Fa~jr -pd colder.
Sic iganr
TileGov ernor's
The Acid Test
For Civil Service .
VOL. XLIX. No. 74
Wil(b" Mooney Pardon Seen Imminent 600 Students, zc ro
QujiltetIfqT oday After Twenty-OreYearsFaltDne
Cfere ce' Season Vindication Is Expected and packing ti~25Tpainvewath a-"Village1 aInHi
C o V S fe E' , .ways has termed h .living tomb"i
After ABrief Harin ; Mooney is nooa tednmcQ
IParade Plans Are Made "direct actionists"I was in 1916. Thre1
W it Ilini 1h Afer A_-years in prison ha wrn him down LBorinor. a el~~trs il
-hsAQUENTIN, Calif., Jan. 6-W)~ somewhat and mel wed his philoso-Lbrie r.SulerklI n
--hoa J ooe,{h W phxy but have not "okn his spirit Jay Allen, Serice And1
________ --brought to San Quentin 21 years ago nor changed hisd sire to work for ,i U W r-___ ______
(,lt<r~t ecieWrto be hanged promptly for multiple the labor cause.___________________
I~alfd Wolverine Crew I'rJig lttcl/t Gur mu'rder in the San Franrcisco Pre- If the pardon in rializs, Moone Arlli
Ma ne aeMubprdess Day bombing, spent hi- and several hundre f his symathw.- Al"Sea er U gFrankfrter, Approval h
day"L' inr pri11onintodayx'splan a parade S : yup the sahie
r "lst ay~inEmisargoay.Held Up For 2 Weeks Ds
PiVot Man Jrimy Rae s"" Is' At dawn tomorrow he will climb)ftfu oteo eJtea1ha ee Uf _____________
into an automobile, ride 90 miles to md.itr 2yesaops h
PikD h eked unes£h Steu art street inter tion where the3,
," L ad ° cr Sacramento, and, ulsthwirer- bomb killed 10 and , uded 40 Per- BY S. R. KL.EIM~AN [1I
r K~ ~'L.:i etdocus ila sons; past the bull° more than a Six hundred students and faculty
.......................,;.*ditional pardon from 'Californias mile up the street here Mr. and members crowded into the Union
Undefeated Enemuy a
nexl-etdlbrlDmcai o-Ms. Mooney were tographled by Ballroom at- 4 p.m. yesterday to hier\* BUD.P
.enoCbrtLOloabeivrchance within four ~inutes of the two Michigan students who have just bre
f ore
By 'TOM PHARES in Mooney's innocence,ietebm
Bandage§, adhesive tape andi all, aIf A brief hearing, lasting an hour or ep~d eundfo h atefoti an arm4c
twoiv, may put an end to the historic Spain a Lar party member of the
scrappy quintet of Michiganders will } f<lascoscos ores ron A British Parliament and a former war t]eyf
take the floor tonight at Champaignl*.th ol- Fe~TmMoey" Ial(Rqv 11. correspondent discuss, "Spain: 1939". M u.. neighbo
il.,grimly intent upot opening the For the first time in all the years /Bfrthylt$157habenc-.,*.000
Biwe aktalsao ihave ~o onrvryadsrf vrtecs,'M n se tribu ted for the purchase of food and throug
Big 'en baketbll seson wth avie > of cntroersy nd stife vemedicals, supplies forr meLoyalistlis Spainyaist Sain
toyoer Mlini Pick Dehner and Coin-vocewa risd ffcill.. .is Mooney; no one came forward to re-an set a elg m to P si n
pary.Rosvlasigtathemro The F
This thit, the headliner of the Con- *Fs*~..'.. that his conviction was a welter of oseveltssingth e asteemargWN:,
ferrice opening night bringing to ~ lies and peruryorse by "capitalis- I Both Jay Allen, war correspondenttaeckoE
gethrer undefeated Illinois and once- tic persecuos"U.Suinierskill Claimns and Dr. Edith Summerskill, M.P. paid lae
beaten Michigan, is expected to at- $ xuberantly Mooney prepared for Eetin.t , ., tiuto:hacuae.fRoet u-village c
vindication and freedom. Hie spent ElcinI ~~lf ~ iis 3, n la evc,'9
most of the day receiving visitors in England Soon1 who spent 15 mnonthxs with the Inter- tlte
AnyMichiganbsketballfans_ _____-__- - national Brigade. "They went toca s df
wh ansur heiradsketsto ' ~Spain carrying their lives in their Te
grath ort tosnihthei raiol betabe ato a yo herBy astngLW.chanethaNhands-and you can't question the WASHINGTON, Jan. d6-(a~)ssn- but that
toreatefors t ofht, wich-bl Iu i 7c Ter sasrogcac ta u-motives of a man offering his life as ate comxmittees arranged today, to were m
to ea th bo~das ofth Mih-solini may attempt to strengthen x sacrifice--to fight in a war for rive early consideration to President Only tri
igan-lllibtois game by dialing sta- r,*j ~ 1.. Chamberlain in the national election democracy," Allen said. Roosevlts cainet andut Supreme voved.
