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January 20, 1939 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-01-20

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Cloudy today and tomorrow,
probably light, snow.



The Face-Lifting
Of The Court,..

-*to t6,



Class Of '42
To Pick Frosh
Frolic Heads
At Polls Today
Literary College Candidater
Receiving Vote Majorityt
Will Become Chairmanw
29 Enter Contests
For Eight Positions
Freshmen in the literary and en-I
gineering colleges will go to the polls
today to elect eight members of the
central committee for the first of-
ficial function of the Class of 1942-s
the Frosh Frolic, to be held in thee
spring. This is the last of the fourI
class elections this year conductedi
according to the new petition sys-
Voting machines will be open fromt
2 p.m. to 5 p.m. in Room 231 Angelli
HallI for the literary students and
from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the lobby ofc
the Engineering Arch. Identifications
cards will be necessary in order tot
13 Posts Open
The official ballot, prepared at thei
meeting of Men's Council last night
at the Union, was announced by FredI
Luebke, '39E, president.
In the literary college there are 13
men running for three posts, and sev-
en women for two jobs; Robert Al-
pern, Robert Besser, William Caru-
thers, Robert Shedd, Lawrence Gluck,
Thomas Goodkind, William Com-
stock, Jack Grady, 9Gerald Rosens-
weig, David R. Meer, John Rookus,
Richard Scherling and John Hoglund,
Frances Aaronson, Carlyn Denfield,
Betty Farriss, Agnes Crow, Ruth Par-
son, Margot Thom and Ann Withers.
Eight engineers are competing for
three posts: Robert Hotchkiss, Nor-
man Taylor, James S. Martin, Ted
Kennedy, Harold F. Wood, Wesley
R. Swift, Robe't Imbody and Georget
Council Approves Ballot, t
The central Frolic committee willI
be composed of three men and twoc
women from the literary college and
two men from the engineering college.
The candidate in the literary college
receiving the highest number of
votes will be named general chair-l
man since an engineer held that postt
last year.t
The ballot was prepared by the
Council on the recommendationst
made by the judiciary committee andt
the League Judiciary Council, head- 7
red by Sybil Swartout, '39, on the basist
of scholastic and activity records and
personal interviews.t
Shi Canal Bill
Causes Debatet
Vandenberg And Pepper
Rebuke Each Other
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19-R--(An
effort to sidetrack the Administra-
tion's.new drive for the Florida Ship
Canal and the Passamaquoddy, Me,,
tidal power development caused a rowR
today in the Senate.
The controversy broke out whenI
Senator Vandenberg (Rep-Mich), bit-1
ter critic of Administration policies
and expenditures, introduced resolu-
tions asking new studies by federalI
agencies of the two undertakings,
which President Roosevelt asked Con-;

gress this week to resurrect.
Both the Canal and Quoddy have7
been dormant since 1936, when ini-
tial allotments for them were ex-
The Vandenberg 'proposal, consid-
ered an attempt to block Congres-
sional action, drew fire from Senator
Pepper (Dem-Fla) who said his state
was represented by two Senators and
was doing "fairly well" without help
from Vandenberg.
He voiced particular objection to a
Vandenberg resolution asking new
studies by the geological survey, which
reported in 1935 that a canal across
Florida would have "serious adverse
effects" upon the state's underground
water supply.
Committee Condenses
Congress J-Hop Booths
The J-Hop Committee announced
yesterday that the assignment of five
booths to Congress, independent
mn~cn cr n - ti - achw 0ho a

