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January 19, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-01-19

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The Weather
Occasional snow today and
tomorrow; rising temperature

L r e

Mf 1tr iga


Who Does He
Think, Etc., Anyhow? ..
The Rebels'
Press Agent? .

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S


17 Are DeadIn
Quebec School
27 Are Missing
Firemen Helpless As Blaze
Consumes Wood Interior
In Sub-Zero Weather
Hospitalization Is
Necessary For 21
ST. HYACINTHE, Que., 18.-(Can-
adian Press)-Flames which flared
in the night swept the College of the
Sacred Heart for boys here today
leaving 17 known dead and 27 persons
Two faculty members from the
United States were among the teach-
ing brothers and students missing
and four others from New England
were among 21 victims in hospitals
with serious injuries or burns.
Rhode Island Men Missing
The teaching brothers from the
United States who were missing were
Brothers Joseph, 75, and Xavier,
whose name in civilian life was Le-
tourneau. Both were of Woonsocket,
The injured New Englanders were
Brother Alexis, 27, formerly Tessier,
of Woonsocket; Brother David, 26,
formerly Bergeron, Pawtucket, R. L;
Brother Blaise, 32, formerly Gignac,
of Woonsocket; and Roland Manseau,
14, of Winooski, Vt.
One of the dead was identified as
the Rev. Brother Jean Baptiste, 64,
who jumped to his death, and an-
other as Joseph Vincent, 15, St. Hy-
acinthe student.
Police Fear For Missing
Provincial polic said they feared
a majority of Jthose missing perished
in the flames which destroyed the
37-year-old, four-story brick building.
Many of those in the hospital were
injured in jumping from the top floor
dormitory quarters. Some suffered
from exposure in the below-zero
The fire ws aeheved to have had
at least a half hour start when it was
discovered about 2 a.m. by a passerby.
The flames ate rapidly through the
wooden interior of the building be-
fore all the 80 boarding students and
31 teaching brothers could be aroused.

Earle Urges Federal Ownership
For Pennsylvania's Coal Fields

Calls Plan Only Enduring
Solution For Troubles
Of Anthracite Industry
HARRISBURG, Pa., Jan. 18.-(A)-
Federal ownership of Pennsylvania's
vast anthracite fields was advocated
tonight by Gov. George H. Earle as
the "only enduring" solution to the
ills of the industry.
Earle said this decision was reached1
by two large operators, two union
leaders, one independent producer
and the Governor's own anthracite
commission after a long conference.
The Governor said he would visit
President Roosevelt next Monday or
Tuesday to enlist his support.
Earle said the proposal would in-
volve the purchase of all hard coal
lands in Pennsylvania by the Federal
Government, which also would reg-
ulate marketing.
The lands would be sought first "at
a reasonable purchase price" but if
this could not be agreed upon, the
propertieswould be condemned and
the Government would take over at
the condemnation price.
The mines still would be operated
by private industry, however, Earle
said. The operators would obtain
their leases from the Federal Govern-
"The anthracite industry, properly
regulated," Earle asserted, "could
bring lower priced fuel to approxi-

mately one-third of the homes in
'the nation.
"This is the big point in the entire
program--up to the time the coal is
brought out of the mine, everything
is all right. Between that time and
when it reaches the consumer's cellar
is where the middle men are piling
up outlandish prices."
The mountainous five-county dis-
trict in eastern Pennsylvania is the
world's largest producer of hard coal.
Thousands of miners in the valley
and mountainside towns have been
thrown out of work by sharp de-
creases in anthracite production in
the last few years.
To provide food and clothing for
their families, the unemployed-men
and boys of school age-have pock-
marked the anthracite-laden hills
with make shift coal holes and have
re-worked abandoned holes on com-
pany-owned property.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 18.-(I)-
Treasury authorities said tonight if
the Federal Government became the
owner of anthracite coal lands, as
advocated by Gov. George H. Earle of
Pennsylvania, the property would be
tax-exempt the same as other Fed-
eral property.
If it desired, however, the Govern-
ment could arrange for the payment
of taxes on these lands by the operat-
ors to whom the lands might be

