Of Michigan
Is Advocated
Minority Controls State
Legislation And Reform
Commission Emphasizes
P.R. To Be Studied
In Michigan a minority has become
the majority as far as representation
in the legislature is concerned, ac-
cording to the recent report of the
Commission on Reform and Moderni-
zation of Government. As a result,
the views of the legislative majority
a'e not' the views of the majority of
th.e people.
The commission feels that this con-
dition requires critical attention and
that the approach to the problem
should be made on representation
from all over the state, both popula-
tion and area being taken as the
bases for reapportionment.
The general principal upon which
the election of members to the legis-
lature- is based at present is the
single-member district. However. the
Bitter' Rivalries Are Reported
In Ice CarnivalRelays Friday
The assertion of bitter rivalries on nounced, and the winner of the elec-
the ice of the Coliseum Friday night tion revealed in Thursday's Daily.
was assured yesterday by the selec- The spotlight of the Carnival will
be occupied by the performance of
tion of four teams from both frater- the Olympia Skating Club of De-
nities and sororities to participate in troit, it was claimed by "The Six." It
the skaping relays at the 1939 Univer- is reported that the Club has received
sity Ice Carnival. much favorable comment for its mass
The sorority relay will see Gamma figure skating maneuvers and in-
Bdivil Delta Delta; Collegiate divigdual specialties. Star figure
Phi Beta, tskaters in the organization include.
Sorosis and Alpha Chi Omega as the Evelyn Denne and Phyllis Rotnour,
aentries. Fraternities chosen for the who will appear individually and lat-
race were: Beta Theta Pi, Psi Upsilon, er in a duet. A number of the re-
hSigma Phi Epsilon, and Pi Lambda maining 38 performers will also per-
Phi. Tom Laforest, referee of the form individual acts.
Intramural Hockey League, will of- The Varsity Band will also attend
ficiate in the relays. The two win- the Carnival, with the promise of
ners will be presented with trophies many novel arrangements which have
symbolizing the campus skating not been publicly presented hereto-
championship. fore. The Band will be under the di-
The positions of the leaders in the rection of Prof. William D. Revelli.
election of the "beauty queen" to rule An added dramatic attraction will be
over the Carnival was reported un- "The Dance of the Sinister Six," the!
changed yesterday by "The Sinister nature of which the sponsors have
Six," backers of the race. It was not yet revealed. Robert Canning,
mentioned, however, that the pos- '39, head cheer leader, will act as
sibility of a dark horse receiving the master of ceremonies.
largest vote should not be unduly Tickets may still be obtained from
discounted. The deadline for voting salesmen on the campus, or purchased
will be 6 p.m. today, it was an- at the Union and League main desk.
Engiuneers Measure
By Polarized Light
Stresses and strains in bridges.
aircraft and other engineering pro-
ducts are measured and studied in
the University Engineering Research
department by a process of photo-
Scientific Statement Says
Nazis Have Made Jews
Scapegoat For Faults
elastic analysis. Psychologists of the United States
Exact scale models of the struc- this week blasted at the racial perse-
ture to be analysed are cut and, de- cutions of Hitler and Mussolini in a
signed from transparent plastic ma- (statement which declares that there
terial. Single colored light, such are no inherent psychological dif-
that is obtained from a mercury va- ferences which distinguish so-called
por lamp is passed through the "races" in the world.
models. The light is then redirected The two-page statement, published
onto a screen or plate where it is by the Society for the Psychological
photographed by means of a special Study of Social issues, asserts that
camera. the Nazi racial hatred is not de-
If any stress is being exerted upon{ veloped on objective fact, but that it
the model, the light will be distribut- 1 is motivated by "powerful emotional
ed into cring, or "fringe," patterns attitudes."
on the screen or plate, and distribu- "A well-known psychological ten-
tion of the rings supplies the key to dency leads people to blame others
concentration of stress. for their own misfortunes," it con-
This modern process of deLermin- tinues, "and the Nazis have found in
ining the direction and value of the Jew a convenient psychological
stresses is based on the work of Sir scapegoat for their own economic
David Brewster, eminent British and political disabilities."
