Sir igan
in Re
Susidi1gZa tion
Loyalists Evacuate Ebro Banks
Before Rebels' Eastward Sweep
Recruits Hurriedly Depart a city of women tonight as every
rr ,. (, available man made ready to leave
House Balks
New Atack In Brunete
BACELONA, Jan. 13.-(P)-The
Spanish Government announced to-
night evacuation of the Ebro River
area to a line at Hospitalet on the
Mediterranean to prevent the ad-
Ivancing Insurgents from isolating
troops and civilians.
It was announced a few hours, af-
ter .informed sources said the Gov-
ernment had launched a new coun-
ter offensive in the Brunete area west
of Madrid in an effort to counteract
tht Insurgents' eastward sweep in
northeastern Spain.
Barcelona was quickly becoming
Natators Break
Two Records,
TFie One More
Relay Team Fell National
Mark And Narrowly Miss
Bettering Two Others
The University of Michigan swim-
ming team bettered one national
mark, narrowly missed two others,
dethroned the Detroit Athletic Club
as Michigan State A.A.U. champions,
broke one A.A.U. record, tied a pool
record last night at the Intramural
Building Pool, yawned an imaginary
"it's all in a day's work" yawn and
then called it a night and went home.
The lone American record to fall
was the 300-yard free-style relay as
the six man team of Bill Beebe, Ed
Hutchens, Charley Barker, Walt
Tomski, Ed Kirar and Bill Holmes
with each man swimming 50-yards
in that order, went the distance in
2:20.6 to better the accepted record
of 2:26.8, held by the New York A.C.,
by .2 seconds.
At first, the near-capacity crowd
believed that the 200-and 250-yard
marks had also been cracked, but an
anti-climatic announcement from
Coach Matt Mann stating that it had
been found that instead of breaking
the 200- mark by 1.2 seconds and
the 250- by 2.4, the Wolverines had
I failed by .1 and .2 respectively to
smash the records. All three of these
relay marks are held by the N.Y.A.C
who set them all in one night.
That Michigan walked away with
the team title or that either varsity
or freshmeni won every A.A.U. event
was only incidental. It was the relay
that had the crowd on the edge of its
collective seat.
Bill Beebe was first to go for the
varsity number 1 team and at the end
of his lap he was only a fore-arm
ahead of Jim Welsh, swimming for
the varsity's number two quartet.
From then on, it wasn't even close.
Ed Hutchens, in spite of a bad turn,
finished a length in front of Blake
Thaxter and when "Good-Time"
Charley Barker finished his 50-, the
first team was three lengths ahead
and record-bound.
Walt Tomski, one of the fastest
starters in America, swimming with a
toothache that had his right cheek
all puffed up, hit the water in a
typical Tomski start and turned in
what was probably the fastest hif-
century ever swmn here. Altho no
watches were on him, it is believed
(Continued on Pase 3)
iuith wont1L.
Offices, stores, factories and even
Government buildings were more de-
serted than ever as men and boys
raced to complete the last formalities
of enlisting.
The women-mothers, sisters and
sweethearts of recruits-went shop-
ping. They bought their menfolk
warm stockings or shirts, many with
the last few pesetas they had.
They couldn't buy shoes. Barcelona
has had none on sale for a long time.
Some women, taken unaware by the
fevered rush of the Insurgent 'ffen-
sive against northeastern Spain,
reached their sons and husbands just
as they marched out of the city. They
tagged along with the lines as far as
they could, saying goodbye.
The men were dresse in whatever
uniforms they could lay hands on.
Some wore civilian jackets. Others
had only rope-soled walking shoes.
They marched out of Barcelona with-
out any band music, The Insurgents
hadn't left them time to get musicians
The departing recruits smiled
cheerfully to spectators on the side-
walks and the spectators smiled back
even though Barcelona newspapers
have told them just how serious the
situation was.
The day's war communique hadn't
tried to fool them about the danger
to their city.
Sale Of '3J-Hop
Tickets Hits New
Sell-Out Record
in two hours and forty minutes this
year's J-Hop ticket sale scored a com-
plete sell-out in the Union yester-
day, it was announced last night by
Harold Holshuh, '40, J-Hop ticket
Holshuh stated that the committee
is still holding tickets for those who
secured receipts yeserday but did
not get their tickets. These people,
he said, may get their tickets from
1:30 to 2:30 p.m. today at the Union
bus desk. After 2:30 these receipts
will be voided and any tickets not
claimed will go on sale in single lots
to those holding junior identification
Fraternities whose chaperons for
the dance are not on the official pa-
tron list are again reminded that a
ticket,must be secured for each one.
