Congress sy
To Sponsor
Invite Students
To Open-House
Dance To Be Held Tonight
In League Grill Room
The large crowd that attended the
League open-house last Wednesday
night has led the dance committee of
the League to sponsor another open-
house for dancing from 8:30 p.m. till
10:30 p.m. today in the Grill Room.
The affairs are being held in the in-
terim between last semester's danc-
ing classes and those of the new se-
mester, which will start Feb. 21.
Grace Wilson, '39, vice-president
of the League, is in charge of the
open house, and Elva Pascoe, Grad.,
will be present to give instruction to
any persons who wish it. Miss Pas-
coe has studied under dancing 'in-
structors at the Arthur Murray stu-
dios in Detroit, and has been giving
the instruction at the dancing
classes at the University.
Students may come either with or
without dates, and admission is free,
except< that they must furnish the
money to play the nickelodeon, which
will provide the music for dancing.
The money from the nickelodeon goes,
to the Undergraduate Fund of the1
League, as does the money from the
dancing classes held each semester.
Students desiring instruction are
urged not to feel hesitant about ask-
ing for help with steps, since there
were many people last Wednesday
who were beginners, and at the end
of the evening had improved greatly,
Miss Pascoe said.
Miss Wilson added that women are
urged to come today, inasmuch as"
there were many more men than
women last week.
Browne-Warner Troth
Announced By Parents
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Browne, of
Bay City, have announced the 6n-
gagement of their daughter, Sally,
'37, to William B. Warner, '39E, son
of Mrs. Florence S. Warner, of Cin-
cinnati, Ohio.
Miss Browne is affiliated with Chi1
Omega sorority, while Mr. Warner isk
a. member of Alpha Delta Phi fra-
Ruffles Latest Touch
SpecGroups Women Skiers We Cut Classes To Surf-Ride,
Are Extended Will Organize! Admits Transfer From Hawaii
11 Invitations
All Interested To Meet Football, Track, Campus with them. Fraternities and sorori-
...ties occupy no prominent place in the
Phyllis McGeachy, Roland Tomorrow Afternoon Actvities Are Stressed, university's social life, the only chap-
Says Helen Carter, '41 ter having "international" affiliations
Rhead Will Be Heads; A women's ski club is to be or- being that of Phi Beta Kappa. "And,
.ganized as part of the outdoor sports By OSSER of course, that's only for the 'brain-
10*esT Be Given ByETE SE sorm~ she added.
program of the women's Athletic As IIf you can imagine a campus where May Day is celebrated as Lei Day
Special invitations have been ex- sociation, Betty-Lou Witters, '41Ed, the sweater and skirt combination - May Da .is ,hebrated a Lei Day
±J 2aa± wii g iJt h~ Lk.U i, fL U
...,,,.....ip - F . .,. .. .,,v .......... ...,.J.,.......m..awa , iRwrie camwanuse c mpusa rit o
tended to 11 groups for the Congress- I president of the outdoor sports club, isn't the sole mode of dress permit- color and both men and women
{Assembly tea dance to be held from sannouncesyesterday. ted to women; where b.m.o.c.'s, as decked in the gaudy garlands of flow-
S4 p.m. to 6 pm. today in the ballroom A meeting for the purpose of or-. well as those aspiring to that exalted ers. A queen, dressed in native cos-
of the League. Phyllis McGeachyganizing the club will be held at 4:30 eminence, wear the loudest and tume, reigns over the traditional
'p.m. tomorrow in the small lounge brightest shirts they can find; where pageant, which usually re-enacts
40, and Roland Rhead, 40, are co- of the Women's Athletic Building. one "cuts" class to get a "tan," go some scene from the history of
chairmen in charge of the affair. Charles Van Houten, skiing instructor swimming, or surf-riding, and where Hawaiian royalty.
