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January 02, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

…tt. Of AT.IWiIp. VOlL. - .SC - U NIVEId S1TY OF MICIGCAN, MNIJIAY, FEBIRUARY 2, 18111. Pxacl:l jiizp F: CENTS. aTA.A. Board of Directors. ta onlesi c ftoit-o Camp on "Foot-Ball." 110Til ton~e n ii ofthe i oets' echrd wihthe c0 o i February niiimbhriof the (Itt recorsUf he atheti _ ssoia i .) iittee on nomoinations 0were O ii tt ing''ionta((ins ita llrtleon '(Col lc'g of iec at tu \dhttmoi n o lpha 0(1ed )tocoet. IThe fottowngweri I oot-Bat]ll,...…

January 03, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

…~1jcILI.of ln.Waljj I N. 0. _ U\IVIIISITY OF1' \ICiiI(AN, TU"IsDAY, I11lIIIIY 1,, 1 :i. I PRl:ICE? lTi-;CENTS. The Gym. Fund. Glee club wiiill, for the first tinge, mit meti rweair the newC n d CI iit(o« t. l 10 feli of the Gyn^.e ee yeterday~, reports sne re- Tie faclit111s offered itbisthe motor1 1)0 (ft~t ivof the n 1111 iiih line a1011the Mi chig"an C.enitralswill 00 1)10iS ry i lrobtalty iiihence Ilalli) toattendi. l5 f - Oi of the 1it I ...…

January 07, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…~ijc U.1o XX N X]',sT) OF \ 1X IIt' o I1J(AX, V Al. Wejj ENSI)\. J IA RY T\XRX Ij PL , : p :-('I W~ E )_ ATHWART DARK AFRICA.' XTXo~XH M.Stanley's Lecture XXc'rl XXI ig u'Xll: Li t IXv n }I CI %%i s.Xr wdXI t l " I IXX11f1 ~ ti~atthl f h. lcl XX XX )wld t cciI('-1)- Mac v sprangoft':'ifter XXXXiXXXX Ith XX 'e hededin. LI XX ' tXXXXX XX L LXX Ih ips i i X c X( I I Ist uck NII-. X , III - clrc, IiXX I CXIX'un IrXL Xidg XX LXXX els(lm afar r'Xl e...…

January 08, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…1 jl 1M~ WV 'RSDA) X'i A 1 X'sl \RX s, lvr.i P It'rr1111:(1 ( r TIIU Tihe Way They Have at Yale. r, l l ieii~ ~ m d it h s m r m i t t W i t i t t e m n . K~ "as ill l~lt lititI «t c'l i g rf l V lt tl )l I 1 t~"chm .l l t1Il(tll 'liiii ascd f r h co tit-11- IOw tt0 It. ll tht It Is harltif a )O I dttI tt f r l( itt ti )It.lit t i ii iwii hc c It' estll''It t a ; it .It'IttI( 1 Jilts itc I a~c h s cl i ' Il r hli c i -lt toI itss I l i ll tiw...…

January 09, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

…Ij itOFLIAIiN J , 1211~ 00V. WNAN'S MESSAGE. w~ H IetIas to say Aboutt the Got-_ vetsitv. lI lIis '151 t'i 11111 XiX3XIX a i( li lt;I VC!,, t . 3 : f, LIX Shalliw tillCase. 1provIiin tstmistli Ill (t itI' I ltr h i aCttttttIIO ai)l teUiLL nIi ~ sit s ittholdsIt'ilcllrslsiX lio t evervt(ellII S I* I t ' 10 11111)1 lo 111'(1\ Iiew Wright, Kayi & Co. cil)1 du1l l I t rill .11 11111 11 111to t iIW(i I Itt l-\. ttztil liltuse1of Xlii. The I LsIil }...…