Spending Policy BySlash
In IIechef Appropriations
c' Conservative Democrats
SCarni va l een' rennlan,
Support Republicans In
Presides Over Record Throng Opposition To Roosevelt
Overwhelmin Vote
fits Administration
",,. *,.
--Daily Photo by Lakatos
Comedy relief was pro-
"Gee, thanks, Bob," said Jackt
Brennian to Bob Canning, master of
ceremonies at last night's Ice Car-
nival, as Canning presented him with
the ceremonial lei symbolizing hiso
victory as campus "beauty queen."
Brennan, attired in a diaphanous yel-
low dress with a 16-foot velvet tarin,
thus formally opened the 1939 re-
vival of the Ice Carnival.
The featured presentation of the
Carnival, the much-heralded Olympiai
Skating Club of Detroit, was well re- '1
ceived by the capacity crowd of 1,300I
persons that packed the Coliseum.-
The graceful pirouettes of the duete
team of Harry Martin and Laura1
Jane Brown drew the most applauset
from the crowd, though the other
specialty acts also were popular
enough to warrant encores.'
The specialties presented by tthe
troupe were punctuated by mass fig-
ure skating exhibitions by its entiret
40 members, the grace and skill of
execution of which left the crowdt
Wrestlers Win
Nichols And Jordan Score
Routs To Pace Squad
Breaking an 11 to 11 tie late in
thie meet, Michigan's Varsity wrest-
lers last night showed a powerful In-
diana team and an enthusiastic crowd
of Wolverine fans that they still reign
supreme in Big Ten circles at the
Field House by pulling away to a
convincing 17 to 11 triumph over the
/ Don Nichols and Forrest "Butch"
Jordan provided the knockout punch
by routing their Indiana rivals in the
175-pound and heavyweight divisions
respectively after the two teams had
engaged in a give-and-take battle
for the first six matches.
The victory completely reversed the
outcome of last year's encounter
which the Hoosiers also won by six
points, 19 to 13. It was Indiana's
first dual meet defeat in two years of
competition and definitely stamps
the Wolverines as favored to take
their second Big Ten championship
in a row.
Michigan's Jim Mericka, veteran
136-pounder, turned the tide for the
Wolverines in the third match of
the evening with a thrilling last-
minute victory over Joe Roman of
the Hoosiers, 8 to 7, after which
Michigan was never headed although
momentarily tied at 11 apiece.
In the second period Mericka, from
the disadvantage position, broke
loose in three seconds and took Ro-
man down with an arm drag just be-
fore his Hoosier rival edged off the
(Continued on Page 34
Price Of 'Ensian
Increased Today
Teachers, supervisors, Pdministra-
tors and school officials from south-
eastern Michigan will be on hand to-
day for the opening of an unusual
conference on curriculum problems,
sponsored by the education school.
The conference is unique in that it
will be built around the work in a
inumber of graduate courses which
meet regularly Saturday mornings.
Students in these courses have been
making studies of the issues involved
in improvement of instruction with
regard to curriculum problems, ac-
cording to Dean James B. Edmonson
of the education school.
Eugene B. Elliott, State Superin-
tendent of Public Instruction, will
speak on "Progress of the State Cur-
riculum Program," and Dr. Rudolph
Lindquist, director of the Cranbrook
School, will discuss "Some Needed
Curriculum Changes," at a luncheon
to be held at 12:50 p.m. In the Union.
Eight roundtable discussions to be
held between 11 a.m. and 12:45 p.m.
will include discussions of the teach-
ing of literature in the elementary
school, the philosophy of education,
the administration of secondary
schools, the secondary education cur-
(Continued on Page 6)
Predict Snowstorm May Last
30 Hours; Traffic Tie-Up Likely
The weather man finally brought
the traditional "calendar picture"
atmosphere back to Ann Arbor yes-
terday with a snow storm predicted
to last more than 30 hours.
While a four-inch blanket of white
transformed the town into a fairy-
like village, reports from other parts
of the country told of a severe and
widespread storm. Outstate Michigan,
Indiana, and Ohio have been the.
strongest hit, late radio reports an-
nounced and the storm has reached as
far east as upstate New York.
