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January 18, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-01-18

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An English View Of Roosevelt's
Opening Message To Congress


. ''


11L LPs pB}0w OFEdited and m anaged by students of the U niversity of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
420 MA IBON Ave. NEW YORK, N. Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39
Board of Editors
Managing Editor . Robert D. Mitchell
EditorialtDirector . .rAlbert P. May10
City Editor . . . . Horace W. Gilmore
Associate Editor . Robert I. Fitzhenry
Associate Editor S. R. Kleiman
Associate Editor . Robert Penman
Associate Editor . . . Earl Gilman
Associate Editor . . , William Elvin
Associate Editor ..Joseph Freedman
Book Editor. . . . . . Joseph Gies
Women's Editor . . . Dorothea Staebler
Sports Editor- . -. . Bud Benjamin

(From The Manchester Guardian)
Most English men and women when they
listened to President Roosevelt on Wednesday
night must have wished sadly that it was the
head of their own Government who was saying
these things. They must have put beside the
President's challenging denunciation of the dicta-
torships and bold assertion of the beliefs of a
free people their own Prime Minister's timid
exercises in the same field. They must have re-
called with a little shame Mr. Chamberlain's
naive confession that, although Fascism may
not do for us, he cannot get up "much excite-
ment over different systems of government,
apart from particular actions which may not
necessarily be inherent in the system," and they
must have regretted that it has been left to the
American President to state the British (as it is
also the American) way of life without apologiz-
ing for it. The contrast is painful and need not
be pursued. It can only be hoped that among
the many effects of the President's speech in
the world not the least will be that of recalling
our own Government to the principles it has
deserted. Those effects will be considerable. Al-
though the President outlined no positive pro-
posals except the revision of the Neutrality Law
and the acceleration of American rearmament,
the intimation of American hostility to the ,dicta-
torships and their methods was much stronger
and more sustained than anything that has come
before from the head of the United States. It
followed logically on the stiff Notes to Japan, on
the recall of the Ambassador to Berlin, on the
upholding of Secretary Ickes's rather violent
speech, and on Secretary Hull's efforts at Lima
to counter Fascist penetration. Mr. Roosevelt
summed it all up in a Message that may be as
important for the world as those of Wilson. And,
controversial as were his domestic passages, on
this broad question of democracy versus dictator-
ship- he had his country behind him.
The speech reflected to the full the disillusion-
ment since Munich. War was then averted, but
"it has become increasingly clear that world
peace is not assured." Mr. Roosevelt did not (like
Mr. Chamberlain) hark back to or take, pride in
his own contribution to Munich, but built up
the stark picture of a world living in war or
under the threat of war, military and economic,
a world in which are challenged the three funda-
mentals of religion, democracy, and good faith
among nations, and over much of which "strident
ambitions and brute force" reign. But it is im-
portant to recognise that though Mr. Roosevelt's
phrases were sweeping there was nothing in
them to suggest that American policy towards,
association with Europe has seriously changed.
The common American reaction after Munich
was to keep clear of Europe, leave the half-
hearted democracies to their fate (the United

