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January 29, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-01-29

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The Weather,
Mostly clouidy andlcolder taday
with mtodera~jte northwest w inds.

LI e



On Russia .. .



GM Renews Effort

NLR.B Seeks
To Mediate

Writer To Lecture

T o ijEc tlerm
ectStikers-- Auto Strike
Asks St. Louis Court To
'For er E lo s {Vacate Limiting Stay,

Raging River Endangers
Cairo, Memphis Levees;
333 Is Latest Death Toll

Files Petition For Second
Injunction; Hearing Will
GBe Held NextMonday
Murphy Hits Work
Of Boysen Alliance
Exposes Strike-Breakers'
Attempt To Incite Flint
Riot, Involve Guardsmen
DETROIT Jan. 28.-(AP)-General
Motors Corporation, referring to "sit-
down" strikers occupying two Fisher
Body company plants in Flint, Mich.,
as "former employes," renewed to-
night its efforts to eject them by
court action.
A petition filed with Circuit Judge
Paul V. Gadola of Genesee County
by Roy Brownell, Flint attorney for
the corporation, requested an in-
junction prohibiting the strikers from
further possession of the plants. The
United Automobile Workers of Amer-
ica, whose widespread strikes have
paralyzed General Motors production,
was directed to show cause at a hear-
ing at 2 p.m. (E.S.T.) next Monday
why an injunction should not be
fDiscloses Plans
At Lansing today Governor Frank
Murphy, asserting he had informa-
tion of plans by undisclosed groups
to incite riots in Flint in order to
involve 2,300 National Guardsmen
stationed there in the strike situa-
tion, rebuffed a delegation from the
strike-opposed Flint alliance.
The Governor declined to answer
an al00nce demand that he guaran-
tee "full protection" for all workers
to and from their jobs, said that set-
lement negotiations arranged under
his "Lansing Agreement" with oppos-
ing leaders were upset "in part" by
the alliance, and added:
"If that had not happened you
might all have been at work now."
George E. Boysen, founder of the
alliance, said in a statement at Flint
that the organization "will continue
to demonstrate in every way possible
that it expects and demands that the
forces of law and order in Michigan
be used to permit the great majority
. . . to return unmolested to their
Petition Names Martin
The injunction petition at Flint
named Homer Martin, U.A.W.A. pres-
ident, and 29 other persons, including
officers of the international union, its
executive board, and officers of two
Flint locals. It yeferred to Martin
as a "Profession 1 Organizer" who
never has been ii the employ of Gen-
eral Motors, and charged that he and
the other defendants instructed
union members to cease work Dec. 30
and refuse to leave the Fisher fac-
The petition charged the strikers
have committed "continuous tres-
passes" since Dec. 30 and that by
threat and intimidation they have
prevented employes not on strike
from entering the plants.
General Motors on Jan. 2 obtained-
from Circuit Judge William D. Black
a sweeping injunction ordering the
strikers to evacuate the plants and
prohibiting interference "in any way"
with operations of the factories. After
it was learned Judge Black was a
stockholder in the corporation the
proceedings were transferred to
Judge Gadola.
Refuse: To Heed Sheriff
The strikers refused to heed the
order of Sheriff Thomas W. Wilcott
that they vacate the premises under.
this injunction, in the absence of
bench warrants for them. Such war-
rants never were served.
Today's petition said the corpora-
tion was unable to give the names
of those inside the plants because the
men changed positions frequently.

