Cloudy and colder, posibly l
When Hitler
Looks North , ,
House Advised
To Pare WPA
Spending By
New Deal Leaders Silent
As Sub-Committee Scores
Appropriation For Relief
President Hopes
For A Restoration
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10-(P)-The
first comittee of Congress to act
upon any art of President Roose-
velt's new spending progran today
slashed $150,000,000 from the fund
he requested for WPA and revolted
against his order placing WPA ad-
ministrative employes under the civil
An appropriations sub-committee
composed of seven Democrats and
four Republicans recommended to
the House that it appropriate $725,-
000,000, instead of the $875,000,000
which Mr. Roosevelt had requested, to
operate the WPA until June 30.
Cannot Predict Fight
Whether the administration would
make an active fight on the House
floor to restore the slash was not im-
mediately disclosed. Such , a course
would risk an initial test of strength
there which, if it went against the
President, might be more damaging
to his prestige than the sub-conM-,
mttee s action.
Mr. Roosevelt made plain at a
press conference, however, that he
still favored the larger sum.
He asked a questioner to try to fig-
ure out how many persons would be
thrown off WPA rolls as a result of
the reduction, and when a reporter
suggested 50,000 he contended that
was probably all wrong. He suggested
that the reporter check again.
In his position, the President de-
clared, he had to think not only in
terms of dollars but in terms of indi-
vidual men, women, and children-
and he felt this was an important
Nullifies Order
The WPA appropriation which the
sub-committee. sent to the House
floor containe4 a provision desiged
to nullify an executive order which
members of Congress said would oth-
erwise blanket 31,300 administrative
employes of the work relief organiza-
tion into the civil service by Feb. 1.
It provided simply -that the ap-
propriation should not be available
to compensate the incumbent of any
position placed in the civil service
after Jan. 10.;
(The civil service order had aroused
furious controversy. Citing charges of
politics In relief, Senator Vanden-
berg (Rep-MIch) had declared that
instead of throwing the "gangsters"
out, the Administration was reward-
ing them "by life tenure in their
rocking chairs." Administration sup-
porters, on the other hand, declared
that the order was designed to end
politics in relief by making any one
who abused his post subject to civil
service penalties.)
Besides voting to block the civil
service order, the sub-committee
wrote into the bill a requirement that
the $725,00,000 be made to last over
the full period to June 30.
Educators Meet
Here Saturday
'Conference To Consider
Curriculum Problems
Unusual in its approach, a confer-.
ence on curriculum will be held here
Saturday, sponsored by the educa-
tion school. Teachers, supervisors.
administrators, and school officials
from southeastern Michigan will at-
This c nference is unique in that
it will be built around the work In
a number of graduate courses which
meet regularly Saturday morning at
the University. Students in these
courses have been making studies of
the issues involved in improvement
of instruction with regard to curricq-
lum problems, according to Dean
James B. Edmonson of the education,
Meetings of the conference will be
open to University students who wish
to attend.
Eugene B. Elliott, State Superin-
(Continued on Page 6)
Medical Plan Is Lauded
Speaks On Far East
Murphy Approved By Judiciary
Sub-Committee Without Debate
Foes Of His Labor Policies
Silent In Face Of Certain
Confirmation By Senate
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10 -(P)- A
Senate sub-committee approved the:
nomination of Frank Murphy as At-
torney-General today without a mur-
mur of dissent and without propound-
ing a single question on the former
Michigan Governor's attitude toward
sit-down strikes.
A 15-minute session sufficed to ac-
complish what Washington had ex-
pected woud be achieved only after
lengthy hearings dealing with the
former governor's role in the automo-
tive troubles.
Senator Logan (Dem-Ky.), chair-
man of the judiciary sub-committee,
said that no one asked for hearings
and that all seemed anxious to go
ahead and give their approval. It was
learned that some Republican mem-
bers, realizing that Senate confirma-
tion was assured, decided to let the
issue pass rather than raise it and
take a beating.
Two years ago, however, the ques-
tion of the sit-down strike was a
lively one. Sit-downs throughout a
large proportion of the automobile
industry and in other industries had
become a matter of concern to many
at the Capitol. Vice-President Gar-
ner, for one, was known to have tak-
en a very serious view of the situa-
As governor of Michigan, Murphy
was at the center of the sit-down
situation. His friends said he fol-
lowed a course of moderation and
endeavored to get the men out of the
plants by agreement rather than by
force. Critics vigorously protested that
he should have taken a stronger
stand; that he interfered with the ex-
ecution of a court order to evict strik-
Last fall the House committee on
un-American activities received testi-
mony that Murphy was guilty of
"treason" during the strike.