States could not save them anyhow), and make
sure that the Western hemisphere at least is
kept free. Mr. Roosevelt's speech does not con-
flict with this mood. And while the revision of
the absurdities and injustices of the Neutrality
Law would clearly operate to the advantage of
assailed democracies in Europe, the working rule
of European policy must still be to exclude hope
of active American intervention. All the same,
this stiffening of the American attitude, this
powerful rearmament, this readiness to give of-
fence to powerful States and to risk the conse-
quences (which, if the tension in relations with
Japan and Germany continues may easily lead
to economic rupture), means a great deal to the
remaining democracies, even if its consequences
are unforseeable,
Politically the Message was extremely skill-
ful. It called for national unity, and it made the
New Deal the symbol and expression of that
unity-democracy's answer in efficiency to the
dictatorship's challenge. It told Congress that
most of the New Deal programme has been met
-in other words, the President is not going to
try the digestion of his critics too severely in
the rest of his term-except for another Re-
organization Bill (perhaps less severe than that
the last Congress threw out), transport legisla-
tion, revised social-service measures dealing with
pensions and medical care, and the amendment
of the Labor Relations Act. He gave firm warning
that if Congress aims to cut down Federal spend-
ing (or as he preferred to call it "investment")
the responsibility must be its own. When he con-
trasted the two alternatives-a closely balanced
Budget and a liberal development and spending
policy-the Republicans and Conservative Demo-
crats lustily cheered economy. But when provo-
catively asked on what items they were to save
their voices were silent, and so, w#hen it comes to
the test, it will prove. On finance Congress is
not heroic. Indeed, for the moment the President
had the crushing last retort that when he stopped
spending recession came and when he resumed
the curve turned again. The defence programme
will be expounded in another Message. It in
itself will have an important economic bearing,
for, as in all other countries 'with heavy un-
employment, rearmament will be treated as a
recovery measure and come to be valued for its
own wasteful sake. The programme will be
criticised in detail, for there is far from being
agreement on the kind of defence policy the
United States needs, and by long tradition the
service departments are apt to get too much of
their own way without the civilian checks and
coordination which this country has developed.
But that the United States will arm and arm
handsomely is certain. And after Mr. Roosevelt's
Message she arms with her eyes open and for
good ends.

Business D
BuiesManager . .
Credit Manager
Advertising Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Service Manager .

.Philip W. Buchen
Leonard P. Siegelman
William L. Newnan
. Helen Jean Dean
. . Marian A. Baxter

The Press
(Editor's Note: This is the first of
three articles on the press. Following
this installment, which presents a
general statement on the role of news-
papers in modern society, there will be
two articles dealing specifically with
the part played by weekly and daily
papers in Michigan during the Nov.
1938 elections. Mr. Edward Magdol, '39
has collaborated with the writer in the
preparation of this series.)
The election and activities of the
76th Congress, the swiftly shifting in-
ternational scene, the progress of a
growing labor movement-and a
thousand other particular economic,
social and political problems vitally
concern everyone today in a democra-
cy. But the functioning of real demo-
cracy requires that accurate and wide-
spread information on these ques-
tions be in the hands of the people,
for men and women must be acquaint-
ed with facts and must be aware of
the clash of theory and opinion before
they can make the intelligent decisi-
sions upon which our form of govern-
ment is based.
The newspaper is the maid channel
for the dissemination of this informa-
tion-in fact that places a tremend-
ous social responsibility upon the
press. If newspapers allow their
special interests to interfere with the
presentation of news, important for
the reading and voting public, then
they constitute a serious threat to
An understanding of the role of the
press in modern society must be based
on a knowledge of the characteristics
of newspaper publishing, which is a
business run for profit. As a Big Busi-
ness, it places the publisher in the
position of an entrepreneur, investor
and employer of labor. This often
brings him into conflict with labor
and consumer groups. More import-
ant, in determining the publisher's
point of view, the newspaper depends
on the good will of advertisers, whose
interests many times run counter to
those of the worker and the consum-
There is a complicating factor, how-
ever. In order to obtain lucrative
advertising contracts, newspapers
must build their circulation, which
depends on pleasing the readers. And
in the final analysis, the readers are
by and large workers and consumers.
The publisher, then, has a difficult
problem-he cannot afford to antag-
onize readers by working against
their interests and at the same time
he must protect the immediate finan-
cial welfare of his own business and
that of his advertisers.
One feasible solution to the problem{
lies in the establishment of a labor
and consumer press, dedicated to
counter-acting the influence of the
equally class-conscious large pub-
lishers. But many of the existing
evils of suppression, distortion and
outright propaganda in news columns
may arise in labor and consumer
papers, much to the disadvantage of
minorities within those groups.
Another solution that must supple-
ment special interest newspapers is
an idealistic one-honest handling of
the news. One hundred per cent objec-
tivity is impossible to achieve: sel-
dom do two reporters see the same
facts in a situation and even more sel-
dom de they interpret the facts the
same way. But within the limits of
individual differences and of time and
space, good newspapermen like the
late Paul Y. Anderson. have been
able to write completeand truthful
reports and then arrange them in the
paper with a decent regard for the
relative importance of various articles
from a social point of view.
A much-harassed democracy de-
mands the realization of these two
objectives: the appeararnce of a press
for the great mass of the reading pub-
lic and honest handling of the news
by all papers so that people will have
the information on which to think
and act for their own good and for
the general welfare.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
=--iversity. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the Preside-
util 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Satwrday.