tian WILL at Ubraa which can be 1 ilC traight i for which the Conservative Party is
found at '580 kilocycles Grammerprn yalwn him to retu'n Medical Aid Lacking Vor pponm tsbu it appeared to thef
tim i 830p~i. T'pp b gSpeaking in a low Dire, Service de- likely they would not act on the ,C
ties_:Q a~u W n TonightI from their, conferences4 Rome Wed- tald"Fe niet a rankfurter appointment for about se
nesday with a seeming victory for withkbeas hara sh nr
policies of- "appeasemet," Dr. Edith my own eyes-for cynics are always .owes eas himnAh nr
tract° a capsalty crowd eager to see - - House monslsetclotews" adtl.o urst (D-Ariz) said the full judiciary action:
uhe ubiiel"battle of centers "-if .E HMSStogPr ovrSudISmmerskill, Hueof;Commonsmia-teetcoad otherwis"-bandotoldhho
ite ED THOoAS asrsnheduledDovWilSqTodBreak rte, declared i, an 'fnterview yes- he was wounded through the left lung cmitecu o etbfr htCzech
it__________________l'__s___________ time.
- n the. Ebro River battle last sum- agreedc
WilAttempt T ra terday. Maclash.ntr oan(-K)
When the Wolverinie squad depart- ,'f i itr . Stunnerskill, whio overcame a mer and after lying on the battle- MenhielSntosognh.K)
edlsiihcahJeneOse- 1 Iin h r ~ emsSra rad~itional Conserve x majority in field for 24 hours had his wund adapblchaig ol ehlion of
baan was still undecided whether or G West Fulham to win the first b-lc bound with paper because there wasifcmtee ebrsdiedo to the
not his brilliant pivot cman, Jim Rae;'e, lo flown y-on°E en' e-qusinfreGororM ph
Ae tivities Michigan's undefeated hockey teamtinflongAhnyEe'srs- no bandage or antiseptic availableqetonfrerGvrnrMrh ra
wolje~ifcetyreoee rmtdft about sit-down strikes uring histhPa
wubkinury o ptly. Acoerd ro will seek its third consecutive win of nation, strongly opposes the "Na- He oldof he alf-trained nurses at term, Munk
'abrkijry__ply____"goenen hchi am h hospital who cried with despair __________
"I won't know until fine-nhitkutes the season at "8 p.. tonight on the tin, oenetwihi on because of the lack of medical sup- -
before.'the gamne," ht said.- If he is Die Invesigationls Bring Coliseum ice, When it tangles with a ives walmosthantful ofNCtonsrvib- pis And he emphasized the high skan tee
able to play, anld forget his back, I'll Rosv I strong, experienced squad repiesent- erals wtahand u fNational L inn oal fteaihsirs wh 11 LU1 SSes
.rhwise;bll use either tePr oe AheilbofL .rtswnnn n u
start kin, ohreAction iiromlRosvl ing tePr oe tltcCu f!ta coalition designatV.fought courageously despite this lack ANRais 200 in
Harm~on, Dobsonx, Brogan or Sofiak and despite the lack of adequate food c~ig'e, I rm
dpniguoho eaho feL WA IN ONJa,6(P-e.Canada. IChamberlain, she so .,recently in- 'r ltig,~F.R~'Y5. The
deedigspr owechDr Pe, A..dVTO, Jn -(P- e.struce osrva i laetis r cohn ______F,: n
about the gamre." (vxt emg :tor1softh9,Wh 'otemplaztig using arn, utdC L. Cummins, who was an associate, di