President Roosevelt accused the
committee of receiving testimony
from biased witnesses and indulging
in an "un-American" attempt to in-
fluence an election. Murphy, then
running for re-election, was subse-
quently defeated.
Senator Burke (Dem-Neb), a mem-,
ber of the sub-committee, told re-
porters today he had received about
100 letters criticizing Murphy's hand-
ling of the sit-down strikes.
"If he would come up here and tell
us about it, I think the whole matter
could be cleared up," Burke said.
In addition to Logan and Burke,
sub-committee members present were
Senators Austin (Rep-Vt), Pittman
(Dem-Nev),' Norris (Ind-Neb), Borah
(Rep-Ida), and Hatch (Dem-NM).
Senator Borah made the motion that
the nomination be approved.
Prompt Invasion Awaits
r ntier
Chamberlain Pledges Support
For French Refusal To Italy
* * *
Judd Will Tell
Of Far Eastern'
Conflict Today
Anierican Doctor Served
As Medical Missionary
For 10 Years In China
Dr. Walter H. Judd, an American
doctor who has spent the last 10
years in China, will speak on "The
Significance of the Present Struggle
in the Far East" at 4:15 p.m. today in
the Union Ballroom.
Dr. Judd will also speak to the stu-
dents of the Medical School at 10 a.m.
on "The Country Doctor in China"
andI to the Ann Arbor Rota~ry Club at
their noon luncheon meeting at the
Union. His topic then is to be "The
Background of the Struggle in China."
He will speak from first hand infor-
mation since he was head of the large
Missions Hospital in Fenchow and
witnessed the capture of that city by
the Japanese. Besides an interest from
the medical standpoint, Dr. Judd
takes an active political interest in
the struggle.
Dr. Judd studied at the University
of Nebraska and the Mayo Clinic. In
1923 he became a Medical Missionary
and went to China under the Ameri-
can Board for Foreign Missions. He
has been with this Congregational
society since 1923. He has now re-
turned to this country because the
Japanese took over his hospital. He
spoke here on Nov. 8 of last year.
Dr. Judd is the most effective
speaker on China heard in this coun-
try in many years it is reported by
Maxwell Stewart, one of the associate
editors of'Nation and by Brewer Eddy,
secretary of the American Board of
The lecture is being sponsored by
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, Counselor
in Religious Education, and Prof.
Bennett Weaver of the English de-
partment. Assisting them is a con-
mittee composed of Stephanie Par-
fet, '39; Jean Holland, '39Ed; Mar-
cia Connell, '39; Sibyl Swarthout,
'39; Betty Jane Mansfield, '39; Paul
Brickley, '39; Robert Hartwell,
'39BAd; Robert Mitchell, '39BAd;
Horace Gilmore, '39; and Robert
Reid, '39E.
66 Planes Join Maneuvers
On The Caribbean Sea
SAN DIEGO, Calif. Jan. 10.--(P)-
In theg reatest long distance mass
flights in American naval history, 66
warplanes roared east and south to-
day to join war maneuvers on the
Caribbean Sea. A great flying ar-
mada of 48 patrol bombers cruised
through the night on a 3-000-mile
non-stop flight to the canal zone,
while two groups of amphibians halt-
ed in Texas on a flight to Cuba. The
bombers left for Panama at 11:12
a.m. (PST).
Londoi 1Hands
Hockey Team
First Loss, 5-3
Jamies, Cooke Pace Six's
Stiff Battle. But Visitors'
Ianmpower Tells In End
A powerful, hard-skating sextet
from the London (Ont.) A.C. took
advantage of two penalties to whip
three goals past the under-manned
Wolverines last night and hand Coach
Eddie Lowrey's team its first defeat
in five starts this season, 5-3.
The first break came midway
through the second period, when,
with Larry Calvert, chigan sopho-
more defenseman, sitting in the pen-
alty box, Harry Legg and Bill Bar-
rett, London wings, bagged successive
goals to give their team a 3-2 lead.