January 10, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…Lijc Ui. of Al1. 1ailp. VI.I.-. .+ . INEV\EL1''1- (11 M I(i16 S 'AT 't I L ISN''t)y I 'it lt t in I t 11 he t iiizldtw r T e n w ) ir G I F TlO F d20 , 0 0 0 .iTH E wGY M ' ' i itIi' t ' 5 U i ' i i l i t i ll i f t , AT LAST IN SIGHT. im forir 'm +st f1m-iI. t lr 'ci ) m r Pal-.sidc t I lg l sI le llc 1 t it, s lrl~cs . N y <r it AYALE GRADUATE COMIES TO THE i Lthe Iihc tftr is ;f l s H li Ica l >/s c ti ie AID OF THE U. 0GE N. tlt~irlzl I Si...…

January 10, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…LIjc ill. o( Al,. ralip. ['I hI I'Il Ole' III(t.1\,. STlhlI.Vi . .iANIA t iA In. : 1 I ' l, - , 'I'l ( vcv "YM FUND PROSPECTS. ite~ St Movc, of Enthusiasie Over. ancy Active Work C ornmenceet. s li ,itI 11 m f t t- l l ill m % IIC I I- (' t~w ~ rto~i lll~iI it l (I Irt. I li 11 l l 1 c1111 ti.A. 1 it c I l. l ill I i' ' ( ( iI' t) Tihe Paso t~~i; lclll htil tit Ii vietris o ils: 1'1.1 I.1 t i11,1 lit i ii i ttl ].(Ie ;Ini t l IIc iii I lci ]r ...…

January 13, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…c .jlc tof Al . Wibj. UI.. 1, -- r, fill, UNVE1sITY O01' 2d1(;LAN, TUEi'SDAY. IAM'I FX I 1.iii' F, 'l Ite:i':b:( 'i:\"'t THE INLANDER. Aizpti et' oument to the Enter- arise of '91. thatl mb '(1 lst iee itr 1 tr. ivottlti )i ts l ltil7i i Iattire, itlil lrir, s tt* e o b-eto '11c uraii l 1 1 I it I lit I): 1 ( 1 Death of Mrs. Dr. Erieze. Mrs>. lI curt S. "riect' diet r 5111idetlit' last teti iii. She si~as at the supptier'table. intl ciis ...…

January 14, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

…~ij ti of~ lki1p. VOL.. SIMVElisITY O III 11AN, \VI:NESDlAY. .lAM'AiRY1 Iw ': ll1,F:f:t I h'', HURRAH FOR THE GYM, Tt Meeting of the Detroit Alumni. g'4300 More Pledged. fii 1) crli lalii i'lil~l "li 1,11 t ltke a tion mi thie deve'lopmeni lt of physical1 sti'1''tli Jand tihe'p1revenitioni of isease. II the 11street. ll the' 'ii ll g s h v folld bycaefl(m111'h o sn iis icsth t 1y m ai c-taiigiio " i-cat at '" boA t lrad 1-on ,to to ASte <li , ...…

January 15, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…LIjc *1. of Al . Wlaijj. VOL. - . 1 U\NIYEIiiiITY (0'1" MICIII(;AN. 'I'It'~iUR.1AY. 1ANI'A1RY 1:.1 . 88888 Z188118 C8NT8' The Stanford81 University. 118r 81 1 888.88 88f8'the888888'18888n- 8888888818. S 1-888o811 1s88 5888u88188' li8881 lil '8888 ' iml8 8or1 888 88 ,i8888 881888t 1at(1Ao. 8al881888i811 881I I(' 11 t e I~ ti () B at 1'r 1188i(1' t 188. i '8888 81 8 c( t a tt~i F8 1 ('8 1 81 188 8188Ilalc st 188 I",. 8i 18.1( 1888i IrC1 118 8881...…

January 16, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…-1Je.t. of O ° N ITVEI~hITX OF MICIII&xiNV, Al. Wraip. FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1591. PmClE,, THREE CENTS. The Ben-Hur Tableaux. Ann Arbor people enjoyed more thn an ordinary treat last night in e representation of the Ben-Hur -Tablean '.iie parts were taken etirely by local talent, and were all Wel Pro al el lerformed, especially those oTin-ur and Iris, by Mr. Rath- ons and Miss Lane. The scenery smagnificent. A goauh m esi gd audience, made up la...…