past week ,it's probable that Tom "ii,"' was app, tongt in -the 'has decided to keep the same com'bi- magazine, "The Nation and The Emn- hrephszdthIraes esnImrdi i
arosWll, e he call ;and play "ouglit--saredi by many others on nations, that so far this season have pihe he learned in Spain-"a political les- Of Commerce Council "h r
S ian cewll g e t h e__Pri m e__Mi ni st e r___ha d__re - a n d w a r
-moved to c enter incsIa sot wrung tvrco major cngresions from I of any contest. viousyheredationlyin lcs of in making democracy unconquerable IF; Hopkins, newly appointed Secre- Priva
At Champaign, thousands of fanls °nte Roosevelt administration. The Port Dover sailors will bringanthsreghotepolewn
hope Jim'will be in there. "They want 1. President Roosevelt told a pressi practically the same team which last supportoufrom members.ofehisiown
to seeth ottbten theirjusicerlayffspaty would he put the post-Munich oncetharosethe sai.oHepoineieis seeking the advice of business -
rconteetrence their retuosfeicic e department wasi year went as far as the quarter-finals problems beore.toutethatotheepeople of Spain "have leaders before setting his course in one Hung
Pick Debr, ^All-Amnerican high- 'nat aix alleged violations of ,in the t . P0 forcky laofsobiustht thee nectrate, it m built a rytuymiietable o h vrmn' n
(CIulumonAAItemdat oke bvosthtter sinenl)sn-a rmtul giieg. ftegovrmetsmost importanxt 'an she
riminal sta tutes by Nazi, communist= of Ontario. The visitors 'will be with- ISion in the Conservative party, 'Dr. to contend onl a more than equal basispoiymknpoion.ahtl
mnd other organizations. ;Dot the services of their star center. I Sunnemskill said. with' Franco's army" because they TeSceaydslsdh a e tie mu:
"+-Dies had idemanded that the Coin- .Ray Forest, who has moved up ttie By-elections since Eden's ireigna hich adereitedg"menadmen inTyeeveraislosconsultingmien
Coii' essn whchav uie democratc agovermenc
T'nuzinit party, the German-American Montreal Canadiens. Lion have shown a strong tr nd awayofviypltcabeefwocet with W. Averill Harriman, chairman conent
Ur ge tet'lie said had foign connections b bel (continueddclrdctig e onvitoyasiat r rinda)( thrPranwtinswic3)sit hiIos ortheerwllfrmthphabelincbietihetelricplsofdmoray" fdeimomecedeatmn'sbuictiy.e
pr)oecute forfalr to register with ca1oit War's Origin Outlined ncss advisory council. He said he ex- They
R PC ~ - le state department as agents of L..VllgeB , Bo The recent def~at of the Duchess of ayAemwoasfr1yasatofthtuda
R efiprincipals. jAthoL.,1rebelliou Conservativeowhocorrespondent of the Chicago Tri- council next week. ueda
"N1z' Lnjl S rj I bune and was in Spain from 1934 Thsbdwaorniebyfmrwsid
2, There werie rtcieasing reports By 3~~ W/ bolted the party over questions ofto13.uliethorgnfte Secretary Daniel C. Roper in 1933 to a unite
Earmarking 01 Federal tat thre administra1tion had decded foreign policy to run independently, war7inoSpain ite usofn erafrd the deprtmntndvieffomhon
?~"~Suh oA~i gaiist opposing a(continuation of NEW HYDE PARK, N. Y., Jan. 6- was not indicative of' the generalou citation trade and industrial leaders. mained