Exhibition of Chinese Photography:
Exhibition of Chinese photographic Freshmen Glee Ctb iThere will be
studies by Cheng Chao-Min will be a meeting at 4:15 today in the Michi-
presented in the Galleries of the gan Union.
Rackham Building from Monday,
Jan. ,16, to Saturday. Jan. 21. This All Mechanical Engineers are in-
showing is sponsored by the Inter- vited to attend the next regular meet-
national Center and is the last in a ing of the A.S.M.E. this evening
series presented for this semester. at 7:30 p.m. in the Union. This
will be a combined meeting with the

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and reresent the views of the writers
Arms For
Democracy.. .
MICHIGAN was announced yesterday
as one of the 13 schools in the coun-
try which will train civilian air pilots as a pre-
lirninary test of the President's plan to train
20,000 civilian aviators a year. From what we
have been able to observe there seems to be little
criticism of the plan, just as there is little ques-
tioning of the whole defense program outlined
by the President last Thursday.
Certainly this announcement, if nothing else
has succeeded in arousing interest in the foreign
policy and the armament program of the govern-
ment, should provoke all of us to a little thought.
The training of students as air pilots and the
whole armament program seems to us to be based
on one premise: If war comes to Europe, the
United States will enter it. It is an unlovely prem-
ise to contemplate, especially if you are of college
age. What is more unsavory than the premise
is its unquestioned acceptance by the people of
the country, and more terrifying, its acceptance
by the students of the colleges and universities.
If one doubts that the premise is correct let him
look at the arguments for armament voiced by
the President himself. They can be reduced to
one essential argument: the United States shall
not be caught unprepared again, as it was in
the last war.
It is true that the President in his message to
Congress called it a defense program. It may well
be, but not in the sense currently interpreted by
the nation's press, which thinks in terms of
physical invasion of the United States. That such
an invasion is fantastic can, we think, be readily
seen when one asks, "against whom are we de-
fending ourselves?" A physical onslaught on this
country is incredible, Europe and Asia being
the armed camps they are, and South America,
a congeries of countries, some democratic, others
dictatorial, all of them with national interests
that preclude any wholesale collaboration which
could be dangerous to this country in a physical
We are inclined to believe that the real reason
for armament is a strengthening of our bargain-
ing power on the international front. If it is,
then it is only intelligent to recognize it and the
implications involved. Against the possibility that
we may never have to go to war, if France, Eng-
land, Russia and this country stand united in
the face of fascist aggression, must be counter-
poised the much more imminent probability that
Germany and Italy, already burdened with an
armament structure too heavy to endure for
many years of peace, will go to war rather than
to suffer the exposure of their bluff. If we are
to come out and favor the armament program
of the present administration then, it must be
with the full realization that each of us stands
ready to go to war.
But it is not enough to be willing to lose our
lives for a principle. Before we can feetthat the
principle which will be upheld by the sacrifice
of our lives, each of us should demand of the
present administration and Congress that they
raise the embargo on Spain, and that they em-
bargo all war materials to Japan, Germany and
Italy and to other countries from which these
goods can be re-shipped to the dictator nations.