Martha Cook Building, the Ann of the academic courses being given it's practically legion to go barefoot Everyone Wears Flowers
Arbor Independents, Alumnae House, by the women's physical education Iin rainy weather, then you're envisag- Leis, made of gardenias, carna-
department, will speak. Students who' ing a slice of student life at the i tos n h eaefoeas
Helen Ncvwberry Residence, Jordan dn kn hvsek des h nves1c fsudtaodngt tons, and the pekake flower, 'also
Hele N&vbery esidnce Jodando not know how to ski may join theE University of Hawaii, according to take the place of corsages in Hawaii,
Hall, and the league houses of Mrs. club to receive instruction, Miss Wit- Helen Carter, '41, transfer student
C. M.Vrui, rs. Lucy Ausftin, Mrs, ters saido from that institute of higher learning And it is a rare sight indeed to see
toMrL.thaninrstitueofMhig ani women without gardenias or orchids
Della Mitchell Mrs. J E. Maddy, Miss Helen Ellis, of the women's to the University of Michigan. twined in their hair. In fact, one of
Mrs. Myrtle Gray and Mrs. Anna physical education department, will But, aside from a few other trifles, the main points of differents.between
Carney have been invited.i be the adviser of the club. Skiis and(such as wearing slacks to school on the Island's campus and those of the
Mei fns xB ie harnesses may be obtained by women Saturdays,. and subjecting saddleI mainland, Miss Carter stated, is the
.restudentsat the W.A.A. Building. shoes to a daily cleaning, college life lack of that color and brilliance here
Merit points will be given to girls in Hawaismuch like that of the which is a normal feature of the
and their houses far attending. United States, Miss Carter (who, in Hawaiian school.
CaleZiksbadwlplyfor l nrma times, is a resident of Hono-'
eruiheacongheInwilsleaargedHlu e nd of Oahu) declared. Most Hawaiians are very partial to
25 cents, but women will be admitted EducationSthe grace and beauty of the native
free Name tags will be provided at E School Is Famous music and dancing, wch perhaps
Ihe oor* .The University of Hawaii, with an as yet
the door. V/i ev po iflt nlletapoitng300su accounts for the fact that, aye,
f , enrollment approximating 3,000 stu- IAmerican "jitterbug" versions have
Prizes Will Be Awarded I dents, is noted especially for its de- made so little pfogress in the Islands.
Two passes to the League which will by V I CrK I partment in sugar technology, and However, one of the big hotels spon-
Latest reports from Paris, New admit one couple to any Friday or _ also for its School of Education, sored an Arthur Murray dancing
York, Cheboygan and other lead Saturday night dance will be given which differs from most others only course last summer, and before the
ing fashion renters of the world as prizes. The winners will be de- The class was growing a little dull in that its minimum program is a
tenmne fashions: henthemanenrhe ofk thehrewFirldar ne.end of the season the local populace,
indicate a heavy trend toward termined as follows: when the man in the back row threw five-year One, as well as the numerous celebrities
"ruffles." 1. All women attending the dance up his hand, and without waiting to A exceent football team repre- and visitors, were ,mussing up the
will sign their names to a list, which be called on shouted, "The only thing sents its Alma Mater at such main- sands at Waikiki and other beaches
will be numbered.rniththecountt land schools as the Universities of with an enthusiastic rendition of the
wrong with h onr stepol
ilAten 2. Seven of the numbers on this listi who run it!" Southern California, Washington "big apple."