Recent Gifts
Give Impetus
To Text Fund
Library Continues Drive
To Aid Needy Students
To Obtain Free Books
Walter Announces
Grants Of $1,050
Having gained new impetus with
the announcement of two recent gifts,
one of $1,000 and one of $50, the Text9
Book Lending Library inaugurated
last May is continuing its drive to
build up a stock of text books to lend
out to needy students, Prof. E. A.
Walter of the English department an-
pounced yesterday.
The donation of $1,000 was made
anonymously while the $50 gift was
donated by William R. Boyce, '36. The
$1,000 has been turned into an endow-
ment, the interest which it will draw
being used to purchase other books to
swell the present supply, while the
$50 is being used to purchase new
books through the University Library
for use next semester.
Begun Last Year
The Text Book Lending Library
had its inception last year in the
plan drawn up by four members of
the University faculty appointed by
President Ruthven. They were Dr.
William Bishop, University librarian;
Dean Edward H. Kraus of the literary3
college; Prof. Arthur D. Moore of
the engineering college and Professor
Books were donated by students
who no longer had need of them, and
they were received at the various
libraries about campus. These books
were then concentrated in the study
hall in Angell Hall where they are
available to eligible students. Pro-
fessor Walter said that the response
of the student body to the call for
books was gratifying and that books
have continued to be received right
up to the present.
- 300 Books Available
Th0 numbe o too1 available at
present is approximately 300. These
books are taken by the student for
a semester's use, after which time
they are returned to the library. Stu-
dents applying for the use of the
lending library are recommended by
Dean of Men Joseph A. Bursley, Dean
of Women Alice C. Lloyd, Professor
Moore or any of the academic coun-
selors. Upon his recommendation
} the committee of faculty members
at the head of the loan fund in-
vestigate and issue him a written per-
mit which will entitle him to draw
books upon presentation at the desk
in Angell Hall Study Hall.
Professor Walter emphasized that
the Text Book Lending Library is a
campus-wide institution and not con-
fined merely to the College of Lit-
erature, Science and the Arts.
'40 Class Dues

Insurgent Sources
Claim Teruel Gains
HENDAYE, France (On the Span-
ish Frontier), Jan. 18.-(A')-Spanish
Insurgent authorities announced to-
day their artillery had isolated Gov-
ernment troops at Teruel, except for
a small corridor leading from the
strategically important provincial
capital to Valencia.
For the first time in three months,
the Insurgents said, the Government
soldiers fled "hysterically" before In-
surgent attacks at Santa Barbara and
Mansueto, Government defense po-
iitions north of Teruel.
The Government forces were re-
ported by the Insurgents to have been
driven across the Alfambra River in
a push by Insurgent columns from
Concud which netted the last remain-
ing heights north of the provincial
capital, 160 miles east of Madrid.
Government authorities earlier had
acknowledged their lines had been
forced back a short distance at Teruel.

French Crisis Ends;


A New Government

Dortm's Footure
Hight Deipend
EOn Foo Dance
Proceeds from the Foo dance Fri-
day in the Union will go into the
Men's Dorm Committee's Fund, a sum
of money being built up to make ad-
ditions to new dormitories.
The Men's Dorm Committee was;

formed in October, 1936, and had as
Battle ao inoits first chairman Gilbert Tilles, '37,
former editor of the Gargoyle. During
the last school year, the committee
Along Yangtze collected more than $3,500.
This money was obtained through
In 'Wu A rea the Dorm Dance, given in November.
1936, the Michigras, a Varsity Band
Concert, the Chrysler Choir Concert
Tokio Recalls Envoy; May of last spring and various donations
from class dances.
Recognize Autonomous Last year, the Dorm Committee
Peiping Regime Shortly gave $2,000 for the construction of
Murfin Gate, which now stands ,be-

Greyhound Line
Faces Fine For
Code Violation
Court Charges Use Of Two
Extra Busses A Breach
Of Public Utilities Law
For allegedly violating the state
public utilities code in providing spe-
cial busses to carry students home
for Christmas vacation, representa-
tives of the Greyhound Bus Lines
have been summoned to appear Fri-
day before Justice Jay Payne, Tho-
mas Draper, '39, Union Terminal rep-
resentative, revealed yesterday.
If found guilty, the company will
be fined a "sizeable" amount, Draper
The supposed violation took place
on Friday, Dec. 17, when two special
Greyhound coaches were brought here
to take care of student traffic des-
tined for Buffalo and New York City.
Representatives of the State Public
Utilities Commission appeared at
12:30 p.m. immediately before the
busses were ready to leave.
Drivers were given summonses for
their appearance because no permis-
sion to operate off their regular routes
had been granted. According to
Draper the busses had procured all
other necessary licenses."
"It. would seem that because the
Greyhound Bus Lines provided spe-
cial coaches for the convenience ofI
students at 4 time of day no regular
schedules were operated, they must