TODAY by David

WASHINGTON, Jan. 16-The constructive and
plainly helpful nature of the report just made by
the Senate's special committee on unemployment
and relief, headed by Senator Byrnes of South
Carolina, is a sample of what Congressional mem-
bers can do with a complicated and difficult
problem when they put aside politics and take
plenty of time to study a subject.
Few persons who read the report will doubt the
sincerity of the committee or its directness of
purpose, though, indeed, there may be many who
will have other plans to offer. Significant experi-
ences are recited by the committee as to the con-
fusion on the part of the applicant for unem-
ployment compensation and the lack of coordin-
ation between one office, where the government
seeks to help a man find a job, and another office,
where eligibility to unemployment compensatior
is related to whether he has tried to get a job.
What now is proposed is that payment of un-
employment benefits be definitely related to the
problem of finding employment for the recipient
of relief. It is a simple start toward solution of
what has been for several years now a central
difficulty about the whole matter of federal aid
to those who have lost their jobs through no
fault of their own.
Excellent work has been done by the United
States Employment Service offices throughout
the country in recent years, but it is a fact that
the states have unemployment offices too and
that the whole problem of job-finding has not
been1 tackled by the Federal Government on a
scientific scale of determining the fitness of the
individual to the particular job he or she can
best do, or the matter of transferring the worker
to other parts of the country where jobs become
available. In a limited sense, both these functions
are performed now, but the surface has only been
scratched in the matter of providing funds for
a comprehensive treatment of this particular
aspect of job placement.
Not long ago, the University of Minnesota, with
the cooperation of the government of the State
of Minnesota, conducted an experiment in job
analysis with 100,000 unemployed cases. It was
enemy on the eastern flank of Russia. If we are
to be intelligent we must immediately erase the
contradiction in our policy of arming to defend
ourselves against fascist aggressors and at the
same time arming them to fight us more effec-
These are the only conditions upon which we
should accept the armament program. As the
war-babies of 1917-18 'vho have grown of age to
be trained as aviators, we should demand the
fulfillment of these conditions before we assent

found that, when careful attention was given to
individual abilities, some strange results ensued.
Thus, a woman who all her adult years had
worked in a bookkeeping department with medi-
ocre ability was found to have real mechanical
talent, and, when given a position in a tool-mak-
ing establishment, was able to command as a
skilled worker much higher wages than ever
The possibilities of analyzing human beings to
find the right jobs have long been recognized
by scientific men in the personnel field as logical
and feasible, but government funds have not
been available to train specialists in job analysis
in the numbers needed to care for the millions
who now are registered as unemployed. To
organize this effectively, it would take only a
small fraction of the whole relief appropriation.
Industry has cooperated with efforts of this
kind to the utmost, for there can be no doubt
that, when properly qualified workers are furn-
ished in the first instance, there is less turnover
and waste.
The ,foregoing is but one of the many phases
of unemployment relief which are bound to com-
mand attention when the whole problem is ap-
proached on a non-political basis in an earne.:
desire once and for all to do something for un-
employment which is disconnected from politics
or the emotional discussions thereof.
The Senate Committee's report does not speci-
fically touch on job analysis, but it does point to
the need for coordination of Federal and state
?mployment agencies and social security pay-
ments, which indicates that the broad subject,
in all its ramifications, may have further consid-
aration when specific legislative proposals are,
?rought forward to carry out the Committee's
The Committee's suggestion that a single gov-
ernment department be created to coordinate
public works construction and to handle such
agencies as the Civilian Conservation Corps, the
National Youth Administration and the WPA is
based on the idea that government has a distinct
obligation to care for the unemployed and to
furnish relief or work. While this principle has
been getting acceptance through usage, it is a
question whether the definition of function has
been ciarly established. Certainly the tying
together of the Civilian Conservation Corps and
the National Youth Administration with a view
to vocational training or as a reservoir for gov-
ernment or private job development is going to
be widely supported in Congress, as are the
reasons for including, in the same department
with job finding, the disbursementsf +-

(Continued from Page 2)
textiles consisting of rugs, hangings,
bedspreads and pillow cases, de-
signed by Marianne Strengell, now
on the staff of the Cranbrook Aca-
demy of Art, is on display in the
ground floor cases of the Architec-
ture Building. Open daily, 9 to 5. ex-
cept Sunday, through Jan. 25. The
public is invited.-

wear dark sweater or dark dress with
pearls to insure uniformity.
Rehearsal tonight at 7:15 in the
Bell 'Tower. Please be prompt.
Graduate Luncheon: 12 noon, Rus-
sian Tea Room, Michigan League.
Cafeteria style.
Mr. Afan Tashpinar will speak in-
formally on "Modern Turkey." All
graduate students invited.