In the final stanza, the Canadians
took advantage of another penalty
on Calvert, to send a full team down
the ice, with Joe Lapthorne shooting
the winning goal past "Spike" James.
This made the count 4-3 in favor of
London, and it never relinquished the
The Wolverines opened the game
in impressive style, dominating the
play completely in the early minutes.
Capt. Les Hillberg, who played an
excellent all-around game for the
full 60 minutes, counted the first goal,
taking a pass ffom Evie Doran, and
catching goalie Hemphill off guard at
However, the Wolverine defense
slackened later in the period, and
after some spectacular saves by
"Spike" James, Michigan's great
goalie was finally caught out of posi-
tion and George Lane knotted the
score at 14:12, assisted by Hobson.
The second period was character-
ized by a bit of inspired hockey by
both sides. George, Cooke, Michigan's
leading scorer, grabbed a pass from
Doran and netted the puck at 3:28
to give Michigan a 2-1 lead, but then
came the turning point of the game.
Calvert was banished for playing
with a broken stick after splitting
his hickory in a melee involving the
(continued on Page 3)
Martin Wants
A Show-Down
In UAW War
Seeks To Gait Autonomy
By Ending - f Disputes
With Foes On Board
DETROIT, Jan. 10 -OP)- Homer
Martin, charging that a "union with-
in a union" had served the interests
of the Communist Party, called for
a show-down tonight with his foes in
the CIO United Automobile Workers.
He asked the UAW International
Executive Board, controlled by men
who have threatened to oust him from
the presidency, to call a special con-
vention by March 1 "to terminate
once and for all the factional war in
the union."
Martin, who long has been at odds
with leaders of the Congress of In-
dustrial Organizations, demanded dis-
solution of a UAW-CIO co-ordinating
committee set up to arbitrate faction-
al disputes. He reiterated his demand
that the UAW be autonomous, "an
equal among equals."
Not only Martin's position as presi-
dent of the automobile union, but also
the offices held by his opponents in
the UAW woud be at stake in the
special convention.
"I believe my position represents
the opinion of the majority of the
membership," he told the board at a
special meeting today. The UAW
claims nearly 400,000 members.
Funeral IIoes
Beset By:xSeries
Of Phoney Calls
A series of phoney phone calls in
the last week to local undertaking
establishments requesting immediate
service culminated yesterday in a pro-
posal by several of the owners of
these establishments to trace down
any future calls which seem suspici-
The latest of the calls, all of which
have evidently been made by the
same person-a girl, resulted in the
sending of an ambulance to the Psi
Upsilon house at 1000 Hill, supposed-
ly to pick up the body of John Haglin,
Fred Olds, '39, of the Psi Upsilon
house stated that the call was evi-
dently made immediately after a
phone call was received by a girl who
said she lived at 242 W. 7th St., and
who asserted she and several of her
friends would welcome a visit at that
address. Investigation showed that
that address is a vacant lot. In his
opinion, both calls were made by the
same person.
State Governmet
Topic Of Discussion
Prof. Joseph R. Hayden, head of
the political science department, will
discuss "Modernization of Michigan
State Government" at 4:30 p.m. in
the Amphitheatre of the Graduate
2 Democracies Cooperate
Against Fascist Threat
In Mediterranean Area
PARIS, Jan. 10-(P-Prime Min-
ister Chamberlain today pledged
Great Britain to support France in
her firm refusal to give in to Italian
clamor for part of France's Mediter-
ranean Empire.
The two democracies strengthened
their cooperation to counter the
Italian-German menace to their com-
ROME, Jan. 10-01)-The im-
pression gained ground in diplo-
matic circles tonight that Premier
Mussolini would present his de-
mands on Fiance when British
Prime Minister Chamberlain ar-
rives tomorrow to enlist Fascist
assistance in warding off war in
Il Duce must feel it is time for
him to collect something for his
share in the "Munich Peace" of
last S e p t e m b e r, Diplomatic
sources said.
mon life-line-the ship route through
the Mediterranean and the Suez
British and French statesmen, how-
ever, were understood to have left
a way open to prevent tension in the
Mediterranean between France and
Italy from reaching a deadlock-un-
less Italy is determined to force the
S o m e well-informed political
sources said the Prekch government-
would be willing to meet Italy at a
Mediterranean conference table with
all other countries bordering on the
great inland sea for complete settle-
ment of all Mediterranean problems.,
Chamberlain and Viscount Halifax,
British Foreign Secretary, conferred
with Premier Daladier and Foreign
Minister Bonnet, then left Paris for
formal appeasement conversations
with Mussolini in Ronie.
