The Weather
Generally fair, continued cold
today, tomorrow unsettled.
LI e
.ddL- LA&b.
CGeneral Motors
And The Recessiont.
VOL. XLVIH. No. 76
- - __ I i
Roosevelt Warns
Of Finish Battle'
With Monopolists
Theologian To Speak
Japan's Fleet "agers Take I
Raises Fears
ForShingtao In Conference
Pledges Support To End
Evils In Concentration
Of Economic Powers
Speaks At Dinner
Honoring Jackson
President Roosevelt gave notice to-
night that he would wage a no com-
promise fight against a minority of
"business men, bankers and indus-
That minority intends to make a
struggle "to the last ditch to retain
autocratic control" over the country's
economy, he President charged in a
Jackson Day address to the nation.,
At the same time, the Chief Execu-
tive pledged cooperation with all who
were willing to "help eradicate the
evils that flow from undue concentra-
tion of economic power or unfair
business practices."
The President spoke at the annual
dinner here of Democrats celebrating
Jackson's victory in the battle of New
Orleans. His words went by radio to
similar Democratic dinners through-
out the land.
Cheerful Fight
"With this handful, it is going to
be a fight-a cheerful fight on my
part, but a fight in which there will be
no compromise with evil-no let up
until the inevitable day of victory."
The President mentioned the Ad-
ministration's differences with utili-
ties interests. Asserting he was con-
vinced that the "great majority of
local or regional operating utility
companies can come to an under-
standing" with the government, he
Mr. Roosevelt said it had been esti-
mated that $13,000,000,000 of electric
utility scurities were outstanding
and that the substantial control of
this total was vested in the hands of
owners of less than $600,000,000.
"That means that the ownership of
about 4 per cent of the securities con-
trols the other 96 per cent." the Presi-
dent declared.-
No Price Rigging
The Chief Ezecutive said other ac-
tivities which should not be tolerated
in a democracy included "price rig-
ging, unfair competition directed
against the little man, and monopolis-
tic praetices of many kinds."
At New York, Robert H. ackson, as-
sistant Attorney General, talked more
of cooperation between government
and business than he had in other re-
cent speeches. Government and busi-
ness each need badly all the good
will and ability the other has "for
mutual protection against a selfish
minority," he said.
Among the speakers elsewhere, Sec-
retary Ickes at Nashville, Tenn. de-
livered a fiery assault upon cencen-
trated wealth. He told his audience
that "the hydra-headed economic
monster of 1938 is stronger, more
cunning and more resourceful than
the debonair gentleman who ruled the
financial world of America from Phil-.
adelphia in the time of Andrew Jack-
Hull Policy Aids
Revival Of Trade1
Reciprocal Agreements
Are Proven Beneficial
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8.-P)-The
State Department credited a portion
of the $1,499,566,000 increase in
America's foreign commerce in the
first 11 months of 1937 to Secretary
Hull's reciprocal trade policy today.
"There are definite indications that
the trade agreements program is help-
ing to promote mutually beneficial
trade between the United States and
other countries," the department said.
Observing that it was not possible
to separate completely the factors
contributing to the general increase,
the department added:
"It is significant not only that our
exports have gained relatively more'
to the agreement countries as a group
than to non-agreement countries but
also that imports of American prod-
ucts into the agreement countries
have generally increased more than
have imports of the products of other
Huge Salaries
Are Disclosed
By Congress
Congressional committee, giving the
public a peek into the 1936 pay en-
velopes of the nation's highest paid
industrialists, movie stars and finan-
ciers, disclosed today that Alfred P.
I Sloan, Jr., of General Motors, topped
the list with $561,311.
The House Ways and Means Com-
mittee divulged the information,
which had been given to the Treasury,
by corporations which paid employes
salaries, bonuses, commissions and
other compensation of $15,000 or
more during the 1936 tax year.
Thirteen men received in excess of
$300,000 each for the year, the report
showed, and nine of theme were of-
ficials of the General Motors Corp.
William S. Knudsen, president,
ranked second to Sloan with $459,878.
In the entertainment world, Gary
Cooper was tops with $370,214. Ten
movie and radio stars received more
than $200,000. In addition to Cooper,
this group included Ronald Colman,
$362,500; Claudette Colbert, $350,-
.833; Mae West, who led the list for
the preceding year, $323,333; Made-
line Carroll $287,913; Warner Baxter,
$284,384; Marlene Dietrich, $269,-
333; Ruth Chatterton, $249,500;
Charles Boyer, $249,145, and Rudy
Vallee, $238,744.
