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January 04, 1939 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-01-04

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Cloudiness today; tomorrow


Sic ig0n


A New Era
In Trust-Busting? .
More Refutation
Of Coughlin Speeches.



Tokyo Cabinet
Resigns Amid
Policy Schism'
On China War'
Konoye Government Out
After 6 Stormy Months
Of Emergency Decrees
Holidays Postpone
Official Resignation
TOKYO, Jan. 4- (P) -Premier
Prince Fumimaro Konoye resigned
today amid reports of a split between
fascist and liberal elements of his
cabinet over policies in China.
The resignation was announced
shortly before noon by Akira Kazami,
chief secretary of the cabinet.
Prince Konoye proceeded immedi-
ately to the Imperial Palace to in-
form Emperor Hirohito of his in-
Not Effective Yet
Domei (Japanese news agency)
said that although the cabinet had
resigned, the resignation would not
become effective until after the pro-
longed Japanese new year holiday.
The Japanese holidays extend
through Thursday.
Technically, Prince Konoye in his
inyterview with the Emperor will ask
permission to resign. He may be
asked to form. a new cabinet himself.
Prince Konoye's cabinet took of-
fice June 4, 1937, and has, twice been
revised. On May 26, 1939, two gen-
erals and a leader in finance were
installed to replace men accused of
weakness in the face of the na-
tional emergenc " in the campaign
in China.
Change On Sept. 29
Again on Sept. 29 came another
'major change with resignation of
Gen. Kazushige 'Ugaki as forein min-
ister. Only a month later Hachiro
Arita was appointed to the post.
The clash within. the cabinet was
reliably reported to have hinged upon
full application of the National Mo-
bilization Act within Japan and con-
trol of the China affairs board.
The national mobilization law
passed March 26 gave the government
almost unlimited power to draft Ja-
pan's human and economic re-
sources in an emergency. Eleven of
its 30 articles were put into force May
5 and other economic measures ap-
plied later.
19 Men Picked
For New Co-op
Congress Will Open Fifth
House Next Semester
Nineteen men have been picked to
launch Michigan's new student co-
operative house next semester, it was
announced last night by Doug Tracy,
'39, chairman of ongress's Student
Welfare Committee.
Th group includes, besides Tracy,
Arnold Kleiman, '4BAd; Bill Rock-
well, '41; Jay Rockwell, '40; Larry
Va Manan, '40; Larry Gluck, '42;
Murray Kamrass, '42E; Ernie Scher-
er, '42E; Dick Shuey, '42E; Bill
Strauch, '4BAd; Ben Kamberg, '42E;
Dave Panar, '40E; Irving Weiss, Fos-
ter Campbell, '42; Norman Anderson,
Wes Powers, '40E; John Brooks, 42;
John Banoski, '41 and Nick Athens,
40E. The men were selected from
a group of 35 by a personel commit-
tee which judged them on the basis
of "cooperative spirit."
The men will move into the house

at the beginning of the new semes-
ter, Tracy said. Christened% the
"Congress Cooperative House," the
new cooperative, fifth to be estab-
lished on the campus, marks the cul-
mination of a drive to slash student
living costs.
Reports of a rapid spurt in the stu-
dent cooperative movement in other
"Big Tenff schools were brought back
from Purdue by Tracy who attended
a Student Independent's convention
there during vacation. Eleven new
cooperatives have been established ir
the past seven years at Purdue where
the enrollment is only half of Mich-
igan's, Tracy said. In addition a co-
operative newspaper, clothes service
and book exchange have been in-
augurated there. At Ohio State, sev-
en have been launched in the las
two years.
Congress Holds Meeting
To Plan Boxing Sho%
The first meting of the executive

Robert Rosa,'39, Wins Two-Year
RhodesScholarship To Oxford

Plans To Study Languages,
Complementary Subjects
'in Sweden And France
When he sails from New York next
fall, Robert V. Rosa, '39, of Royal
Oak, recently announced as one of
32 United States winners of Rhodes
Scholarships to Oxford University,
will look forward to two years or more
of cultural pursuits in England and
on the Continent.
Rosa, who is one of four men chos-
en from 12 candidates in the district
comprising Michigan, Wisconsin, Il-
linois, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky,
tll take up at Oxford a course known
as "Modern Greats," which embraces
the study of politics, philosophy and
economics, his field of major interest.
Actual attendance at the University
will take up only 24 weeks of each
year, the remaining time to be spent
on the Continent, mastering two for-
eign languages and engaging in stu-
dies complementing the a c t u a1
University work,
Rosa, expects, he said, to spend
most of his time on the Continent in
Sweden and France. In Sweden, in