January 17, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

…Ijc 1>. of rn. Wailp. Reotoft eSn.te om. it Uein the University Satr iMoranelchairman of the Seat ot ittee on the State IA ii- busty Y esterIay .gav e notice of his tlQbl hch Swould in 1ftroduciielfor t1l fthei niv erit for e 511ui 0 tw earsIThe bill whtcl wil be itrodce sill call farliIropriation of,$ 19905 for th W5 Yars. iThe iteniedlac- consare asfollows: ge~erl Tais ....s.............. $.4,00 IoitIl11Col0lege antI los- 40( Y her 1oslital ...…

January 19, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…4I i:. of A. Wailn. o -No. 74. U e Athletic Association :New Or- ganization. atheueeting which was held Saturday afternoon in Roon A for Purpose of electing officers andi deors of tte Athletic Associationi was attended by about one hundred at fifty of the members of the asso- was before predicted tie" >e Idependents"and "Fraterni- t casile out with rival tickets well i their forces apparentlyi tel organized. The interest in the tctes...…

January 20, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…~JcIZof n. Wailjj. VOZ"----No. 75. U POLITICAL ECONOMY. A Letter From Dr. Adams. oEM .' 0A- hi c EE: It gives me pleasure tate ply with your request, and the nature of the work which will be Undertaken in Political Eco- he suring the Second Semester. ht usual courses will be offered, betai wthsome slight inodilication in First ' ey are as follow s: Eico - Unsettled questions in Po- hipr' E unomy." This course will prise three lectures a week. ...…

January 21, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…e i:. of Al. Wlailp. o. '---No. 7. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1891. PRICE, THREE CENTS. 0. H. S. Alumni. The Annual exercises and reunion Sthe betr.. ofsesetroit High School Alumni SJaon, of Ietroit, take place sa 1 uary 30th, and will be un- ly good this year. They in- cude public literary exercises at 4 lhhat the D etroit Opera House at Clubs ith . of M. Glee and Banjo Cl will appear, and a reception P. uI. in the Light I...…

January 22, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…0or fI. -KN 17. UNI", EiITY OF MICIGAN, 'I SDAY, JANUARY 22, I S91. Ip, Tii jCENrs. Tilli AVictory for the Laws. 'Phe maitdeelate between Laws and Lis hich was hseld last sighit II h s etre room was a pro- flle dsuces.Thse room wa sufledwithassenthstisastic asiiensee apnltie befiore tiseisossr set for tise ngsf 1s)~f delbate.'Vise j osiges were hrescuttlton cagi n hiPtl a'it Sis' clock Priof. True- blio ascride1 thl )atform asis tie a prefator...…

January 23, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…~i'~IKOf AT. WaiIp. HE WILL OPEN THE SAFE. Oa Wht--Wil Perform This Won- detF eat Upon the Stage Saturday Night. Thie tet n e r n1 to be given to- ior night in the University Halal, Promilss to be one of unusual inter- esIn addtion to the good time ofredthin iole' all "oes to the aynkt ateli large number twill no d i atnd tltl'e dotor has een investigating rrietlods of 1. A. J ohstone for stie tm past aid has comie to the tuin th at there is n...…

January 24, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…~Ij 1I.Of Ifl. aip ..... ..... ..U N IVEIUIITY 01? MICIIIG N, SA-TURDAY. JANUARY 24, SOI AShort._-. MStorical Sketch of U. of of ISgo and the b oard'of editors elect- JOS HUA W. WATERM AN. SM. Journatism. eel so that in the fall of the samoe year A Short Sketch of His Life. titeiliiiir r hrs. . the pasper bad ini auspiious start ____ ihe Ya i(ssstfaper or ssha t 55c hop~e wsill be ailong aiidl itr. Watermian was born herein- Vie of Pe 'a rg52 ...…