FladsSoghtToAvidDies' Hause committee invest- (-- Denounlcing Col. Charles A. Lind- trend in Dr. Summerskil's opinion. li ahdbi re romrt documents pubo- ______-_____ ments
Discrimnato ) tt ei-AmieJi('flhiactivities and, ~i ,Bergh, J. Edwin Russell, village clerk, "Shre ran in what amounts iwasat~idb e etaa erstobeinon-warte aft
leaf, would as nt to i limit#d con-! said tonight that this Long Island fendal constituency ain the high- agsttethamfanfrm big a Labor Union Tio Submit points,
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6 -(A')-i tinuation for it.'comu i ty had banned Anne Morrow lands," the liberal M.P. declared, againsaCommunism, the strugle t eie intosRlton ilPre
Powerful members of Congress made --- -" - } Lindbergh's newest book "Listen, The "Anothxer factor was that British laws Sainais dambattle by th pe toRvied Reaioscilore
plain today that they mean to tighten ;YWind" from its public library, allow you to use cars in transporting an attack by a coriupt military class LASNG a. -!).Jhchi, o u
Congressional control over relief! (hlljlgs.>'Frusttralte Jll' oestoteplsad h osre secretary of the Michigan Federation Som
spedigusseyll.on n rw-hldo isusel.wh alsaoocleklferevoer tote ols aidthyaoiera eaiedbyMusolniansHtlr.ofLaorisadnody heuionwoldwee.
spendng b layng 01M, ll ioncldlYc owli<w Dl~i' Advncea lbrareblibrarycomaboardf iandiveoartycandctrdaofrthedos iCvesPartyaboconductedy th antremendourest
foi'mnula fr°thc distribution of flunds local American Legion ;pst, said drive to defeat the D7uchess. tians- {sgnplicas ~iigalt zn ielnen- for- e its own labor relations bill to net m
to the tates, -._ r- 3-2 tokiep tolicytiashualmostto tleobplehinn-Ithe 1939 Legislature in opposition to met v
toWhie sa Hus cmiteeqes SAGHIHANGH1AI, Jun .7- uturday --bard members voted 1- t ep teprighBrdst h altn ible in its contradictions, tDr. Sum-onGveorFtgalouiedn Itr
Wba osecmiteC. ur- P--~Chinese reported today that their book off library shelves because of place.mroktl.whowaseletedtonheer]s
boe ____________ ,mesh, h wselcedt teIias his message Gvro to the law-Ftzeamakers. It w
tioned cloAeAdminitrtor F.eC.flia- fo es had lauiiched a series of coon-I Colonel Lindbergh's acceptance of - fCmmn--t umr si h
te taI Iaant Jpns ta emndcoain StlI(leIt11." believed thle nearest she could comne Reid said the union objected to nxationa
proer ioe 850000aporia tion tin g toai ossthe Yellow River ("We are faced with the grave ci- at U , to describing it would be to callhit so haes9fthe uGovnor'slro-ldrliceit
to last until July 1cm br o te to Shensi Province ill northern !ace rof anti-Amnericansmin this FraFrtandani-emcraic"~Hegranad thathunobilwldrmc
Conmittee ' "pro-Nazi aseani-dmofollo Fi
- -- 'Uemlomet o. it. China from Chransi Province bases. ~atnry bth from the Nazis andi is resolved," she said, "to1 do nothing dlo yfo w the federal labor rse- the n
)S Shell'..
un arYrotests'
ery Fire Bursts Forth.
Bitter Battle Over.