Air lines in this area have can-
celled all flights, "and have no im-
mediate prospects of resuming sched-
ule unless the storm abates much
sooner than expected. In Ohio roads
were reported congested, and com-
State Administrative Set - Up
Denands Revision, Benson Says
If Michigan's State Administrative
Board is to become the governor's
"cabinet" envisioned by Governor
Groesbeck when it was founded in
1921. several important changes in
its organization must be made, ac-
cording to Prof. George C. S. Benson,
of the political science department
and director of the Curriculum in
Public Administration.
Outstanding among these changes
is the addition to the Board's mem-
bership of the appointed directors of
semi-independent departments, Pro-
fessor Benson points out in a mono-
graph just published by the Univer-
sity Press. In addition, he says, the
Board's discussions should be made
more deliberative and less executive.
"If Michigan administration con-
tinues to be divided between six elect-
ed department heads and a number
of long-term, staggered-term com-
affect two or more administrative
departments," he continued. "Ques-
tions of personnel, for example, cut
across all departmental lines. The
budget affects every phase of ad-
ministration. The cut-over areas of
the state present problems of educa-
tion, taxation, penology, social wel-
fare and conservation each of which
might be more intelligently solved by
one department in the light of the
experience of other departments"
Our experience with the State Ad-!
ministrative Board, according to Pro-
fessor Benson, has shown us its points
of strength and its weaknesses. In
the light of our present knowledge,
he states, we may plan for the future,
taking into consideration the great
value of the Board as an organ of co-
operation and deliberation and its
doubtful executive value.
Other recommendations for state
Gopher Coach Wary
'O fThose 'Cripples'
Minnesota's basketball coach Dave
MacMillan, who arrived in town by
train yesterday with his squad, had a
rude awakening as he started to shave
for dinner in his room at the Michi-
gan Union.
"You remember it was Michigan
that last defeated your team," he was
reminded. (The Gophers have since
won 18 in a row).
"No," he declared emphatically.
"Oh yes, by golly that's right. Well,
I sure hope those boys don't get ideas!
about doing it again. So your team
has some injuries, eh? Yeh, but these:
"injured players often become whirl-
winds on the floor. I'll have to speak
to Bennie about that."
Regents Delay Meet;
Will Act On Contracts
plete tie-ups in Michigan and neigh-
boring states are imminent as snow
nontinued to fall steadily, auto asso-
ciations reported. The railroads re- ,
ported that trains will still go through
on schedule. 1
In Ann Arbor the storm, that
started at 12:10 p.m. yesterday and
is expected to last until this evening,
has changed the town into a study in
Students who had been waiting
since mid-morning on line at the
Union for J-Hop tickets, hailed the
,now joyously. They want nothing
more than a winter wonderland Ann
Arbor to show their "imported" dates
at J-Hop time.'
Meanwhile winter athletes dug out
skis, skates, mufflers, and earmuffs,
preparatory to returning to the fav-
orite trails and hills at the Arboretum
this week-end. Early this evening
sports enthusiasts were seen with
toboggans and skis and the girls were
quick to don snow suits and caps.
Business men who suffered extreme
losses from the unseasonably warm
Fall, followed by a mild Winter, hailed
the snow, hoping that business along
with the weather may return to nor-
Campus cynics, however, pessimis-
tically pointed out that if Ann Ar-
bor's erratic weather runs true to
form we will have brown slush melt-I
ing into swelling rivulets by tomor-
row morning.
Grad Scholarsis
Open To Engineers
Twelve $1,000 graduate scholar-
ships will be awarded this spring for
the school year 1939-40 by the Col-
lege of Engineering at Cornell Univer-
vided by a quartet of skaters dressed
as Turkish houris, who mimicked the
efforts of the more serious skaters.
The program was opened by a series
of selections by the Varsity Band, in-
cluding "A Michigan Fantasy," with
arrangement by Donn Chown, and a
paraphrase of "Moonlight and Roses."
The Band was directed by Lee Christ-
man, '39, and Prof. William D. Revelli.
Collegiate Sorosis took the laurels
in the sorority skating relay in a close
finish with Gamma Phi Beta. Delta
Delta Delta finished third. In the
fraternity race Phi Kappa Psi
emerged the winners, with Psi Upsi-
lon, Sigma Phi Epsilon and Pi Lamb-
da Phi trailing in that order. The
winners of the two races were pre-
sented with trophies at the close of
the Carnival.