Swimmers Battle Ohio State
In Decisive Meet Here Tonight

Two Teams Are Leaders
Of Intercollegiate Field;
Ohio GivenSlight Edge
The collective eye of the swimming
world will be focused on the Intra-
muralBuilding Pool when the two
titans of intercollegiate swimming,
Ohio State and Michigan, clash at
7:30 tonight.
Monarchstof all they survey, the
Buckeyes and the Wolverines between
them hold every swimming title for
which they are eligible with the Col-
umbus contingent having an edge on
crowns. Ohio State is Big Ten and
National A.A.U. champions while the
Maize and Blue won the National
Collegiate crown. And in addition,
Ohio last year did twice what no
swimming team had been able to do
even once in the preceding eight
years-whip Matt Mann's Wolver-
Revenge Is Motif
So the motif of tonight's clash,
the first of the year for both teams,
will be revenge. For Ohio, who has
"Beat Michigan" signs plastered all
over its natatorium, it will be to
revenge a one point licking adminis-
tered at the Nationals; for Michigan,
it will be revenge
The teams appear evenly matched
with Ohio State, as Matt Mann puts
it, "the champions and hence the
favorites until they're beaten."
And if the Wolverines are to win,

itheirhopes revolve around four
scphomores who must provide the
difference between last year's Wes-
tern Conference runner-ups and this
season's squad. The four men in their
first year of competition are Charley
Barker~ Bill Beebe, Bill Holmes and
Jim Welsh, with at least one member
of this quartet in every event except
the breast-stroke and the dive.
Sophomores Standout
There will probably be two of these
sophomores in the first event of the
night, the 300-yard medley relay.
Either Barker or Beebe will swim the
backstroke, Johnny Haigh the breast-
stroke, and either Capt. Tom Haynie
or Bill Holmes as the free-styler.
Any combination that Mann selects
will be good but so will any trio that
Ohio coach Mike Peppe puts in the
water. His most likely, trio will be
Harold "Curley" Stanhope, Olympian
Johnny Higgins and all-American
Billy Quayle swimming in that order.
In the 200-free-style Welsh and
Capt. Tom Haynie will be counted on
for a first and second. Ed Hutchens
may swim here instead of either Welsh
or Haynie in an attempt to save the
displaced man for later events.
Walt Tomski's ineligibility will hurt
in the 50- free-style, but here again
Wolverine sophomores are expected
to carry the brunt of the attack.
Either Beebe or Barker (depending
on which one swims in the medley)
and Bill Holmes will swim against
(Continued on Page 3)

Heller Resiogns
Post As Head
Of Local Hillel
Director Intends To Stay
In An'n Arbor, Devoting
More Time To Writing
Rabinowitz Named

Successor To


Wace Blames
Fall Of Sparta
On Militarism
Historical View Of Decline
Of Greek City Culture
Given ByArchaeologist
A definite relationship exists be-
tween the initiation in Sparta of a
totalitarian form of government and
the decline of its cultural activties,
Prof. A.J.B. Wace, Laurence Professor
of Archaeology at Cambridge Univer-
sity, declared in a University lecture
At the end of the sixth century, B.C.,
when Sparta, in order to keep its
position at the head of many small
cities of Greece, inaugurated an ex-
tensive system of military training for
all groups of the population, its cul-
tural activities stagnated, excavations
there now indicate. Professor Wace
refused, however, to draw the moral
that, since Sparta's widespread mili-
tary activities resulted in a set-back
to its intellectual development, it was
an unfortunate step. For who, he
asked, if not powerful Sparta would
have preserved the cultural contribu-
tions of Athens from destruction by
invaders in later centuries?
Contrary to popular belief, Profes-
sor Wace declared, Sparta was not
always a state which had no use for
culture. Extensive excavations, per-
formed by the British School of Arch-
aeology at Athens under the direction
of Professor Wace on the site of
ancient Sparta, have proved that be-
fore the sixth century and the in-
auguration of the militaristic system,
Sparta flourished in many lines of
cultural and intellectual endeavour.
Many relics of jewelry, especially
those done in ivory and inlaid in am-
ber, indicate that the culture of many
countries was represented in Sparta
(for the only amber known at that
time came from the Baltic region)
and that the Spartans had time for
some of the frivolities of life and did
not concentrate only on blood and
Calverton To Talk
On Modern Novel
V. F. Calverton, editor of "Modern
Monthly" magazine, and book critic
for "Current History" magazine, will
speak on "The Modern Novel and So-
cial Change" at 3 p.m. tomorrow in
the Union. Mr. Calverton will also
speak informally at a luncheon to be
held in the Union at 12:15 p.m. to-
morrow, it was announced by Jack
Sessions, '40Ed, chairman of both
In addition to editing several an-
thologies in the fields of literature,
sociology, and anthropology, Mr. Cal-
verton has written a number of books,
among which are "The Liberation of
American Literature," and "The
Passing of the Gods." His appear-
ance here is sponsored by the Young
L..rl ._ - - 1c+ To , - .