which he is interested because of
progressive tendencies in governmerit
and because of family ties, he will de-.
vote much time to studying the de-
velopment of the cooperative move-
ment and of government control of
industry. He doesn't as yet know
exactly what he will do in France,
but "from all I've heard about France,
that will take care of itself," he said.
Two years of study with an ulti-
mate Bachelor of Arts degree, cor-
responding roughly to our Masters
Degree is assured the winner of a
Rhodes Scholarship, providing his
work is of acceptable caliber. If he
can present a satisfactory program
for future study on the completion
of the two year period, he can ex-
tend his period of study an additional
year. Rosa's major interest will be
in economics with a view to teaching.
The 32 winners will leave in a body
in September, and each will be. al-
lowed to choose which of the 26 col-
leges making up the University he
wishes to join. His qualifications al-
so are considered by the college and
by a system of eliminations the pro-
spective students are oriented. At
present, Rosa hopes to enter Magde-
(Continued on Page 6)

Discord Marks
Initial Session
Of Legislators
Traditional Joviality Lasts
Scant Half Hour As Anti-
New Dealers Organize
WASHINGTON, Jan. 3-P)--Con-
gress convened today in a spirit of
back-slapping .joviality, tolerance and
good will which .lasted a scant half
hour by the gilded hands of the
clock that hangs above Vice President
Garner's Senate rostrum.
For within that time, the bitter dis-
cord underneath the surface had
found expression in:
A report from the Senate Commit-
tee on Campaign Expenditures de-
nouncing WPA for indulging in "un-
justifiable political activity" in con-
nection with the recent elections.
A statement by Senator McNary
(Rep-Ore) that he would ask that
the report be referred to the Com-
merce Committee, which will be in
charge of the nomination of Harry L.
Hopkins, former WPA chief, as Secre-
tary of Commerce.
The first open bid by the increased
Republican membership of the Sen-
ate for coalition support from anti-
New Deal Democrats. It took the form
)f a statement emanating from a
Republican, caucus that the minority
was ready to "cooperate tvth any
group" to reduce governmental ex-
An assertion by Chairman Smith
(Dem-S.C.) of the Senate Agricul-
ture Committee, who is frankly and
picturesquely angry because Presi-
dent Roosevelt opposed his renomi-
nation last summer, that he intend-
ed to fight for a complete revision
of the Administration's crop control
A report submitted to the House
by Chairman Dies of the House Com-
mittee on Un-American Activities de-
nouncing Secretary of Labor Perkins
for failing to deport Harry Bridges,
West Coast Director of the CIO, and
asking th tthe investigation be ex-
tended and include the National
Labor Relations Board.
Prof. A. 0. Lee
Dies On Dec.25
On Faculty For 30 Years,
Succumbs To llness
Dr. Alfred Oughton Lee, professor
of modern languages and the history
of medicine, died Christmas morning
after a long illness. He was 65 years
. Dr. Lee had served on the faculty
for 30 years, coming here in 1908 as
a member of the German department,
He was at one time acting head of the
Romance Language department of the
engineering college.
In recent years Dr. Lee had bee
in charge of the administration o
pre-doctorate examinations in scien-
tific German and French. He hac
also continued his teaching duties.
Dr. Lee, who was born July 8, 1873
in Chicago, was educated in Ger.
many, winning his doctors degree i
e medicine at the University of Berlin

udge Coasts
To Easy Win
In Pro Debut
Triumphs In Straight Sets,
But Vines Is Too Erratic
To Permit Comparison
NEW YORK, Jan. 3.-(P)-In the
brief space of an hour Don Budge
made.his professional tennis debut a
successful one tonight as he outstead-
ied his man at almost every point
to whip Ellsworth Vines, ruler of the
pro game for the past five years, 6-3,
6-4, 6-2, before a capacity crowd of
16,725 in Madison Square Garden.
It was an astonishingly easy tri-
umph for the 23-year-old California
red-head who this year became the
first, player ever to make a clean
sweep of th world's four major ama-
teur tilts. He got away to a shaky start'
to trail at 1-2 in the first set, but
after he had broken Vines' service in
the fourth game to draw even, he was
in virtually complete command
Yet as the final, conclusive test of
Budge's ranking among the game's
all-time greats, the match left a good
deal to the customers' imagination.
Vines was as erratic as only he can
be and, while his famous forehand
occasionaly earned him handsome
placements, he had great difficulty
handling Budge's service and piled up
a mountainous heap of errors with
returns that went into the net or be-
yond the side.lines and base-lines.
New Fraternity House
Tau Kappa Epsilon, which had no
chapter house this semester, an-
nounced over vacation that it was
purchasing the C. Stowe Neal home
at 707 Lincoln. Members will move in
the second semester.

