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January 18, 1939 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-01-18

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+nw and wider. 1
VOL. XLIX. No. 83 __A________Y____

Arms For

Speech Post
Will Be Filled
By Densmore
Davis Is Named Assistant
Literary College Dean
By Board Of Regents
Densmnore Awarded
Full Professorship

Passamaquoddy And Ship Canal
May Receive New Appropriations

Prof. Gail E. Densmore has been
appointed chairman of the speech3
department in place of Prof. Henry
,A. Sanders, who reaches the official7
retirement age of 70 at the end of this
semester, the executive committee of
the Board of Regents announced yes-
At the same time it was revealedi
that Prof. Charles M. Davis of thef
geography department has been ap-
pointed assistant to the dean of the
literary college. He replaces Miss
Horatia J. Corbin, who resigned re-I
cently because of ill health and the
fact that she desired to pursue stu-c
dies in the field of library science.
Davis To Handle Transfers
At the same time that he was
named chairman, Professor Dens-
more was promoted from an associate
to a full professorship.
In his hew position, Professor Da-
vis will have charge of admissio of
students with advanced standing to
the literary college. He will give up
his present duties as an academic ad-_
Previously the executive chairman
of the literary college had authorized
appointment of a faculty committee
of five members which is expected to
restate the procedure to be followed
/in 'the admission of students on ad-
vanced standing and to which stu-
dents seeking advanced standing may
have the right' to petition Professor
Davis will serve as chairman of this
To hange Department Name
When Professor Densmore assumes
his duties as chairman of the speech ,
department the official title will be
changed' from "Department of
Speech and General Linguistics" to
"Department of Speech."
Changes in the scope of the de-
partment's work have been agreed
upon, it was announced.
Professor Dentmore graduated from
the University in 1922, winning his
A.M. here in 1924. A member of
the faculty since 1922, he has been
executive secretary of the National
Association of Teachers of Speech!
since 1922. He is also business man-
ager of the "Quarterly Journal of
Speech," "Speech Monographs" and,
the "National Directory of Teachers
of Speech." For some years he hass
directed the Michigan High School
Debating Association.1
Talks On Press,
To Be Offered
Noted Journalists To Give
Eight Lectures Here
A series of lectures by outstanding
newspapermen from Michigan and
Canada on practical and professional'
problems in newspaper work will be
presented during the second senester,
it was learned yesterday.
The lectures, sponsored by thef
journalism department, will begin
Feb. 15. According to Prof John L.
Brumm, chairman of the department,1
they will enable students to meet and]
consult men active in the journalism1
A tentative list of speakers and
topics includes: Lee A. White, "Pro-
fessional Determination for Journal-
ism"; Ray Baker, "Specialized Re-
porting"; Stuart Perry, "The News-
paper and the Courts"; Arthur W.
Stace, "Pictures and the Public
Press"; "The Newspaper and Public
Opinion"; Miss Helen Bower, "Wom-
en in Journalism"; W. Webb McCall,
"The Business Side of the Weekly
Press"; Louis A. Weill, "The News-
paper and Advertising"; Schuyler
Marshall, "The Future of the Weekly 7
Press"; Ellison Young, "The Cana-
dian and the British Press"; Ben
East, "Outdoor Pages"; and Philip
Adler, "Foreign News."'

Fitzgerald To Speak
At Conference Here
Cov. Frank Fitzgerald will be the~
chief speaker at the 1939 Highway
Conference which will' be held from
Feb. 15 to 17 in Ann Arbor, it was