Hull Requests
Permission To
Contact Rubens
Embassy Will Investigate
Treatment Of Prisoners
By Russian Officials
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18.-(A>-
Secretary Hull, receiving word from
the Soviet Government that Mrs.
Marie Rubens of New York City had
been arrested in Moscow on suspicion
of espionage, asked Soviet authoritiest
tonight to permit an American official
to see her.
State department spokesmen said
the request was made so that a sec-
retary of the American embassy in
Moscow could determine how she was
being treated and whether her story
of her detention corresponded with
the Soviet version.
Sister Overjoyed
Counsel for Miss Constance Boer-
ger of New York, sister of Mrs. Ru-
bens, announced he would ask the
secretary of state to arrange if pos-
sible that the prisoner be represented
by counsel of her choice.
Overjoyed at word that her sister
-long missing-still was alive, Miss
Boerger said in New York:
"I know she's completely innocent'
>f any espionage. If she is involved,
I am sure it was ontirely without her
kn owledge."

SHANGHAI, Jan. 19.-(Wednes-1
day)-(A')-Chinese and Japanese,
force4 were reported locked in a bit-
ter fight today along the Yangtze,
River near where the United States
Gunboat Panay was sunk by the Ja-
panese a month ago.
Chinese said two reinforced col-.
umns had arrived in the vicinity of y
Wuhu, 25 miles up stream from where
the Panay sank, and were pressing
the Japanese hard forrpossession of
the important river port.
Japanese reported a Japanese tank
unit had occupied Hohsien, nearest
town to the scene of the Panay inci-
dent, after killing 200 Chinese and
driving out 500 others. The unit then
advanced toward Hanshan, where the
Panay survivors fled after the gun-
boat was sunk.
Since Japanese troops held Hohsien
when the Panay was bombed, the
tdnk maneuver was- interpreted as
meaning possibly that Chinese had
re-captured the town.
A Tsingtao dispatch said Japanese
Vice-Hdmiral Toyoda had apologized
to American and British authorities
for unwarranted action by Japanese
marines against two British and one
American sailor Jan 11. The Japanese
ousted the sailors from their signal
posts at bayonet point, the report said.
(In Tokyo the withdrawal of the
Japanese ambassador to China was
announced as indications increased
that Japan eventually would recog-
nize the new Peiping regime as the
government of China instead of the
former Nanking Government, which
Japan already has repudiated).
U.S. Plans No Action
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18. -(IP)-
President Roosevelt indicated today
the United States contemplated no
immediate change in its attitude to-


tween Allen Rumsey House and the
new addition of the Union. The gate
was named for former Regent James
0. Murfin of Detroit.
The Dorm Committee's fund now
amounts to $1,500 and profits from
the dance Friday will go to swell this
The Foo dance, a costume ball, will
be from 9 p.m. until 1 a.m. Friday
in the main ballroom of the Union.
Dancing will be continuous, with
Charlie Zwick and Bob Steinle's
bands furnishing music.
Fraternity Men
Organize Against FOW'
Long-smouldering opposition to the
dormitory fund by many fraternity
men flared yesterday when a "Poo on
Foo" dance was announced to com-
pete with the dormitory committee's
"Foo" dance.
Led by Walker (Wrag) Graham,
'38, of Theta Chi, a group of frater-
nity members advised affiliated stu-
dents not to "knit your own noose"
in an advertisement in today's Daily.
They suggested boycott of the "Foo"
dance which will be held Friday,
night at the Union and proposed in-
stead that fraternity men go to the
Armory, downtown dance hall.
Announcement of the "Poo on Foo"
affair capped opposition to the dormi-
tory movement which began when
the administration supposedly
"double-crossed" fraternities by mak-
ing freshmen who live at Allen-Rum-
sey eat all their meals there. Fra-
ternity men said they had been led
to believe that pledges would be al-
lowed to eat at least one meal a week
at their fraternity.
,! i~


