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January 04, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-01-04

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The Weather
Generally fair today and to-
morrow; colder today; iting
temperature tomorrow.

, C, 4 r

Sir ian


Pull Out
Your Own Brick..
Here We Go Into 1938



Butler Defeats
Quintet 38-35
For Varsity's
Initial Setback
Bulldogs Foil Michigan's
Defense By Sinking 12
Long Shots In Hoop
Townsend Stopped
As Fishman Stars
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Jan. 3.-
(Special to The Michigan Daily)-
With 9,500 Hoosiers back at Jake
Townsend's old stamping grounds,
Butler Field House, to see Michigan's
modernistic pivot man again, Butler's
bulldogs stole the show as they poured
in 12 long shots to down the Varsity
38 to 35 tonight.
It was the Wolverines first defeat
in seven starts.
With Michigan's defense making
any under-the-basket breaks impos-
sible, Butler resorted to long shots
and couldn't miss the hoop. Little
Jerry Steiner and a surprising substi-
tute Willie Fawcett, dropped in 10
field goals between them and ball-
hawked the rest of the time.
Fishiman Stars
Meanwhile Herm Fishman was peg-
ging them in with one hand as the
entire Butler defense mobbed the
home-coming Townsend whose circus
passes were smothered. It was an
old story to the crowd, however, which
had seen Fawcett do the same thing
against Big Jake in the state high
school tourney in the same field house
in 1934.
Michigan was definitely cool while
the concensus of opinion " was that
Butler was way over its head. The
front line was not hitting and only
Fishmnan c~tld find the range from
the field. But it must also be men-
tioned that the Bulldog defense had
the Varsity shooting many of its shots
off balance.
Jake Feeds Ball
The game opened with Jake feeding]
the 'ball to Ed "Thomas as -usual"
and then hooking one for himself. But
then Perry put one pver Townsend's
head and the score evened itself out
with Michigan pulling ahead 15 to 9
with a minute and a half to go in
the first half. 'Then Tony Hinkle's
boys warmed up and dropped in three
longs to go ahead at half time 16to
The Varsity looked like it had just
been kidding as the second period
opened and worked another six point
breach but Steiner and Fawcett got
hot again and put the Bulldogs ahead.
The long shots and the new jump
elimination kept Michigan from
catching up. If they had scored in
the last two minutes the new rules
would have given the ball to Butler.
(Box Score On Page 2)

Two New Regents Are To Attend
First Meeting Of Board For 1938,

Court Backs

Phi Kappa Phil

Shields, Lynch To Replace'
Smith And Murfin; Both
Are Michigan Graduates
When the Board of Regents holds
its first meeting of the year Friday,
two new members, the Hon. Edmund
C. Shields, of Lansing, and the Hon.
John D. Lynch, of Detroit, will sit
with the grouphthat directs the Uni-
They succeed the Hon. Dr. Richard
R. Smith of Grand Rapids and the


Board of Regents from 1933 until
1936, fulfilling the unexpired term of
Dr. Lucius L. Hubbard who resigned.!
A member of the National Demo-
cratic CommitteeMr. Shields is con-
nected with the law firm of Shields,
Silsbee, Ballard and Jennings, and is
a member of the State Board of Bar
He is a director of the Motor Wheel
Corp., the Brick and Supplies Corp.,
the Grand Trunk Western Railroad
and the Riker Lumber Co.
Mr. Lynch is a Detroit lawyer of the
firm, Lynch and Hinks. He has been
prominent in legal work throughout
the country and never has held public
office before.
Mr. Murfin, retiring after 19 years
of service on the Board of Regents,
was graduated from the University's
literary college in 1895 and the Law,
School in 1896. He was a member of
the Michigan Senate from 1901 until
1903, and served as a judge of the
Circuit Court from 1908 until 1912.
Dr. Smith, who has served on the
Board since 1931, was graduated from
the medical school in 1892. He was
one of the founders of the American
College of Surgeons, and is the au-
thor of many articles on gynecology
and surgery.
TwO Are Urged
To Get Medical
Aid For Rabies