President Demands Funds
For Project After Long
Lapse In Construction
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17- P)- An-
other row over spending appeared in
prospect tonight after President
Roosevelt asked Congress to revive
the Florida Ship Canal and the Tidal
Power Development at Passamaquod-
dy Bay, Me., two New Deal projects
which have been comatose because of
the legislators' refusal to provide
Mr. Roosevelt made his request
in letters to Chairman Mansfield
(Dem-Tex) of the House Rivers and
Harbors Committee and Chairman
Bailey (Dem-NC) of the Senate Com-
merce Committee.
He urged the $200,000,000 canal on
the basis of "commercial and military
needs." For Passamaquoddy, estimat-
ed to cost $37,000,000, he proposed an
appropriation for continued tests and
a small experimental plant.
Both undertakings were discon-
tinued three years ago. They had been'
started with presidential allocations
of relief money.
This word from the Wlite House,
sought for months by friends of the
hotly disputed projects, was followed
by indications of another clash on
Capitol Hill. Senator Vandenberg
(Rep-Mich) said the request was
"final proof" that the President has
"joined the bootstrap lifters who be-
lieve in spending themselves out of
Senator Bailey wrote to the Presi-
dent suggesting that both questions
be referred again to the War Depart-
ment for investigation and report.
He recalled that the ship canal
UAW FactionalA
Showdown .set
For March 20
Homer Martin Will Seek
Re-election At -Special
Convention In Cleveland
DETROIT, Jan. 17.-(/P) -The
long-awaited showdown in the CIO
United Automobile Workers ' fac-
tional warfare was set tonight for
March 20.
Executive board members of the
UAW called a special convention to
convene in Cleveland at 10 a.m. on
that date to elect "All international
officers, including all members of the,
International Executive Board," and
"To make such changes in the con-
stitution as the convention deems
Homer Martin, UAW president who
has been at odds for more than a 1
year with a union faction he has
charged is controlled by Communists,
has indicated he will seek re-elec-
tion as a vote of confidence in his
handling of union affairs.
His opponents,-controlling the ex-
ecutive board, are led by Richard T.
Frankensteen, vice-president, 'and
four other International UAW offi-
cers who were suspended by Martin'
last summer only to be reinstated by
a decision of CIO mediators.
The convention call came a few
hours after Martin had urged quick
return of board members to their as-1
signed duties in order to facilitate
negotiations on the union's contracts
with automobile manufacturers.
Martin charged that because of the
special meeting of the board "Nego-
tiations with General Motors Corp.
have been interrupted and at last sus-

had been reported unfavorably in
1937 by the department's River and
Harbor Board.
Thisfinding, however, was reversed
by Maj.-Gen. Edward M. Markham
then Chief of Engineers, who recom-
mended the canal's completion. Bailey
said Congress had received no word
from engineers about the Passama-
quoddy project.
Bailey indicated a willingness to
introduce bills to authorize both pro-
jects, but said he thought these meas-
ures should be referred to engineers.
Mansfield said hearings probably
would be demanded by his committee,
but he added that he would try to put
the projects through. Representative
Brewster (Rep-Me) said he would
introduce a bill to authorize the
Passamaquoddy investigation.
Senator Pepper (Dem-Fla) said he
believed the nation would agree with
the President's assertion that the
canal would be of military importance.
"Few other projects," Pepper said,
"have the value to the whole nation
which will flow from the construction
of this canal from the Gulf to the
Atlantic Ocean."
Fans Applaud
First Campos
Boxing Show'
Program Called Successful
As 600 Turn Out; Siegel
Wins Bout On Forfeit
Despite the failure' of Paul Lovett,
Detroit Negro, to appear for his
scheduled three round bout With Don
Siegel last night the first annual Con-
gress boxing show was acclaimed an
unqualified success by the 600 clam-
oring ring enthusiasts who sat
through three punch-laden hours of
pugilism at the Yost Field House.
Siegel, state Golden Gloves cham-
pion, bpasts a record of 10 victories
in 11 starts including eight knock-
outs, and securing an opponent for
him has always been a burden for
Although the fans missed a chance
to see Siegel, they witnessed several
exceedingly promising performers in
the course of the nine-fight card. In
a feature battle, Tommy Root, Gold-
en Gloves middleweight champion
last winter, was pressed to the limit
in eking out a hairline decision over
Chuck Kravolec, freshman football
star. Kravolec exhibited an excep-
tional amount of poise and stamina'
for a beginner as well as a terrific
wallop, but Root's greater experience
told the tale in the end.
Harry Wicker, a little colored fresh-
man, gave a masterful exhibition in
another three rounde, as he took a
hard fought verdict from Joe Murray,
125 pounder of the Detroit Briggs
Athletic Club. The first two rounds
were even up but the faster Wicker
gained the nod in a slam bang third.
Bob Trowell, a senior, gained re-
(Continued on Page 3)
Groups Urged To Submit
J-Hop Booth Applications
Organizations planning to have
booths at the J-Hop are urged to get
in touch with Roberta Leete, '40, J-
Hop committee member, it was an-
nounced yesterday by James V. Halli-
gan, '40F&C, Hop pubicity chairman.
The number of booths is limited,
Halligan said, urging that those
planning to establish booths get in
touch with Miss Leete before Friday.

