The Weather
Snow flurries and colder to-
day; tomorrow generally fair,
continued cold.
C, 4r
Lt igan
Again They Go
Fishing For Herring..
The Changing Concept
of Toleration ... '
Sextet Trips
Tech Miners
In 5-2 Rout
Draws First Blood In Fight
Over Mythical State Title
Before Small Audience
Fisticuffs Enliven
Hard-Fought Battle
A Modern Student Makes Ris Way Japs Menace
By Liberal Use Of The Cliche -
Eccles Testifies Before Senate Committee
(Daily Sports Editor)
Michigan's scoring attack reached
a white heat in 'the third period of
last night's hockey encounter with
Michigan Tech's Miners, and as a
consequence, the visitors sustained a
5-2 defeat in the sparsely-filled Coli-
seum. -
It was the first of a two-game set,
and the Wolverines' opening wedge
toward retention of the mythical state
championship, which they acquired
last year by beating the Houghton,
Mich, contingent thrice in four meet-
Roughly contested throughout, the
match was enlivened by a brief flurry
of fisticuffs late in the second period
when Tech's warm-tempered center,
George McCarthy, threw a meaning-
ful punch at apologetic Evie Doran,
who had just accidentally tapped Mc-
Carthy on the back of his noggin.
Score Is Knoted
At that juncture, the score was
knotted at 2-all, both squads count-
ing twice in a productive first period.
Michigan's blue line men, Capt. Bob
Simpson and Bucko Smith, had prov-
en lax in their tactics to permit the
aforesaid McCarthy to sift through
them on a solo flight and rifle one
past Goalie Spike James (10:30).
The Wolverines' defense stiffened
thereafter, but for another lapse later
in the same stanza when Bud Pekkala
took a pass from the busy Mr. Mc-
Carthy and sliced one in from a dif-
ficult angle.
Allen Tallies
Meanwhile, Smack Allen turned in
one of the neatest goals of the sea-
son. From a faceofV in front of the
nets, he cut a sharp puck past Goalie
Gus Gustafson, who stood by too sur-
prised to prost. A minute ,or so
later, with the Wolverine second line
serving, Les Hillberg and Evie Doran
collaborated for another marker. Do-
ran swept through Tech's defense and
laid a perfect pass on Hillberg's stick
for a wide open shot.
At times sloppy on offense, neither
sextet relaxed in their bruising work
on defense. Hillberg and Bill Ville-
nueve became over-enthusiastic in the
first period and were ousted for mu-
tual roughing. Pekkala also got the
referee's nod for tripping Allen. At
one stage in the second period both
Simpson and Smith were chilling in
the penalty box as the Miners made
a concentrated, though futile, assault
on Goalie James.
Tech Goalie Shines
During the absence of Simpson
and Smith, Gib James, playing under
the handicap of a swollen ankle,
(Continued on Page 3)
NLRB Opens
Ford on-dflictu
In U.S. Court
Petitions For Enforcement
Of Edicts; Decision May
Be DelayedFor Months;
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.-- )-The'
Labor Relations Board took the first
step today in what promised to be a
prolonged court battle with the Ford
Motor Company.
The Board mailed to the Sixth Fed-
eral Circuit Court of Appeals at
Covington, Ky., a petition for an
order to enforce the Board's recent
decision against the Ford Company.i
In that decision the Board ordered1
the company to reinstate 29 employes
who, the Board said, had been dis-
charged because of union activity.
The Board also ordered the corn-
pany to stop discouraging member-
ship in the United Automobile Work-
ers and to refrain from a number
of other activities which the Board
called "unfair labor practices."
Circuit Court attaches in Coving-
ton said it probably would be several
months before the court could con-~
sider the Board's petition. Either the'
Board or the Ford Company may ap-
peal to the Supreme Court from the
Circuit Court's decision.
Labor Department Seeks
Here Expressions Olden
Rout Silence Golden;
Last Line Won't Rhyme
Asked yesterday to take the stand
in defense of the cliche, McCarthy1
McBergen, student and eminent au-
thority on the use of hackneyed ex-
pressions, said at the moment he was
as "busy as a one-armed paper hang-
er" but "felt as fit as a fiddle" and
"would be only too glad to oblige" as
:oon as he had eaten a "square meal"
and put his things in "apple pie or-
We present, then, Mr. McBergen
who will describe campus life, in
terms of the common man.