1 1- V

China Declares War
In Provinces Ended
NANKING, Jan. 28- () -The
Chinese government announced to-.
day settlement of the seven-week po-
litical-military crisis in Shensi pro-
vince by an agreement under which
communist and communist-inspired
armies will withdraw still further in-.
to the bleak northwest.
Nanking leaders said this agree-
ment ended the threat of widespread
civil war which has filled Shensi and
Kansu provinces with fear and
caused the evacuation of about 100
American and other foreign mis-
sionaries from other regions.
They asserted the national govern-
ment would recover control of Sian-,
fu, capital of Shensi and center of the
long-drawn uprising. Nankin's huge-,
scale preparations to subdue the re-
bellious areas now would be can-
celed, it was stated.
Civil Service
Aim Of House
First, Second And Third
Class Office Heads Are'
Included In Bill
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28.-OP)-The
House passed a bill today to place
first, second and third-class postmas-
ters under the classified civil service.
The bill, passed by a voice vote, will,
go to the Senate.
In an uproarious overtime session,
the House had approved, then re-
jected, amendments to reestablish a
system under which the President
could choose postmasters from among
the three highest candidates certified
by the civil service commission after
competitive examinations.
Some Congressmen complained
that this was the' old "spoils system"
recently declared abolished by execu-
tive orders issued by President
Land Bills Are
First Enacted
By State House
Mortgage Moratoria Bill
Also Passed As Part Of
Proposed Action
LANSING, Jan. 28. -()-The
House adopted its first proposed leg-
islation of the 1937 session today by
passing two bills extending existing
land contract and mortgage mora-
Approach of the expiration date for
the moratoria hastened the House
action. The date now is March 1,
and the House bill would extend that
date to June 1, 1939.
Rep. Herman H. Dignan, Republi-
can, Owosso, was the only House
member to oppose either measure. He
said he was opposed to continuing
emergency legislation after the
"necessity for it had ended," and de-
clared the moratoria "penalized
The two bills now will go to the
Senate for considerationafter a five-
day period. There appeared little
chance of opposition.
A joint resolution asking a consti-
tutional amendment to provide four-
year terms for county officers reached
the floor of both Houses today. Rep.

M. Clyde Stout, Democrat, Ionia, in-
troduced the measure in the House
and it was sent to the committee on
constitutional revision. Senator Earl
W. Munshaw, Republican, Grand
Rapids, sponsored the same resolu-
tion in the Senate.
Senator Carroll B. Jones, Demo-
crat, Marcellus, introduced a bill
which would preclude any member
of the legislature from holding a seat
if he were unable to attend sessions
because of imprisonment. It was an
outgrowth of the Wilkowski vote
fraud case.

G-Men Investigate
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28 - The
National Labor Relations Board late
today projected itself into the Gen-
eral Motors strike.
The Board asked that the United
States Circuit Court of Appeals at St.
Louis vacate its stay of execution,
which has prevented the NRLB here-
tofore from directly intervening in
the automobile strike under the Wag-
ner act.
The stay was granted by the Fed-
eral Appellate Court last June on pe-
tition of General Motors, which was
refused an injunction against the
board by the St. Louis District
Court. Court action arose when'the
Board started hearings in St. Louis
on formal charges of the United Au-
tomobile Workers that General Mo-
tors was interfering with employes
joining the union in GM plants in
and around St. Louis.
Action Doubly Important
The power of the Board to act
except on request of a union is doubt-
ful, although the Board's statement
strongly indicated that it believed it
could if the court prohibition was re-
The Board's action was of double,
significance. Since the strike began,
leaders of the Committee for Indus-
trial Organization and the UAW have,
refrained from making any formal
complaints to the NLRB, which is
necessary to open up the way for in-
tervention of that body.
The Board's request to the Court
"The industrial disputes which the
National Labor Relations Board
sought to prevent and of which it
warned in its June complaint now
have occurred.
"Thousands of employes of these
appellants (General Motors) are en-
gaged in a strike.
"It is submitted that every consid-
eration of equity as well as of the
paramout public interest indicates
that the stay herein should be vacat-
ed and the National Labor Relations
Board allowed to administer the ap-
plicable law of the United States."
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28.--(P)-
The Government assigned "G Men"
tonight to investigate union leaders'
charges, that strike-breakers were
sent across state lines to the scene
of a General Motors strike at Ander-
son, Ind.
Officials who revealed that J. Ed-
gar Hoover's agents had been given
the task declared that under Federal
law it was an offense to transport
strike-breakers from one state to an-
other for the purpose of interfering
with-peaceful picketing.
They said an affidavit had been
received here saying that several car-
loads of "tough-looking men" were
recruited at St. Louis several days ago
and transported in trucks to Ander-
The Senate civil liberties commit-
tee, headed by Senator La Follette,
also sent an agent to Anderson to
inquire into allegations by the Unit-
ed Automobile Workers that strikers
were victims of violence.
Secretary Perkins dispatched an
investigator to the same city to look
into charges that General Motors in-
stigated raids on a union meeting and
union headquarters.

