The Weather
Occasional snow today and
tomorrow; not much change in
C, 41 r
Mf ian
Made Easy ...
Our Navy
Worries Japan ,. .
Big' Business Reed's Appointment May Lessen
LeaderWLegalRestctons, Bates Says
Sees More Flexible View the restrictions which the court has
Tf Constitution As Result read into the Constitution will be re-
D aOfx Of Roosevelt Nomination ernmental regulation in many fields.
On Surpluses
Chairman Of Committee
Of N.Y. Board Of Trade
Calls Levy 'Harmful'
Proposes Broader
Income-Tax Base
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17.-()-The
first business spokesman at public
hearings on the Administration-,
approved tax revision plan advised
Congress today to kill the undistrib-
uted profits tax instead of modifying
it and to broaden the base of income
M. L. Seidman, chairman of the
tax committee of the New York Board
of Trade, was the first private wit-
ness before the House Ways and
Means committee.
"The undistributed profits tax
stands before the country today thor-
oughly convicted as an undesirable
tax and is harmful to business and
to confidence," he said. "It has earned.
its execution.
The recommendations on which
the committee is conducting hear-
ings would lift the levy from corpora-
tions having incomes of less than
$25,000 a year, but retain its prin-
ciple for big corporations.
Seidman also called for abolition
of the present system under which
capital gaips are lumped with a tax-
payer's other income and subjected to
income taxes.
As a means of making the people
conscious of taxes and of the fact
that it is their money the federal
government spends, the New Yorker
proposed a broadening of the income
tax base. Th people then would pay
directly what they now pay in indirect
taxation, he said.
He suggested specifically that per-
sonal exemptions and allowances for
dependents be cut in half and that
a 10 per cent surtax on incomes over
$4,000 be raised. ..
"This is ^an election year," Rep-
resentative Crowther (Rep., N.Y.) re-
minded him. "You know that they're
not going to broaden the tax base in
an election year."
Ford Company
Proposes First
Peace Offering
Asks For NLRB Election
.To End St. Louis Strike;
Answers Union Petition
ST. LOUIS, Jan. 17.--(P)--The
Ford Motor Company's proposal for
an election at the St. Louis assembly
plant to determine an employes' bar-
gaining agent was described tonight
as the first time the company had
expressed willingness to permit its
employes to participate in a National
Labor Relations Board vote.
Attorneys for the company said, to
the best of their knowledge, the sug-
gestion, included in the firm's first
« peace offer to the United Automobile
Workers of America, never before had
been authorized. The union called a
strike at the assembly plant here last
Nov. 24 but production has continued.
Read into the Labor Board's rec-
ord by Thomas F. Muldoon, Ford
counsel, the plan included the rehir-
ing of eight union men in place of
employees added since the strike call
was issued, establishment of a sen-
iority employment list to include
UAWA members except those sus-
pected of violence, and the collective
bargaining election.
Answer Union Petition
DETROIT, Jan. 17.-(IP)-Attorney
Louis J. Colombo of the Ford Motor
Co. filed a brief in Federal court today
upholding the right of the Ford com-
pany to "petition one's government
to redress a grievance."
Such action, Colombo said in his
brief, "violates the constitutional lib-
erty of no person."
The brief was filed in connection
with a petition of the United Automo-
bile Workers Union asking that Henry
Ford, the Ford Company, Harry Ben-
nett, Ford personnel director, and
Dearborn city officials, be restrained
from "interfering with, molesting, or
preventing the plaintiff from distrib-
.- -..
Th simple ceremonies which ele-
vate Solicitor-General Stanley Reed
to the Supreme Court will bring to
the high tribunal a man grounded in
a legal philosophy whichregards the
Constitution, not as an inflexible con-
tract but a charter designed to give
play to the joints of government,
Dean Henry Bates of the Law School,
said yesterday.
"Reed is above all a lawyer, a true
liberal, not an emotionalist" Dean
Bates said in praising Roosevelt's
nomination to succeed Justice Suth-
erland. "He has a reputation for
straight thinking and ability; he will
not be a presidential rubber stamp."
The last two appointments, Dean
Bates continued, make it certain that
A New Cabinmet
Attempt Made
By Chautemps
Possibility Of Dissolution
Of Lower House Seen
If He Fails Once More
PARIS, Jan. 18.--(Tusday)-
The Socialist Nationalist Council
voted early today to participate
in a new government headed by
Camille Chautemps, on condition
that the ministry continue the
People's Front program.