Now tell us about your vacation,
Mr. McBergen.
"I had a swell time."
What did you do?
"Things and stuff."
Did you get drunk?
"No, I got stinko, blotto, high,
fried, lit, boiled, plastered and
gloriously drunk."
You came back to college to .. .
"Loaf and rest up."
Are you taking any subjects?
"No, they're all taking me."
Well then, what subjects are
taking you?
"Socg poly sci., ec., phys. ed.,
and psych.'
Do you read much?
"Never crack a book, myself."
How do your friends study for
"They cram and hit the books."
What is an honors man?
"A Phi Bete"
Whathis that?
"A greasy grind."
How does he get 'A's?'"
"Drags them down."
What does he polish?
"The apple."
Are you a "frat" man?
"No, I am a member of a fra-
Before joining a fraternity you
"A G.D.IL"
What was that?
"A barb."
What do you drink instead of
"The golden brew and the
amber liquid."
What is the matter with your
English professor?
"He doesn't inspire me."
When your "bluebook" mark
looks like the speed limit in a
congested area you always re-
(Continued on Page 21
British Author
Of Spain's War
Ralph Bates To Sneak Here
After 9 Years In Spain;
Fought InLoyalist Army
Work in the Spanish Loyalist army
and "contact with agrarian conditions
close enough to approximate to per-
sonal experience" will provide the
background for the talk today by
Ralph Bates, noted British author,
who will speak on "How Will the War
in Spain End?" The lecture will be
given at 4 p.m. in the Natural Science
Auditorium under the auspices of the
Progressive Club.
The experience of nine years spent
in Spain went into Mr. Bates' two
novels, "Lean Men" and "Olive Field,"
dealing with the revolutionary move-
ment. These are now banned in
Burglar's Loot
Is $500 Here
In Jewel Theft
Burr, Patterson, Auld, Co.
Invaded By 'Amateur'
For Firm's First Loss
- -- ,j LL Mlkt T V G~il
An "amateur" burglar ransacked tpanish territory held by the fascists,
the Burr, Patterson, Auld and Co. under a special edict issued by Gen-
jewelry store, 603 Church St., early eralissimo Francisco Franco. Mr.
yesterday and escaped With jewelry Bates left Spain in September a cap-
valued at approximately $500. The tam in the Abraham Lincoln Bat-
loss was completely covered by in- talion in which three Michigan men
surance. are serving.
Mrs. Ruth Ann Qakes, store man- Immediately after the World War,
ager, discovered the loss and notified in which he served as a volunteer in
police immediately after the store the British army, Mr. Bates ran away
opened yesterday. Police believe the to Spain where he worked on the
theft took place between 11:30 p m.docks and in various factories for 18
Wednesday when Mrs. Oakes left eh1 months. Eventually circumstances
te nd 4 a.mhesterd s lf compelled him to return to England
store, and4 a.n. yestray. where he became a mechanic in a
An all-day inventory placed the railway factory in the town of his
value of the stolen goods, which con- birth, Swindon. In 1930, however, he
sisted mostly of cigarette lighters, returned to Spain and has lived there
identification bracelets, knives, com- ever since.
pacts, chains, necklaces and electric The attitude expressed in Mr. Bates'
shaversat about $500, Mrs. Oakes article on Spain appearing in thej
disclosed. Oct. 20 issue of The New Republic
Entrance to the store was gained mksi emlkl httetl
when the culprit, believedsto havemday w ibseem likely hnal natuea
been inexperienced, cut a hole in a the Progressive Club announced '
long-unused back door, and reached
through to unlock and unbar it. It~ s
was the first time the store had been Pro reSve Club
burglarized, although two holdups t
have been attempted there in the Drive Aids China
past ten years.
A number of clues, including a
glove, we,,- discovered by police, Mrs. Sixty dollars for medical aid to
Oakes reported. It is believed val- China was collected and buttons urg-
uable fingerprints were left on some ing a boycott of Japanese-made goods'
jewelry abandoned by the thief. were distributed to those desiring
them by members of the Progressive
j Club yesterday.
ACCIDENT IN SOUTH HAVEN Collections were made from 8 am.
SOUTH HAVEN, Jan. 6.-()-Ora to 4 p.m. by 25 members of the Club.
Lantis, 28, of Douglas, was killed in The money will be sent to the Medical
a head-on collision between two Aid Division of the Bank of China in
trucks near here today. 'New York City.