Preceding the exhibition of the
Olympia Club, assorted horseplay by
the co-sponsors of the Carnival, "The
Sinister Six," occupied the attention
of the crowd. A tableau depicting
"Ferdinand the Bull" was given, ren-
dered difficulty by the slippery foot-
ing. Following this "Queen" Bren-
nan, described in the program as a
"gorgeouso, beauteouso, virtuoso,
handsome bozo," was drawn about the
ice is a festively decorated sleigh.
The success of the Carnival, which
was sponsored by the Union under
the direction of Hadley Smith, '40,
has practically assured its continu-
ance from year to year, it was an-
English Economist
Hailed As& Authority
On WorldCollapse
Prof. John Bell Condliffe, Univers-
ity Professor of Commerce at the
London School of Economics who will
deliver a University lecture at 4:15
p.m., Monday, Jan. 23 in the Graduate
School Auditorium, drew praise today
as being especially qualified to dis-
cuss his topic, "The Breakdown in
World Organization."
"Professor Condliffe is a distin-
guished economist, speaking on a
most timely subject," Prof. I.- L.
Sharfman, chairman of the depart-
ment of economics said of him. "He
is one of the best informed men on
world affairs today, particularly from
an economic standpoint."
An Australian by birth, he matric-
ulated at the University of New Zea-
land, later continuing his studies at
Gonville and Caius College in Cam-
bridge University. From 1926 to 1931,
following six years of teaching at
the University of New Zealand, he
was research secretary for the In-
stitute of Pacific Relations. After a
year as visiting professor of econom-
ics here, Professor Condliffe joined
the intelligence service of the League
of Nations, where for six years he
had charge of the annual World
Economic Survey. He became con-
nected with the London School of
Economics in 1936.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13---UP)-The
House, rebelling against President
Roosevelt's spending policies, tonight
,passed a $725,000,000 emergency re-
lief appropriation--$150,000,000 less
than recommended by the Chief
Speaker Bankhead announced that
,the vote was 399 to 1.
Republicans, theii ranks augmented
by the November election, voted with
conservative Democrats in an ef-
fective coalition to slash the fund
before the final vote was reached.
The vote on the slash was 226 to 137.
The chamber inserted restrictions
aimed at the elimination of politics
WASHINGTON, Jan, 13-(P)-
Here is the Michigan roll call vote
in the House passage of the
$5,000,000 relief bill tonight:
Democrats for-Dingell, Hook,
Lesinski, Rabaut, Tenerowlcz.
Republicans for-Engel, Hoff-
man, McLeod, Mapes, Michener,
Shafer, Wolcott, Woodruff.
Democrats against-none. Re-
publicans against-Crawford.
from relief and, contrary to the
wishes of the administration, it adop-
ted an amendment to provide that
pay rates for similar work should not
vary by more than 25 per cent
throughout the country. Southern
pemocrats were solidly behind the
Coalition Emerges
The day's developments brought
partial fulfillment of predictions made
by political observers since the elec-
tions of last Fall that the session
would see the emergence of a coali-
tion of conservatives of both parties
sufficiently numerous to balk the
President on many points of his pro-
The issue of appropriating -725,-
000,000 instead of $875,000,000 was
presented under parliamentary cir-
cumstances which prevented a roll
call vote on the size of the appro
This fact was a source of deep dis-
appointment to many members who
supported the President's estimates.
Some of them, notably Representative
Cannon (Dem-Mo), who led the
movement for the larger appropria-
tion, charged that unusual procedure
had been invoked to keep some mem-
bers from "being put on the spot" on
the issue.
Amount Debated
Interest in the day's activities cen-
tered upon the result of the fight over
the size of the appropriation. With
that fixed, the Republicans and con-
servatives, who repeatedly said they
had no desire to cut off relief, were,
ready to support the bill. Consequent-
ly the roll call on final passage showed
only a small handful of opposing
Two amendments affecting the
touchy question of politics in relief
were approved. One by Representative
Cole (Rep-NY) forbade the use for
political purposes of any of the money
appropriated, the second, by Repre-
sentative Voorhis (Dem-Calif) would
(Continued on Page 2)
Local Doctor Barely
Escapes Jap Bombs
Dr. Robert E. Brown, a Methodist
Mission physician whose home is in
Ann Arbor, barely escaped with his
life when Japanese bombed an
burned a Baptist hospital in Kweilin,
the Associated Press reported frpm
Chungking, China, yesterday.
In company with Joy "Homer, 23
year old daughter of Louise Homer,
famous bpera singer, Dr. Brown re-
entered the burning hospital in a vain
attempt to salvage equipment. The
lone object saved, however, was a
dress belonging to Miss Homer but