PARIS, Jan. 17. - (') -Camille
Chautemps today attempted to form
a modified People's Front govern-
ment without Communist support.
The Radical Socialist leader was
3alled on to succeed himself after
four days of fruitless effort by former
Premier Leon Blum and Georges Bon-
net. Chautemps' cabinet fell last
Friday in the face of Communist op-
position to his labor and financial
He accepted "in principle" the in-
vitation of President Albert Lebrun
while awaiting a decision by the So-
cialist Party as to whether it would
enter his cabinet or at least support
him in the Chamber of Deputies.
The National Socialist Council
scheduled a night session to weigh
the question. Chautemps' success or
failure rested mainly with its de-
cision, just as the resignation of So-
cialist ministers precipitated his
Deputies spoke openly in chamber
lobbies of the possibility of dissolu-
tion of the lower house and new elec-
tions if Chautemps should fail to
form a cabinet as Blum, Socialist
leader. and Bonnet, a Radical Social-
ist finance minister, had also failed.
Approval of the President and Sen-
ate would be ,necessary for dissolu-
Chautemps told Radical Socialist
deputies he would exclude Commu-
nists from the cabinet. The Com-
munists, although without cabinet
posts, had been important support-
(Continued irom Page 4)
Job Requisites
January Issue Will Have
Articles By Enineers
Industry is looking for men with a
sound technical background support-
ed by the ability to meet people easily
and cooperate with others, according
to George R. Beach, Jr., assistant
manager of the personnel division of
the E. I. DuPont de Nemours Com-
pany whose article headlines the Jan-
uary issue of the Tehnic on sale
Advancement in the ngineerig
profession demands something more
than ability, in the opinion of Laur-
ence G. Lenhardt, commissioner of
public works for the city of Detroit,
who writes on "Human Relations in
Engineering," a second article in this
month's magazine.
Other articles in this issue include:
"Recession Reveries," by Sydney
Steinborn, '38E; "Seasonal Control
of Gasoline," by Prof. George G.
Brown; "Past, Present and Future of
the Safe-Plane," by Charles Probst,
'39E; and "Research in Cast Iron" by
Prof. Richard Schneidewind.
"The interstate commerce clause,
the scaffolding upon which much of
the New Deal program has beenf
reared, will continue to be streng-
thened. Both Reed and Black have
declared strongly that the control of.
industry is necessarily a federal job_
and both believe that such regulation
is not repugnant to the Constitution.
The recent flurry of decisions grant-
ing the government control over labor
and manufacturing therefore seem
certain to be continued.
"The narrow connnes within which
the due proces ocrine has bee
compressed also appears obsolete,"
Dean Bates said, concurring in the
opinion that reform along these lines
is necessary. "In recent decades the
concept has been too meticulously
applied by the courts.
"They have applied it more and
more frequently to details, clogging
the original concept. The 14t7
amendment set up not a rule of laws
but a standard of government. The
new court may be depended upon to
treat it as just that."a
"It is obvious," Dean Bates sai),
"that in making such decisions as wel1
aci in m i ai the f d eamPntal
Petition Filed
For Literary
Students Seek A Periodical
To Appear As A Sunday
Daily Magazine Section
Hlopwood Winners
Approve Proposal
A petition seeking to add a maga-
zine supplement section to the regular
Sunday edition of the Daily has been
presented to the Board in Control of
Student Publications, the Board an-
nounced yesterday.
Drawn up and submitted by Ed-
ward Magdol, '39, formerly a Daily
night editor, the petition proposes "a
model of the combined New York
Times Magazine and 'Books.' There
would also be room for other critical
writing on the drama, the screen and
Tentative plans call for a staff sep-
arate from the Daily headed by the
Magazine Editor-in-Chief, aided by
a Publications Editor, a Literary Edi-
tor and five editorial assistants.
Leads Chorus Tonight
Cagers Drop First
Conference Game
To Badgers, 39-30
as in mainaining Le unuamlen
halance of our government, the court In a letter to the editor today,
is called upon to assume not judicia) eight Hopwood Prize winners
but quasi-political roles. Yet de- pledge their support to the sup-
spite the difficulty which such a Eplement (see page 4).
problem raises, and it; difficulty ."We believe," they say, "that
should be recognized, the court must the student body will enjoy a
(Continued on Page 6) literary section; it will be valu-
_________________ able to both its readers and its
contributors. We urge the ex-
Rieed On Scene pression of student and faculty
opinions on this subject and
pledge our help in the organiza-
S t r ntional work."