Near Lunghai
Control Of Railway Line
Would Open Way To
Interior And Hankow
American Embassy
In Nanking Opened
SHANGHAI, Jan. 7.-(Fr'iday)-(-P)
-Japanese forces estimated at 60,-
000 well-equipped men were reported
today to be thrusting from the north
and south at the Lunghai railroad
|-China's "jugular vein."
Control of that -main east-west
trunkline would open the way for a
Japanese drive into the interior and
against China's provisional capital,
Thirty planes-roaring harbingers
of the prospective land assault on
Hankow-yesterday heavily bombed
airfields at Hankow and Wuch-ang.
Fifty Chinese noncombantants were
killed or wounded.
Other developments included reop-
ening of the United States Embassy
at Nanking and issuance of a state-
ment by the Japanese government
that China had shown "increasing
evidence" of an intention to seek
peace. The Embassy was closed be-
fore Nanking fell to the Japanese Dec.
Japanese authorities were silent but
Chinese and foreign reports agreed
the opposing armies were massing foi
a decisive battle in Northern Kaingsu
and Eastern Honan provinces.
There the Japanese hoped to seize
the eastern section of the strategic1
.Lunghai railway as a route to the
Opposing the Japanese, according1
to Chinese reports, were 100,000 of1
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek's sol-
diers along the railway between Su-
chow, in Kiangsu, and Kweiteh, ine
Honan, a stretch of about 90 miles.I
The air attack on Hankow was thel
second this week on the river me-1
tropolis, 450 air miles inland fromI
Shanghai. The attackers also tried
to destroy the Hankow radio station.
Theywfaild to hit it but several wom-
en and children were killed or wound-
ed in the vicinity.t
The Japanese government today1
declared that the Chinese govern-
ment "have come to show increasing
evidence of their intention to sue fort
peace." Previous reports from Han-
kow said China had rejected peace
overtures and was intensifying her
Rebel Offensive
Is Stalemated
Government Lines Resist
Attacks About Teruel 1
MADRID, Jan. 6.-(U)-The Span-
ish Government tonight reported its
lines at Teruel were still intact after
'Aght hours of the most savage fight-
ing of the whole Insurgent counter-
offensive during which two tremen-
trmndous Insurgent thrusts were beaten
A Government communique said'
the enemy flung a great flanking col-
umn down from Concud, three miles,
north, after Insurgent artillery bat-
teries and warplanes had bombarded
Government infantry positions stead-1
ily for several hours.
Though severely shaken by the
barrage of shells and bombs, Govern-
ment troops withstood what the com-
munique termed a "supreme effort"
of the enemy to drive them back.
Wave after wave of reinforcements
swept across the blood-stained snow,
where thousands already had died, to
bolster the first shock column. Hour
after hour the fierce, give-no-quarter
struggle went on in bitter cold.
(Insurgent reports reaching Hen-
daye on the Franco-Spanish fron-
tier asserted two spearheads were
driving on Teruel from Celadas, to
the north, and Villastar, to the
Chicago 'Bookie'
Law Held Illegal
CHICAGO, Jan. 6.-(A)-Plans to
legalize horse race betting establish-
ments in Chicago were knocked to-
ward a legal limbo today by Attorney
General Otto Kerner.
He ruled the City Council had no
Doubts Roosevelt's Plans
For Determininr Future
Demand Arf Feasible
WASHINGTON. Jan. - -60-Wil-
lism Kn1rishn. the nresirent of vast
General Motors Cornoration, testifiedr
today that in his opinion the present
business recession would be short-
lived and that his company was mak-
ing plans accordingly.
But. he said. in response to repeat-
ed questions from Chairman James F.
Byrnes (Dem.. S.(.) of the Senate
unemnloyment committee, the com-
pany's surnlus of $450.000,000 could
not he used to keep men at work and
avoid the recent layoff of 30,000 men.
For, he added, in times such as
these it is "better" to work off ac-
cumulations of unsold stocks by cur-
tailing production, than by adjusting
prices downward in accordance with
reduced demand.
In addition, he made it evident
that he thought little good could come
from President Roosevelt's proposal
that industry and Government get
together periodically to gauge the fu-
ture and plan production.
"I don't think anyone in God's
world could have told me that sales
were going to drop 50 per cent in two
,weeks," he said.