will have been chosen as lucky num- and Denver, home games being played Questions 'Four Out Of Five'
bers. He was so fierce about it that he with the alumni of various high The University of Michigan's large
Forn m i l ance 3. Each man attending the dance drew everyone's attention. Even the schools, as there are no other colleges campus, the number of students, and
will be supplied with paper on which felow next to me woke up. "I can on the Island. Deserving of special the snow (which she had never seen
H el d yesterday to record the name of each woman give you the names of two cities, both mention is the university's "crack" before) were among the things which
ih m dn .nt a ge na y rifle team, which has held the trophy most surprised and impressed her,
4. At 5:30 p.m. the names of the tem.having thone e system worksnmental sys well"Warrior of the Pacific" for a num- Miss Carter said. Also the large
I tem.I Insoneathersystem. workstso welleber of yearsireod fitfneotblsaiuheprtadvgr
The third in a series of formal women which appear opposite the that the name of that city is synony- achievements., in recorddit of its rack ande football stadium, the spirit and vigor
dances given by the Faculty-Alumnae lucky numbers will be read through moos with good government, while of the games and the idea of wear-
30the microphone. moswtsodgoenet hl most other sports, excepting those ing ankle socks and silk hose at the
Club of Ann Arbor was held from 9:30 The m anho. hthe name of the other stands for cor- which necessitate a colder climate, sgae me. Ond she ositve
pm to 12:30 pm. yesterday in the 5. The man who has on his list the ruption and dishonesty. It's not the are offered. same time. One thing she positively
balro of thUio. RyGri greatest number of these names will system--it's the people!"I fails to understand (and she was not
ballroom of the t men's prize of a ballroom Activities Important On Campus prompted in this remark, either) is
and his orchestra furnished the mu- pass Class Discusses Government Students participate in a number "the four out of five business." From
sic. 6. The man winner will then select 1 He subsided ino his corner, and the of extra-curricular activities, too, the looks of things, and here we quote
sc 6.class took up the argument. Some! Miss Carter said. There are debat- (Ms atr tepstosogtt
Among those who attended were a number at random, and the name of them argued-so what? It's hope- ing and music societies artheatre iss reer, "the oen og
Dr. and Mrs. Marvin H. Pollard, Mrs. of the woman which appears oppo- less to get good men so you have to gd "n Qill, w iat reversed, with the women doing
Pollard being chairman of the dance, site this number will win the second tr tothecomplaining.
She wore a black chiffon dress withprz.keaclsrinothbd literary club for journalists, arid arz.1mn he h ruet rk u
a fitted 'bodicand full skirt. Prof. Committee Named 1n. Then he arg nt broe ou school paper called "La Leo." Mem-
a!itdbdc over the "bad men"--that they were! bership in the R.O.T.C. is compl- Ita ua il ac
and Mrs. Bradley M. Patten accom- The committee in charge of the io talways bad justhignorant Intramural Rifle Match
panied them. Mrs. Patten's dress was dance is Miss McGeachy, Betty My- ysc but each company has the com- Winners Are Announced
a full-skirted satin the color of wood ers, '39; Jeanne Judson, '40; Zenovia It was all most ,enlightening-like pensating feature of being allowedl
pansies. A family heirloom in the Skoratko, '40Ed; Gladys Engel, '40; most class discussions. My feeble to choose a gil sponsor to march The results of the intramural rifle
form of a cameo brooch worn at the Patricia Mathews, '40; Marjorie Alli- brain reached these conclusions. You -----.----~~~~ matches, which ended Friday, were
throat complemented the classic son, '41; Mr. Rhead, Bill Meckley, can't blame the people who do the+announced by Betty Gross, 39, stu-
simplicity of the dress. '40E; Harris Dean, '40; Bud Cox, '42; electing because as a rule they have New Pledges Announced an e
-notmuc tochose fom.Youcant''I dent manager.
Prof. and Mrs. Stanley O. Duffen- Arthur Kostman, '40; James Huber, -not much to choose from. You can't By Fraternity, Sorority In Group A, the advanced group,
dach were also there, Mrs. Duffen- '42E and Gene Gilmore, '40. blame the good men for refusing to. Mary Richardson, '40Ed, was the
dach wearing a dull-silk teal blue ----- _run as long as public office carries Kappa Delta Rho fraternity an- highest with the score of 91; Mar-
dress. A corsage of delicate pink with it that subtle stigma, puts a nounces the pledging of Roland Sa- jorie Lee Stock, '40, had a score of
flowers completed her costume. As Final Petitioning Is Today question mark on one's character. villa, '40, Gallagher, W. Va.; Gordon 89 and Frances Anderson, '40, ob
guests of the Duffendachs, there were Respect For Officers Needed Hood, '41E, Syracuse, N.Y.; and Clar- tained the score of 772. In Group
Prof. and Mrs. James M. Cork who Today is the last day on which Therefore it follows that democ- ence Gabrysiac, '41E, Rogers City. B, Helen Nutting, '41, came first with
have only recently returned from a women may petition for positions on racy's only hope is that somehow- Gamma Phi Beta sorority an- the score of 83, Margaret Oliver, '40,
sabbatical year abroad. Mrs. Cork the central committee for the Assem- through education, if you like - nounces the pledging today of Helen had 80 points, and Marian Hazeltine,
wore a royal blue velvet dress with bly Ball. Interviewing will take place Americans build up that social atti- Rhodes, '41, Howe Cave, N.Y. and '39Ed, had a score of 77. The high-
a contrasting rhinestone clip at the tomorrow and Friday. T he commit- tude which demands the highest re- Phoebe Powers, '42T, New York City, est possible score was 100 points.