Finshes Ter Mruary, 1925 the Daily published a
magazine section to which Delbert
Clark, now chief of the Washington
Bureau of the New York Times,
Approval Of Senate Seen Thomas A. Dewey, now' district at-
As Certainty By Logan, torney of New York County and Rob-
ert'Henderson, director of last year's
Sub-Committee Leader Dramatic Season contributed.
In the supplement petitioned for,
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17.-(')- "would appear the poetry and prose
Conservative Justice George Suther- of Michigan's own writers," Magdoll
land completed his service on the Su- says. "Faculty inembers would be
preme Court today and there were in- invited to submit for publication, ar-
creasing indications that Solicitor ticles of interest to the campus. Stu-
General Stanley Reed, President dents would likewise be encouraged
Roosevelt's choice to succeed him, to participate intelligently in vital
would be seated quickly and without and enriching intelelctual activity."
Senator Logan forecast Reed's
nomination would be confirmed by l
the Senate next week. That would Navy Is Voted
permit the veteran defender of Ad-i
ministration legislation to take hisH
place on the Supreme Court when it Billion
reconvenes two weeks hence.
Logan called a meeting of the sub-
committee for Thursday to hear anyl.m ee
protest that anyone might wish to Desired Appropriation
make against the appointment. But l
he said he had heard of no opposition, WASHINGTON, Jan. 17.-UP)-An
and unless some developed Thursday appropriation of $553,266,494 for the
the sub-committee would report the Navy won approval of the House Ap-
nomination to the full committee propriations Committee today after
immediately' and favorably, that body had heard the Chief of
As Solicitor General, Reed attended| Naval Operations call world condi-
today's session of the Court, at which ; tions "more threatening" than at any
Sutherland delievered his final opin- time since the World War.
ion as a member of the high tribunal. The committee sent to the House
The two faced each other across the the regular naval supply bill, provid-
bench, the nominee sitting in his ing funds for Navy Department ex-
usual place in the first row, directly penditures in the fiscal yearbegin-
below the bench. ning next July 1. The total involved
The Senate Judiciary Committee, was $26,723,286 more than the Navy's
at the same time it set up a sub- appropriation for the current year.
committee to consider Reed's nomin- I It included funds to start construe-
ation, approved a bill to permit re-~I tion of 18 new warships and four aux-
tired Supreme Court justices to serve. iliary vessels.
in the courts here as they now can in The measure, scheduled to be de-
circuit courts elsewhere. hated in the House tomorrow, also
carried funds to reopen the torpedo
DETROIT WOMAN KILLED manufacturing plant at Alexandria.
DETROIT, Jan. 17.- (/) --Mrs. Va., and to recommission the ammu-
Lena McCarthy, 39, wife of a Detroit nition ship Pyro so it would be ready
policeman and the mother of five c for service "to meet any possible
children, was killed in an automobile need."
accident here today. She was riding The bill's total was $11,139,967 less
with her husband when their car col- than the Budget Bureau recommend-
* * *
Helsinki Chorus
To Give Finnish
Recital Tonight
Martii Turunen Will Leave
Group In 19 Numbers;
Singers Are Students
The Helsinki Chorus will present a
recital of 19 Finnish songs in the
seventh Choral Union concert at 8:30
p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
Founded in 1883, the Chorus
(Ylioppilaskunnan Laulajat, .in Fin-
nish) reflects the national awakening
of social life in 19th century Finland.
It has been attempting to create and
develop national choral music.
Singers in the YL are students of
the University of Helsinki who serve
without compensation during the
three or four years of their under-
graduate life.
Conducted by Martii Turunen, the
group will sing two works by Jan
Sibelius, their honorary sponsor. "The
Origin of Fire" and "The Captive
Queen," Both made their American
premiere with the Chorus' first con-
cert Jan. 1 in Boston. The complete
program, translated into English fol-
Hail, Suomi, My Native Land, Ge-1
netz; I Sing to You, Fair Maiden, Ka-
janus; The Cricket, Jarnefelt; Pan,
Haapalainen; Prokko, Tornudd; Con-
juration, Tornudd; Islanders' Jig, Pe-
sola; The Missing Boat, Turunen;
The Shingle Crashes, Madetoja;
Chubby-Cheek, Maasalo; In the Eve-
ning, Kuula; Summer, Kuula; Vene-
matka, Sibelius.
