London Hands
Penalty Paves
Way For Loss
In Last Period
Hillberg, Cooke And Ross
Tally For Varsity Sextet;
Legg Scores Twice
(Continued from Page 1)
two complete forward lines and the
Ontario crew capitalized by drilling
in two quick scores.
Michigan tied up the count near the
close of the period. Charley "Sitting
Bull" Ross, a stocky sophomore who
bids to rank among the hardest shots
in collegiate hockey, justified Coach
Lowrey's faith in him by rifling a low
shot from the blue-line that got
past the vistor's goalie, Jack Hemp-
The final period saw a display of
wild hockey, with both sextets seek-
ing an opening which might decide
the outcome. "Spike" James continu--
ally stopped the London thrusts single
handedly, time and time again com-
ing through with sensational saves
after the London forwards had elud-
ed Michigan's defense.
With nine minutes gone in the
period, Calvert was again shunted
to the penalty box, this time for
boarding, and despite a game stand
by the handicapped Wolverines, Lon-
don managed to push the game-win-
ning shot into the cage, Lapthorne
tallying at 9.24.
Evie Doran had a chance to tie it
up soon after, but after a sensation-
al solo dash down the ice, his shot
missed by inches.
Michigan Pos. London
James G Hempill
Calvert D Foskett
Hillberg D J. Lane
Doran C Lapthorne
Cooke W McFadden
Chadwick W Legg
Michigan spares: Ross, Stodden,
Lovett and Tobin.
London spares: Barrett, Butler,
Shaw, Hodgson, Males, G. Lane, and
Moose' Rides Again
Advocating Professionalism
'CONSIDERABLE COMMENT is certain to arise in papers throughout the
' nation in reference to the Board in Control of Physical Education's
sharp reprimand to schools who proselyte their football players, and the
Jim Rae Still Hampered
By Sore Back; Harmon
Stays With First Five
Ed Kirar will return to the swim-
ming wars Friday to helix the Wol-
verines crack the 250-yard free-
style relay record'.
Indiana Match
Finds 1Nichols
In GrudgeTilt
Board's recommendation that an open breach be encouraged between Genial Bennie Oosterbaan has dis-
schools adhering to amateurism and those employing professional tactics. covered that this job of head bas-
Metropolitan dailies throughout the country gave prominent play to ketball coach is no bed of roses. Late-
the report, and it seems inevitable that editorial reply and concerted ly Bennie has had a lot of luck but it
scrutiny into local affairs will follow. has been all bad.
That the Board has implicit confidence in the state of affairs at Yesterday, in the first scrimmage
home is undeniable, however, for no body would perpetrate a movement i of the week, big Danny Smick re-
of this sort unless they were certain that their own house was in order. I entered the sick list after having his
The scheme is definitely idealistic, although this can certainly not be head cracked open by John Nichol-
taken as a legitimate objection to the proposal. That it will injure Michigan son's chin or teeth, he isn't sure
in the competitive football market, where the demand for competent talent which. Nick was jumping up just as
annually becomes more severe, is unfortunate, but the Board apparently Danny was coming down and the re-
overlooked this factor in a determination to state its policy. That it will sult was a gash in the Smick scalp
meet with tremendous opposition in our own backyard can best be shown from which blood flowed freely.
by the following letter. Swathed In Bandages
When two men are out to gain
possession of a single object and no
peaceful solution is in sight, they'll
fight for it, and that's exactly what
will happen in the Field House Fri-
day night when Indiana's Hoosiers
invade Ann Arbor for what promises
to be the toughest and hardest fought
dual meet of the season for Michi-
gan's Big Ten title-holding wrestling
The principals will be Chris Trai-
coff, Indiana blood hunter, and our
own Don Nichols, who will go out
there with a smile on his face and
murder in his heart.
These two 175-pound grapplers met
each other in the final round of the
Chicago Midwest Meet Dec. 10, and
with a brand new gold wrist watch
dangling over their heads ready to be
presented to the Xvinner, they lost no
time in shooting for a pin.
But evidently they hadn't reckoned
with each other's prowess. Early in
the match, Nichols clamped his arms
around his Indiana rival and almost
pinned the latter's shoulders to the
mat, but Traicoff suddenly remem-
bered the watch and decided that he
wasn't going to let it go that easily.
He broke Don's hold and the two went
along on terms until the official time
of nine minutes was up. They waded
into the overtime but no pin came.