Government AnnouncesBid
Power Plan'To 49 Seniors
Southern Private Power Initiation Ceremony To Be
Challenge Proves Test Held At Banquet Jan. 21
To Financing Project In Michigan League
Rail Case Returned Faculty Initiates
To Lower Tribunal T oe Named Later
WASHINGTON, Jan. 3.-(P)-The Announcement that 49 senior stu-
Supreme Court threw out the chal- dents have been elected to member-
lenges of two private power com- ship in Phi Kappa Phi, national
panies to Federal financing of public honorary society, was made yester-
power projects today in a decision day by Prof. R. S. Swinton, of the
which Secretary Harold Ickes said Engineering Mechanics department,
would affect $146,917,808 of proposed si ecretary.
construction. The elections were made in recog-
nition of excellence in scholarship,
Unanimously, the Court ruled that participation in campus activities and
the Alabama and Duke Power Coin- srie oteUiestPo sr
panies had no legal right to contest servicesto the University, Professor
the validity of PWA loans and grants mwiyo said. The initiation cere-
to local governments in Alabama and mony will take place at a banquet to
South Carolina for the constructisn PhivKap 2a tsthe Lyu-.
ofPhi Kappa Phi is the only na-

Roosevelt Asks Aid
In Effort To Cleanse




Mad Dog
Only 7

Bites 9 Persons
Vacation Here;
Get Treatment

IHIon. Jaes 0. Murfin of Detroit, and
were elected for a seven year term
last April.
Both men are graduates of the Law
School of the University, Mr. Lynch
receiving his degree in 1912, and Mr.
Shields in 1896.
Mr. Shields formerly served on the
Chinese Report
Japs Expelled
In Hanrchow
Nippons Deny Disastrous
Defeat By Flying Troops
Of Famous Commander

University health authorities yes-
terday urged two persons, one of
whom is believed to be a student, who
were reported to have been bitten by
a mad dog Dec. 18, at the beginning
of Christmas Vacation, to submit im-
mediately to the Pasteur anti-rabies
treatment or possibly suffer death as
a consequence.
Seven other people, whom the dog
also attacked, have already reported
for the treatment.
One of the unidentified victims is
a youth, who was bitten in the Union
and the other is a Negro girl, 16 or
17 years old, who was attacked by
the dog later the same day in front
of the University Museums Building.
Dr. John A. Wessinger, city health
officer, said yesterday that the safe
limit for beginning Pasteur treat-
ment is 15 days, although a bite on
the leg. or foot can usually be cured
if treatments are begun within a
few weeks.
The seven other persons who were
reported to have been bitten by the
dog are MisshMargaret Steere, an as-
sistant in the geology department;
John Rane, Jr., '40E., Whitmore Lake;
Walter Coe, a University janitor; Mrs.
Charles G. Dobrovolny, a dispensing
assistant in the zoology department;1
and R. Stuart Crossman, '39E, of

The Justices held the companies'
had suffered no invasion of legal or
equitable right as the result of the
Government's activity concerning'
these projects.
Secretary Ickes, the Public Works
Administrator, said the decision'
would affect immediately 61 public
power projects in 23 states, involving
a total construction cost of $146,917,-
In three other actions affecting
utilities, the Court:
1. Reversed by a 6 to 2 vote, a Cal-
ifornia District Court decree enjoin-
ing a rate-making order of the State
Raihoad Commission. The Tribunal
sent the case back to the power court
to determine whether the rates were
confiscatory. In this case the Gov-
ernment had asked the Justices to
reverse previous decisions and held
that utilities should be valued for
rate-making purposes on the basis
of "prudent investment," without
consideration of reproduction costs.
2. Returned to the Southern In-,
diana Federal District Court for fur-
ther consideration a case involving
Indianapolis water rates fixed by the
State Public Service .Commission.
Justice Black dissented.
3. Agreed to pass upon a challenge
to the constitutionality of the Public
Utility Holding Company Act of
Sen. George Norris (Ind.-Neb.),
veteran advocate of public power,
viewed the Alabama and Duke Power
Company cases as a "go ahead signal"
for further public power develop-
Wendell L. Willkie, president of
Commonwealth and Southern Cor-
poration, commented that the ruling
was "extremelyunfortunate from the
viewpoint of the utilities, but the
Supreme Court has spoken and it has
the last word."
He said no utility could compete
successfully against a plant "built in
whole or in part with free gifts from
the Federal Government and upon
which the municipality does not have
to make any return."