After the brief conference--sand- I
wiched between the arrival of the
British statesmen's train and their
departure for Rome--the ituation
appeared to be:
France will not give ail inch to
Fascist agitation, which Daladier has
described as "blackmail," and will
refuse to let her personal quarrel
with Italy be brought before a con-
ference where Germany or Britain
would act as mediators.
In this she has Britain's absolute
support and Chamberlain will tell
Mussolini so.
If Italy is willing, however, to
thresh out the entire Mediterranean
situation, France will be willing to
join a conference of Mediterranean
nations which would include Spain,
Yugoslavia, Greece, Turkey and
Diplomats See
War Pending
Bullitt And* Kennedy Say
Europe Appears Ripe
For Major Conflict
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10.- (A) -
Two of the nation's first-rank Am-
bassadors informed the House and
Senate military committees, a mem-
ber said today, that grave develop-1
ments in Europe indicated another'
world war may begin next spring.
The diplomats, Joseph P. Kennedy,
Ambassador to Great Britain, and
William C. Bullitt, Ambassador to
France, appeared before' an unusual
joint session of the two committees
while President Roosevelt worked at
the White House preparing a mes-
sage to Congress on bolstering this
coun'try's defenses.,
May Start In Spring
"World war may start in the
spring," one member quoted Kennedy
as saying. Bullitt was said to have
concurred in the - gloomy forecast.
A Republican who attended the
carefully-guarded session said it was
arranged by the President and was
designed as "a build up" for the
forthcoming defense message, expect-
ed to contain a request for a vast ex-
pansion of this country's air forces.
(At a press conference today, Mr.
Roosevelt said the message probably
would be sent to the Hill Thursday.
He said Kennedy and Bullitt went
before the committee because the
comittees asked them).
Disclosures Startling
While some committee members
contended they heard nothing from
either diplomat that they had not
already known, one said the dis-
closures were "the most startling
I've heard since I came to Congress."
Kennedy was quoted as saying the
next world conflict might start in
either of the following two ways:
1. German invasion of the Ukraine.
2. Italian seizure of Tunisia from
The comittees were told that Gpr-
many has almost 10,000 first-line
fighting planes and is turning out
an average of 1,200 additional every
"The lesson of all this," Kennedy
was quoted as saying, "is prepared-
Kennedy was said to have submit-
ted data on Germany's aerial strength
furnished by Col. Charles A. Lind-
bergh, whose recent activities abroad
have been the subject of controversy.
Hungarian News Service
Declares Border Parley
Damages Reported
SoughtFor Attack
BUDAPEST, Jan. 11, (Wednesday)
--(/P)--The Independent Hungarian
News service, Informacio, reported to-
day that Hungary had warned
Czechoslovakia that another viola-
tion of Hungarian frontiers by the
Czechs would be answered by a
prompt imivasion of Czecho-Slovakia.
The news service also reported that
Hungary had 'served notice she re-
fused to resume negotiations as to
the precise location of the border
fixed in a general way by the Vienna
award, Nov. 2, until she had received
"material and moral" satisfaction for
the lives lost and property damaged
by the Czecho-Slovak bombardment
of Mu'nkacs last Friday.
Conditions Presented
Such "material and moral satis-
faction" was declared to include pay-
ment of damages by Czecho-Slovakia,
acknowledgment of responsibility for
the attack and punishment of the In-
dividuals responsible.-
These Hungarian conditions for
normalizing relations along the, bord-
er on which thousands of Hungarian
troops have been assembled and made
ready for action were presented by a
foreign office official, to the Czecho-
Slovak legation in Budapest, the
news service said.
Negotiator Quoted
The Hungarian Foreign Office ne-
gotiator was quoted as saying, "In
view of the repeated attacks and the
fact that regular Czech troops par-
ticipated It must be assumed that the
incidents were a deliberate feature
of Czech policy. Should there be an-
other armed assault on Hungarian
territory from this quarter, the inva-
sion will not only be repulsed by
Hungarian troops but the Hungarian
troops will pursue across the demar-
cation line into Czecho-Slovak ter-
He was quoted by Informacio as
adding, "Hungary makes this decla-
ration with full appreciation of the
facts that its action in such an event
not only would delay a restoration of
good neighborly relations but would
make the situation even more criti-
The Hungarian Foreign Office
made no comment on Informacio's
report, but there were no contradic-
tions, official or otherwise.