France Grants
Six Months' Time Given;
British Action Expected
On Former Agreement
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19 -(P)- A
preliminary step for a commercial
airline between France and the United
States was taken today when France
granted a six months' permit enabling
one or more American transport lines
to begin such service.
Informed observers said this de-
velopment, announced by the State
Department here, might have the ef-
fect of jolting the British into action
on an agreement reached with the
United States in December, 1935, for
transatlantic service.
Britain has not yet signified her
readiness to carry out her part of this
service, and the agreement specifies
that both sides must start simultan-
Even if Britain holds back, Ameri-
cans will be able to fly between here
and London by way of France.
The United States promised France
she "would be willing to enter into
negotiations with the French Govern-
ment for the conclusion of a recipro-
cal air transport agreement," the
State Department announced.
Chamberlain's Son
ImperiledBy Blast
LONDON, Jan. 19 -(m)- Frank
Chamberlain, only son of the British
Prime Minister, escaped harm today
from a bomb blast apparently aimed
at him in Ireland as authorities in
Britain and Northern Ireland drafted
thousands of police reserves to com-
bat terrorism attributed to the out-
lawed Irish Republican Army.
On a vacation in Tralee, Ireland,
25-year-old Chamberlain was jolted
from his sleep before dawn when a
terrific explosion at the rear of his
small hotl tossed several neighbors
from their beds, splintered hotel walls
and tore a hole in a nearby retaining
Hundreds of windows in the area
were shattered and police immediate-
ly undertook an intensive hunt
through the Dingle Peninsula, long
a hotbed of anti-British Republican-
ism on the far western Irish coast.
Norwegian Ship Split
In Mysterious Accident
NEW YORK, Jan. 19-(')-A sud-
den and unexplained accident in mid-
ocean which terrifyingly halved the
489-foot Norwegian motor tanker
Jaguar was reported today in a radio
message which said 37 members of
the crew were saved.
The steamer New Orleans of the
Roosevelt Steamship Company sent
word of the wreck to the Mackay
Radio Company, but gave few details
of the rescue and did not say whether