My Heart's Song, Sibelius; The Fire
on the Island, Sibelius; Summer Eve-
ning, Palmgren; The Sheperd's Joy,
Palmgren; Cradle Song; Palmgren
and The Slaves of Hiisi, Palmgren.
Tenor solos will be sung by Alfons
Almi and Viljo Lehtinen and a bari-
tone solo by Helge Virkkunen.
Opera Revival
Four Costume Prizes,
Continuous Dancing
Are Foo Features
Continuous dancing from 9 p.m.
until 1 a.m. will be a feature of the
Foo, Men's Dormitory Committee's
costume ball, to be held Friday in
the Union, it was announced yester-
day by the committee on arrange-
Two orchestras, Charlie Zwick's and
Bob Steinle's, will alternate with each
other so there will be no break in
It was also announced that prizes
will be given for the best costume, the
worst costume, the most naive cos-
tume and the cleverest costume.
Gingerale will be sold on the dance
floor and 2,000 balloons will be re-
leased during the evening, the com-
mittee said.
Tickets for the affair are going well,
according to the committee, and it is
expected that a large crowd will at-
tend the first all-campus costume ball
in many years.
The League dance floor will be
closed the night of Foo.
Chinese Push
Back Invaders
On Three Lines
Reports Claim Hundred
Russian-Made Planes Fly
Out Of Nanchang
Wisconsin Leads Varsity
Throughout Game; Has
21-14 Lead At Half
Group Meets
Cotumittees Are Namecd
To Plan Production
Temporary committees were
formed yesterday in the first step to-
ward a revival of the Michigan Union
Opera by "Artistes," a group of stu-
dents meeting with the support of
Mimes, honorary music society.
At the meeting, Congress, indepen-
dent mens' organization, also prom-
ised to supp:ort the project.
The committees are: Revision and#
Improvement of Script-Henry Clau-#
ser, '40, Casey Carter, '40SM, William
Steytler, '39, and Henry Adams, '39.'
Music and Lyrics-Al Erickson, '38E,
Kenneth Summerfelt, '40SM, Jack
McAllister, '39SM, and Nelson Bent-
ley, '39. Publicity-Lacy Thomas,
41, and Neil Ball, '38.
Charles Bowen, '41, Joe Graham,
39, and Richard Waterman, '40, and
he above form the central directing
'ommittee. Edgar Porsche, '38, is
hairman of the group.
Porsche urged those interested in
_)roducing or aiding the group to see
aim. The committees will decide up-
on the direction of the opera at a
meeting at 4:30 p.m. Sunday in the
Engineers Will Talk
On Dirigible Trends
Modern trends in dirigible develop-
ment and design will be discussed by,
Prof. Edward A. Stalker, head of the
aeronautical engineering department,
and Ralph H. Upson, designer of the
first successful metal-clad airship at
SHANGHAI, Jan. 18.-(R)-(Tues-t
day)--(P)-Japanese today rushed re-7
inforcements to Hangchow, capital of
Chekiang Province, in an effort tof
halt a strong Chinese counter-attack. t
This development came as Chinese
reported they were pushing back the
invaders on the northern, central and
Yangtze Valley fronts.
At the same time it was claimed
that at least one hundred Russian-
made planes and one hundred Rus-
sian pilots were operating from Nan-
chang, capital of Kiangsi province,
raiding Japanese airfields and mil-
itary concentrations. I
Japanese army spokesmen, who
previously had denied reports of
fighting in the Hangchow area, ad-
mitted 7,000 Chinese troops had ad-
vanced to "within a few miles" of the
city and that gunfire was audible in
Hangchow, 125 miles southwest of
The statement was considered con-
firmation of Chinese reports that the
Japanese had not been able to pene-
trate the area beyond Hangchow, but
had been hard-pressed to maintain
their position in the historic city.
. t
Ann Arbor Site
Of Music Meet'
High School Festival Is Set
For April_29 And 30
Between 2,500 and 3,000 students
from Michigan schools will be drawn
to Ann Arbor on April 29 and 30 to
take part in the most comprehensive
music festival in the State's history,
it was announced yesterday.
The festival will be sponsored by
the Michigan School Band Orchestra
association, headed by Dale Harris of
Pontiac, and by the School of Music,?
Prof. William D. Revelli, director of
bands, announced. The meeting will
take place the same week-end as does
the annual Schoolmasters convention
and the state high school champion-
ship debate.