Churches Give
Varied Music,
S ermons Today'
Candlelight Service And
Supper Are On Program
Of Religious Activity
The Reverend Mr. J. Edward Sayles
of the First Baptist Church will open
a series of three se:-mons on "Reality
and Religion" with a discussion of
*'The Realism pf Jesus" at the 10:45
morning service today.
Dr. Leonard A. Parr of the First
Congregational Church has chosen
as his topic for the 10:45 a.m. service
"New Clothes or a New Mind." The
choir will render several numbers in-
cluding "Legende" by Tschaikowsky.
Donn Chown, '38SM, will sing the solo
"Lord God of Abraham" by Mendel-
At 6:00 p.m., the Student Fellow-
ship will hear Mr. Eric Brown of
Detroit speak on "Bicycling Through
Europe on. $110," recounting his ex-
periences of last summer.
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the
history department speaking at 6:15
p.m. to the Roger Williams Guild will
bring a special message, ""Facing the
New Year." Discussion will follow the '
address and then refreshments will bej
The subject of Dr. William P. Lem-
on's sermon for the 10:45 a.m. serv-
ice of the First Presbyterian Church,
meeting at the Masonic Temple until
Jan. 23, is "Life Without Precedent."
Music by the student choir under the
direction of Dr. E. William Doty of'
the music school will include : Organ
Prelude, "Christmas Wir Sollen Loben
Schon" by Bach; Anthem, "0 Taste
and See" by Nikolsky; and Anthem.
"Build Thee More Stately Mansions"
by Andrews.
At the 6:30 p.m. meeting of the
Westminster Guild, Prof. Harley H.
Bartlett of the botany department will
tell of his "Impressions of Religion
Abroad and at Home."
The Unitarian Church will hold a
Phelan To Give
Talks Treatingy
Philosophy And Theology
Are Topics Of Talks
Today And Tomorrow.
Scholastic philosophy of the middle
ages and its bearing upon modern
social conditions will be outlined in
two lectures here today and tomorrow
by Prof. Gerald B. Phelan, president
of the Medieval Institute at the
University of Toronto. Both lectures
will be given at 4:15 p.m. in the
Grand Rapids Room of the League.
The subject of today's talk is'
"Scholastic Philosophy and The-
ology." Professor Phelan will speak
on "Art, Science and Wisdom - A
Scholastim Synthesis" tomorrow.
"No subjlect is more vital today to
the understanding of either world
conditions, theories of social pro-
gress, or functioning of Christianity
than Professor Phelan's," Dr. Edward
W. Blakman counselor in religious
education, said yesterday.
Professor Phelan was prepared at
Francis Xavier College at Nova Sco-
tia, received his Bachlor of Sacred
Theology at the Catholic University ,of.
America in Washington and his Ph.D.
degree at Louvain.
Students wishing to meet Professor
Phelan apart from the lecture should
communicate with Father Berry of
the St. Mary's Chapel, Dr. Blakeman
Pre-Dental Studeiits
Inivited To Forum
Pre-dental students are especially
invited to the Union Coffee Hour from~
4:30 until 5:30 p.m. Wednesday in
the small ballroom of the Union when
Prof. Paul H. Jeserich of the dental
school will lead a discussion on the
dental prof ession.
This is the third in a series of
coffee hours for pre-professional stu-
dents. Previous ones were for pre-
business administration students and
ipre-law students. Dean Henry Bates
of the Law School and Dean C. E.
Griffin of the business administration
school spoke at those meetings.
Professor Jeserich will discuss the
future of graduate dentists, the type
of work offered in the School of
hDentistry, suggested courses to be
taken before entering the dental
school and the social importance of
the dental profession.
Members of Wyvern women's jun-
ior honor society, will pour.
Second Clash With Nippon
Troops Brings Protest
From French Officials
Britain Sees Threat
To Western Powers
SHANGHAI, Jan. 9.-(Sunday)-
(P)-Arrival of a Japanese fleet off
Shingtao, rich north China port, cre-
ated fear among foreigners and Chi-
nese today of an impending Japanese
In Shanghai,, meanwhile, French
officials indicated they probably would
protest to Japan against an assault
by Japanese troops on police of the
French Concession yesterday.