Dr. Bernard Heller, director of the
University Hillel Foundation since
1929, tendered his resignation yes-1
terday,- to become effective Feb. 1.r
Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, present associ-3
ate director, has been named to suc-
ceed him.
Dr. Heller annunced that his
duties at the Foundation prevented
him from devoting sufficient time to
his writing. He is at present working
on two volumes, "Stoicism and Spin-1
oza" and "Odyssey of a Faith."
Several invitatiolls to occupy pul-
pits havealready been offered him,
but he has made oo plans for the
immediate future, other than to con-
tinue residence in Ann Arbor.
Dr. Heller, in his letter of resigna-
tion, addressed to Dr. Abram Sachar,
national director of the B'nai B'rith
Hillel Foundation, said:
"Despite this step, I wish to assure
you that I still consider the Hillel
Foundation an instrument of great
importance and promise for the de-
velopment of generations of informedt
and inspired Jewry. I shall be very
happy to lend to it and to you any
assistance which I am capable of giv-
ing. "
During Dr. Heller's administration,
the Michigan Hillel Foundation out-
grew its old quarters, moved in its
present building at 1102 Oakland, ac-
quired a modern chapel, and the well-
equipped Weiss Memorial Library,
containing a supplementary collec-
tion of books for University courses.
Dr. Heler inaugurated many newE
institutions, most outstanding of
which is the Student's Executive
Council, chief governing body of the
Foundation. Last year, under Dr.
Heller's direction, the Foundation col-
lected the unprecedented sum of
$2,500 for the national campaign con-
(Continued on Page 6)
Public Utilities
Commission Hit
By Fitzgerald
Governor Makes Threats
Concerning Legislative
Action To Abolish Body
LANSING, Jan. 19.-(IP)-Governor.
Fitzgerald threatened tonight to have
the Legislature abolish the Public
Utilities Commission and create a
new agency with similar duties after
the Democratic Commission rejected
his invitation to resign.
The Governor himself has no au-
thority to oust state officials during
a session of the Legislature.
"I'm going to broom out this Com-
mission that has not been doing its
work," Fitzgerald announced angrily
after a conference at which Commis-
sion Chairman Paul H. Todd had
politely, but firmly, defied his au-
He added that, should the Legisla-
ture refuse to meet his wishes, "I'll
remove Todd 12 hours after the Leg-
islature adjourns."
The Governor said he would recom-
mend that salaries of the proposed
new Public Utilities Commissioners
be fixed at $5,000 a year, as compared
with the $7,000 the members now re-
Informed of the Governor's an-
nouncement, Todd replied simply:
"We still are not going to resign."
At a conference with Fitzgerald
he told the Governor it would be im-
possible to meet his demands for re-
trenchment in payrolls. He said
salary lists already have been reduced
$30,000 annually, and that further
cut would prove costly to the state
by diminishing efficiency.
Fitzgerald said Todd had rejected
his suggestion that a Republican
Secretary of the Commission be ap-
pointed, offering a counter sugges-

tion that the Republican be given
some other job in the Commission
with a salary of $5.000 a year.
In answer to numerous in-
quiries at the business office of
the Michiganensian in the last
C - . , - fE. , 7...T .1 .,.. Inn .

Gophers Rout
Hockey Team
By 6-0 Score
Michigan Sextet Outplayed
By Opponent's Superior
Speed And Stick Work
Packed Coliseum
Cheers Rough Play
Their defense cracked wide open
by the sheer power and clever thrusts
of a doughty Minnesota hockey crew,
Michigan's weary and oft times wary
sextet suffered a 6 to 0 trouncing last
night at the Coliseum while a near
capacity crowd hissed, booed, shrieked
and audibly groaned.
Outfought, outskated-in a word,
outclassed-the Wolverines fought
back sporadically, but the Gophers
were so vastly superior that there
was never a doubt of the outcome.
For Michigan, the shut-out was the
first suffered on the ice in two years.
While the vocally belligerent crowd
divided their attention between the
game and the bad man hiistrionics
of John Mariucci, the Gophers' mili-
tant defenseman the visitors scored
once in the first period, three times
in the second, and twice in the final
stanza to win with consummate ease.
Rough and ready John, who has
added several of Ernie Shore's tactics
to his repertoire, acted generally ram-
bunctious throughout the evening and
huge swathes of tape across his face
lent a pronounced poignancy, to his1
character. He bounced Michigan men
on their posteriors with a sadistic
glee, crashed the Wolverine defense
with a rapier like rapidity, and only
when he received a pair of resound-
ing jolts in the final stanza were the
customers satisfied.
Mariucci, who doubles as an end on
the Gopher football team, added two
goals and an assist to his colorful
performance to get a "plus" rating in
versatility for the evening.
He opened the romp after 18:04
of the first period had elapsed by
picking up the puck in front of the
Michigan goal. for an easy score.
Mariucci had circled behind the goal
(Continued on Page 3)
Anti-New Deal
Senators Attack
Harry Hopkins
Reed, Davis And Iolt Rap
Former WPA Chieftain
During All-Day Session
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19-(/P)-Two
Republicans and an anti-New Deal
Democrat poured condemnation up-
on the head of Harry Hopkins in the
Senate today while Administration
leaders quietly awaited a vote which
none doubted would result in confirm-
ation of his nomination as Secretary
of Commerce.
Senator Reed (Rep-Kas), making
his first Senate speech, Senator Davis
(Rep-Pa), a Senate veteran, and
Senator Holt (Dem-W. Va.)occupied
the entire day's session with a denun-
ciation of political activity which,
they said, was rampant in WPA while
Hopkins was head of that, organiza-
Reed asserted Hopkins had been
elevated to the Cabinet to "remove
him from the line of fire" directed