Regents Grant
Six Contracts
'For Building
Men's Dormitory Contract
Goes To Detroit Firm
For Bid Of_$977,400
$700 In Donations
Received By Board
The University's $6,000,000 build-
ing program took a long stride for-
ward over vacation when the Board
of Regents let contracts totalling
$1,350,000 for six projects,
Largest of the awards was for con-
struction of the Michigan Union men's
dormitory, which will house 840 stu.
dents. The J. A. Utley Co. of. Detroit
was awarded the job with a bid of
A number of othe contracts were
let including one for $155,134 to the
R. L. Spitzley Co. of Detroit for
mechanical work on the dormitory.
At the same meeting, the Regents
accepted a gift of $1,000 from the
estate of Eugene S. Clarkson, local
attorney and an alumnus. Clarkson,
who died last September, designated
that the money be used for a student
loan fund in honor of his son, Eugene
S. Clarkson, and his mother, Mary
Stoup Clarkson.
Other donations totalling $3,700
were received. Mrs. Francis C. Mc-
Math of Detroit gave $1,500 toward
the Lake Angelus astronomical sup-
port fund. The McGregor Fund of
Detroit donated $300 for the same
To establish the Elsie Hadley White
memorial student loan fund, the
Michigan Alumnae Association of
Washington gave $500. The money
will be made available to junior,
senior and graduate women, prefer-
ably residents of Washington.
As the first quarterly installment
toward the Masonic research fund in
dementia praecox, the National Com-
mittee for Mental Hygiene gave $400.
A radio was received from students
of the Internatial Center to be used
at the center.
11,000 New York
Taximen On Strike
NEW YORK, Jan. 3-(1P)-Hurtling
brickbats caused the first damage re-
ported to police tonight in a general
strike of 11,000 taxicab drivers called
this afternoon by the Transport
,Workers Union (CIO).
Fearing a recurrence of the violence
Sthat marked a 1934 cab strike, police
Swere placed on an emergency basis
shortly after the strike call was issued
by Warren G. Horie, TWU organizer.
A Queens police station reported
four or five men in a passing sedan
had stoned a cab of a truck company.
Scattered reports told of cruising
parties warning drivers at taxi stands
to park their cabs "or you'll be sorry."
For the first time since the demon-
strations attending the Sacco-Van-
zetti executions in Massachusetts in
1927, a police emergency duty order
5 was issued by Commissioner Lewis J.
Valentine "to prevent disorder and
suppress all crimes against persons
and property."

Two Michigan
Spain Recruits
To Talk Friday
Member Of Parliament,
Foreign Correspondent
Also To Speak To Group
Cummins, Service ,
Are Just Returned
A newly-elected member of the
British Parliament, a former corres-
pondent of the Chicago Tribune in
Spain and two Michigan students,
who have just returned from 15
months of active service in the Inter-
national Brigade in Spain, will dis-
cuss "Spain: 1939" at a meeting at 4
p.m. Friday in the Union Ballroom,
it was announced late yesterday.
The speakers are: Dr. Edith Sum-
merskill,, Laborite, who was elected'
to the House of Commons from the
traditionally Tory West Fulham dis-
trict last summer; Jay Allen, who was
forced to leave Rebel Spain after re--
porting the slaughter of thousands of
non-combatants in the bull-ring at
Badajoz; and Robert Cummins, '37,'
and Elman Service, '39, who left for'
Spain in June, 1937 and returned to
Ann Arbor during Christmas vaca-
Cummins, who was an associate
editor of the Daily in his senior year
and a member of Phi Eta Sigma,
freshman honorary scholastic society,
was a military runner with the Abra-
ham Lincoln Battalion of the Inter-
national Brigade. He saw action at
Belchite, Jarama, Teruel, Aragon and.
Fuentes de Ebro in some of the stiff-
est campaigns of the war.
Service, who had just fini.'hed his
sophomore year when he left for
Spain, drove a supply truck for several
months, then an ambulance until
July, 1938, when he left the ambuo
lance service and joined the infantry
for the fighting on the Ebro River
front. In the retreat before the Rebel
offensive that reached the sea, Ser-
vice lost his ambulance and, finding
himself behind the fascist lines,
walked along for several hours with a
column of Franco's men before es-
The meeting is being sponsored by
a numbere of organizations including
the American Student Union, the
Committee for Medical Aid to Spain
and the American League for Peace
and Democracy.
Campus To .Choose
Ice Carnival Queen

Student Exodus
Fails To Slack
Local Activties
Fire, Equestrian Run-away'
Keep Citizens Busy
During Vacation.

