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January 18, 1939 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-01-18

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iseness Prevai
Swimmers Awc

q.iopIerI I II1 You can almost wade through the
tenseness at the Intramural Pool as
Michigan's swimmers enter the last
Rivals Play 'Killer Series lap in their training for the Ohio
At Coli m Tow State meet here Friday night.
At Coliseum Tomorrow Harassed on one side by the inva-
And Saturday Nights sion of Mike Peppe's avalanche and
on the other by the onslaught of ap-
Knowing that they will be facing proaching finals, the swimmers are
their bitter rivals on the ice this getting the dull edges off.
Thursday and Saturday night, the Even at the Pool, the outcpme of
Wolverine hockey team underwent the meet is in doubt. Swimmers fig-
another very strenuous 90 minute ure out possible combinations of
practice session last night in prepara- scores, hurriedly scratch them out.
tion for the Minnesota "killer series." then start all over again on new com-
This is the fourth consecutive sea- binations. And whatever way they
Son that Coach Larry Armstrong look at it, it's still a close meet.
has directed the University of Minne- O.S.U. Are Champs
sota Hockey squad. In the past three Even Matt Mann, a self-confessed
seasons he {gas managed them to one optimist, warns us not to sell Ohio
undisputed Big Ten title and two co- State short. "They're the champions,"
championships with Michigan. Matt admonishes. "They beat us
Anderson Leads Gophers twice in dual meets last year, whipped
Leading the Minnesota sextet will us again in the Big Ten, and then
be Capt. Kenneth Anderson who has ewent on to become the first college
been one of the Gopher's chief of- team to win the National A.A.U.'s.
fensive threats through three sea- Until somebody beats them, they're
sons. Despite the fact that Anderson the champions and favorites.
weighs only 135 pounds, he is alter- "A lot is going to depend on the
nating between his regular right wing medley relay," he wen on. "That
and defense this season. event might well be the crux of the
The one man whom all Michigan whole meet. If we can whi that one,
fans will be turning the turnstiles to we'll be in pretty fair shape.
see is defense man John Mariucci. "If you really want to know the
One of the most colorful players in winner, flip a coin," advises Matt.
collegiate hockey today, the sensa- Haynie Also On Fence
tional "Maroosh" is one of the most Capt. Tom Haynie was about as
finished American amateurs of the positive as his coach. "Seeing that
present day. I'm captain I suppose that the proper
Hailing from Eveleth, Minnesota, thing to say is 'we're going to slap
Mariucci turned down an offer from them down' but I'm a pessimist. It
a National League team to attend looks like an awful close meet with
the University of Minnesota. An out- the breaks as the final determinant."
standing end on the Big Ten chain- A hammer was used on Jack Kas-
pionship Gopher football team last ley, who was quite a breast-stroker in
fall, he has another season of football
and hockey competition remaining. FRESHMAN HOCKEY
Minnesota's "Iron Man" Ij All candidates for the Fresh-
Another Golden Gopher who has! man hockey team will report at 7
left his mark on the Wolverine fans p.m. Wednesday for practice.
is Frank St. Vincent. While Mariucci Coach Eddie Lowrey,
has been checking the Michigan men
into the boards, Frank takes as much
delight in bringing the puck past the
Wolverine defense men.
He is called the "Iron Man" of the
Gopher squad because he frequently
plays on two lines during the same
game. A smooth-skating and clever
stick-handling player from the United! V e Feature
States hotbed of hockey, the Mesabi
Range in Northern Minnesota, he is
an adopt hook-checker. RN
All 'Good Friends'
Along with these "old Michigan _
friends" Coach Larry Armstfioug will Em s
have Harold "Babe" Paulson another M ai Ename ls
prduct of the "Range" along with
Mariucci and St. Vincent. Burt Mc-
Kenzie, one of the two Canadians on
the Gopher squad, plays center ice " Light Shell
and is a top-notch skater and stick-
handler. Shell
McKenzie, Paulson and Haydon
Pickering form the all-sophomore
second line of the Gophers. On de- Newport
fense with Mariucci will be Kenneth
Cramp. One of the mainstays of the' *Sudan
I team from his post in the back posi-
tion he is an excellent body checker Riviera
and is also a scoring threat.
As in every game so far this season * Sun Rose
Wolverine hopes rest in the forward
combination of Cooke, Doran and * Sierra
, Chadwick.
Cliff Keen, took over eight years ago. * Windsor
Only Michigan, who has downed the Lancer
New Yorkers twice, and Indiana, have
succeeded in taking the measure of
Thrush's club during this time. Savoy
* Cubana
* Chesnut
-O V E R - suez
* Jueltone-l
* Jueltone-2
* Jueltone-3

Sale1 .Ascot
* Garnet

[Is As Varsity For
ait Buckeye Meet I Sp
his collegiate days, but to no avail. Alpha Omega defeated the Chinese
In a little question-and-answer ses- students, last year's independent
}ion, the conversation went womfl ing champions, to annex the Professional
like this: Fraternity Volleyball Championship.
i Second, third, and fourth place play-
Q. Are we going to win Friay I offs were won by Nu Sigma Nu. Del-
night? ta Sigma Pi, and Phi Chi respectively.
A. I don't know.
Q. Are we going to lose Friday W. P. Foster defeated Daui
night? Perlman 2-0 to advance to the
A. I don't know. semi-finals of the all-campus
Q. (in desperation) Is it going to handball tournament. His next
be a tie? opponent will be Sam Hender-
A. (quite positively): Could be. son, the winner of this match to
Further astute questioning found meet Ralph Roseman for the all-
that Kasley thought (and with some campus championship.
originality) that Ohio State wasaw- The Senators defeated Robert Ow-
fully tough and that it was going to ens. 2-1, at the Intramural building
be a darn good meet. last night, and will face the Hillels
The remainder of the squad was for the independents' handball chah-
confident but not cocksure. Like Matt pionship at a date to be announced
Mann, none was selling the Buckeyes later.
shdrt. They all know that Ohio has Present standings of fraterni-
too many individual stars to be under- ties in the Intramural League
estimated. show Psi Upsilon leading with Ai
The whole squad, from Mann down point total of 597, closely fol-
to the slowest freshman, is taking lowed by Phi Delta Theta with a
nothing for granted. total of 561.



* Mahogany

* Polish Remover
* Cuticle Remover
each bottle
kAll 1II:D




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