Exbition of Chinese Amateur Pho-
tograhy: Because of the interest in
the exhibition of Chinese photog-
raphy which it is sponsoring in the
Rackham Galleries, the International
Center has arranged to continue the
exhibition through next week; it will
close Sat Irday; Jan. 28. The display
rooms are open all day and in the
evening, except on Sunday. Mr. Cheng
will be present most of the time to
comment on his work.
University Lecture: A.J.B. Wace,
Laurence Professor of Classical Arch-
aeology in Cambridge University, will
give an illustrated lecture on "Sparta
in the Light of the Excavations on
Thursday, Jan. 19, at 4:15 p.m. in the
Rackham Amphitheatre under the
auspices of the Department of Greek.
The public is cordially invited.
Lecture, College of Architecture:
Mr. Alden B. Dow, Architect, of Mid-
land, Michigan, will speak on "Mod-
ern Architecture," accompanied by
colored moving pictures. Ground
Floor Lecture Room, Architecture
Building, Thursday, Jan. ,19. 4:15.
The public is invited.
Events Today
Research Club will meet tonight at,
8 p.m., in the Amphitheatre of thej
Rackham Building.
Prof. H. B. Lewis will speak on
"Inborn Errors of Metabolism"; and
Professor P. E. James, on "Changing
Patterns of Population in Sao Paulo
State, Brazil." The Council will meet
in the Assembly Hall at 7:30 p.m.
Cercle Francais: There will be a1
meeting tonight at 7:30 at the League.
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet. in Room 122 Chemistry Bldg.
at 4:15 p.m. today. Mr. James K.
Davis will speak on "Electron Micro- ;
Chemical and Metallurgical En- :
gineering Seminar. Mr. Eugene Tsao;
will be the speaker at the Seminar
for graduate students today at 4
o'clock in Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg.
His subject is: "The Eqdilibrium Con-
ditions in the Cd-Cu-Ag Ternary1
La Sociedad Hispanica will hold its
last meeting of this semester at
the Michigan League at 7:30 p.m.
this evening. The program will.
consist of a talk on Guatemala and
songs by a Spanish-American duet.
The date for the Michiganensian,
picture will be decided then.
Astronomy: Solar motion pictures
made at the McMath-Hulbert Ob-
servatory of the University of Mich-
igan will be given this evening at
8 p.m. in the Natural Science
Auditorium. The special film pre-
sented at the September meeting of
the American Astronomical Society
will be included. The head of a
prominence blown away from the
sun with a record speed of 450 miles
per second at a height of 600,000
miles is a special feature. Students
of astronomy are urged to attend and
a cordial invitation is extended to all.
University Girls' Glee Club: Group
picture for "Ensian" will be taken
today at 4:30 at Dey's Studio. Please
the fact that it is not overly compli-
cated. It has a direct bearing on the
resulting moods that he strives for,
through arrangements of large simpli-
fied areas of solid color. In the pro-
cess of painting, he administers the
low key first, apparently allows his
pigments to stiffen, then overpaints
his highlights in a very high key.
There isda casual appearance about
his handling which lends it a greatl
stiength. He uses his palette knife to
run the colors together on his por-
trait heads for an appearance of flesh.

In both the Portrait of a Colored
Girl and his prize-winning Boy Read-
ing a Bock, he shows a decided mas-
tery of medium. For me, these proved
to be the shining lights of the show.
The large canvas dedicated to a base-
ball player seems a bit disappointing,
not in composition, which is indeed
excellent, but in an overemphasis on
simplicity. It begins to take on the