Robert Coffin
To Give Talk!
On His Poetry
'What Poems Are And
How I Make The ' Is Hist
Topic; Won '35 Pulitzer
Robert P. Tristram Coffin, Ameri-
can poet and novelist, will lecture at
8:15 p.m. tonight in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre on "What Poems
Are And How I Make Them." The lec-
ture will be given under the auspices
of the Hopwood Committee.
Coffin has already published 15
volumes of writing of all kinds, in-
cluding six of poetry. His book of
verse, "Strange Holiness," won the
Pulitzer Prize for 1935 for its author
and contributed greatly to bringing
him international fame. Other vol-
umes of poetry he has published in-
clude "Ballads of Square-Toed,
Known For Biography
Besides his poetry, Coffin is best
remembered for his biographical
works about his family, "An Attic
Room," and others. Last spring his
first novel, "Red Sky in the Morn-
ing," appeared, and immediately be-
came a best seller.
Aside from his writing, Coffin is
professor of English literature at
Bowdoin College, his alma mater.
Previously he served as professor of
English at Wells College, whose
teaching staff he joined on his returnj
from the war, in which he served with
an artillery regiment in the American
Expeditionary Force.
Studied At Princeten
After his graduation from Bowdoin,
Coffin studied at Princeton for a year
on the Longfellow Scholarship, and
took degrees as Bachelor of Arts and
Bachelor of Literature at Trinity Col-
lege, Oxford, as a Rhodes Scholar.
William Rose Benet recently said of
Coffin's writing that "there are poems
of his already that will be remem-
bered in the years to come, and he is
only in the middle of a stalwart
Prof. Clarence D. Thorpe of the
English department, who heard Cof-
fin speak at the Thanksgiving Day
banquet of the American Council of
English Teachers, praised his simple
but keen and brilliant style and com-
pared him in his manner of speak-
ing and reading to Robert Frost.
AKRON, O., Jan. 28.-(P)-A "sit-
down" in the compounding depart-
ment of the B. F. Goodrich Company,
tire manufacturers, caused execu-
tives to order all operations suspend-
ed indefinitely tonight. The concern
employes approximately 10,000 per-
sons on four shifts. T. G. Graham,
company vice-president, claimed 31
employes participated in the "sit-

Citizens Of New Albany
Evacuated In Outboards
As Waters Stay At Peak
Harsh Treatmenta
Given To LootersE
Correspondent Finds PoorV
People Cling To Homest
In SpiteOf Perili
NEW ALBANY, Ind., Jan. 28.-
(Special to The Daily)-Dense foga
settled down over thilittle town here
tonight as the dirty yellow waters ofe
the Ohio River remained at peak levelc
and the work of evacuating inhabi-v
tants in the lower parts of the villager
was carried on in outboards andt
small skiffs.t
The entire town here is under strict
military control. Soldiers brought in
two looters who had collected a boatt
load of stolen goods. They are liable u
for a 20-year sentence when court-
martialed tomorrow, officials say.
Eight hundred uncontacted people
are still clinging to life and hope in
this town of 13,000, while rescue
work, hampered by an absence of all
light and heat, is severely handi-
In the poor section of the town, it
was necessary to use force to get some
of the old folks out of their two and
Three room shacks. One old man said1
"If this house goes I better go with
it, and an old woman refused to leave
until the rescue workers went in and
brought out all she owned in the
world-five cats.
One of the most pitiful sights ofc
the flood here is livestock swimming I
helplessly with only their nostrils outc
of water. The national guard hasv
orders to shoot any swimming an-a
Communication with Louisvillec
across the river is confined to radio.
One of the boatmen here said that he
has not heard from his wife and
daughter in Louisville since last week.<
His case is typical of hundreds of
The people here have developed at
stoic and at the same time heroicu
philosophy of doing their share andi
more where they are and sacrificing
all personal matters for the common
good. According to the local tele-
graph operator here, this is the firstI
dispatch to go out from New Albany.r
Contest Entriest
For Freshmen3
Are Due Todayf
Entries for the freshman division,
of the Hopwood Awards for creative1
writing are due in the EnglishOffice
by 4 p.m. today.
The freshman Hopwood contest is<
open to all first-year students regu-
larly enrolled in an English course in
either the College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts, or the College of
Engineernig. The contest is divided
into three fields: essay, prose fiction
and poetry; and entries in each field
are limited according to the rules
established by the Freshman Hop-
wood committee. Three prizes of $50,
$30 and $20 respectively will be
awarded in each of the three fields.
The manuscript will be judged by'
Prof. Roy W. Cowden of the English
department, director of the Hopwood
Awards; Dr. Frank E. Robbins, as-
sistant to the president and manag-
ing editor of the University of Michi-
gan Press; and Prof. J. Raleigh Nel-
son of the English department of the
College of Engineering. To facilitate
i their work the manuscripts will first
be read by the freshman contest
committee and unacceptable material

will be eliminated.
Mooney Fails Again
In Freedom Battle
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 28.-(P)-
Thomas J. Mooney lost the first
round of his new battle for freedom
and vindication today when a state
Supreme Court referee held the form-

