieut.-Colonel Rey D'Harcourt, com-
mander of the Insurgent Defenders!
of Teruel.
The Government communique said
also two companies of crack Navar-
rese troops, about 230 men, surren-
dered in a body.
The collapse of the hospital defend-
ers came a little more than two
weeks after they had barricaded
themselves in the old quarter of the
city after it had been occupied by:
government forces.

Unemployment Insurance
p D9-q MI A flff MAPSf

WASHINGTON, Jan. 7-(R')-The
United States and Great Britian took
a step toward economic cooperation
today by announcing formal "inten-
tion to negotiate" a trade agreement.
Secretary of State Hull's announce-
ment disclosed that the British Col-
onial Empire and Newfoundland are
to be included in the accord. Excluded
are the dominions, the Irish Free
State and India.
March 14 was set for the beginning
of public hearings on imports and
exports suggested for inclusion.
Feb. 15 was fixed as the closing date
for the submission of briefs by im-
porters, exporters, producers or manu-
facturers, and for applications to be
heard at the public meetings.
A similar announcement is expected
shortly with regard to a new trade
agreement with Canada.
Regents Seek
A Harmonious
Coach Choice
United Action With Board
And President Is Cited
In Statement Yesterday
Unperturbed by the great amount
of speculation and press misinforma-
tion current since the dismissal of
Head Football Coach Harry Kipke,
the Board of Regents yesterday hand-i
ed out a brief statement obviously de-
signed to quiet certain groups and to
tell the public that the proper au-
thorities are selecting the new coach.
Brief and carefully prepared, the
statement befuddled those searching;
for a hidden meaning.
It merely pointed out that the new
grid mentor will be appointed in the
same manner that all Michigan and
Big Ten coaches must be appointed,
with the sanction of the Regents, thei
Board in Control of Physical Educa'
tion and the President.
It was believed that the University's
ruling body did not even discuss pos-
sible candidates, in spite of persistent1
rumors during the past week thata
the new coach would be named by
the Board at yesterday's meeting.
The statement issued by the Board1
of Regents follows:
"In response to such petitions and
presentations as have come to thet
Board of Regents of the University{
of Michigan with regard to athletics
at the University and the present
football situation, the Regents desiref
to announce that the questions now
under discussion will be decided byc
the harmonious and united action of
the Board in Control of Physical Ed-
ucation, the Regents and the Presi-
dent, in accordance with the estab-
lished custom in dealing with Uni-
versity affairs, and that appropriate1
announcements may be expected toi
be made by the President as soon asi
a careful examination of those avail-i
able for appointment has been com-
pleted and the necessary decisionsc
have been made."I

Mott Foundation.
$50,000; Iron

Land To Forestry School
Ft'alick Is Named
Department Head
The Board of Regents accepted
gifts totalling more than $93,000 at its
first meeting of the new year yester-
The largest contribution came from!
the C. S. Mott Foundation of Flint.
The Foundation gave $50,000 for the
use of the Bureau of Government in
the field of taxation and finance. It
is to be paid in yearly installments of
$12,500, the first one coming this
Tr Observatory Gets $6,500
Te McGregor Foundation fund of
Detroit presented the Board with two
gifts totalling more than $21,000. Of
this amount, $6,500 will go for the
support of the Lake Angelus Observa-
tory, and $15,000 will be used by the
Institute of Public and Social Ad-
ministration in Detroit, a branch of
the Graduate School.
More than $10,000 was given as
an annuity by the late Dr. Louis
Knapp of Monroe. The first install-
ment of $2,139.90 was accepted yes-
terday. The money is to be used for
undergraduate scholarships in medi-
An anoymous gift of $5,000 was
received by the Board. One half of
this is to be used for the support of
aboriginal North American research
and one half for the study of the
physical anthropology of eastern
United States Indians.
Equipment valued at $2,660 was
received from the General Motors
Corporation for the metal processing
department, and Mrs. Henry Candler
of Detroit gave stock valued at $1,-
700. The income from this is to be
used to aid a junior or senior stu-
dent in the engineering school.
Land To Foresters
One thousand dollars was present-
ed by an anonymous donor to be used
by the President as he saw fit. It was
placed in the textbook lending library
Eleven acres of timber land on
Golden Lake in Iron Co. was received
from the Von Platen-Fox Lumber Co.
It was given in the name of M. J. Fox
in recognition of his services to the
state and the University. The land is
to be used by students in the School,
of Forestry and Conservation.
Charles Baird of Kansas City, Mo.,
gave $300 to purchase rare books for
the General Library, $174.24 was re-
ceived from Judge Henry Hulber for
(Continued on Page 6)
$20,000 SOUGHT
So that a detailed survey of the
area to be included in the proposed
Huron - Clinton parkway project
might be made, the executive com-
mittee of the Huron Valley Improve-
ment Association yesterday asked the
state for an emergency appropriation
of $20,000. A committee will be sent
to interview Governor Murphy.