Labor Committee of the A.S.U. will
meet tonight at 8:15 in the Michi-
igan Union, for the last time this
semester. Plans will be discussed for
next semester. All interested are in-
vited. See Union bulletin board for
place of meeting.
The Phi Epsilon Kappa Fraternity
will meet at the Union tonight at
18:30 p.m. Following this meet-
-ing photos for the 'Ensian will be
taken at Rentschler's Studios.
The Child Study Group of the Mich-
igan Dames will not meet tonight as
previously planned. On Thursday,
Jan. 26, the group will meet at the
University Elementary School.
The Michigan Dames Art Group will
meet in the Rackham Building to-
night at 8:15 p.m. with Mr. Hoff-
man of the University Floral Shop
giving a floral talk and demonsta-
Dr. Rabinowitz discussion group on
current Jewish Problems will meet at
the foundation at 7:30 p.m. Subject
of meeting will be "Jewish Educa-
tion." All are welcome!
Hillel Players. Open meeting will be
held this evening at 7:30 p.m. at the
Hillel Foundation.
An excellent program hts been ar-
ranged, and the one-act play "The
Pot Boilers" will be presented. All
are cordially invited to attend.
Scandinavian Club to meet tonight
at Lane Hall (downstairs), 8 p.m.
Dr. Carl Dahlstrom, Professor in
the English Department, Will speak
on August Strindberg, the Swedish
novelist, dramatist, and publiciat.
Since Dr. Dahlstrom has studied in
Sweden and Germany for seveal
years, his talk will contain interest-
ing "first hand" information.
Refreshments will be served.
All Scandinavian Students and
those interested are invited.
Coming Events
The Observatory Journal Club will
meet at 4:15 Thursday afternodn,
Jan. 19, in the Observatory lecture
Dr. W. Carl Rufus will speak on
"The Tektites, Celestial or Terres-
trial." Dr. Rufus will exhibit some
specimens of tektites brought from
the Philippines. This meeting shold
be of especial interest to the depart-
ments of Geology and Mineralogy.
Any one interested is cordially invit-
ed. Tea will be served at 4:00.
International Center:
1. Because of the approaching ex-
aminations, it seems best ,to discon-
tinue the Speech Clinics until the
beginning of the second semester:
2. The Thursday teas will continue
straight through examination weeks.
The Center will be open at all times
and it is hoped that it may afford a
place for recreation and relief from
the strain of these next hard weeks.
3. The next Sunday night supper
and program will be on Feb. 12.
4. The programs for next semester
will be mailed to all foreign students
before the beginning of the next se-
Institute of the Aeronautical Sci-
ences: There will be a meeting of the
I.Ae.S. on Thursday evening, Jan. 19,
at 7:30 p.m., in Room 1042, East. En-
gineering Building.
Mr. Robert W. Middlewood, '30E,
Chief Engineer of Stinson Aircraft,
will talk on the practical aspects of
aeronautical engineering, which talk
will be followed by open discussion.
Refreshments will be served.
Architects and Engineers are invited
to hear Design of Built-in Lighting
treated in an illustrated lecture by
Mr. Phelps Meaker of the General
Electric Company, Nela Park En

gineering Department, on Friday, Jan.
20 at 4:10 p.m. in Room 246 West En-
gineering Building.

SS.A.E. Mr. Kenneth A. Meade, per
soAel director of the General eotors
Research Laboratories, will present
the subject "What does the Auto-
motive Industry Look for in' Selet-
mig Young Engineers?" is talk will
be of general interest and not aply
solely to automotive engineers


Sarkis Sarkisian
Unfortunataely, there are still
people who cock their heads quite
artily to one side and gush such
positive statements for the benefit
of their neighbors as: Any fool could
do that;" or "Why, I could do as well
myself." The work of Sarkisian, who
is currently exhibiting at Alumni
Memorial Hall, is allergic to this type
of criticism. May I impart to those
people who have similar sentiments
the friendly warning that there is no
surer way of disclosing your own ig-
norance in the matter. To make this
bit of advice constructive, may I
Ssuggest that when a painting recalls
for you the days in childhood when
your mother first revealed your artis-
tic flare, and confidence of your
own ability wells within you, please
limit yourselves to a safe ummmm.
The difference in opinion over Sar-
kisian's things runs high. I find the
show to be one of the great treats of
the year. Those who agree with me
have been extremely enthusiastic in
their support, those who disagree just
as emphatic in their denounciations.
It seems to be a showing that must
either be admired immensely or not
at a11 with nn middP en,1


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