The incident, the second clash in
two days between Japanese soldiers
and foreign police, brought Japanese
guns into line for more than an hour
on the border between Nantao and
the French Concession. The menac-
ing situation was hastily dissolved
by an agreement between French
Consul Pierre Auge and Japanese of-
ficials. French authorities declared,
nevertheless, they probably would
make a formal protest.
LONDON, Jan. 8.-(A)-Japan's de-
mands for increased power in Shang-
hai and attacks on British subjects
today revived fears that Japanese
military leaders are determined to
drive western powers from China.
Such apprehension was expressed
by responsible quarters though, offi-
cially, the foreign office left to Shang-
hai British authorities the tasl of
dealing with the Japanese manhan-
dling of British policemen.
Capt.Craig Back
For Second Talk
Tech Puc
To Present Fourth
in Series Jan.
Jammed Coliseum Views
Fastest, Roughest Fight
Of Current Hockey Race
Wolverines Take
Second 'Title' Game
Thursday's slam-bang hockey me-
lee with Michigan Tech was only a
prelude to last night's encounter as
Michigan again downed the Miners,
in more ways than one, by the over-
whelming score of 7-1. The battle,
by all adds the roughest, fightingest
of the season, was witnessed by a
jammed Coliseum, which not one per-
son left before the final gun.
The victory gave Michigan a de-
cided edge on the mythical state title.
The Wolverines need win only one
more of the two remaining games
'cheduled with Tech at Houghton
later in the year in order to cop the
From the very opening face-off
bot hteams were out for blood and it
literally splattered the ice. Penalties
piled up almost too fast for the small
penalty box to accommodate. A total
of 12 different violations were called
by Referee Paddy Farrell.
No less than five fights, mostly in
the embryonic stage, flared up at
various times. The most serious
came when Smack Allen, Michigan
center, in attempting to loosen his
arm from Hank Pekkala's grasp
thought to aid the normal process and
let loose a short right handed jab
which floored Pekkala and which sent
both participants to the cooler.
The scoring was about equally di-
vided among the Michigan first line
men with both Allen and Gib James
accounting for three goals apiece and
each tallying a pair of assists. Johnny
Fabello, the right wing, scored an an-
assist and three assists.
Tech scored its only goal in the
first minute of the second period
(Continued on Page 6)
Plan To Extend
Merit System
01 .1
State Municipal League
Holds FirstMeeting
Plans for further extension of civil
service among Michigan municipal-
ities got under way yesterday as a
newly appointed committee of the
Michigan Municipal League met for
the first time in the Union to discuss
the problem.
The League, a cooperative organi-
zation of 280 cities and villages in the
state, has already assisted 17 munici-
palities in the organization of full or
part systems of civil service. These
cities are Benton Harbor, Escanaba,
Highland Park, Kalamazoo, Marine
City, Plymouth, Royal Oak, Saginaw,
Adrian, Dearborn, Flint, Bay City,
Jackson, Muskegon, Pontiac, Grosse
Pointe and St. Joseph.
The new committee is considering
ways of meeting requests from cities
presenting individual problems in the
installation and operation of person-
nel systems on the merit basis.