Stops Author Bates
He volunteered for the war in
France-went over the top to kill the*
Huns. He ran away to Spain and
worked on. the docks and factories
for 18 months. He volunteered for
the war in Spain and left there in
October-a captain of the Abrahaml
Lincoln Brigade and political com-I
missar for Fifteenth International
Brigade. But when a batch of windl
kept the author of "Lean Men," "Olive
Field" and "Rainbow Fishes" from
completing a trip from Pittsburgh to
Ann Arbor 300 prspective listeners
left the Natural Science Auditorium
disappointed-although no outcry was
heard over the silencing of another
British novelist.7
That's right. Ralph Bates' plane1
was forced down.
Sextet Enters
Second Phaset

Injured Ankle May
Gib James Out Of
Game To Start At


With one game safely tucked under
its belt, the Michigan hockey team
will attempt to loosen the leather
another notch tonight when it meets
Michigan Tech in the second of their
two game series here. The tilt is
slated for 8:30 p.m. at the Coliseum.
The type of play that featured
Thursday night's affair from which
the Wolverines emerged victorious by
Four Varsity teams will be ac-
tive tonight, two at home and the
other two on foreign soil.
The cagers will meet Illinois at
7:30 p.m. and the Hockey squad
takes on Michigan Tech at 8:30
p.m. in the home games.
The swimming team engages the
Cleveland Athletic Club in an ex-
hibition meet at Cleveland while
the matmen travel to Bloomington
to oppose Indiana's powerful mat-
a 5-2 score should not be lacking in
tonight's encounter. From a spec-
tator's standpoint no more can be
Bodily contact, high sticking, fight-
ing, boarding, and everything that
goes to make a hockey game one of
the roughest of sports were present
in the first game and the fans thor-
oughly enjoyed it.
Although this did not make the
game well played from a strictly crit-
ical angle,'it was hard-fought. Both
teams were guilty of gross negligence
in many phases of the game. The
Michigan defense started out very
(Continued on Page 3)
Duce Threatens
British Power'

South's Drive
On Lynch Bill
Bankhead And Sumners
Object To Amendment
For War Referendum
Governors Assent
To Wage, Hour Bill
WASHINGTON, Jan. 7.- (P)-
Southern Senators opposing the anti-
lynching bill drew eloquent support
today from Senator Borah, who de-
nounced the measure as a "blow at
the very heart of local self govern-
The Idaho Republican told the
Senate that the bill "rests on the
theory that the people in our southern
states are either unwilling, or unfit,
to maintain the ordinary principles
of self government."
Southern Senators began using di-
latory tactics against the anti-lynch-
ing billyesterday, and Senator Bark-
ley Dem., Kan, threatened to call
for "longer sessions."
The anti-lynching measure would
permit Federal prosecution and fining
of sheriffs and other officers 'who
failed to protect prisoners from
lynching, and would make communi-
ties in which lynchings occurred li-
able for payments to families of vic-
Wage Hour Hopes
Prospects for Federal wage and
hour legislation apparently improved
today when the Southeastern Gover-
nors' Conference endorsed the idea
and some southern Congressmen sug-
gested they might accept asubstitute
for the administration's bill.
After a luncheon with President
Roosevelt, the Governors' Conference
endorsed the piinciple of estalishing
"a floor for wages and ceiling for
hours." It also expressed confidence
that Congress and the President
would work out satisfactory legisla-
The conference was attended by
the governors of Alabama, Georgia,!
Florida, Louisiana, Tennessee, North
Carolina and South Carolina.
Act Not Aimed At Ford
Two members of the House Ways
and Means Committee asserted to-
night that proposed legislation which
would deny virtually all benefits of
corporate tax revision to "family"
and closely held companies was not
designed to be "punitive action"
against Henry Ford or any other
specific taxpayer.
Meanwhile, administration forces
in the House began a concerted effort
today to defeat quickly the Ludlow
war referendum amendment when it
comes up for debate Monday.
Under procedure determined a
month ago, the House will decide
Monday whether to consider the reso-
lution by Representative Ludlow
(Dem., Ind.) providing for a consti-
tutional amendment requiring the
Senate and House conferees said
they were near an agreement today to
strike out the provision for "parity"
payments in the farm bill and limit
all benefits to payments for "soil
Hostel Group Plans
To Reshow Movie
Because of popular demand, a re-
showing of the Youth Hostel colored
movies presented yesterday in the
W.A.A. Building will be held Sunday
afternoon campus leaders of the
movement said last night. The time
will be. given in tomorrow's Daily.
At an invitational tea yesterday at
which various faculty members' wives
poured and acted as hostesses, the
pictures were shown for the first time