Psychologists Deny Existence
Of Inherent Racial Differences
racial or national differences in na-I
tive intelligence and inherited per-
sonality characteristics:'
The statement also declares that
the Nazis have grossly misused the
term "race." "All anthropologists
outside of Germany and Italy agree
that it is scientifically impossible to
speak of a 'Jewish race,' much less of
an 'Aryan race.'
"The Nazi theory that people must
be related by blood in order to partici-
pate in the same cultural or intellec-
tual heritage has absolutely no sup-
port from scientific findings."
The Society for the Psychological
Study of Social Issues, is an organiza-
tion of more than 400 professional
psychologists from all parts of the
Army Ordnance Officer
To Talk At Union Today
Brig.-Gen. C. T. Harris, of the Of-
fice of the Chief of Ordnance of the
U.S. Army, will speak here at 1:30
p.m. in the Union Ballroom. His
topic will be "Industrial Mobiliza-
tion." The address is being sponsored
by the Army and Navy Club of Ann
Arbor and the Reserve Officer's As-
sociation of Ann Arbor.
For the past five years, General
Harris has'been directly in charge of
this activity in the office of the As-
sistant Secretary of War.
Named Aeronautic Head
JackT.Gray, '29E, has recently
been named acting director of the
aircraft airworthiness section of the
Civil Aeronautics Authority's certi-
cate and inspection department. Mr.
Gray will be appointed permanent
director sometime in March when his
predecessor returns from an extended
leave of absence.
coistitution of the state prohibits the
division of any city into separate Three Oppose
legislative districts. This makes the
long ballot a'deplorable necessity and Fr
under the present party system has rankfurter s
deprived the minority party within
the larger cities of any representation Confirm ation
in the-House of Representatives.
A solution might be reached by
thorough inquiry into the principles Witnesses At Senate Quiz
that prompted the creation of the Q
single-member district plan for cities. Object To Jewish Birth
With respect to deficiencies in the
latw-making process, the following ____
subjects were delineated by the com- WASHINGTON, an. 10-i-(I)--The
mission for consideration: Adequate confirmation of Felix Frankfuiter as+
compensation fot legislators; the an Associate Justice of the Supreme
establishment of annual sessions; use Court was opposed at a Senate hear-
of joint and conference committees; ing today by two witnesses who re-,
special calendar for gubernatorial ferred frequently to his Jewish birth
and administrative bills an efficient and alien origins.
fact finding body under the control A third insisted that before any ac-4
o 'the legislature; a legislative refer- tion was taken, a Senate Judiciary
ence bureau and bill drafting bureau. subcommittee should question Frank-
Finally consideration must be giv- furter on points of constitutional law
en,-the commission asserts, to the ex- involved in a court case which the
perience of Nebraska under the uni- witness recently lost.
cameral legislature system, and to Members of the committee, al-
the development of proportional rep- most to a man, expressed impatience
resentatitn asna method of election and irritation at thecourse the argu-
in American cities. It is true, the re- ment was taking. All the witnesses
fbkrim group admitted, that these appeared at their own request. To-
would be major changes in a state night some members friendly to
accustomed to traditional systems; Frankfurter were considering calling
however, they cannot be ignored in the nominee to the witness stand to
any survey of trends in state govern- clear up one point in particular.
merit,___This was a contention made by
George E. Sullivan, a lawyer and a
II '1 writer on what he called "anti-sub-
' . To G ve versive" subjects. He said that
.ou her -through membership on the National
Southern Show Committee of the American Civil Lib-
erties Union, Frankfurter had been+
associated with William Z. Foster,
Famous 'One Man Shows noted Communist. The organization1
itself, Sullivan said, is engaged in
To Appear At Unity Hall defending the right to overthrow the1
- government by force.
Lee Hays, known throughout the Sullivan also said that in Sep-
rural South as the "One Man Show," tember, 1937, Frankfurter and Max-
will present a program of southern im Litvinoff, Russian Foreign Min-
ballads, folk songs and stories of the ister, were "elected to the 'Jewish
South at 8:30 p.m. Saturday in Unity hall of fame' among 120 greatest liv-
Rall. ing Jews."' He added that Frank-
Hays has been active in the new furter made no protest.