tional honorary society whose mem-
bership is selected from all of the
various schools and colleges.
Those elected from the College of
Literature, Science and Arts are:
John Phelps, James Byron Ashley,
Clifford Eugene Grossman, Donald
Curtis Nay, Jr., Frederick Randall
Jones, Gardner Patterson, Barbara
Jean Sherburne, Kalman Small,
Charles S. Lurie, John Harold Pick-
ering, William John DeLancey.
Betty Jean Gatward, Elinor Bale,
Harry Louis Schniderman Horace
Chaitin, Elliott Bryce Alpern, Janet
Derby Allington, Marjorie Evelyn
Curdy, Sidney James Goffard, Bar-
bara Hoult Bradfield.
Ernest Frederick Lang, Arthur
James Rapport, William Albert
Centner, James Duncan Ritchie,
Grace Olive Snyder, George Stern
Quick, Mary Helen Bowman and
Marjorie Louise Bolger.
From the College of Engineering
were elected Donnan E. Basler, Jack
F. Cline, Clifton M. Elliott, Frederick
W. Smith, Herbert C. Towle, Alfred
C. Erickson, Robert L. Frank, Marvin
George Harrison and James H.
Alice Burton Potter, George Mich-
aelVirga and William Kaufman were
selected from the Medical School.
Joseph Edward Marceau was the
only dental student honored.
Others elected were Walter Hahn,
Marion Cranmore and Ruth V. Carr,
School of Education; Janet McLoud,
School of Music; Ralph Earl Rapson,
College of Architecture; and Marvin
D. Hoover and Robert Mitchell,
School of Forestry and Conservation.
Announcement of the faculty mem-
bers to be initiated will be made later,
Professor Swinton said.
Phi Eta Sigma Takes
Ten New Members
Ten new members were initiated
into Phi Eta Sigma, freshman honor-
ary society, at the annual banquet
held Wednesday, Dec. 15, in Room 319
of the Michigan Union, Donald Diem,
'40E, president announced yesterday.
The members accepted to mem-
bership are Wilbur Davidson, John1
Farren, Jr., Henry Davidson, Robert
Herman, Jr., Leonard Miller, How-
ard Parker, Wesley Powers, Robert
Smith, William Wallace and John
1 Question,
Was Eventful
tion. The "spirit of 7 t' 6" was heard
on camupus as the Wolverines downed
Illinois for second win of season. And
so came November.y
Nov. 2 found Ted Shawn and his
dancers opening the Oratorical Asso-
ciation program. President Roosevelt
appointed Prof. I. L. Sharfman of the
economics department to, the rail
board. Gov. Murphy addressed the
Press Club at the Union. Open House
was held at the Union. Independent
Men held their first smoker. Michigan
downed Chicago for the third Big Ten
win. The Cleveland Symphony played
in a Choral Union concert. The Ath-
letic Board investigated subsidization
Dick Jurgens band played for the
Engineers Ball on Nov. 12. Petitions
started for an extended Thanksgiv-
ing vacation. Spanish Week drive got
under way. Penn fell fourth victim
to conquering Wolverines on a mud-
covered field. Tulane admitted a bid
for n . irhian f re.hmans tar. On

Ford Requests
Labor Decision
DETROIT, Jan. 3.-P)-The Ford
Motor Co. asked the National Labor
Relations Board today to vacate its
recent decision that the company vio-
lated the Wagner Labor Relations Act
and the board announced it would
defer court action against the com-
pany while considering the petition
for a new hearing.
The 14-page petition, filed with the
labor board in Washington, said the
company had been "denied a fair
hearing both within the meaning of
the statute and in violation of the
fifth amendment to the Constitution
of the United States."
It said evidence would be offered at
a re-hearing to disprove the anti-
union activities charged to the com-
pany in the decision, or justify them
in the light of the "history of the
The Labor Board gave no indication
as to when it would act upon the
petition. Should the re-hearing be
denied, the board's next move would
be to apply to the United States Cir-
cuit Court pf Appeals for an enforce-
ment order.
The Ford petition charges the
Labor Board with "failure to take
into account" the "epidemic" of sit-
down strikes in Michigan last year in
which "industrial plants were seized
by force . . . their production sus-
pended. . . men wishing to work were
forcibly restrained from doing so and
even forcibly restrained from leaving
the seized plants."
Egyptian House
Def ies Farouk
In Wild Session
Votes Lack Of Confidence
In Monarch's Premier;
Police Clear Chamber
CAIRO, Jan. 3.-(AP)-The chamber
of deputies tonight defied Egypt's boy
king and in a riotous session voted a
lack of confidence in the government
he chose to succeed the ousted na-
tionalist premier Mustapha Nahas
The rebellious deputies cried down
Drahmed Maher, president of the
chamber, when he attempted to read
a message from King Farouk sus-
pending parliament for one month.
Behind barred doors they voted
against the government 180 to 17
while Maher shouted the session was
At the same time the Senate quiet-
ly voted its lack of confidence in the
new government of Premier Mohamed
Mahmoud, 83 to 4.
After the vote the deputies trooped
out of the parliament buildings
through hundreds of foot and mount-
ed police to the nearby club of the
nationalist Wafdist political party.
There Nahas called for the Mah-
moud government to resign and de-
clared the King had failed in his
attempt to suspend parliament. The
suspension was to have cleared the
way for new elections by which the
King hoped to overthrow the Waf-
dist parliamentary majority.
Many of the deputies were armed