County Sends $5,000
To Flood Sufferers
Citizens of Washtenaw County,
aided by the University's contribution-
of $913, last night swelled their Red
Cross flood relief fund to an un-
expected high of $5,654.
Organization of three shifts of
workers to pack clothing and food to
be shipped for the flood areas was
-lso announced yesterday by officials
of the local Red Cross chapter. The
headquarters at 205 S. Fourth St. will
continue to remain open to receive
contributions daily, opening at 8:30
a.m. today.
Cots and bedding are greatly need-
ed in this devastated regionaaccord-
ing to officials and donations of
clothing and bedding supplies will be
welcome. Foods contributed should
not be of a perishable variety in order
that they can be shipped with no
Wyvern, junior women's honor so-t
ciety, will continue today their drive
to secure food and clothing for the
Marriage Here
Of Piatigorsky
Is Made Known
Russian Violoncelljst Wed
Jacqueline de Rothschild
Of Paris At Sink Home
Gregor Piatigorsky, Russian violon-
cellist, was secretly married here
Tuesday to Jacqueline de Rothschild,
of Paris, it was revealed yesterday
when the marriage license was filed
at the county clerk's office by Justice
Jay H. Payne, who performed the
The ceremony was performed
Tuesday morning at the home of Dr.
Charles A. Sink, president of the
School of Music, at 1325 Olivia Ave.
A special marriage license was ob-
tained by the couple to avoid the
usual five-day wait required by Mich-
igan law.
Mr. Piatigorsky was here to play a
Choral Union concert Monday in Hill
Auditorium. The couple informed
Dr. and Mrs. Sink of their intended
marriage at the intermission and
were invited to hold the ceremony at
the Sink home.
Mr. Piatigorsky gave his age as 33
years old and the bride gave her age
as 25. Mrs. Piatigorsky is believed
to be a member of the de Rothschild
family of France.
Present for the ceremony were Dr.
and Mrs. Sink, Roscoe O. Bonisteel of
Ann Arbor, president of -the State
Bar of Michigan, who made the legal
arrangements, Mrs. Bonisteel, and
Prof. Hans Pick of the School of Mu-
sic, a friend of the famous cellist's.
The couple left Tuesday for Phila-
delphia where Mr. Piatigorsky was
to play with the Philadelphia Sym-
phony Orchestra.
Canadian Social
Insurance Laws
Are Not Legal
LONDON, Jan. 28.-(P)--Canadian
legislation for unemployment insur-
ance, minimum wages, limitation of
working hours and regulation of mar-
keting was declared unconstitutional
The ruling came from the judicial
committee of the Privy Council, high-
est judicial body in the Empire. The

committee upheld measures to regu-
late some trade practices and to help
indebted farmers.
The legislation was adopted by the
Canadian Parliament in 1935 and
1935, when the conservative govern-
ment of Premier R. B. Bennett was
in office.
Only two of the laws, however, have
been put into effect-that to aid farm
debtors, which was upheld, and that
giving farmers the right to combine