.and native theatre movement of the "If Litvinoff and Frankfurter be-;
South for a number of years and has long to the same group," he said,
written several plays and composed "surely neither of them belongs on
many southern songs. In 1937 he the- Supreme Court."
participated in the filming of a. mo- Sullivan -particularly emphasized
bion picture showing conditions among Frankfurter's alien birth," and what
the tenant farmers. For the past he called his "alien-mindedness."
year he has been director of.dramatics Collis Redd, when asked about the
at Commonwealth College, the membership and officers of the Con-
South's outstanding labor school, at stitutional Crusaders of America,
Mena, Ark. which he said he represented, an-
Writing in the Commonwealth nounced.
monthly paper last year, he cited the+
difficult conditions under which he Devise Wardrobe Aid
has had to produce his plays in south-
ern towns. "Physically," he wrote, CHICAGO, Jan. 10 -()- Furni-
"there is the almost total lack of ture designers have ganged up on
stages and stage equipment, bad folks who never can find their ties,
roads, the absence of electricity, and stockings, handkerchiefs, cuff links
innumerable other difficulties. We or powder puffs.
must produce daylight scenes by the On display today at the winter;
light of kerosene lamps." It is an home furnishings wholesale market
outstanding event when a theatre at the American Furniture Mart were
troupe comes to a southern village, dressers, vanities and chests with new i
Lee is touring the North to ex built-in compartments for easily mis- 1
plain the purpose of Commonwealth placed articles.c
College, its dramatic work, and to
raise money for the school.
Kraus To Attend Meet
Of College AssociationO.,
Dean Edward H. Kraus of the lit-
erary college, left yesterday to at-
tend the meeting of the Association P HT
of American Colleges to be held in P ,I 2 0
Louisville, Ky., today through Fri-
day. Representatives of some five to !
sie .hundred colleges will be present.
President John L. Seaton of Albion O d
College is president of the organiza-
tion. The general topic of the meet
is to be "Cultural Obligations of the
College Faculty."
Prof. Ratcliff To Talk Unsurpassed fac
To Real Estate Group portraiture i
Prof. Richard U. Ratcliff of the I
School of Business Administration remodele4
will speak today at a meeting of the
Detroit Real Estate Board. His topic
will be "Education for Real Estate."
Professor Ratcliff was recently ap-
Debaters Plan
New Contests
Federal Spending Is Topic
For Spring Season
All men interested in varsity de-
bating will meet at 4 p.m. today
(Wednesday) in Room 4302 Angell Stress rings of the model are com-
Hall to organize for next semester's pared to the rings in a simple beam
from which the stress values can be
contests, it was announced yesterday. mathematically determined. In cases
The conference question which will where stresses are complicated by
be used in the Big Ten tournament holes or grooves it is possible, with
early in April is "Resolved: That the the aid of some auxiliary equipment,
Federal Government Should Cease to find the actual values of the prin-
Using Government Funds Including cipal stresses.
Credit for Stimulation of Business." This process has proven of great
Dartmouth is scheduled to meet the value to the scientists, since, formerly
Michigan team April 4 on the same only elementary problems of tension,
topic. compression and bending in construc-
Other debates are listed with St.tion work, could be solved by the
Othr dbats ae istd wth t.most advanced equations and for-
Peter's College of Jersey City, N.J., mulas.
Hobart College of Geneva, N.Y., Mar- -_
quette University of Milwaukee, The
American Institute of Banking of ChiFu d
Detroit, Boston University, MacMas- C i e F
ter University of Hamilton, Ont. and
the University of Western Ontario of M eet
London, Ont. GropTo
Dean Lovell To Speak
At Union Forum Today
Prof. Albert H. Lovell, assistant
ri.ano f ha P iinprn chnl 'il
Speaker And War Films
Will Be Featured
(Continued from Page 1)
an of ne engineering sc oo' wil
lv asotakn i education inland. Some have been
liver a short talk and preside at a using caves as classrooms, have been
cational forum on the topic "En- taking lecture notes in bomb-proof
neering as a Profession" from 4:30 cellars. The money collected by the
5:30 p.m. today in the small ballt Far-Eastern Fund has been used to
-om of the 'nion, it ,as announced alleviate this situation.