with heavy sticks. The stormy ses-
sion went on in darkness under Vice-
President Abdel Hadi.
Maher stood by his side vainly
shouting the session was outlawed.
The quarrel between Egypt's 18-
year-old King and Nahas developed
early last fall when Farouk attempted
to increase his influence in the gov-
ernment and demanded the blue-
shirted Wafdist Youth Organizattion
be disbanded.
Kaltenborn Postpones
Lecture Second Time
A second postponement of the lec-
ture of H. V. Kaltenborn, news com-


New Congress,
Appealed To
To Crush Bad

In Drive

Tense World Noted;
Deficit Is Probable
WASHINGTON, Jan. 3.-(P)-Pres-
ident Roosevelt asked the newly con-
vened Congress today for legislation
to end "harmful" business practices,
and appealed to business itself to
help in the stamping out.
In a personally delivered message
broadcast to almost the entire world
he promised business that if it would
cooperate with government in this
way, it could count upon government
to cooperate with it "in every way."
After the recent, vehement attacks
upon some sections of the business
community by high Administration
advisors, the President's address was
generally regarded in Congress as un-
expectedly conciliatory.
Deficit Remains
Otherwise, today's message:
Noted a troubled and tense world
situation which he said made it.
necessary that the nation be "ade-
quately strong in self-defense."
Reported that the budget which
would be submitted this week for
the next fiscal year would not show
a balance between income and out-
go but would reveal "a further de-
crease in the deficit."
Called for wage and hour legisla-
tion as "a problem which is definitely
before this Congress for action."
Expressed the hope that conference
committees working out a crop con-
trol bill would confine the cost to
what is now being paid for that pur-
pose-$500,000,000 annually.
And, proferred advice on the writ-
ing of a tax bill: No decrease in the
total revenues to be collected, a
watchfulness against opportunities
for tax evasion, and a "change" in
provisions which have been "proven
to workd a definite hardship."
But, in view of the suspense that
has been created by the speeches of
Robert H. Jackson, the Assistant At-
torney General, and Secretary Harold
Ickes, accusing big business of going
"on strike" against the government
in an effort to free itself of all re-
strictions, Mr. Roosevelt's words on
this phase had been eagerly awaited.
He said:
"The objective of increasing the
purchasing power of the farming
third, the industrial third and.the
service third of our population pre-
supposes the cooperation of what
we call capital and labor.
Minority Is Responsible
"Capital is essential; reasonable
earnings on capital are essential; but
misuse of the powers of capital or
selfish suspension of the employment
of capital (his nearest approach to
Jackson's and Ickes' charge of a
strike) must be ended or the cap-
italistic system will destroy itself
through its own abuses."
He said the majority of business-
men and bankers "intend to be good
citizens," that the practices of which
he spoke were confined to a minority.
"But unfortunately for the coun-
try," he said, "when attention is
called to, or attack is made on spe-
cific misuses of capital, there has
been a deliberate purpose on the part
of the condemned minority to dis-
tort the criticism into an attack on
all capital. This is wilful deception,
but it does not long deceive.
"If attention is called to, or attack
made on, certain wrongful business
practices, there are those who are
eager to call it "an attack on all bus-
iness." That, too, is willful deception
that will not long deceive.
On World Affairs
President Roosevelt told Congress
that autocratic governments were to
blame mainly for existing threats to
"stable civilization," and that it had
become the responsibility of peace-
loving nations to be strong.
In what seemed to his hearers to

be a reference to the Japanese bomb-
ing of the American gunboat Panay,
he reported the United States "has
been kept at peace despite provoca-
tions which in other days, because of
their seriousness, could well have en-
gendered war."
Uncertainty that other nations
would observe the letter and spirit
of treaties made it imnpratiu thea


tudent Senate SHANGHAI, Jan. 4.-(Tuesday)-
(P)-Chinese military authorities re-
ported today flying columns under
Group To Meet Gen. Chang Fah-Kwei, famed "Iron-
sides"' commander,had driven the