What is needed to end the depres-
sion, he emphasized again and again,
is confidence and, in answer to ques-
tions he said he thought that if Gen-t
eral Motors would re-employ the 30.-
000 it laid off, that would do much
to increase confidence.
George Will Meet Sonja
And 'Garg' Will Profit
Who are Michigan's 10 most hand-I
some men? That's the problem which
will face Sonja Henie, star of the ice
and film world, this afternoon.
At 6 p.m. today in Detroit, George
S. Quick, '38, Gargoyle editor, and
Max Hodge, '39, assistant editor, willI
show her pictures of 40 nominees.
After that it will be up to the petite;
Scandinavian girlawho drew $206,000
to the coffers of a Chicago arena in
eight days last month.
After Miss Henie has made the
final choice, the pictures will be
photo-eng'aved so that they can ap-
pear in the next Gargoyle. Last
year the magazine chose Michigan's
10 prettiest girls, but this year it will
be men.
Quick denies the whole thing is
just an excuse for meeting Miss
Marriner S. Eccles (right), chairman of the Federal Reserve Board,
is shown with Senator James F. Byrnes, of South Carolina, chairman
of the Senate Unemployment Committee, as be testified that repeal
of the undistributed profits tax "would be the most deflationary thing
that could be done."
S* * *
Present Recession Will Not Last,
Knudsen. Tells Senate Hearing
But that "would not be business,",
he testified; employment must be ad-
justed to production; "constant em-
ployment can not be assured unless
there is work to do; if the men were
re-employed there would be nothingt
for them to work on,"
Knudsen, a ruddy-faced giant of a1
man who worked his way from the
status of a laborer in overalls to that
of an industrial titan, was one of a
series of big businessmen, economists
and statisticians who are giving -the1
committee . their views about the
causes of unemployment and rem-{
edies for it.
"Naturally, I don't like to lay menI
off," he told the committee, "We don't
make any money laying people off." 7
And again:
"It is better to curtail than to
work off inventories through reduced
Of the business outlook:
"I believe this is only a temporary1
recession, I have said so all along. I
look for recovery and we are making
our plans accordingly."
DuPont Firm
To Sue Writer
Author Of '60 Families'
To Face Charges
NEW YORK, Jan. 6.-Al)-E. I.
DuPont De Nemours and Co. gave
notice in Federal Court today of a
$150,000 libel action against Ferdin-
and Lundberg, author of the book
"America's 60 Families," and the
Vanguard Press, its publisher.
A complaint specifying passages in
the book to which the company ob-
jects will be filed perhaps tomorrow,
after service of summons on the de-
fendants, it was said at the office of
IWilliam H. Button, attorney who filed
the notice,
The book, published in October, as-
serts that "The United States is
owned and dominated today by a
hierarchy of its 60 richest families,
buttressedsby no more than 90 fam-
ilies of less wealth."
The Du Pont family is ranked
eighth on the list of 60, after the
Rockefeller, Morgan, Ford, Harkness,
Mellon, Vanderbilt and Whitney fam-
The thesis of the book was echoed
by Secretary of Interior Harold I.
Ickes in a speech Dec. 30. The gov-
ernment's proposed anti-trust fight
he declared, is a battle between de-
mocracy and plutocracy.
Naval Bomber,
Seven Airmen
Reported Lost
Warships, Aircraft Search
All Night But Discover
No SignOf Giant Plane
Officials Withhold
SAN DIEGO, Calif., Jan, 6.-VP)---
One of the Navy's long-range patrol
bombing planes vanished at sea last
night with seven men aboard, officers
disclosed today after a fruitless all-
night search.
Warships and fighting aircraft be-
gan their search shortly after the
plane dropped out of radio communi-
cation with other craft.
The hunt broadened today as
Capt. Alva D. Bernhard, chief of staff
for the aircraft scouting force, gave
out word that the craft was missing,
Secrecy enveloped details of the
plane's disappearance as well as
phases of the hunt. Captain Bern-
hard refused to say where the plane
was bound, or where it was when It
last communicated with other craft.
Names Of Crew
Bernhard likewise declined to name
the seven aboard, but the Navy De-
partment in Washington said the
craft was piloted by Lieut. Truman
Ernest Carpenter, with Aviation Ca-
det Philip O. Browning as co-pilot.
Carpenter is from El Paso, Texas, and
Passumpsic, Vt. Browning is a-na-
tive of Lees Summit, Mo.