French Refuse
To Be Spain's
Lone Backer
Bonnet States Conference
With English Designed
To Effect Compromise
Insurgents Slowed
By Loyalist Troops
PARIS, Jan. 17-()-France ap-
parently decided today to stay clear
of the Spanish war.
The Government said it would not
give aid to the Spanish Government
unless Britain did, and Britain was
determined not to intervene since
risk of a European war was considered
too great.
Government leaers wrestled with
the problem throughout the day and
at one point considered the advisabil-
ity of taking the bull by the horns
and acting on their own, but the old'
bugaboo of a war in which France
might find herself alone seemingly
was too much.
Foreign Minister Georges Bonnet
wound up the day by announcing
that France would revise her policy
of non-intervention in Spain only
if Britain did. He was careful, how-
ever, not to close the door too tight-
ly on the hopes of a considerable por-
tion of the French Parliament, which
was demanding help for Spain's Gov-
France and Britain, he said, were
conferring on a betwixt and between
solution which might end Italian and
German aid to the Spanish Insur-
gents without risking war.
The nature of the plan was not dis-
closed. Word fromLondon was that
the British Government did not look
at all favorably on the idea of open-
ing the French frontier, which had
been closed to shipment of arms to
Government Spain since last spring.
Loyalists Stiffen Resistance
HENDAYE, France, Jan. 17-(P)-
Spanish Government forces in moun-
tain strongholds stiffened their re-
sistance. to theisteady Insurgent ad-
vance toward Barcelona today amid
general expectations that the two
reinforced armies were preparing for
a battle which might decide the out-
come of the civil war.
The Insurgent offensive against
the Government capital slowed down
slightly. Only in the center of the
three-pronged drive into Catalonia
did the Insurgents report any real
advance, this by capturing another
position on the highway to Barcelona
through Igualada. The position was
roughly 30 miles from the capital.
(Just south of this region, uncon-
firmed reports said, Government
troops' unloosed counterattacks and
re-took Santa Coloma de Queralt,
the first town the Insurgents occu-
pied after entering Barcelona Prov-
Government forces were believed
increased to approximately 400,000
men by regulations of Jan. 5 under
which boys not yet 18 were called to
defense lines. Military observers esti-
mated Insurgent Generalissimo Fran-
cisco Franco could put 500,000 men
into a conflict for the possession of
highways fanning out westward 35
miles from Barcelona.
Hillel Players Give
The Pot Boilers'
"The Pot Boilers," a one-act play
by Alice Gerstenberg, will be pre-

sented at the regular meeting of the
Hillel Players at 7:30 p.m. today
at the Hillel Foundation, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Madeleine Betty
Meyers, '39, president of the group.
The performance will be open to the
general public.
Included in the cast are Harold
Goldman, '40; Mitchell Mandeberg,
'40: Hugh Kopel, '39; Jane Sanger,
'40; Lorraine Mantler, '39; Edmond
Harris, '40; and Martin Schechter,
'39. The play is under thedirection
of Doris Wechsler, '41.
MisstMeyers ahro announced that
'"Hospital. Hill," an original play by
Harold Gast, '39, has been selected
as the major production of the year
to be presented in March. Casting
for the play will begin immediately
and tryouts will be held next Mon-
day, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