at WPA. Davis demanded a complete
investigation of politics in relief. Holt,
bluntly declaring he did not believe
statements Hopkins had made in his
own defense, contended he was "un-
fit" for the post of Secretary of Com-
Only Senator Barkley of Kentucky,
the Democratic leader, came to Hop-
kins' defense-and to his own as well,
in connection with charges of politi-
cal irregularities in the Kentucky
Democratic primary last summer. He
said both he and Hopkins had been
cleared by the Senate Campaign Ex-
penditures Committee of any know-
ledge of the incidents in question.
Symphony To Make
Wide Concert Tour
The University Little Symphony's
concert tour this year in, February
and April will cover 19 states and the
District of Columbia, according to
itineraries released yesterday.
The orchestra. composed of stu-

Jury Ponders Heavily;
Plaintiff Gets Six Cents
A circuit court jury broke one
record and set another here Wednes-
day when it awarded damages of six
cents in a $25,000 accident suit, after
deliberating for nearly three days.
In awarding the plaintiff this stag-
gering amount, the court tied the
record set in an alienation of affec-
tions suit in 1933 for the smallest
amount of damages ever granted in
Washtenaw County. In deliberating
three days, the jury was out longer
than any other local jury in the last
15 years.
The "damages" were awarded to
Morrell Kasdorf, of Lapeer, against
Harry E. Palmer and Louise B. Pal-
mer of Ann Arbor, whose car collided
with Kasdorf's near Imlay City, Dec.
14, 1937.
Spanish Rebels
Press Search
For Transports
Fate Of 60,000 Loyalists
Depends Upon Success
Of Insurgent Blockade
HENDAYE, France (At the Span-
ish Frontier), Jan. 19.-(P)-Spanish
insurgent warships shelled at Cata-
lonian coastal defenses today and
pressed a grim search for transports
reported carrying 60,000 fresh ,.sol-
diers to the defense of Barcelona.
Thee gunboats of the Insurgent
blockade steamed back and forth
across the route which would have
to be followed by troop ships in any
transfer of manpower from the south-
ern part of Government Spain to the
Government's seaport capital.
The gunboats shelled shore posi-
tions northeast of Insurgent-held
The fate of the transports said to
be skirting Generalissimo Franco's
widening eastern Mediterranean sa-
lient with the vanguard of 60,000 re-
inforcements from the Madrid front
remained in doubt.
Barcelona authorities kept silent on
the reported mass movement which
would be imperiled also by Insurgent
bombers from Franco's Balearic base,
The reinforcement, if executed,
would give Barcelona's defenders a
tremendous numerical superiority
over the estimated 300,000 Insur-
gents striving to lose in on the me-
tropolis from the west and southwest
and at the same time trying to shear
off its connections with the French
Before a recent drastic mobiliza-
tion which brought to the colors all
Catalonians from 18 to 55 years old,
Catalonian defense forces were esti-
mated at 300,000, as against a similar
number in the ranks of Franco's
northeastern armies. It was not
known how many men were gained
by the mobilization.
Gould Judged
Best Speaker
Interdepartmental Contest
Won By Sophomore
r.,..R..,... rel.... '41 wa jd eaod the