Muted Border Ton K
gvarialis Claim
n vasion Of Land
APEST, Jan. 6.-(A') -Bitted
fighting with machine-gun,
ored car-and even light ar-.
ire burst forth today in the
hood of Munkacs, a city of,
which Hungary;, acquired
the Nov. 2 partitioning of
iungarian Intelligence Serv-
rted it had. evidence that
Slovak troops deliberately at-
Munkacs and the adjacent
f 1Orosveg, precipitating hs-
which were- reported to have
a dozen or more deaths,
ighting had stopped tonight
usands of Hungarian troops
oving toward border ponts
oops 'on active duty were in-
No reservists had been called
rowel's Demand Action
eral Hungarian communities
.row4s demanding aggressive
w'ere dispersed bt polce.
to - Slovakia and' Hungary
n a joint investigation of the
This step followed; presenta-
a written Hungarian protest
Minister Plenipotentiary of '
,gue Foreign Office.
ncs formerly was ins Carpatho-
The province juts east to-,
e Soviet Ukraine with Poland
east and north and Hungary
nania on the south. The city
:illes northeast of Bu.dapest
3Vdapest government prt t- v
rague; chargngits teritory
;n invaded, arnd Premier Bela--
in an address tonight spoke of"
acher~u attack on Munka s"
r'ned C~eeh-Slovaka to keep
off' Hungary.",
te advices tonight said a truce
,n arranged.
Prisoners Taken
;arians said, the "invaders" bie-
lling Munkaes, striking first
a motion picture theatre and
nilcipal theatre, and in inter-
fire in" the afternoon were
,rating on the residential dis-
fore being repulsed.
announced their; troops had
number of prisoners and cap-
,rmament. which they declared'
rntifiled as having belonged to
A the Czecho-Slovak army,
itions along the border re-
tense, however, antc reinforce-
from many garrisons left in
ernoon for various border
The Hungarian military re-
heavy concentrations of=
-Siovak troops east and west
e military leaders in Budapest
rging niobilization. The cabi-
.t for an hour but the govern-
vas proceeding cautiously~
national Comnpicatibns ' Seen
eighed tht; possibility of inter-r
al complications which might
rom ;the most aggravated bord-
dent which has occurred along
rthern frontier since Italian
rmnln.LA ki~aiAI.JnA i*Vena-....
mark future funds so that there ( . Chinese asserted they had recap..- Communists and it is time we wake' that might react to the advantage of
would be no "discrimination" between Ltured. Taning, former Chinese Shansi' up,' Russell said. "I just don't be- DogaMoan4,wstenl(oniudoPge)toptctrftnos"aad
Province headquarters, and frustrat- lieve our taxpayers should give money a palt euligfiremithws ercnedf
states. t eealJpns ffrst eahi ok ro1is to lk tePhi KpaTau fre tSasaleredHun
Three members of thislatter coin1- ed svrb aan seofrtstrea hinbokrohya"people lk teyesterday, when he was confined to LowerI' tri.ce d Is Obi oppose
imttee, Senator's Clark (D-Mo), Mur-j the west bako h tea.Lnbrh." h elhSevc o w dy saadt
ray (1D-Mont) and KHatch (D-NM). teHltsoervsiiafrtwo. oaysana'Ndvt2
said they favored putting a distribu- i 'i'1d Ct'{Cast releofsmokyesphiiationlyrMoganO f Student Textbook Exchange ouslY s
propriation bill, if one could be worked XTf lc1 The state fire examiner corroborat- Suet ihn osl portsi
out in time. F or N~ew F lavyvProdu ction Show ed Fire Chief Charles Andrews belief By DENNIS FLANAGAN changes. Suet ihn osl comm
fundhsyestyor esietReelt " that the fire sprang from defective The plan for a student textbook texts will bring them to the officewa
obsevedthatConres migt wnt he cmpltedwiring in the parlor ceiling last night exchange, recently approved by the of the exchange in the Union, filing tunga
obsrve tht Cngrss igt wnt' Th copleedcast for Play Pro- the melancholy and nostalgic Alan and placed the total damages, includ- Board of Regents after an extensive out a price card for each book. The Ch
to change the method of distributing dcinsvrino TePtiidSuri h lto h ly ing loss of personal effects at $15,000. survey of successful exchanges in bok and card will be placed on therspm
doneefuntilurthe thappropriationsducbills forsoForest,"PetrintatSvciey scheduledt oforepple. "Theo Petrif"iedntForest"scwasledefrAdequatee Pinsuranceoecoveragee waseudis-inothere BigraTenauniversitiesi Tewillvpro-tiexchangero-shelfnguntilf theisale s iseimade;e across
the nwtislteaporitconsi rt e intewe-n fJn 0atvee yBok tisni h eclosed by Richard J. Young, National vide a two-week period of full time following the sale the price card will
tr. the LydialyeMendelssohnerheatrewavYrkTedBrs A tkins n ubn tle wSecretary of Phi Kappa Tau in Ox- employment for a number of students b filed under the seller's name, and
er te LdiaMenelsohnThearewasYor Ties s ".. a exbernt aleford, Ohio. Young reveals that the in addition. to its primary function the price received deducted from the D.