The committee members include
Fred W. Smith, secretary and chief
examiner of the Detroit Civil Service
Commission; Edward C. Rutz, city
manager and personnel director of
Kalamazoo; L. Perry Cookingham,
city manager and personnel director
of Saginaw and Arthur A. May, chair-i
man of the Royal Oak civil service
Tilt; Sextet
ksters, 7-1
onday Inexperienced Squad Bows
To Powerful Michigan
Five In Big Ten Opener
Townsend Shines
With 15 Markers
Capt. John Craig, crack photog-
rapher for Hollywood motion picture
companies, returns to Ann Arbor for
a second engagement in the Orator-
ical Association Lecture series to pre-
sent the fourth talk of the current
season Thursday, January 13, in Hill
Popular favorite of last year's talk
series, the dare-devil picture maker
will present a sequel to his last talk
in "Adventures Making Thrill Mov-
Captain Craig and his crew of
young movie technicians have tra-
velled over five continents shooting
scenes in wild jungles, frigid Arctic
regions and undersea. His travels
have led him into the Darien Indian
country of Central America where he
filmed undersea life for the Los An-
geles Museum in collaboration with
the government of Panama. .Recog-
nized as an expert deep-sea diver, in-
ventor, scientist and explorer, Cap-
tain Craig holds the Motion Picture
Academy of Arts Award for undersea
DETROIT, Jan. 8.--)-There is a,
possibility that President Roosevelt;
will spend at least part of his 1938
vacation in Michigan fishing for the
fighting Mackinaw trout, Senator
Prentiss M. Brown (Dem., Mich.) said
Child P
Ruth Slenczy
Her First
In Choral 1
Ruth Slenczyns
of the keyboards, n
pearance in Ann
tomorrow in Hill
sixth of the curr
A near-capacity
ed to hear the 12-
form a programr
Beethoven, Schum
limited number o
available, however
president of ther
Miss Slenczynsk
four years ago an
has blazed a trium
the concert stages
Her technique,a
ident Sink, runs t
pyrotechnics and:
an unerring sense
For her Ann A
Slenczynski has ch
numbers: "Grosse
in A Minor," by B
cata in M Minor,'
"Sonata in E-flat
3," by Beethove
phoniques, Op. 1
and three selection
Sophs CG
Committee T
To Univer
The entire soph
University will coo
sentation of a min
are realized, Philv
school class preside
A committee, hea
has been chosen t
to the University c
tre Policy and Pr
stated. The compl
ter, he said, will b
A meeting ofo
take place at 4:30
the League. Scrip
song writers, end
chorus members, s
talists, costume an
electricians, speci
all others who fee
thing the audienc
asked to come out
For Muni P
"Underworld," a
1927 with George
lyn Brent, will be
Prodigy Plays
Illinois' embattled cagers lacked
size, experience and effective defen-
sive tactics against an organized
Michigan attack in Yost Field House
last night, and as a result the valiant
visitors dropped their second Confer-
ence encounter of the week, 45-37
before a capacitythrong.
It would be reportorially unjust at
this point to neglect stating that
Capt. Jake Townsend's passing, piv-
oting and shooting warrants a gush
of superlatives. His 15 points set the
scoring pace; his amazing pivot play
bedeviled Illini guards and his passes,
flipped from unbleievable angles, fre-
quently enabled his alert mates to
NCZYNSKI cash in their own chips.
* Big Ten Inaugural
danist 1 alIt was Michigan's Big Ten inaugur-
aand left the audience with definite
title impressions. Wisconsin's up-
Concert set of the favored Minnesota five and
Iowa's victory over Indiana streng-
Nil 3 thens the belief that the Varsity's as-
pirations are ont born of pipe dreams,
The disheartened Illini, who shared
k the championship with Minnesota list
ns8ki To Make years, probably saw their own chances
Appearance vanish by Townsend's basketball leg-
Un nSer erdermain.
Union Series The Wolverines' controlled the
backboard activity last night by vir-
ki, juvenile wonder tue of their superior height, as only
makes her first ap- one Illinois starter, Center Pick Deh-
Arbor at 8:30 p.m. ner, stood about six feet. But Coach
Auditorium in the Doug Mills smartly-coached quintet
erit Choral Union had plenty of scrap and speed, and
audience is expet- forced the Varsity to exert itself all
the way.
year-old artist Per- Dehneroutscores Boudreau
an and Chopin. A Flashy Louis Boudreau, Illinois
*f tickets are still captain, was outscored by the lanky
, Charles A. Sink, Dehner, who picked up 13 points. But
music school, said Boudreau preferred to confine his ac-
tivities to making the plays, and he
:i made her debut substantiated advance reports of his
id since that time fine ability. But even the "Flying
nphant trail across Frenchman" had to bow to Big Jake.
> of the country. Townsend's performance was doub-
according to Pres- ly remarkable considering the fact he
he gamut of piano had to operate the last 15 minutes of
is distinguished by the fray under the stigma of three
of rhythm, personal fouls. If inclined to be cau-
.rbor concert Miss tious thereafter, Jake never revealed
iosen the following it. He switched from guarding Deh-
Fantasie and Fugue ner to Jay Wardley, less active guard,
3ach; "Organ Too- as a precautionary measure, but never
" by Bach-Busoni; I relented in his scoring endeavors.
major, Op. 31, No. Although a sparkling hub in the
; "Etudes Sym- smooth-flowing Michigan wheel, Jake
3." by Schumann, received some excellent assistance.
i from Chopin. Bill Barclay swished through 10
points, several of which came via
" 1 Townsend's passes. Jim Rae added-
rnsiuer nine points and Leo Beebe, with rare
casualness, plopped in four buckets.
eHerm Fishman had a rough night, be-
ing decidely off in his shooting.