in this area by Monroe Smith, na-
tional leader of the Youth Hostel
Tonight the Hostel group will spon-
sor a House-Parent Roundup at the
Saline Valley Farms

Pivot iHatt,

Sponsor Forum
Oan Race Issue
Stevens Will Be Chairman
Of Conference At Which
8 Minorities Take Part
A. K. Stevens of the English depart-
ment will be chairman of a symposium
on the problems of racial and social
minorities at 2:30 p.m. today in the
Union under the auspices of the Ra-
cial and Social Equality Committee of
the Progressive Club.
Student speakers representing cam-
pus minority organizations will talk
from five to 20 minutes. 'Among the
speakers will be Gerald Adaniam, '40
M, of the Armenian Student's Assoc-
iation, who will speak on "Armenia
Today,"N. M. Ellorin, Grad., who will
represent the Phillippine Michigan
Club and Catherine Middleton, Grad.,
from Delta Sigma Theta, a Negro so-
Robert Gill, Grad., will speak on
"The Contributions of the American
Negro to American Civilization," and,
Leonard Kasle, '38, will be the repre-
sentative from the Hillel Foundation.
Other groups to be represented are the
Polonia Literary Circle, a Polish or-
ganization, the Chinese Student's
Club and a Puerto Rican group.
The purpose of the symposium is
to foster understanding and good-will
among the various minorities, a mem-
ber of the executive board of the Pro-
gressive Club stated,
Newspaper Mail Rates
Due For An Increase
WASHINGTON, Jan. 7.-()--Pub-
lishers of newspapers and magazines
received an invitation from President
Roosevelt today to take the initia-
tive in reducing postal subsidies which
he said they now enjoy.
In response to a question at his
press conference, he said he believed
the time had long since passed when
the government should continue mail
subsidies to newspapers and maga-

Varsity Five Faces
Title Bound Illini
In Big Ten Opener

Game Should Be Deciding
Factor In Both Schools'
Conference Campaigns
Packed Field House
Will Witness Contest
(Daily Sports Editor)
"Tonight, men, it's for keeps!"
That might well be Coach Franklin
Cappon's parting advice to his Mich-
igan cagers as they step under the
lights of Yost Field House tonight for
their Big Ten premiere of a hardwood
act, starring Capt. Jake Townsend,
which partisans calculate to merit
more than histrionic honors when the
current campaign closes in March.
Illinois, a highly-rated quintet, pro
vides the opposition, and only a reck-
less optimist would assign the palm
to either team until the hoop assault
subsides later this evening. Operat-
ing under a one-game deficit, Indiana
having unexpectedly trounced them
Tuesday, the desperate Illini can
scarcely afford another setback this
early in proceedings, and that "mili-
tint Illini spirit" should be prom-
nently displayed against the Wolver-
Full Field House Seen
The cavernous yield-House will be
jammed to the skylight, and late
comers may find themselves standing
on tiptoes for occasional glimpses of
the action. The chief magnet, per-
haps, is the duel between Townsend
and Illinois' captain, Louis Boudreau,
bellwether of the flashy visitors' at-
tack. -
Coach Doug Mills' offense revolves
around the brilliant "Flying French-
man," just as Michigan's scoring
machinations depend upon the pivot-
ing wizardry of big Jake. Eastern
critics who watched both men per-
form toastedeachd with uncommon
panegyrics, and the capacity Gr*lT
will be lured in no small part by th
prospect of seeing them compete.
The battle will offer two contrast-
ing styles of offense. Illinois uses the
fast break, which has received im-
petus by the center-elimination rule,
whereas the Wolverines employ the
slow, methodical plan of attack, with
Townsend's playmaking ability large-
ly capitalized.
Illini Hot, Captain Says
Coach Cappoii, who saw Illinois
play in Madison Square Garden dur-
ing the holidays, was frankly im-
pressed and minces no words in ex-
pressing concern for his men, who
have been slow snapping into form
following their defeat at the hands
of Butler Monday night. The Wol-
verines have at times appeared le-
thargic in their drills. Cappon trusts
they recapture their zip by game time.
Illinois' regular five of Boudreau,
Bill Hapac, Pick Dehner, Jay Ward-
ley and Tom Nisbet composes a sharp,
aggressive quintet, but the Orange
and Black have a paucity of reserves.
This weakness may cause them plenty
of woe during the Big Ten season.
In Dehner, they have a daring cen-
ter of whom the Wolverines are ex-
tremely wary. When Boudreau's ef-
(Continued on Page 3)
Sixth Concert
BY Slenczynski
Child Piano Genius Plays
At 8:30 P.M. Monday
Ruth Slenczynski, 12-year-old gen-
ius of the piano, will present the sixth
concert in the current Choral Union
Series at 8:30 p.m. Monday in Hill
Put through her paces at the age of
three by her violinist father, she made
her first public appearance at four,
amazed Berlin at six and, at eight,
New York opened its eyes to a new