Board Of Regents To Vote
On University Acceptance
At MeetingOn Jan. 31
The announcement by the Civil
Aeronautics Authority Monday that
20 students at the University may be
taught to fly by the Federal govern-
ment next semester was received here
enthusiastically. The proposal is part
)f a preliminary test for the plan to
,rain 20,000 reserve pilots annually.
Acceptance of this offer of the
Civil Aeronautics Authority awaits
the action of the Board of Regents
which meets Tuesday, Jan. 31.
The University was chosen along
with 12 other schools as testing
grounds for the mass pilot training
program, that was prepared in secrecy
by the CAA and announced by Presi-
dent Roosevelt Dec. 28. The CAA an-
nounced that the plan was designed
to "meet the aeronautical crisis now
facing the country," and that empha-
sis would be placed on the civilian as-
pects of the program.
"If the results obtained at the
chosen demonstration centers con-

Federal Proposal Will Prepare
Students For Peace-Time Flying


firm the Civil Aeronautics Authority
belief in the soundness of the pro-
gram." a CAA prospectus explained,
"the training pattern developed be-
tween now and next June will be ap-,
plied on a wide scale in several hun-
dred colleges and universities during
The first aim of the work will be
to provide experts for non-military
aviation in peace time, it was an-'
nounced, and the "cream of thosej
trained would become available for
military service if they so desired."
Students will be given 50 hours of
dual and solo flying experience,
which will be sufficient to qualify
them for private pilot certificates.

Fr nkf urter
And Murphy
Are Accepted
By TheSnt
Sen. Vandenberg Included
Among Small Minority
Opposing Confirmation
Republicans Unitin
To Oppose Hopkins

'Petrified Forest']
To Open Tonight
A nnAt M endelssohn
Play Production Presents{
Sherwood's Famed Play;
Jurist Has Leading PartI
The curtain will rise at 8:30 tonight
on Play Production's "Petrified For-
est," opening a four day run at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. A 2:30
matinee will be given Saturday.
Edward Jurist, '39, campus favorite
and veteran amateur actor, will play
one of the largest parts,-that of
Duke Mantee, a fugitive gangster, and
chief element of melodrama in Robert
Sherwood's play. Humphrey Bogart
played Jurist's role on stage and
James Barton, and Karl Klauser,
'39, will alternate performances of
he part originally portrayed by
Leslie Howard-Alan Squire, a de-
spondent, down-and-out. intellectual,
who falls in love with Gabby Maple,
played by Nancy Schaefer, '39, and
Ellen Rothblatt. '39.
Robert Sherwood, author of "The
Petrified Forest" also wrote "Abe
Lincoln in Illinois" current Broad-
way hit, "Reunion in Vienna," "The
Road to Rome," and "Idiot's De-
light." Sherwood won from Stark
Young in the New Republic, at the
time the play ran in New York, the
applause. "Mr. Sherwood's play de-
serves' all the success it has had."
The story is set in a gasoline sta-
tion in the Arizona desert. This un-
asual setting and lack of movement
will provide for Play Production's
actors an unusual opportunity both
for technique and acting.
Other students who will appear in
the show are: Arthur Klein, '39,
Theodore Balgooyen, '40, Stephen
Filipiak, '39, Nathan Gitlin, '39, Leah
Dooley, Grad., Bernard Benaway,
'39E, B. Odom Day, Grad., Henry
Huston, '40, Helen Ralston, '40, Vic-
tor Cherver, '40SM, Julius Epstein,
'39. Harold Gast, '39, Harry Purdy,
'40 and Robert Cox, '39.
Tickets for all performances will
be on sale at the box office at the
Lydia Mendelssohn until curtain time.
Mead Will Speak Tonight
At Joint ASME-SAE Meet
Kenneth A. Mead, director of the
educational training department of
the General Motors Company, will
address a joint meeting of the ASME
and the SAE at 7:30 p.m. today in
the Union on "What Does the Auto-
motive Industry Look For in Selecting
IYoung Engineers."