Eristed men on board included:
Edgar Angling, aviation chief ma-
chinist mate, 37, 1012 Moran Ave.,
Norfolk, Va.
G. A. Mills, 22, radioman, third
class, Prescott, Mich.
C. C. Creech, 22, aviation machinist
mate, third class, Richland, N.Y.
William Erbe, 52, aviation chief
machinist mate, San Diego, Calif.
Joe D. Adair, 21, radioman, third
class, Coruttiersville, Mo.
Captain Bernhard said the plaie
was "capable of landing in any kind
of a sea" and expressed belief it would
be found.
Twin Motored Craft
Presumably the plane's last known
position was about 200 miles north-
west of here. It was said the search
had begun in that area. Eleven bat-
tleships, and unannounced number of
destroyers and target tenders were
reported to be somewhere near the
area where the patrol cruiser van-
ished. Two fast cruisers, the Chester
and the San Francisco, left San Pe-
dro harbor this afternoon to join the
The missing plane is a twin-mo-
tored patrol craft such as the Navy
has been flying over great distances.
Recently squadrons of 12 to 14 have
flown non-stop to Coco Solo, Canal
Zone, 3,080 miles from here, and to
Honolulu, more than 2,500 miles.
A group of 18 such planes is ten-
tatively scheduled to leave here Jan.
19 for Honolulu to reinforce the large
concentration of fighting aircraft al-
ready stationed in the islands.
Bill Denounced
In Hot Debate
Faculty Men
Tie-Ups In
Declining to hazard even an
ion in America's Supreme court
members of the Law School f
and the political science depar
declared that after the appoin
of Sen. Hugo L. Black, nothir
president could do would be si
S~ee 'IEI) puuuiio.411
r- - -1%
Uniting in the belief that there
were no political commitments to
be satisfied, the men agreed that the
field was wide open and that the
only qualification is that the new jus-
tice be in harmony with Roosevelt's
It was felt, however, by several men
that the next appointment might pos-
sibly come from the west since at
present there is only one justice from
across the Mississippi, Pierce Butler,
of Minnesota. It might be good poli-
urt Appointment
Bratton of New Mexico; Robert H. I
Jackson, assistant attorney-general;
Felix Frankfurter of the Harvard law
school; and Senator Wagner and!
Judge Ferdinand Pecora of New
York. Of these only Bratton is from
the west.
Another political consideration
which might influence the President
in his choice, Professor Dorr said,
would be his desire to use the ap-
pointment to mend the party ranks.
Sen. Bertrand Wheeler of Montana
has been mentioned as a possibility
for that reason. He is also from the
west and has a reputation as a thor-
ough-going liberal. It remains to be
seen if the enmity aroused over the
court fight can be forgotten, he said.
Senator Pittman of Nevada, too, is
a possibility with the same sort of
record as Senator Black had for party
Slosson Doubts Any Runaian
Union With-ltaly Or Germany
Dixie Senators' Filibuster
Tactics May Hold Up
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.-(R')-The
controversial Anti-Lynching Bill came
up for Senate debate today and drew
a blast cf old-fashioned Southern
oratory. A prolonged filibuster seemed
in prospect.
Leaders expressed concern lest de-
tay on the measure tie up the heavy
Administration legislative program
and push farther into the future the
scheduled May adjournment of Con-
A band of Southerners resorted to
tactics of delay from the very be-
ginning of today's Senate session.
They demanded numerous quorum
Senator Connally (Dem., Tex.),
leading the Southern speechmakers,
sought to force a Senate adjourn-
ment in mid-afternoon, but failed by
a vote of 2 to 18. Adjournment would
have given Southern talkers a rest.
Despite jubiliation in Berlin and
Rome hailing the advent of Fascist
premier Goga in Rumania, the total-
itarian states in Europe may be dis-
appointed in expecting any effusive
handclasps from the new government,
Prof. Preston Slosson of the history
department pointed out yesterday.
It appears likely that the major
causes for Premier Goga's appoint-
ment are not economic and political
as such it is another event tending to
divide Europe into two armed camps
teetering, just as in 1914, on the brink
of war, he stated. But the question
of degree is another matter. In his
announcements Premier Goga has ap-
parently made no open break with
Paris but is going to balance on the
fence and listen to offers from both
"This is not strange, for Fascism
by its very nature is nationalistic."