The officials then took the matter
in hand and came to the conclusion
that the boys might just as well start
the whole thing over again, this time
in Ann Arbor where the Hoosiers
are scheduled to furnish the opposi-
tion (and what oppositioh!) in the
season's curtain raiser Friday.,
an), 3:55.
First Period
Michigan-Hillberg (Dor-
G. Lane (Hodgson), 14:12.
Second Period
It was forwarded to me by the Editor of the Daily and presents an
open advocacy of professionalism in the Western Conference. The writers,
whose name I have been asked to withhold, represent one of the leading
dailies in the Conference. While. there is no evidence that the proposal
states the opinions of anyone but the staff of this paper, the questions
therein show a background, the likes of which few Michigan students can
boast. This proposal has gained support at one other Big Ten University4
and the backers have asked The Daily to join the movement.
Nov. 14, 1938
Dear Mr. Mitchell:
The question of football subsidization in inter-collegiate athletics
is one that has been probed by many college newspapers and magazines;
because of haphazard surveys and no concerted attempts, little has
been done to expose the situation or offer a substitute.
We of the - - - - - believe that the "secret" football subsidization in
the Big Ten under the guise of keeping football a strictly "amateur"
sport makes the Big Ten look ridiculous. We believe that much is to be
gained by bringing such subsidization into the open. Certainly foot-
ball players should'be paid-just as much as any college editor or class
president. Certainly the person who devotes every afternoon to being
mauled deserves some compensation other than the "glory of the grid-
iron." The undercover subsidization conducted by Big Ten schools
recognizes this fact. Athletic departments have little to lose and much
to gain by revealing the situation.
As an effective means of bringing football out into the open and
clearing up the dusky veil that now surrounds it, the - - - - proposes
that each college editor in the Big Ten conduct an investigation at his
school, to cover the following points:'
1. How are "athletic scholarships" administered? Who finances
them? How much money is available in aggregate? For each individual
player? On what basis are they awarded? What office controls them?
Are scholarships which are promised players as freshmen carried
through their four years?
2. Do athletes hold NYA (National Youth Administration) jobs?
Does the athletic department help its athletes obtain such jobs? What
are the athletic jobs offered by the department alone, according to
salary classifications, ($32 per month, $20 per month, etc.)? Where does
the money come from for these jobs? Do many athletes borrow from the
university for their jobs? If so, are they required to work a definite
number of hours per week?'
3. Is the athletic department an autonomous division of the uni-
versity? To whom is it responsible-President, Board of Trustees, Re-
gents, etc?
4. Is the university stadium paid for? If not, how much is the bonded
or mortgaged indebtedness? How much is paid off every year?
5. How many spectators does the stadium hold? What is the ap-
proximate gate receipts per season, and an average for each home game?
If concerted action of ALL Big Ten editors is attained, with a
definite purpose expressed, forcing an open-handed policy of athletic
aid in intercollegiate athletics, we believe that the results will be signi-
ficant in bringing about this change. The entire survey hinges on the
cooperation of EVERY editor in the Big Ten. Perhaps such a movement
can become nation-wide if given impetus by this key group.
What is your opinion of such a survey? Do you think it can accom-
plish its purpose? May we count on your participation?
On the basis of replies to this preliminary questionnaire the - - - - -
will determine whether it is advisable to continue the Big Ten survey.
We will keep you informed on developments. Please do not divulge these
plans until further notice.
May we have your early reply?
th e tatter is a tremnanc v a r.n s-
mnas mishap in which Dan says he
tangled with a toboggan.
That's only one worry. Jim Rae is
still severly handicapped by his bad
back although he worked out with
the first' team yesterday as did the
newest member of the first five-Tom,
Harmon. It look's like Tom has
clinched a first team job, for the
present at least, as a result of his
good work over the weekend when the
Wolverines lost to Illinois and
whipped Northwestern.
Inaccuracy Hurts
Coach Oosterbaan took the Illinois
game as philosophically as possible.
"It's just basketball," he said. "One
team gets started and the other
doesn't, that's all there is to it. If
we had been at full strength there
might have been a different result."
That Michigan's inaccuracy hurt is
indicated by the fact that the Wol-
verines took 64 shots to Illinois' 51 but
the 30-20 score was against them.