Instructors, furnished by the CAA, WASHINGTON, Jan. 17.- (A) -
would be army and navy fliers, but, The Senate confirmed the nomina-
as the President insisted in a recent tion of Frank Murphy for the post of
press conference, there would be no Attorney General today by a vote of
training in combat tactics. 78 to 7. Senator Vandenberg of
Provision is made for "alumni re- Michigan was a'nong the seven dis-
fresher-training" periods after the senting Republicans who bitterly pro-
-egular college training period to keep tested that as governor of Michigan
the young fliers in trim and to main- Murphy had "condoned" the sitdown
tain "their value in the national de- strike and "set aside the law" on be-
fense reserve." The President told re- half of strikers.
porters that probably the best of the Just previously, the Senate ap-
college fliers would have an oppor- proved the appointment of Felix
tunity for further training in prepara- Frankfurter to the Supreme Court.
tion for commissions in the Army and This action, which placed an out-
Navy flying reserve. standing liberal and student of the
Army Air Corps officials explained law upon the nation's high tribunal,
that college-trained pilots would prob- was taken without discussion and
ably require only brief post-graduate without a single negative vote.
instruction to fit them for war ser- Meanwhile, it became evident that
vice. "In an extreme emergency," one Republican Senators were almost a
.f them said, "the pick of those with unit in opposing the confirmation of
fifty hours' flying experience might Harry L. Hopkins, former WPA Ad-
even be sent to the front lines." ministrator, to be Secretary of Com
"They should be as well-trained as merce. Administration leaders were
nany who went to the front in 1918,"' confident, however, that more than
he added. enough Democrats were backing the
In choosing the 20 students, Uni- Hopkins appointment to assure a fa-
(Continued on Page 2) vorable vote.
----- Hopkins Vote, Due Tomorrow
Lack OfF nds SThe Senate Commerce'Committee,
which last week questioned Hopkins
severely on charges of politics in re-
lief, planned to vote on the nomina-
tion tomorrow. It was scheduled to
reach the Sen"ate Thursday.
Relief Ranks The Murphy appointment pro-
duced the first roll-call vote of the
session, and the first roll call in
President Roosevelt Says several years in which the Demo-
Milln Will Be Laid Off cratic membership voted as a solid
Mlion il e al dOfbloc.
By Appropriations Slash The seven who opposed Murphy's
confirmation, all Republicans, were:
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17 --(P)- Bridges and Tobey of New Hampshire,
President Roosevelt said today that Gurney of South Dakota, Holman of
WPA would have to lay off a million Oregon, Taft of Ohio, Vandenberg,
3r more relief workers by Junze 1 if and White of Maine.
a proposed cut in appropriations is Bridges led the attack on Murphy,
-arried through, but hisestimates He asserted that the former governor,
were disputed immediately in influen- after swearing to uphold the laws of
;ial Congressional quarters. the state and nation, then proceeded
Cto break that oath when the occupa-
Chairman Adams (Dem-Colo) of tion of Flint automobile plants by a
he Senate Subcommittee in charge Communist-led mob deprived citi-
-r the relief appropriation told re- zens of their property and means of
orters that the Chief Executive's employment.' He referred to the sit-
figures "conveyed an inaccurate im - own strikes of 1937.
hression." As a matter of "simple Vandenberg Reflects State Opinion
mathematics," he said no more than: Vandenberg had explained that his
300,000 need be dropped from the opposition to confirmation was dic-
work relief rolls. tated by the fact that Murphy was
The controversy arose from the defeated last fall when seeking reelec-
fact that the House last week clipped tion as governor of Michigan.
$150,000,000 from the $875,000,000 ap- "It is my opinion," he said, "that
propriation which the President had the basic issues of the enforcement of
requested to keep WPA going from law and order in the recent November
Feb. 7, when its present funds are elections in Michigan are the same as
Scheduled for exhaustion, until the those now concerned in the appoint-
mnd of the fiscal year on June 30. ment of Murphy to be chief law of-
Adams, with obviously strong backing ricer of the Federal government.
in the Senate, favors the cut. "Since Michigan settled the issue
At the close of a day of relief hear- for itself so plainly in the election, I
ings, in which he had a run-in with have come to the conclusion that the
David Lasser, president of the Work- Michigan popular vote shall and must
ers Alliance, Adams explained his control my vote on confirmation."
version of what the cut would mean. Senators Brown (D-Mich.), Nor-
Noting that it takes $62 to keep' is, (Ind.-Neb.), Barkley (D.-Ky.),
Notig tat t tkes 62 o Lgan(D.-Ky.), and Minton (D.-
ne relief worker on the rolls for a Logan ) came to Murphy's defense.
m1roth, he said that dividing the They pointed to statements made by
$150,400,400 cut by that amount and Murphy before' a Senate sub-corn-
then spreading the figure over the Murphy 'thtre den te st-
four-month period, Feb. 7 to June 1, down strike as illegal at the time,
would mean an "average reduction" and that he successfully demanded
of some 600,000 workers. d l,,that he s"uc ulry demndeid