Lead Retained
o Offer Plan tMichigan retaned a lead through-
'o Ofer lanout the first half, but Coach Mills
sity Board must have excited his charges during
halftime, for they rushed back. into
;omore class of the action and laced four quidk baskets
Perate in the pre- and a free throw to move into a dead-
istrel show if plans lock with the Wolverines. 27-27.
Westbrook, literary It was 12 minutes to go and the
ent, announced last Varsity took the governor off their
attack. Fishman, Barclay, Rae and
ded by Robert Mix, Townsend scored in rapid-fire suc-
o present the plan cession, and not until Bill Hapac
ommittee on Thea- pushed a one-handed shot in four
actices, Westbrook, (Continued on Page 6)
lete committee ros-
e announced in the 1 nterf raternityBall
all interested willT,
Stide nt Symposium Discusses
Plight Of Minorities In World
Economic insecurity, imperialistic
exploitation of weaker nations and
personal prejudices were offered by
ten student speakers as explanation
for the plight of minority groups at a
symposium representing Negro, Jew-
ish, Philippine, Chinese, Polish and
he reasoned, is responsible for China's
present plight.
China is fighting to improve the
status of the weaker nations of the
world, Yang explained. After years
of suffering economic exploitation at
the hands of imperialistic nations, heI
continued, China has found that
equality must be won by fighting.
The Versailles Treaty and the
Washington Disarmament Conference
candlelight service at 6:00 p.m. The Armenian campus organizations held
Reverend Mr. Harold P. Marley ha yesterday afternoon at the Union.
rhnrJn fnr-'n A yetedayaferoonattheUn
Study Now And Don't
Fall Out The Window
cnosen or ns topic wani teu-
League of Peoples." This service is
the first in a series of Happy Sunday
Evenings, the morning church serv-
ice having been discontinued. At 7:00
p.m., there will be a buffet supper.
and, at 8:00 p.m. Mr. Elmer Akers
of the sociology department will read
the paper he read at the sociology
meetings, "A Social-Psychological
Interpretation of the Black Legion."
Frvnah Chinrpt Onnvp"PA I
The program, sponsored by the
Racial and Social Equality Committee
of the Progressive Club, was attended
by more than 50 persons. A. K. Ste-
vens of the English department acted
as chairman.
The Negro is like a man going to
bat with two strikes against him,
said Bill Pope, Grad., of Omega Psi
Phi, because the Negro is thwarted
both economically and politically. He
pointed out the deplorable conditions
or 1nfhPrn ehnrPnn-r.' me'imin -
which promised equality to China,' Now is the time for all good students
Yang said, resulted in strengthening to start studying for final examina-
imperialistic power in the Orient. To tions, Dr. Warren B. Forsythe, Di-
combat this power, he added, China rector of the Health Service, coun-
has been strengthening her industrial selled yesterday, and he added force
and military efficiency, as the only to his recommendation with the story
instruments by which equality can be of the student who, several years ago,
won. studied all night, felt faint during
The Southern Negro's difficulty in his examination, went to the open
obtaining education was discussed by window for air and promptly fell
Catherine Middleton, Grad. of Delta out.
Sigma Theta Sorority, who said that Commenting on the futility and
p.m. Wednesday at
t writers, lyric and
men, interlocutors,
singers, instrumen-
d scenery designers,
ality members and
l they have some-
e would "like" are
Picture Today
film produced in
Bancroft and Eve-
presented in nlace
Stepin Fetchit Bolts
Temperamental is the word for
Stepin Fetchit. Information was re-
ceived here yesterday that the Negro
comedian had walked out on the Con-
solidated Radio Artists Co., with
whom the Interfraternity Ball chair-
men had signed a contract. As a re-
sult, Stepin Fetchit will not appear
here Friday night as an entertainer
at the Interfraternity Ball.
Attempts to secure a band for Fri-
day at the League equal to that of
Bernie Cummins wereunsuccessfu1