Roosevelt Hits
Tax Exempted
Federal Bonds
And Incomes
Revenue From Securities
And National Salaries
Would Net 300 Million
Congress Ordered
To Act Promntly
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19.-(A})-
President Roosevelt urged Congress
today to make all private income
from all government salaries and all
future government securities subject
to the general income tax laws of the
Federal and state governments
Federal tax officials have estimat-
ed that Federal revenue would In-
crease, as a result, as much as ,$30,-
000,000 annually. State governments
also would benefit by large revenue,
increases from reciprocal authority
given them to tax Federal salaries and
Would Broaden Taxes
(The Federal Government now col-
lects taxes graduated upward from 4
per cent on income derived from in-
terest on Federal bonds and on salt.
aries of Federal employes. States
which have income tax laws have re-
frained from taxing income from
these sources. The President recom-
mended subjecting this income. to
state as well as Federal taxstion.
(States having income tax laws now
levy on income from state and local
bonds and salaries of state and local
employes but the Federal collector re-
frains from taxing these forms of in-
come. The President's proposal
would subject state salaries and bond
interest to Federal taxes, too).
In a special message Mr. Roosevel
also advised Congress that recent
Supreme Court decisions had made
some state salaries and some state
securities subject to taxes. He asked
legislation to prevent the persons
whose incomes would thus be taxed
retroactively from suffering inequal-
Will Collect Back Tax I
"tpless the Congress passes soie
legislation dealing with this situation
prior to March 15," Mr. Roosevelti
said, "I am informed by the Secretary
of the Treasury that he will be obliged
to collect back taxes for at least three
years upon the employes of many
state agencies and upon the security
holders of many state corporate in-
strumentalities who mistakenly but
in good faith believed they were tax
exempt. The assessment and collec-
tion of" these taxes will doubtlessly in
many cases produce great hardship.
"Accordingly, I recommend legis-
lation to correct the existing inequit-
able situation, and at the same timne
to make private income from all gov-
ernment salaries hereafter earned
and fron9 all government securities
hereafter issued subject to the general
income tax laws of the nation and of
the several states.
" The President said immunities
granted income from government se-
curities and employment "are not in-
exorable requirements of the Consti-
tution, but are the result of Judicial



lDougias Uoui ,I, web sugu i
best speaker in Speech 31 sections in
the second intra-departmental speech
contest of the semester' yesterday ir:
Natural Science Auditorium. Fordyce
J. Hartman, '41, took second place
"A diary is something you keep be-
cause you have it," said Gould, speak-
ing on the topic "Dear Diary.". After
quoting from a diary kept by an engi-
neer on campus, Gould remarked that
if you must keep a diary like this
one, throw it on your funeral pyre
when you die.
Hartman talked on "Relationship-
of China and the United States,"
pointing out that, becausetshe is fur-
nishing Japan 54 per cent of all her
war materials, the United States i.,
contributing to her own destruction.
Others who competed and theih
topics included: Barbara Newton
'41, "A Trip Around Cape Cod;'"
Richard J. Hainer, '41, "Succeeding
With What You Have;" Jack Luxan
'40, "Hitler's Scapegoats;" Dr. L. E.
Powers, "Modern Up Hair Dress;"
and Meribah Ann Leach, '40, "Seeing
Ourselves As Others See Us."
Mr. Norman Reid acted as chair-
man and judges were Prof. L. M
Eich, R. D. Hollister, and Mark Bailey
of the speech department.
Japan Reports Bombing

Murphy Speeds Up
Wheels Of Justice
On Pending Cases

WASHINGTON, Jan. 19--(/P)-At-
torney General Frank Murphy an-
nounced today new efforts to speed
up the wheels of justice.
*At his first press conference, the
few Attorney General said he had
lirected all United States Attorneys
o report "with suitable explanations
:znd suggestions" on all pending cases
vhich have been on the dockets for
)ver two years. The reports must be
:ubmitted within 30 days.
In dispatching these letters, the
attorney General explained, it was
.iis purpose to cut delays and "ar-
:ears of business" in the offices of
,he attorneys and to expedite the dis-
osition of government civil and crim-
inal cases in federal courts.
Library Has Examination
File For Use Of Students
Students have access to the file of
examinations in 202 courses offered
by the literary college, Lillian Rickel,
librarian of the first floor study hall
of the General Library said yester-

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