stm o y th e int Trwellnnuned The Ann Arbor Committee is com-
wsterday oy Don Treadwell, '40, posed of faculty members, townspeo-
nion orientation chairman. ple and students and is working in
Following the forum, which is one cooperation with the Student Reli-
a series of Thursday afternoon gious Association, YMCA, the Ann
nion Coffee Hours, coffee and hot Arbor Women's Club, the American
iocolate will be served on the ter- Student Union, the American League
ce adjoining the ballroom. The talks for Peace and Democracy and the
e designed to acquaint the student Ann Arbor Committee for Medical
th the problems and phases of his Aid to China.
osen field. Students interested in
gineering are urged to attend.
Ocean Freighter Rams
Bridge; Canal Blocked R ID I
ST. GEORGES, Del., Jan. 10.-(R)-- 30 South State St.
n ocean-going steamer, apparently
it of control, rammed a highway FOUNTA I
idge in this inland village today, TYPEW
unging the tangled wreckage of STUDENT
e steel span into the Chesapeake
d Delaware Canal.
A bridge employe was killed. A
cond was rushed to a hospital with
rious injuries.
Hours later the vessel, the 6,000-
n freighter Waukegan, was freed
om the wreckage, a gaping hole in , ,'l
e bow above-the water line. No
e aboard was injured.
if your
Radio needs
lade nom! Attention
ities for group
our newly
studio. CALL
physicist, who observed that polarized !
light, when passed through a stressed
transparent plate produces color ef-
fects which indicate the amount and
nature of stress on the plate. Study
of the color pattern revealed the
amount of stress within one or two
per cent of theoretical values arrived
at by mathematical solution.
Today, the single colored light has
replaced the white light which was
formerly used in photo-elastic an-l
alysis to indicate color effects. The.
latter are eliminated, but a ring pat-
tern in black and white is retained
which is easier to photograph than
are the colored patterns.
It charged that in certain Czecho-
slovakian localities today the Jews
are being blamed for the recent dis-
memberment of the country. Ec-
onomic factors are cited as one cause
for the Jewish persecution. "Theories
of Jewish plots and machinations
are an excuse for expropriation of
their property and capital," it is de-
"Racial and national attitudes are
psychologically complex, and can-
not be understood except in terms of
their economic, political and histori-
cal backgrounds. Psychologists can
find no basis for the explanation of
such attitudes in terms of innate
mental differences between racial and
national groups. In the scientific in-
vestigations of hum'an groups, no con-
clusive evidence nas been found for
Yale Puppeteers
To Present Revue
Here January 24
A marionette show designed exclu-
sively for adults will be presented by
the Yale Puppeteers when they bring
their new revue, "It's a Small World,"
from Broadway to Ann Arbor. The
show will be presented here Tues-
day, Jan. 24, at the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre.
The revue has tunes and lyrics by
Forman Brown, '22, and 50 portrait
puppets of headline characters ex-
ecuted by Harry Burnett, '23. In the
present production the cast of char-
acters includes Hitler, Mussolini, Em-
peror Hirohito, John L. Lewis, Mrs.
Roosevelt. Toscanini, Martha Gra-
ham, George Bernard Shaw, Helen
Hayes, Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fon-
The Yale Puppeteers were founded
by Brown and Burnett when they were
students here at the University. A
polishing course in the theatre at the
Yale graduate school of drama gave
thje company its name.
On their present coast to coast tour,
the Yale Puppeteers change their re-
yue from time to time to keep up with
current newspaper headlines. The
tour will end in California in the
spring where the puppeteers made
their greatest success playing in Los
Angeles for 98 consecutive weeks.
(Near Liberty St.)
c ' f r
- / Ogg --
x " fi.
727 North University
MATINEES . . . 25c
EVENINGS. ... 35c
Frank Albertson
Alma Kruger &
Virginia Weidler -