Statesman From
Canada To Tall

Climaxes Longest Cabinet
Crisis Since World War;
People's Front Shaken
Socialists' Support
PARIS, Jan. 18.-(P)-Premier Ca-
mille Chautemps tonight succeeded in
forming a new government composed
principally of Radical Socialists, end-
ing in its fifth day the longest French
cabinet crisis since the World War.
The question of continuation of the
19-month-old People's Front, coali-
tion of leftist parties, remained un-
decided, however.
The premier, whose resignation
early Friday createdthe crisis, was
assured Socialist support for his new
government in the Chamber of Dep-
uties. But the Socialists, who par-
ticipated in Chautemps' preceding
government, did not take posts in the
new cabinet.
Their Communist allies in the Peo-
ple's Front decided to await a min-
isterial declaration of policy in the
chamber Friday, then "to judge by
the Government's program" whether
to continue supporting Chautemps
and keep the People's Front intact.
Sure Of Majmity
Even if the Communists vote
against him, Chautemps appeared
sure of a parliamentary majority with
the votes of the Socialists, Radical
Socialists, and two smaller indepen-
dent left groups-the Socialist and
Republican Union and the Indepen-
dent Left.
The Radical Socialists, long the
parliamentary keys of succeeding
governments, again were predomi-
rant with 18 of the 20 full-ranking
ministers chosen. Of 13 under-sec-
retaries nine were Radical Socialists
The new cabinet, the 103rd ce
founding of the Third Republic, was
presented quickly to President Albert
Chief among the problems which
the government faced is that of bring-
ing capital and labor together. Po-
litical circles considered strikes and
other capital-labor disturbances the
fundamental reason for the franc's
slide when Chautemps' previous min-
istry collapsed.
Paris and the provinces were quiet
during the day and evening while
governmental leaders maneuvered to
weld a new government.
Long applause and a few hisses
greeted news of the cabinet forma-
tion flashed on movie screens. Every-
where there was an impression of
relief the crisis had ended.
Delbos, Daladier Retain Posts
Foreign and military policies of
France will be unchanged by the new
government, parliamentary observers
said, with Foreign Minister Delbos
and National Defense Minister Dala-
dier in their former posts.
Although the Communists were wa-
vering, parliamentary sources indi-
cated they would vote for the govern-
ment, at least on its initial chamber
appearance Friday.
One of the' cabinet changes was
considered significant was creation of
a new title for George Bonnet, the re-
tiring finance minister, who became
minister of state for "coordination of
finances and the national economy."
An advocate of free currency, Bon-
net attempted unsuccessfully to form
a cabinet himself during the crisis
but was blocked by Socialist opposi-
The other minister of state, Louis
Frossard, was assigned special duties
to deal with labor conflicts, a press-
ing problem.
In addition to keeping his national
defense post, Edouard Deladier be-
came vice-premier succeeding Leon
Blum, one of the principal Socialists
who are missing from the new gov-
Other well-known Socialists now
out of government office included
Marx Dormoy, the retiring minister

# of the interior who recently pushed
investigation of secret armed revolu-
tionary plots against the government.
Allen To Preside At
' Coffee Hour Today
Prof. Shirley Allen of the forestry
school will lead a discussion on for-
estry topics and problems from 4:30

"Germnan Rearmament'


Lecture Top
Sir Herbert Ames, Cana
man and former lecturer f
negie Endowment for It
Peace, will speak at 4:15
row in Natural Science
on the subject, "Does Gern
ament Necessarily Mean V
Sir Herbert spends pract
summer in Europe, and 1h
he attended the Nazi pa:
Nuremberg as a British
guest from Canada.
For many years he way
of the Canadian House of
and served several terms a
of the Finance Committe
the first treasurer of the
Nations, holding that post
Since then he has bee
principally in the United
has been in Ann Arbor on
Plan For'
'Congress' Will
Five Booth
Independent men no
with any organization eliE
cure a J-Hop booth will
modated in booths spc
Congress, independent im
ization, Robert May, '3
of the social committee
announced yesterday.
There will be five
booths, May said. Two o
already been filled by t
Club and the Junior Eng
other three will be filled
100 independent men
their ticket number and'
sessment fee at the offi
gress. Registration may
R ennm 20 8 fth. e nionn