Maxie Fropzap, whose Ann Arbor
blood is tarnished only by a great
uncle who voted Democratic, yester-
day proved to a guy named Elmer
that a number of things took place
locally over vacation.
Oscar, a cynic since he took English
[ at an early age, had remarked that
they rolled up Ann Arbor sidewalks
when the students blew town. Hurt to
the quick, Maxie listed the following
incidents which occupied the local
citizenry from Dec..17, 1938 to Jan.
2, 1939, inclusive.
Dec. 16: 11,000 students left for
home via train, bus, auto and thumb.
Six students did not leave, being in-
carcerated in the local bastille be-
cause they playfully lifted a red
light from some construction work
the evening previous. Dr. Randolph
Adams of the Clements Library was
appointed to the executive committee
of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library
of American History. He left immedi-
ately for Washington, having been
invited to have some coffee and
cakes with the President.
Dec. 17: Robert V. Rosa kept local
newspapermen busy when he won a
Rhodes scholarship. Ann Arbor en-
tered a candidate in the "Meanest
Burglar" contest when someone broke
into Mack and Perry schools and stole
the children's savings, amounting
to 37 odd dollars. Maxie Fropzap
crept out from under the table to
smile broadly when Sheriff Jake
Andres announced "no curfew for
New Year's Eve." A $20,000 fire at the
Fleming -Manufacturing Plant, 1250
N. Maine, was viewed with alarms.
4,000 persons sang at a Community
Sing in Hill Auditorium.
Dec. 20: The Town and Gown Club
of another day held a reunion with
such celebrities as Dean Joseph Burs-
(Continued on Page 2)
Mildred Walker
Pubhshes Novel
Her Third Book Selected
By Literary Guild
With two successful novels already
to her credit, Mildred' Walker, '33,
former major Hopwood award win-
ner, has just had a third published
which bids fair to enter the best-
seller list for 1939.
"Dr. Norton's Wife," published by
Harcourt-Brace and Co., has been
selected by the Literary Guild for its
December list, and has received fa-
vorable reviews in the New York
Times Book Supplement, the Herald-
Tribune Book Supplement, the Sat-
urday Review of Literature and else-
The story concerns a science-lov-
ing young instructor in the medical
school of a mid-western university
his wife, stricken with an incurable
malady, and her younger sister. Ma-
bel S. Ulrich i the Saturday Review
of Literature for Dec. 31, wrote o
the novel:
"Mrs. Walker has chosen a subjec
seldom met in fiction and one tha
must have demanded considerable
courage. She has handled it with
rare skill and has produced a clear
cut sensitive novel far above th
common run."
Williams Wins
Franklin Medal
Astronomy Award Give
For Mirror Finish
Development of a process for coat
ing astronomical mirrors which wi
increase their general efficiency b

50 per cent has won Dr. Robley C
Williams of the astronomy depart
ment and Dr.. John Strong of th
California Institute of Technolog
the Franklin Institute medal, it we
announced yesterday. '
The medal is one of the highes
- honors in astronomy. The dual pr(
e sentation, which will take place Ma
d17 in Philadelphia, was made becaus
d the two astronomers, working sepal
d ately, hit upon the same process.
The new development, which hi
been in practical use for some tim

1939 Budget
For University
Is Cut $46,000
$4,487,056 New Figure;-
Michigan State Allotment
Is Reduced By $50,000
Salary Reductions
In one of his last official acts, Gov.
Frank Murphy approved, Dec. 30, a'
1938-39 University budget of $4,487,-
056. The new appropriation is $46,000
lower than that of last year.
At the same time, Governor Murphy
cut $50,000 from the previous Michi-
gan State College budget.
President Ruthven declined to com-
ment on how the decreased income
might affect operating policies here.
Cut 'Under Discussion
The cut had been under discussion
for some time. Budget Director Har-
old D. Smith recently recommended
slashes $90,000 greater than those
finally approved for the two institu-
tion's, declaring Civil Service had so
increased state expenses as to make
economy imperative.
Pointing out that the decision
would be entirely his own, Governor
Murphy held up his signature for
several days before giving approval
to the less drastically reduced figures.
Month-To-Month Basis
The University and MSC have been
operating with month to month allo-
1ations sufficient to keep them going
during the past school months. A
similar policy has been followed with
other agencies whose funds were in
When notified of the new appro-
priation, John H. Hannah, secretary
of Michigan State, said the college
would manage to "get by" without
cutting faculty saaies.,Previously
it had been feared that such cuts
might be necessary.Since the Michi-
gan appropriation was cut less, it
was believed that there would not be
faculty or staff salary reductions here
President Ruthven will present the
new budget to the Board of Regents
for its approval.
Bertrand Russell
To Speak Here
Will Defend Agnosticism
In Feb. 18 Lecture
Lord Bertrand Russell, renowned
writer and philosopher, will deliver
the first of a series of three lectures
1on' "The Existence and Nature of
God" Saturday, Feb. 18, in the Gradu-
ate School auditorium, under the
auspices of the Student Meligious
f Lord Russell, who is at present
lecturing at the University of Chicago,
t has written numerous books in the
t fields of mathematics, science, phil-
e osophy and social problems. As a re-
suit of four lecture tours in this coun-
- try, he has established a reputation
e as a brilliant speaker. In his speech
he will defend the agnostic position.