Chinese Fund'
Group To Meet
Speaker And War Films
Will Be Featured.
- -
Hitler's Diplonatic Successes
Bring Strong Support At Home
"German public opinion moves in
cycles. With each diplomatic suc-
cess that Hitler achieves, any discon-
tent that may have arisen from the
inability of the working class to buy
decent food or clothing, is swept
aside by a wave of popular support for
the Nazi leaders," explained Dr.
Hans Gerth, German sociologist, who
will join the faculty next semester.
It is difficult for the ordinary tour-
ist to know the conditions of the
workers who form the bulk of the
population, because the language bar-
rier and the discreet silence of the
people prevents a true understanding
of their condition.
lems of science and research has
been transplanted to this country.
When Dr. Gerth assumes his posi -
tion in the sociology department he
will be equipped with an unusual
background for a college instructor.
In the academic field he has attended
the University of Heidelberg, the
London School of Economics, and the
University of Frankfort where he
received his degree of doctor of phi-
losophy. He has held teaching posi-
tions at Kiel University and the
University of Illinois. During the
last year he has been working on a
research of popular attitudes on
newsreel subjects at Harvard.
He has also gained a practical
Our advertising manager will raiseI
an awful racket when he sees this.I
He'll probably call it free advertis-
ing, and that is anathema to anyj
self-respecting advertising manager.1
But the truth of the matter is that
this campaign has been taken to1
heart by vacation-weary Michigan
students. Campaigns are being con-
ducted in the best political tradi-7
tion, with ballot-stuffing and lynch-
ings becoming common. With allI
that in mind, we've tried to find out
just what goddess of beauty, what+
lady of glamor Michigan students are
going to choose as Queen of the Ice,
THE QUESTION: "Who is your
choice for Queen of the Union Ice
THE PLACE: Union Coffee
Hour in the small ballroom.
THE ANSWERS: Irving Botvln,
'41: "I should pick Forest Evashev-
ski. He's got the looks, personality
For another thing, he probably has
more hair on his legs and chest than
he has on his head, which adds plenty
to his glamor."
Murray Silverman, '40: "It seems
there is a campaign (undoubtedly
backed with Moscow gold) to bush
Here Renda into the spot. Rather
than pick Here, although no per-
sonal reflection is intended, I would
choose Archie Kodros, who is more
the type for Queen of the Carnival.
Archie, as the top-ranking Michi-
gan misogynist, should reign supreme
and I urge that he be our unanimous
Jim Harrison, '41: "I would pick
Jack Brennan because he is a walk-
ing advertisement for hair-beautify-
ing agencies. Or even the toupee
Fred Seyfried, '40E: "Hercules Ren-
da, the magnificent mite, has more
sex appeal and glamor in his very
limited number of height inches than
Phillips, Connell, Baxter, Nussbaum,
and Hedy Lamarr. No, better leave out
I !
4rid Warriors Are Favorites
To Cop Car'nival Queen's Job,
A discussion of the Chinese situa-
tion by two speakers and the show-
i g of a film on the Japanese inva-
s n of China at 8 p.m. tonight at the
First Baptist Church will begin an
extensive drive to raise money for
refugee students to be undertaken
by the United Committee to Aid
The speakers are Barbara Tinker,
who was in Peiping when war broke
out, and Mrs. Christine Chambers,
who was a missionary at Canton and
Shanghai for 25 years. Dr. William
P. Lemon of the First Presbyterivn
church will act as chairman.
1The committee plans to collect at
least $500 by a series of meetings and
by soliciting students, faculty mem-
bers and townspeople. The money is
to be administered by the Far gas-
tern Student Service Fund which is
helping Chinese students trying to
continue their education in spite of
the fact that 35 universities in China
have been destroyed,
Students, since the bombing cf
the universities, have been walking
thousands of miles to continue their
(Continued on Page 2)
Mail Order Divorces Hit
CHICAGO, Jan. 10.-(MP--The
American Bar Association recom,