January 25, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…Fb il.o -N°L 1 -N> :IN EIlisilY 01 IGIIIGAN, iN, N\I) Y, S JNAlY i t Is)1 s. ilii ( i CNS Dr Ctnheil's Entertainment. w (1-Midreading is the transfer- nracof thought fromt one mindii to Aniethssti adenesabutaother isithount imaking'use of the S 5 lonll(1rs hais never been lone nor never at ilt r i itii is nI veroity 11alli wil bed n.Prl-ednh w lnt nnsun' lnletran eve r, is a genusiie tosser, sandilto I ossptys it eisglt o'clockt s om xetais" i...…

January 26, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

…WaLp t ..__ __ . . UN I Rs1TY OF MICIGAN, TIUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1S.91 I'nicv,, Funst Czx-rs. bAN'I\t the experience of College Alen who know and appreciate The APnlebee Lecture. lectures has heen (lute large ini spite COMMUNICATION. 'The j'sitar t Iancuc a rossd- ftefc hteaiain r dlatnight iwti iithaauieceieater neirat ha NI 'r. plilcee's lec- toillir ttoireccto-nightis oOthlillo a drama li 1 t fthe seres of iih 5licritedu scx ac~s are lecture...…

January 28, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…Llfjc jKI, of ~n. WaiIjj. \CV '--N0 d U. OF M. BASE-BALL. Noe nthe Coming Base-Balt Teamn. UNIViEli ITY OF MICIGAN, W, casional gause somte day lTuring the week. It swouldl certainly seem that such p~ermissions would do imucth to- It ibsnug I . c ha ah ati. aris stakling the Ctimtolasilsr ntte tat the lU. of i,.,iillitCSI)((- a inrh ratb d f su e t o0n at its sareofois siipportmui colie di t verattsmooth s trustsstiso a1ar etltati0o teI a lsti...…

January 29, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…tt* Of In.Waijj 10r .. _.. UN\IVIIISITY OF AMICIIICxAN, '1IICI{SIAY, JAN'URY21,P191. i ioco,'?oto: v t~ o Castatoan Prizeo Awarded. taod Ptrotosor 1 botttoosats it is tihe professo00r'0 blot ;rndtoot to asietve0.0se0 .0 Asothe 1£C)0110 have bttt t o nieig B adhv see lw ic de-tik i lol tl Iato o 001 the ores to p to totcot tot 0to J0 Iti' £o) thtof so t in c '00 N rlyo netto itttttolro cu Ots o (mt- 't , LftO tte Iprizes otto o ol byi tto.'ot h...…

January 30, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…lac . of , n. WlaIjj. VO 84 S. Ih f the Ann Arbor Street Railway. 1 On taror Electric Street trawys rentso01(. The lr- lan { n P. ( I" lover, of 01)si- cit. . 1' ,Motonof this Ito 'n tfl0htal shares. 1ey have chsdof Mesrs. Corliss and Mec sto15 ti,$93100o o ite 5isooon ttak ift road, or all bttt te 52,- 14sftock wich. was 11n otirc Ol r toit state it mtore accr- atly theyhave ptutchaset ,0i,ooo dpe and $1,000 stock et r- It 0 Ite treatry nissu...…

January 31, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

…~Ic >1.of l. Wip 1VNL. U5. n'IYEtI6ITY OFL AICIIIGA N, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31,1 l91. '93's ORACLE. 1 Another Gymnasium Fund Enter- tainment. bonSale Next Wednesday. The m nity Club has made ar- Oraclerangem en ti with Janes Is.. pplelbee, an rceItSn a very attatiue the celebrated Shakesperian scholar, artisti cover, the work of NlIr. who has been lectutrinhg inlth cite Y Lhaldwiit, who receiveel the durling the past wceek, to giee a lee- riefear...…