set of twinkling piano fingers.
At the age of two she refused to eat
without a piano, slept badly and lost
weight until her father saved enough
to buy an upright. Seven weeks after
the purchase Ruth was playing Bach's
"Two-Part Interventions."
Peace Talk Is Out,
JapanEnvoy Says

Jan. 29 to Feb. 9, 1938
Note: For courses having both lectures and quizzes, the Time of
Exercise is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses
having quizzes only, the Time of Exercise is the time of the first
quiz period.
Drawing and laboratory work may be continued through the
examination period in amount equal to that normally devoted to such
work during one week.
Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted below
the regular schedule. All cases of conflicts between assigned exam-
ination periods should be reported for adjustment to Professor J. C.
Brier, Room 3223 East Engineering Building, before January 26. To
avoid misunderstandings and errors, each student should receive
notification from his instructor of the time and place of his appear-
ance in each course during the period January 29 to February 9.
No single courses may be permitted more than four hours of ex-
amination. No date of examination may be changed without the
consent of the Classification Committee.
Time of Exercise Time of Examination

ROME, Jan. 7.-(JP)-Premier Ben-
ito Mussolini today announced a sur-
prise naval building program to giveI
Italy absolute Mediterranean suprem-
acy over the normal British or French
Il Duce announced construction
would begin immediately on two 3,-
000-ton battleships, 12 destroyers and
an undisclosed number of submarines.
The sudden move was considered the
Fascist answer to what has been d4-
scribed as "The naval race of demo-
cratic countries."
Completion of the program by 19411
would give Italy her largest fighting
navy-more than 600,000 tons-and1
place her second in rank only to Rus-
sia in submarines.
Hague-CIO Fight
Carried To Court
NEWARK, N. J., Jan. 7.--(i)-The
CIO and the American Civil Liberties
Union took to federal court today
their fight against Mayor Frank
Hague, who said "Jersey City will
1 stand firm" against their "red inva-
Rebuffed in efforts to hold mass,
meetings in Jersey City or attempt
publicly organization of industrial
I wnrrmrctharP th+ m m a nnt







2- 6
2- 6

Murphy Calls For Teamwork
In Fight To Restore Prosperity

Tuesday at
Tuesday at
Tuesday at
Tuesday at
Tuesday at
Tuesday at
Tunsav at



7 2- 6,
1 2- 6
2 2- 6
1 8-12
9 8-12
4 2- 6
3 8-12

LANSING, Jan. 7.-(P)-Governor
Murphy predicted today that the cur-
rent business recession was of a tem-
porary nature, and called upon gov-
ernment, capital and labor to join in
a fight to restore prosperity.
The Governor said he believed that
teamwork and intelligent handling of
responsibilities by government, cap-
ital and labor would bring a quick
end to the slump.

suffering only when one agency of
government fails to bear its fair share
of the burden. Fortunately, the re-
cession has not caught the govern-
ment flat-footed as did the depres-
sion. The state and the nation are
geared for modern, efficient and eco-
nomic administration of relief."
The Governor said he was encour-,
aged by the spirit shown by industrial

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