Set Up 30(
Levee In
To Avert


Last Attempt

Flood Waters Make
1,000,000 Homeless
Forecast More Snow And
Rain; Doctors, Nurses
Fight SpreadOf Disease
(By The Associated Press)
The nation's record flood crept
forward Thursday toward the next
danger area-levees between Cairo,
Ill., and Memphis on the Mississippi
-as army and civilian corps piled
sandbags and gumbo mud on 300
miles of set-back levee walls in a
desperate effort to avert disaster.
The Ohio River-a vast lake 50
miles wide in places from Pittsburgh
to Cairo-eased its pressure along its
upper stretch.
At Cincinnati the waters slowly be-
gan to recede.
Louisville, Ky., still was largely in-
undated, but the crest was past and
headed for isolated Paducah.
The known dead exceeded 333.
More than 1,000,000 were homeless in
11 states. Damage' mounted above
Rain And Snow Threaten
Threat of more rain and snow
along the Ohio River came from wea-
ther forecasters but they added the
cheering note the precipitation would
not affect flood conditions.
Days will pass before the Ohio is
back in its channel at Cincinnati
and Louisville but already rehabili-
tation was begun. Appalling stories
as yet unrealized apparently were in
store for residents of vast sections.
Cairo, its women and children
mostly evacuated, settled down be-
hind a three-foot bulkhead atop its
60-foot seawall and gaited for the
62-foot crest on the Ohio predicted
for Sunday or Monday.
Most pathetic was the plight of 6,-
000 farmers and fishermen driven
from the 131,000-acre tract in the
Bird's Point Floodway on the Mis-
inches of frozen sleet. The reservoir
sissippi. They fled-mostly on foot
-over rutted roads covered with six
filled rapidly, bringing the levee crisis
Three Thousand Flee
Three thousand refugees were at
Charleston, Mo., where facilities were
taxed to the utmost. Others were at
Sikeston, Mo., crowded and jammed
into relief headquarters.
These-as at New Madrid, Mo., at
the lower tip of the floodway-cast
anxious eyes toward the set-back
levee. Would it hold? A levee break
would put New Madrid under six feet
of water.
All but 110 who live in the spill-
way were thought safely out. These
clung to room and tree tops and
awaited rescue boats, hampered by
ice cakes, cold rain, and shallow
water in stretches of ground between
them and the refuees.
Army engineers along the Missis-
sippi speeded reinforcement of the
billion-dollar levee system. Com-
manding generals from Cairo to New
Orleans stood ready to move out up-
ward of 500,000 dwellers if broken
dikes brought danger.
Crest At 48 Feet
Meteorologist F. W. Brist at Mem-
phis predicted the Mississippi will
crest there at 48 feet, five feet lower
than the estimate of Lieut. Col. Eu-
gene Reybold, army district engineer.
Brist added that since a 48-foot
stage "is about three feet higher than
any previous stage, all possible pre-
caution should be taken to protect
life and property." Memphis' gauge
was 44.3 Thursday. The river still
was rising.
More than 2,500,000 acres of Mis-
sissippi bottom land.was flooded and
at Mellwood, Ark., the levee was
threatening collapse, endangering
two more counties.
The threat of disease continued
unabated. Except for a coast guard
report of influenza of epidemic pro-
portions at Paducah, Ky., no wide-

spread outbreaks were prevalent.
200,000 For U.S. Aid
WASHINGTON, Jan. , 28.-(P)--
Two hundred thousand persons-per-
haps more if the Mississippi levees
do not hold-may go on Federal re-


Cause And Aftermath Of Flood
Discussed Byv James, Jamison

Riots outside the Fisher No. 2 plant
on Jan. 11 when strikers clashed with
police brought injuries to 27 persons
and concentration of several National
Guard units in Flint to preserve
Six Injured In Wreck
Of Train Near Trenton
TRENTON, N.J., Jan. 28.-(P)--An
estimated half dozen persons were
injured tonight when three cars of
the Constitution, Pennsylvania Rail-
road flier, were derailed, near here.

The present unprecedented flood{
stage in the Ohio River valley district
is the result of too much rain on
ground that was already water-
soaked, Prof. Preston James of the
geography department declared yes-
Prof. Charles L. Jamison of the
School of Business Administration
said that the rehabilitation of Louis-
ville, Cincinnati, and other cities, will
not retard business activity in that
region or throughout the nation.
Professor James said that while the
weather maps would show this condi-
tion afterwards, there is no way to
forecast a flood beforehand with any

will be of some benefit to the land on
which it is deposited."
Prof. James stated that while there
is a temporary evacuation of the
flood district now, the land is far
too rich and fertile in the river dis-
trict to countenance a general exo-
dus. He said that this is probably
the worst flood that ever occurred
in that district. The spring crop will
not be affected by this disaster, how-
ever, he said, since the seeds for the
next crops have not yet been planted.
"Replacing fixtures in stores, fac-
tories and dwellings will create a
demand for goods which would not
otherwise have existed," Professor
Jamison said, "and the banks will be


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