teneral Irian
Will Prepare
Civilian Pilots
Board Of Regents To Vote
On University Acceptance
At MeetingOn Jan. 31
(Continued from Page 1)
versity physicians will first examine
all applicants, and then Army flight
surgeons will pass final judgment.
Candidates will be required to meet
physical standards set by the military
'flying service, CAA officials said.
The experimental training program,
will cost $100,000 according to esti-
mates, and will be financed by the
National Youth Administration, head-
ed by Audrey Williams. Other schools
which were selected are: Purdue,
Alabama, Minnesota, Washington,.
Massachusetts Institute of Technol-
ogy, Texas A & M, Georgia Tech,
New York University, North Caiolina,K
Kansas, San Jose, and Pomona. These
institutions were chosen on the basis
of previous aviation training work.
There are less than 5,000 military
fliers in the country today, CAA offi-
cials pointed out, and a total of 20,000
in all branches of aviation. Thus one
year's operation of the plan would
double the number of competent pilots
in the U.S., they explained.
President Roosevelt also intimated
that a similar training program for
aviation mechanics would be an-
nounced in the near future. Many
new technicians will be chosen from
the 160,000 students enrolled at pres-
ent under the NYA, and the program
is also expected to apply to the many
students already enrolled in private
aviation ground schools.
Extensive expansion in all branches
of aeronautical instruction will be
necessary, Edwin A. Link, Jr., presi-
dent of the company that has sup-
plied the army and navy training de-t
vices, declared when informed of thet
West Virginia E
Students Break
Nazi Relatns
Girl Sleeps Three Years
WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18, 1939
VOL. XLIX. No. 83
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students,
-Wednesday from 4 to 6 p.m.
Henry Russel Award: The Commit-
tee on the Henry Russel Award re-
quests the members of the various
faculties to submit nominations for
this distinction for the year 1939.1
Nomination blanks have been sent
to each of the heads of the several
departments of instruction in the
University and to the deans or ad-
ministrative heads of the various
units. The Chairman of the Com-
mittee will be glad to supply addition-
al~ blanks on request.
The attention of the various facul-
ties is called to the statement on the
blanks concerning the nature of the
award and the'qualifications which
will guide the Committee in the selec-
tion of the recipient. It is desirable
that consideration be given to all
eligible faculty members who have
rendered conspicuous service to the
University, and that full information
be submitted ccnceTning all candi-
dates nominated.,
It is customary to announce the
award at the time of the Henry Rus-
sel Lecture, which may take place
this year as early as the.: first of
March. It is therefore 'reqtiested
that all nominations, accompanied by
supporting material, be submitted to
the Chairman of the Committee,
Margaret Elliott, 201 Tappan Hall,
not later than Feb. 15.
Boasts Enviable Record on Thursday, Sections 1 and 2 will I day, through Jan. 18. The public is
meet in Room 151 and Section 3 in invited
.>'Room 464. ____
Two Exhibits: Paintings by Snrkls
>t- Scientific German. A course, Ger- Sarkisian, and prints from the col-
: " ~ man 36,"Scientific German" will be lection of the Detroit Institute of
z 'offered in the second semester. It is Arts, under the auspices of the An
designed fr and open only to stu- Arbor Art Association. Jan. 11 to 25,
* , d.. , afternoons from 2 to 5, North and
dents who are concentrating or pre- South Galleries of Alumni Memorial
paring to concentrate in one of the Hall.
'..natural sciences,
Prerequisites: Courses German i Textile Exhibition, College 'of Ar-
and 2 in the University (or equiva- chitecture: A showing of modern
lent in high school), and German 31 (Continueed on Page 4)
or 35. MTWF, 9. 203 U. H. Nord-
meyer. Four hours credit.
Medical German. Course 86 in
charge of Dr. Striedieck will be of-
fered in the second semester as an- -NOW - STARTING TODAY-
nounced. MTThF, 11. 306 U.H.
Concerts .~ LAUGHABLE V
Choral Union Concert: BeniaminoE !.
Gigli, Italian operatic and concert
singer, will give a concert in the Chor-
al Union Series, Thursday night, Jan.
19, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium,
taking the place of Kirsten Flag-
stadl, whose November concert was
Concertgoers will please present for
admission coupon Number 4, reading
"Kirsten Flagstad." The concert will ,A COLUMBIA
-Daiy Photo By Bogle begin on time, and the doors will be iI C T U R E
A featured solist at the Varsity closed during numbers. AND --_
Band's concert to be held Sunday,
Donald L. Marrs (above), of Me- Graduation Recital. Miss Helen
Coysburg, Ind., has won second Byrn, Ann Arbor, will give a piano
place for his baritone horn solos graduation recital in the School of
in yoa. pa Music Auditorium, Wednesday eve-5-
ting, Jan. 18, at 8:15 o clock, in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements
may obtain their pass tickets for the of the degree Bachelor of Music. The
Gigli concert Thursday night, Jan. general public is cordially invited to
19, by calling at the Recorder's Office! attend.
at the School of Music, Thursday be-
tween 10 and 12, and 1 and 4. Mem- Exhibit ns
(bers are required to call in person,Ir
and are reminded that no tickets will Exhibition, College of Architec-
be given out after 4 o'clock. ture: A national exhibition of Rep A 20th C..e'rtyFox Pc_..
resentative Buildings of the Post- Extra
Academic NotIces War Period, selected by the Commit NEWS OF THE DAY
tee on Education of the American InN
Psychology 33. Theses will be writ- stitute of Architects and circulated Coming Saturday
ten on Wednesday, Jan. 18 at 7 p.m. by, the American Federation of Arts' DICK POWELL in
in 231 A:H. is being shown in the third floor ex-
hibition room, Architecture Build- "GOIN G PLAC ES"
Chemistry 63. For the blue book ing. Open daily, 9 to 5, except Sun-
On Maxine Yarrington's fifth birthday anniversary at Erie, Pa., she
turned unseeing eyes on her cake and candles. The girl went into a coma,
three years ago and has been "sleeping" since. Nurse Josephine O'Hara
is holding the child.
Hollywood Stars Denounce Nazis
In Petition For German Embargo
Diplomatic relations between West
Virginia University and National
Socialist Germany remained broken
today, following an exchange of de-
famatory editorials and cablegrams
between the two parties.
The newspaper, Das Schwarze
Korps, official organ of the Nazi Elite
Guards, fired another editorial-page
volley at the West Virginia students
last week in which the collegians
were called "dripping-nosed offshoots
of war-profiteering Babbitts" who
endanger international'relations.
The attack was based on a cable-
gram sent by the editors of the Daily
Athenaeum, college newspaper, read-
ing: "Students of West Virginia Uni-
versity hereby sever diplomatic rela-
tions with Germany." This was in
answer to the German publication's
criticism of their recent "every man
a Hitler" party which was reported
in a nationally-circulated picture
Condemning the party, in which
young men dressed in imitation of
Hitler, as an insult to the German
Fuehrer, Das Schwarze Korps re-
ferred to the West Virginia affair as
a "trick of American guttersnipes."
The second German barrage, fol-
lowing receipt of the cablegram
caused the West Virginia editors to
comment editorially: "Little things
that assume humorous aspects to
those who live in a democratic coun-
try have frightening imports to those'
who live under the axe of dictator-
The other side of glamorous Holly-
wood was revealed recently in a "Dec-
laration of Democratic Independence
to the President and the Congress of
the United States of America" that
was drawn up and signed by 57 movie
stars and officials of outstanding pic-
ture companies.
The Hollywood celebrities petition-'
ea the President and Congress, to sev-
er all economic relations with Ger -
many until such a time as Germany
is willing to re-enter the family of
nations in accordance with humane
principles of international law.
In no uncertain terms these not-
ables denounce Hitler and his hench-
men of being tryouts who challenge
democracy's heritage and are aiming
to bring the world under absolute des-
Joan Crawford, Paul Muni and
Edward G. Robinson were among1
those who accused the leaders of
Nazi Germany of destroying the
rights of man, wantonly persecuting
defenseless minorities; imprisoning
ministers of all religions, and victi-
mizing their citizens and throwing
them on the mercy of the world, braz-
enly proclaiming that this victimiza-,
tion has only begun.