Although members of the Senate anucdysedy dadJrso otcvgbns mdmcie chapter house is being completely re- of the sale and exchange of used pice of whatever purchases he may
Committee pointed out that. the re- 1,'39, campus favorite who played the gun desparadoes." Stark Young said modeled and will cntinue to operate texts, it was announced yesterday mnake. There will be a 10 per cent de-J
liffruawsol ntecsu-title role in " Counsellor at Law" early ( laconically in the New Republic at on te Mchignfropus byits ponors
thssaowas agi namedfo one the time tne play openedi on Broad- ___ eecagwihwl ei nitnneo h xhne h
sion stage, some said they believed = 'heexcanelhic wileimantnaneothechage.Th
the committee could agree on a simpleg of the mostV import ant parts. way, "Mr. Sherwood's play deserves yoeainFb o1 ntenrhblneidctdo h xhne Vg
amendment in time to 4sect it in!I Jurist will play the part of uke ,... all the success it has had." Art Cillellia To Present lopneaftio heb. 9ton19winlte rth alaes, ihndiaeomeechange foViksntgaos
the emergency bill. Mamtee, gaiister, portrayed oni stage Meanwhile tie stagecraft crew, un- i .l}l)} loun11.Q 11hgrpe fcthe Unonthwille p emt-afile, wibeth lewcharg erbsdnot.aetr
_______ _adsreb___heyBgr.de h ueriino Robert Mle- books by students and a lower scale The exchange will be administered datio
HeadJames Barton, and Karl Klauser, '39 kamp, scenery designer, is preparing 1 "Four Ilorsenmen of the Apocalypse" for purchase than is affordled at res-, by a student manager, not yet named, the w
Legion ea Rq st will alternate performances in the the set for the play. The gas station I starring Rudolph Valentino, the last ent by the local bookstores. Patterned appointed by an executive committee seens
CCC Military Training' fat of Alan Squire, a frustrated in- is also a diner, and the students are film in part one of the Art Cinema closely after exchanges at the Uni- of two representatives from the Dr.
tellectual, and down-and-out writer, not escaping difficulties in buildingI series, will be shown at 3 :15 andI versity of Minnesota and Purdue Uni- Unmion, its principal sponsor, and two, the. H
ed Hungary 4,875 square miles
.gary was aware that Germany
}d her annexation of MVunkacs
iat she obtained the city in the
award only after Italy vigor-
upported her claims.
,apest buzzed with persistent re-h
on which officials refused to
ent that a "foreign influence"
eouraging hostility toward
ry in Carpatho-Ukraine.
,rges and countercharges over
sibility flew back and forth
the border. r
Sacliar's 'Talk
Elmts Dictatorships
wrously attacking European die-
thips, Dr. Abram L. Sachar, in
are last night at the Hillel Foun-
L, described their appearance as
,orst catastrophe the world has
since the middle ages.
Sachar, national director of
illel Foundation, termed Presi-
Rnsvet's i-recnt annual mes-
1 +;