"We missed a lot of shots," ruefully
admitted Oosterbaan. "Their de-
fense was good, yes, especially unde
the basket, but we had a lot of long
shots and if we'd been hitting them
the score would have looked much
Varsity Given Rest
The Northwestern game afforded
Michigan fans a chance to cheer how-
ever as Jim Rae came back to turn in
a fine performance and score 14
points. The Wolverines, still angry
after the Champaign affair, jumped
off to a big lead and were never head-
Now Dan has one bandage on top
of his head and one on his forehead,
Fla ilot ar is a ram nantof a.fC 3hvi
By MEL FINEBERG Moose is still on campus which makes
If you're in the vicinity of the In- him eligible for competition in A.A.U.
tramural Building Friday night and meets under Michigan colors.
you hear three sharp reports in rapid But that isn't all. Next Bill Holmes
succession, don't run to the nearest dives in, goes another 50-yards, and
telephone and call for the militia. It hopes to end up as the anchor man
won't be an invasion from Mars or a on the new record-holders for the
fascist putsch. It'll probably be na- 300-yard relay. The present record,
tional free-style records falling as 2:24.2 is also held by N.Y.A.C.
the State A.A.U. Swimming meet Times To Be Official
holds full sway. If the marks are bettered, they will
The varsity relay. team will attempt be submitted for recognition.' The
to crack the 200-yard free-style r- meet is, of course, duly registered in
lay with Ed Hutchens, Walt Tomski, the A.A.U. and will have official tim-
, Charley Barker and Bill Beebe doing ers. ,Thus, any times that will be set
the damage. This quartet, with the up will be eligible for recognition.
exception of Hutchens for Capt. Tom This is unlike the conditions at the
Haynie, is the same one which bet- Swim Gala when, although the old
tered the mark at the Swim Gala mark was bettered by 1.3 seconds, it
Dec. 9. The record, held jointly by was a handicap event and the timing
the New York 'A.C. and Yale Univer- was unofficial.
sity, is 1:34.8 while at the Gala the The meet promises to be up to the
Wolverine team did 1:35.5. usual standard of those which Mati
More Record Breaking I Mann conducts. Entries are stil
If things go as Matt Mann expects pouring in from all over the state anc
them to and there's no reason why especially strong representation is ex-
they shouldn't) the record breaking pected from the perenially strong De-
won't stop there. As soon as the troit A.C. and from Wayne University
fourth man touches the end of the
200-yards, a Moose (commonly
known as Ed Kirar) will add another FrsyC
50-yards in an attempt to better the After two weeks of watching the
250-yard mark of 1:59.2 which is held I
by the N.Y.A.C. freshman work out on the Coliseun
In case there are those who doubt ice, Coach Eddie Lowrey has cu
Kirar's ability to add materially to eight of the original forty who turned
the Wolverine cause, Ed, captain of out. In recent practices the boys have
last year's National Collegiate Chain- orked out in relays, but minus goal
pions, was also a double winer in the tenders. To date there has been onl
50- and 100-yards at last .year's Na-
tionals. Although he is no longer one goalie to report, and he for only
eligible for collegiate competition, the lone of the practices before vacation.
44O'he P)e ~?e ihi
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G0ltilNE * a ellow from Ihe. very fast
SIRRPv Yu da~s esGl
y +LdasRU anufacturedt by M. Linkman & Co., Chicago
Scoring: Michigan-Cooke (Doran)
London-Legg (G. Lane), 11:54.
London -Barrett (unassisted),
- 12:38.
Michigan-Ross (unassisted), 17:20
Penalties: Barrett, tripping. Cal-
vert, broken stick. Barrett, boarding.
Third Period
Scoring: London- Lapthorne( un-
assisted) 9:24.
London-Legs (unassisted) 10:08.
Penalty: Calvert, boarding.
The Varsity quintet was given a
rest yesterday after a brief offensive
drill but tomorrow work will start in
earnest for the all-important Minne-
sota game at Yost Field Saturday
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w/e Se/ve /o rui/e m/ t
inPhi Kappa Psi clinched the title
in League I for the fraternity hockey
league when it trimmed Lambda Chi
Alpha, 7 to 0. Unbeaten thus far, it
can lose its next and final game with-
out any team's being able to catch it.
The only other winner determined is
Chi Psi who has salted away the top
honors in League IV.
The basketball teams are keeping
up a fast pace, with twelve fraternity
games last night, and a similar num-
ber to be contested tonight.
4:30 p.m. Friday is the time for
the second-place fraternity volley-
ball playoff between Kappa Sigma
and Theta Xi. At 5 o'clock of the
same day, Phi Epsilon Pi will meet
Theta Kappa Epsilon for the fourth-
place crown. Chi Phi has already won
third place honors.
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