They continue to say that Germany
defies international law, violates
treaties i and repudiates covenants of
peace. such a country as Germany
whose character is marked in every
act by tryanny is unfit to be thb'
friend of a free nation, the petition
asserts. In view of these facts the
United States should through its ex-
ecutive orders and legislative mea-
tarily. Herbert A.' Diuble, of Ann
Arbor, wept to the courthouse yester-
day morning to obtain a marriage
license application, and was drafted
by Deputy Sheriff Erwin Klager for
jury duty, after attorneys in a suit
had exhausted the panel of 30 jurors.
Mr. Diuble submitted, "served his
time" and obtained his license as
soon as the noon recess was declared.
Dahlstrom Will Address
Scandinavian Club Today
The Scandinavian Club, composed
of students of Swedish, Norwegian
and Danish descent, will present as
speaker at their meeting at 8 p.m.
today in Lane Hall, Prof. Carl Dahl-
strom of the English department.
Professor Dahlstrom, who lived in
Sweden for several years, will speak
on August Strindberg, Swedish novel-
ist, dramatist and publicist.
Refreshments will be served and
all students interested are invited.
sures sever all relations with Ger-
many, the stars mentioned.
Included in the long list of sign-
ers were Pat O'Brien, Myrna Loy,
Alice Faye, Claude Rains, Carl
Laemmle, Fay Bainter, Jack Warner,
Melvyn-Douglas, John -Ford and Aline
Cupid Almost Loses
In Bout With Justice
Dan Cupid lost a case yesterday to
the local courthouse, but only momen-
Applications in Support of Research
Projects: To give the Research Com-
mittees and the Executive Board. ade-
quate time for study of all proposals,
it is requested that facuty members
having projects needing aupportndur-
ing 1939-1940 file their proposals in
the Office of the Graduate School by'
Feb. 1. Later requests will of course,
be considered toward the close of the
second semester.. Those wishing to
renew previous requests whether now
receiving support or not should so in-
dicate. Application forms will be
mailed or can be obtained at Secre-
tary's Office, West Wing, Rackham
Bldg., Telephone 331.
C. S. Yoakum.
Dance Orchesiras: Any college band-
or orchestra, limited to five members,
that is interested in obtaining pas-
sage to Europe and return next sum-
mer in exchange for furnishing or-
chestral music while on ship board,
should communicate with Room 2,
University Hall at once.
Applications for University Schol-
arships and Fellowships in the Grad-
uate School may be obtained in the
Graduate School Office, in the Rack-
ham Building. All applications must
be filled out and returned with sup-
porting material by Feb. 15.
Choral Union Members. Members of
the Choral Union in good standing
English Boot and Shoe Maker
Our new repair department, the
best in the city. Prices are right.
438 South State and Factory on
South Forest Avenue.
(Near Liberty St.)
: .
Four Dozen
50c Midol 39c
40 forR98c
Kurbs . 23c
25c Anacin 19c
50c Arrid 39c
231 South State. .. .. . .At the head of Liberty Street
Two Graduate Registered Lady Pharmacists in attendance at all hours!
Shop with Safety at Marsha's"
We are not connected with any other Cut-Rate Store in
9242 - 5933
La Sociedad Hispanica
To Hold Final Meeting
La Sociedad Hispanica will hold its
last meeting of the semester at 7:30
p.m. today in the League. The guest
speaker will be Kimon Friar, Grad.,
who will tall6 on "Guatemala."
Gabriel Fuentes, Jr., '39E, and Al-
fonzo Gomez, Jr., will present a pro-
gram of Spanish songs. There will
also be an important business meet-
32South State St.
Ann Arbor.
Three registered Pharmacists to serve you
231 South State....... At the head of Liberty Street
a Recital
THURS., JAN. 19t8:30 P. M.
,. wF
±' .
Starting Today
in H ill Auditorium
Mr. Gigli will be heard instead of Kirsten Flagstad
unable to come - Please present for admission Coupon
Number 4, reading "FLAGSTAD."
4.Deep in the heart
of mysterious India they found
the dangerous life they loved.;.
a thrilling drama of a woman s
courage and a boy's friendship
...magnificent in Technicolor...
with SABU
"The return of Beniamino Gigli the golden-voiced idol of concert plat-