neckline, which was very low indeed. tee will be named Sunday, spect for public officers as holders of - - -
-_______the most important positions in the
nations. Then democracy could hope
todraw out the best men of the na- HELP YOURSELF
ion as candidates for public office.
To do this should be the primary
interest of every firm believer in de- To Bette~r G rades -"""
mocracy. Don't you think so? t
.. ini speed (1 minutes, on
the average, to anywhere) .. .
in scope (reaches almost any-
one, anywhere) ... and in accu-
racy and satisfaction.
Note the representative night
and Sunday rates shown below.
For rates to other points, see
page 5 in the telephone direc-
tory or dial 110.
Nigh ts and
DIAL 3694
221 E. Liberty
Battle Creek ,
Bay City.......
Benton Harbor
Boston, Mass.
Cadillac ... . .
Denver, Co o.
Flint ............
Grand Haven
Grand Rapids
. 45
. , S .
' r
. ..
: . {,
at the J-HOP
," -"o, t
{) .. ~
CAPTIVATING, romantic as a lace-frilled Valen-
tine are the new evening dresses arriving for the
J-Hop. All froth and lace are some with voluminous
skirts and tiny bodices punctuated with flowers.
Suave and sophisticated are others; slim sheaths
of crepe topped with impudently brief jackets.
Filmy nets, mousseline de soie, chiffons, laces and
crepes: Delectable pastel shades. Stunning black
and white models.
Women Approach Finals1
In Bowling Tournament
The quarter-finals of the women's
singles bowling tournament will be
played off this week. Mary Van Welde,
'40Ed, will oppose Marion Weiss,
'40Ed, and Ellen MacDonald, '40, will
meet Pauline Froh, '42. The other
contests will be between Doris Cran-
more, '40Ed, and Jean Johnson, '42Ed,
and between Jeanne Gomon, '40, and
Lenore Johnson, '39.
The semi-finals and finals of the
tournament are to be played off next
Group Meets At League
Alpha Gamma Sigma, independent
women's sorority, held a business
meeting Sunday in the League to for-I
mulate its plans for thercoming se-
mester. The officers for this year
are Lillian Kazmark, '41, president;
Rowena Lacoste, '39, vice-president
and Charlys Lucht, '41, secretary-
trea surer._
MUSIC with that
Certain "Something"
for your i-Hop
House Party!
for All Subjects
State Street at North University
M am , Fa .
Mt. Clemens.....
New Orleans, La.
Kala az oo.
1 ,,
New York City
Angoras and soft wools, cardigans and slip-overs.
Port Huron.
$5.00 and $5.95 Values.
$3.95 Values .........
$2.95 Values.........
. . at $3.95
.. at $2.95
at $1.95
Sault Ste. Marie
14.95 to 35.00
Net dress sketched. Pink or blue.
Handsome evening wraps in velvet
and wools. Capes, floor-length and
hip-length coats-and jackets. Black,
white and eolors. 1298 to 29.75.
M Blouses
Tailored and dressy, crepes and satins, short and
long sleeves.
9 _
Values ...
Vnwijg £)
at $3.95
.. at $2.95
nt .44 _A