Donald Marrs To Present Solo
At Varsity Band Concert Sunday

In answer to continued questioning
by reporters, Adamshconceded, how-
ever, that if it is the plan to keep
the present WPA enrollment intact
through the months of February and

When the University Concert Band
swings into its concert, routine at
4:15 p.m. Sunday in Hill Auditorium,
Prof. William D. Revelli, director,
will have at least one man whom he
knows from past experience, will fol-
low his down beat to the second. That
man is Donald L. Marrs, '40SM, first
baritone horn in the band, who will
present a solo number at the concert.
Marrs is no stranger to Professor
Revelli. Back in the days when the
Hobart, Ind., High School Band, un-
der the baton of Professor Revelli,
was winning the National Band Con-
test with a regularity which dismayed
the judges, the first baritone horn
in the band was Marrs. When Profes-
sor Revelli's band won the National
Contest six years running-from 1930
it 13n--it was finally ruled out of

In addition to this, he was first
chair in the Wisconsin All- State
Band in 1935. According to Professor
Revelli, Edwin Franko Goldman and
Karl King, famous national band con-
ductors, Marrs is the outstanding
young artist of his day. He appeared
in the 1937 Varsity Night Show and,
playing the first baritone horn won
the first prize of seventy-five dollars.
In addition to his many activities,
Marrs is equipment manager of the
His offering at the concert will be
"Debutante," a solo written especially
for the baritone horn by Herbert,
The concert is to be sponsored by
Michigan's fraternity men, who will
attend en masse. Only members of
the regular marching band will per-
forma n the n noram. no ntinde

Hidden City Beckons Students
To Indies On Adventure Cruise

dItGale Si -Qown l str erS Comply
with a court order for their ejection.
Frosh Frolic Interviews
Are To Be Held Today
All prospective candidates for the
Fr'osh Frolic committee election Fri-
day will be interviewed from 3 p.m. to
5 p.m. today in the Union student
offices, Men's Council Head Fred
Luebke, '39E, announced yesterday.
The official list of three to five
candidates for each post will be pre-
pared by the Council on the basis of
petitions submitted up to yesterday
and the personal interviews today.
It will be announced in Friday's
Chicago Students To Raise
Refugee Scholarship Fund
CHICAGO (Speciato the Daily)-
Tn., f f-ara M e; &. 16A WM *


A square rigged, four-masted
schooner, manned by a crew of college
students and Northwestern University
scientists, will leave Miami nexta
month on an adventure cruise to
the city of St. James, hidden beneath.
the waves of the Carribean Sea in'
the West Indies islands.
One member of the crew will be
John E. Callouette, '40E. Twenty stu-
dents, many of them who it is hoped I
y the nromtirs will he frnm the

week when Skipper Robert Hall of
Detroit announced the purchase of'
the schooner "Doris Hamlin." Cap-
tain Hall, 38 years old, will be in
command aboard the 260 foot schoon-
er. He first explored the vicinity in
1932, and was so impressed by the
"mystery" of the submerged city that
he made plans to. outfit a sailing
expedition to investigate it thorough-
St. James was the capital of the
islea n f St.Christnnher when it

Prof. Dumond
For London

To Leave

Prof. Dwight L. Dumond of the
history department has been invited
[iv fhp enmmnnwpat n onriainiiof

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