The Right Reverend Monseignor
Fulton J. Sheen, professor of philoso-
phy at Catholic University, is to be
the second speaker in the series on
Feb. 24. He will uphold the position
of the Catholic church in presenting
the view of orthodox Christianity.
Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr, a liberal
Protestant preacher noted for his
progressive views on politics, will de-
liver the concluding lecture on March
- 3. He is a member of the' faculty of
l Union Theological Seminary.
:- Mar Jane Clark
y Dies On Dec. 27
Mary Jane Clark, instruptor in
s harp in the School of Music, died
Y Dec. 27 of heart attack at her home
se in Detroit. She was 26 years old.
r- The daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Franklyn R. Clark, Miss Clark was
as born in Detroit Oct. 30, 1913. She
e, graduated from Highland Park High
' qAnl ad i handP arJ.unio'r


A campus-wide election of a beauty
queen to represent the 1939 Uiivers-
ity Ice Carnival in its second renewal
Friday, Jan. 13, will begin Thursday,
it was announced yesterday by "The
Sinister Six," sponsors of the affair.
Ballots for the election will be dis-
tributed with tickets for the Carnival,
it was announced. The sale of tickets
will also begin Thursday and will be
sold at the Union and League desks
and by salesmen on the campus.
The Carnival will feature a num-
ber of varied entertainments, includ-
ing a figure skating exhibition by
40 picked members of the Olympic
Skating Club of Detroit

1938 Was A Big Year At Michigan
W~ith Riot, Rackets A nd Grid Return

There really should be an editor's
note introducing this, making ap-
propriate apologies and noting the
fact that this is the 70th in a series
of annual newssummaries, the next
installment due on Jan. 4, 1940. With
newspapers from World's Fair to
World's Fair cluttered up with the
"Biggest This" and the "Most Im-
portant That" of 1938 and with the
sport page cliches getting an extra
workout hashing over the year's acti-
vities, the more cynical of you may
call this trite. (But not Grandma
nor Ferdinand).
So, back to 1938 for a while to
catch a few of the highlights in the
Michigan year.
Taxicab-men were rudely jolted
from their summer slumbers by the
influx of 1900 eager freshmen on
Sept. 19. For the first time in the
history of orientation, upperclass ad-
visers were in charge of the new
students. A few days later came reg-
istration for upperclassmen with the
annual predictions for a record en-
rollment. Kappa Nu won the frater-

Publications. $450,000 was granted
by the WPA for a women's dormi-
tory. Engineers initiated a move to
abolish class offices.
The Michigan State pep rally and
the ensuing riot chased the Munich
mess out of the headlines. The police


estry School observed the 35th anni-
versary of its founding. Latest frater-
nity returns reported "business"
The Wolverines opened the Big
Ten season with a 45-7 victory over
sadly outplayed and outmanned but
gallant Chicago. Lloyd Douglas ad-
dressed the Kiwanis convention. The
Graduate School held their first an-
nual Open House. Congress, inde-
pendent men's organization, elected
10 zone presidents. Record crowd of
3,500 saw football team off to battle
with Minnesota. Board of Regents
accepted PWA grant to build new
Health Service.
It was rumored that Minnesota
would confirm an honorary degree
on Dame Fortune as Gophers eked
out one-point win over the Wolver-
ines, 7-6. 5,500 jammed Hill Audi-
torium for Varsity Night to help the
band go to Yale. "Have you had
your daily dope?" was "fastie" used
by campus comics. Sixteen student
Senators were elected by the campus
The band and football team re-

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