dian states-
or the Car-
p.m. tomor-
nan Rearm-
tieally every

astsumerapparbefre curttoanser Maxim Litvinol, the Soviet foreign' ward the Sino-Japanese hostilities as P yisT ah r
rty rally in charges for providing this service," he minister, informed Hull through Roy a result of Japan's withdrawal of its S
Dominions declared. Henderson, American charge d'af- I 'iambassador from China. To Convene Here
afaires, that the mysterious woman He reiterated at his press confer- '
s a member also known as "Mrs. Donald Louis In, . , ence, however, that this government's
f Commons, Chistian To Gicv IRbinson" had been under virtual ar_ WCI w ity-live UC5ents Must Be policy was on a 24-hour basis. College Teachers of Physics in
s chairman - est since the beginning of December. In Before Graduation In response to questions about Ja- Michigan will hold their mid-winter
He. e was American Recital Companion Also Held pan's action, Mr. Roosevelt said the meeting here Saturday with four
League of "Donald Louis r -obinson," with Collection of sophomore class dues State Department had advised him it University faculty members appear-
t until 1926. (-whom she entered Russia, also is 1 did not constitute a severance of dip- ing as speakers.
n lecturing, Prof. Palmer Christian, University 'nder arrest on suspicion of s g will take place today, Thursday and lomatic relations. He has refrained Prof. F. E. Bartell of the chemistry
States. He organist, will present a program of orionsberyaAemerinanuiomnposerespionage Friday, Phil Westbrook, class presi- from invoking the neutrality act ; department will speak on "Molding
several oc- gan selections by American composers town carrying numerous false pass- dent, announced yesterday. aryainst China and Japan in the past Plastics" at 11 a.m. in Room 202 West
at 4:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. ports of various countries. Litvinoff All members of the class should pay on the grounds they had not declared' Physics Building. At the afternoon
He will play Suite, by Bingham, said war nor broken relations. session, which starts at 1:45 p.m.,
professor of composition at Columbia th____nus__s_____i_,Prof. J. M. Cork of the physics de-
its University, Finale (Symphony 1) by The Soviets charge they entered j Westbrook declared, pointing out that CAROL DISSOLVES PARLIAMENT partment will discuss the cyclotron
Barnes, Sonata 1 by Rogers, -Passa- ussia ilegally, dues must be paid up before gradua- BUCHAREST, Jan. 18.-UP)-King and Dr. H. R. Crane of the physics
caglia from Symphony for Organ in Mrs. Rubens is being cross-exam- tion. The money, he said, will be Carol dissolved parliament tonight department will deliver an address on
H op G by Sowerby, "Through the Mist" med but the examination has not pro- used for class projects. and ordered new elections to enable new fundamental particles in physics.
by Ibbotson and a Gothic Prelude ceeded sufficiently to warrant a for- Members of the finance committee,. Rumania to express approval or dis- The group will be welcomed by Dean
and the Suite, "A Chinese Garden" by mal charge of esp'onage, Hull was whose appointments were announced approval of the anti-Semitic, semi- H. C. Anderson of the College of En-
Sponsor _D Lamarter. iformed. at the same time, are Roberta Leete, fascist policies of Premier Octavian gineering at its luncheon meeting at
1s _ Richard Dick, Gertrude Hyde, Bar- Goga. I the League.
a bara Benedict, John Cound, Ann Vi-
t affiliated Play Openin g A M endelsso hn cary, Elizabeth Thompson, Jessie"
gible to faro- Beveridge, William Black, Peter Gos- Plea For Adult Education M ade
be accom- Tmw Was AwardWe sard,RichardHiggins, Ruth Wash- PE
onsored byan " - - --------------- CIrJeanne Morgan and Harry BtyA TC ry
en's organ-I Clark. Stan Conrad, class treasurer, Byt ve ' da C r m n



9, chairman'
of Congress1
f these have
he Forestry
ineers. The
by the first
75 cents as-
ces of Con-
be made at
3.30 to 5:341

"This Proud Pilgrimage," student-
written play which will open tomor-
row in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, was recently the recipient of
one of the 1937 Bureau of New Plays

of .New Plays that "it represents the

is chairman.

~ 5,

Norman Rosten, '37, the author,
submitted the first draft of his play
in this contest, which was inaugurat-
ed by Theresa Helburn, managing
director of the Theatre Guild, to dis-
ner aencounrae a nivwritina tal-


first organization with the profes- Adult education should be fostered
sional theatre to create a road for Upson SaysAirships at least in state-supported schools,
young playwrights between the Says sPresident Ruthven said last night at
university courses and the profes- Should Be All-Metal New Orleans, La., speaking at the
sional stage." inauguration of Dr. Rufus C. Harris
The results of the first contest last The only real way to insure an air- as president of Tulane University.
year were so gratifying to the spon- He pointed out that even in our
sors that the Bureau was established ship against fire hazards is to fire- professional colleges the tendency is
on a permanent basis. Two hundred proof the whole ship by metal con- to consider research and the teach-
and thirty-seven manuscripts were struction rather than merely employ- ing of the young to be the sole busi-
submitted from 98 colleges and ing fireproof gas. Prof. Raloh Unson ness of these organizations, whereas

commercial laboratories, welfare
agencies and trade schools," he went
on to say. "What is wanted of these
schools is a realistic attitude toward
learning, partly expressed in well-
considered attempts to spread the
principles of discriminate thinking
and new as well as old knowledge be-
yond the adolescent period and be-.
yond the circle of scholars and
teachers, clearly, rapidly and by every
0170v inhl nina nt'fn nallnVof .nc. rn ,-


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