Taking part will be senior and jun-
ior high school bands and orchestras
from all parts of both peninsulas. It
is the first time such a meeting has
been held here, although instrumen-
tal solo and ensemble competition
took place before. The latter drew
about 500 persons last year.
Perfect Bridge Hand I
Is Stymied By 'Coke'
Ed Thomas Heads
Mates In Scoring
MADISON, Wis., Jan. i7.-- ) --
Wisconsin humbled Michigan's Con-
ference basketball team tonight by a
core of 39 to 30.
The defeat was the first Michigan
as suffered in Big Ten competition.
Wisconsin took the lead at the start
nd held it to the end, piling up a 21
o 14 advantage at half time.
Capt. John Townsend, the Wolver-
ne high scoring forward, was held to
>ne field goal and two free throws, re-
inquishing the game scoring honors
or his team to Ed Thomas, forward,
vho made seven points.
George Rooney, forward led the
Wisconsin sharphooters with 15
)oints on six field goals and three
free throws. Howard Powell, for-
yard, was second with 10 points.
A crowd of 10,400, the largest of the
season saw a Wisconsin team handle
the ball cleaner and set up its plays
etter than the tall Wolverine quin-
The Michigan team was caught
Fat-footed in the' first few minutes.
Powell and Rooney made goals before
Pae tallied a free throw.
The Wolverines were held scorless
from the field during the first nine
minutes, Beebe finally conneting
with a short shot after Thomas and
Fishman had contributed a point
each on free throws.
Thomas led the Michigan scoring
in the first half with five points.
Thomas came back after the inter-
mission with a quick tally on a long
shot, but Davis and Powell stretched
Wisconsin's lead to 25-16 before
Townsend tipped in a gift slot.
A field goal and a free throw by
Bell and another goal by Rooney put
the Badgers into a 12-point lead,
Slavin and Fishman cut the margin
down with short} one-hand goals, but
(Continued on Page 3)
Franco' s Army
Gains In Swift
Insurgent Forces Strike
At Loyalists In Effort
To Gain Teruel Salient
HENDAYE, France, at the Span-
ish Frontier, Jan. 17.-IP)-Spanish
Insurgent artillery, aircraft - and in-
fantry struck swiftly today at Gov-
ernment lines outside recently-cap-
iured Teruel.
An Insurgent communique report-
ed Generalissimo Francisco Franco's
insurgents capturea Government first
line trenches north of Teruel, the
srategic strongnold in East Spain
taken by the Government's surprise
attack in a mid-December blizzard.
The sudden counter-offensive to-
day brought the Insurgent lines to a
point between Celadas and the Al-
fambra River 10 miles south, their
most advanced position since the
start of the war, Salamanca reports
(An Insurgent dispatch from Zara-
goza reported the renewed assault, di-
rected by Gen. Miguel Aranda, had
swept over the heights of Celadas and
El Muelton, highest mountain of the
(Madrid government advices re-
ported a "terrific battle," but said
Government forces had fallen back
only at one point).
Model Senate
March 11 New Election
Date Set By Board
Voting for the membership of the
Student Model Senate has been post-
poned until Friday, March 11 to avoid
conflict with elections for Congress,
independent men's organization, the
board of elections announced yester-
' 1
Prevost Extolls 'Les Thibault';
Blum His Choice For Premier
Leon Blum, first Popular Front
premier is the logical man now to
head the next French cabinet if ef-
forts of Georges Bonnet and other
conservative heads of the Popular
Front to form a government fail, Jean
Prevost, French journalist, said in an
interview yesterday.
Prevost, former editor of the Paris
newspaper, "L'Intransigeant," was in
Ann Arbor to speak at a University
lecture here. He is traveling in the
United States as the first man to re-
ceive the Jesse Isador Straus Travel-
ing Fellowship. given for the purpose
Roger Martin du Gard centered
"Les Thibault," recent Nobel Prize
winner, around his feelings on war,
but he planned it on such an im-
mense and inclusive scale that it pre-
sents all the philosophies, sympathies.
and feelings that he has to express.
Jean Prevost, French journalist de-
clared yesterday in a University lec-
ture. He spoke at 4:15 p.m. in the
Natural Science Auditorium.
Martin du Gard wanted to write a
complete story of a group of charac-
ters that would show more than just
their reactions in a single incident
and put them in a certain light with
Delt Boys Get Caught
rv-.. n . I .__