The dog, a small black and white
rat terrier, died Dec. ,0 following its PROF. ALLEN TO TALK
capture the day before by Charles G. Shirley W. Allen, professor of for-
Dobrovolny, zoology teaching fellow. estry, will speak on the subject "What
mpco am at thPT~nvacivs Pas- Michigan Gat Out of Forestry Deva- I

Testses mrmadnchoewthheay sy
Japanese from Hangchow with heavys. teur Institute disclosed it was mad, station," at 3 p.m. today over station
Committee Plans Election losses. Dr. Herbert W. Emerson, University WJR. This is another in the For-
To Be Held Next Term Japanese insisted their occupation pathologist and director of the Pas- estry and Land Utilization Series of
of Hangchow was complete and un- teur Institute, reported. Proarams.
The Administrative Committee of Other Chinese reports said the Ja-
the StudenttModel Senate will hold panese occupation of the area from h t 1938 H as In Store Is .
its first meeting at 4 p.m. tomorrow Shanghai westward to Nanking wasW h tI (,V1iteLageoornzetswkofarrmcmpt.
in the League to organize its work of far fr~m complete.
arranging for an election of theI Isolated, but in some cases large
Senate early next semester. The bodies of Chinese were said to beBShow l193 7
committee, appointed yesterday by l causing the Japanese ceaseless
Martin B. Dworkis, '40, chairman of trouble in maintaining occupied po- 4 -
the executive committee, will also sitions as well as communications.
study the problem Qf securing finan- By MORTON L. LINDER riot. Then came homecoming and
cial support for the Senate from stu- fom the north and sout te pic With New Year's bells and whistles the Minnesota nightmare. Fraternity
dents and organizations. ustill echoing and re-echoing in most and sorority pledging fell off from
Ann Vicary, '40, vice-president off Suchow, in northern Kiangsu of our ears, and with many of us just the 1936 figure. Student rooming con-
the sophomore class, is chairman of Province, one of the most important now emerging from a deep festival ditions were found faulty. Class games
the Administrative Committee; Clar- railroad junctions in China, fog, thoughts naturally turn toward were resumed. President Ruthven
ence Kresin, '38, president of the One army swept south through rich the infant 1938. However, though the
Student Religious Association, is Shantung Province while the other, latest victim of Father Time's eon- s e on
vice-chairman. I 50 miles north from Nanking, was enduring scythe, notably 1937, has
Other members are Helen Jesper- battling a Chinese army at Kashan. been laid to rest, "many memoriesa
son, '38, president of Assembly; Tom Reports from the battle area 300 linger on."
Downs, '39, of the Rochdale Student miles northwest of Shanghai indicat- I With September and the falling:
Cooperative; Doris Daitz, '33, of the ed four American missionaries were leaves, came thoughts of school. Sept.
Girls Cooperative House, and Saul in danger of being trapped at Suchow. 21 found a record enrollment of 2,000
R. Kleiman, '39. To the east of the southward ad- freshmen eagerly awaiting the open
vancing Japanese units, bombing ing of the gates." Two days later
planes raided the Tsingtao Peninsula. upperclass registration began, and re-
Alaba Dem rats Pingtu, 50 miles northwest of Tsing sultant figures showed an all-time
AiDm eniocratsAabm'hienomnt
tao. was bombed. Nine missionaries high in enrollment.
NoSe tor of the Southern Baptist Church are The Japs were pounding at Shang-
ominate Senatorin Pingtu. hai, and Justice Black was answering
The Chinese airforce, presumably his accusers as Michigan made ready'
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Jan. 3.-()- using recently delivered Soviet planes, for the game with Michigan State.
Democratic voters of Alabama will began an aerial counteroffensive The night of Oct. 2 saw the pre-game
nominate a United States Senator to- Sunday with an attack on Japanese- theatre riot. Came Oct. 3 and the
morrow after a campaign in which captured Nanking, once China's fighting Wolverines were downed 19
tha WaX'o. andH uirsB ill was one ', ,avifal to 14. A check by the Daily showed ,:

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