February 04, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

…c " I s S talaism in O ur Medical School. IVEIfI ITY OF MIChIIGAN, W\EDNESDAY, IFEBRUARY 4 S -I17CToot Ues . CENTS. : I31a i Gymnast Excelior. che~eer; a 1)01( sortie had been made,I Ilk t C-and "Sophonmores swere tmauting the a,, i ii" ii uiprsn gpomrctit U darin- heseiger. Itut for a moment ii ,'Y'liifIor the reiiiov'il teared(lin the Wrennn sp es ((I l te"esCe istethc ltrt 1cii ito oi(i crs rn itrr tiiid ke ra droce of psrairie ponies, ildt...…

February 05, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…Si 9. UNiIVEIZ sITY OF 1IIUIIAN1, I)SA X 111 XII1U1l' i, iii ( Nitr ruIt; Sergius Stepniak. U. of M. Oratorical Association. Waetulak the Russiani N iliilis, AtaX l eeting of the executive lc ill lecture Iahivrt II t' ! oiiifittee of the U. of ?Ml.( ratori- lerua = , is a antuo(f mithan ca11 iiAssoi ationl, held Wednesday,Ie ilirI Iint i. t Some:ti le cIMC). 4thit wais decided: lilrs 'nio Stepiatk was broutig I i. (htrations for tim' prcl i ii...…

February 06, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

…Ll c r . of , ll. a l . fur Sectarian School. ph cili/clis of Grand 'Trav erse; Intil ~eitie i heIC e;isintliri- in re- i t n dical colleg;e. "hle +r 5 'n" Pie'lrcd ii In cstcl iay-s Sttill < f II -id.o tn n 'tr it/cl s <f G a d -trv rse c dat aking fo>r tic ahilition (if f aitaii5 Isn e17 ~il pi ntice Gt le ;Iiv ii - of 0 lohic iiil. f iat iiir i- nil t e Jourtl ias UNIV'ERS IIY 1? I hII IGAN, I'IIII)AY. , 1T:1IIUAIIY 6, 15tH. The Library Lig...…

February 07, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…I -&\ ) illU\NI\ EITY OF M1ICIIAN, A ILI 'I'IIDAY, FT:IIILI*,iUZY 7, 1191. I mcT:, TliIZ :E CFNTS. S:1Tl Th Y.Fund Grows Steadily. Th GII "fund (comitteemen, Ihiou Ill-eviously acknow ledged an~itto o ''hrehaieen IIIa(Tt, o Cit 1> turniedtin ii (liii 1D r. t~ae ell's lecture. h Cis o ete iion studetcs in the post fec ltila , Ii y t (, s u e t 1 ) t 2itu fliC moit of the canvaUSSiu hsIll cllone in the I it. I 'pact- Iletlditis beleveilthat S$1,...…

February 16, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

…~Ij U.Of ln.Walp putime of Work in Statistics. LUNIVEITY OF 1IICItOAN., MOND)AY, I.I'-LfIIARY Pt, i)' 1 iicTisiec:(hCENTrS. The Gym. Fund Benefit. I I li ifi Feb 01. 7, i891- lTo)-niorrow e vening lit r.IJaynesf III ' U.of 1 Iti it a liiiarlbor, l\ ftAplebeeli, of lBostoinawill ap- 1011if bear in riv osrito IIall to ive ---iThe 1 loi. (Carriill 1). IIlhis101ctiiioon '"Dickens." fir the tilgilft 110is to leiture upon Sta-f iho10lt if tlie 'vlfi...…

February 17, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…L OF UNIV'EIitITY OF MICIICAN, "SD X I .811RUARlY 17,11.1. n~ I~CI ~~ICNts TU Oratorical Contest. The jidges have been selected Ilricontest of the N orthern lai rical 1'I gne, toi le heldI in 71u Arbor NIa i .I'There are to two sets of ridges. rne onl thoiight cnIsi t ioliiiithe ithiervon dte- } 'l ilg;es wreveselected rig rlitoa iprovision ofthe viri- liti 0lo~ii h t }re lii5iITe iit serve- arStcitieisurer-oir ile I.Caine,(; If Xlrrtriii of h...…

February 18, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

…~ts U. f fn.WaIp N EI -AY,1 BEl' I RYI '-, 1. I Vt j:, THREECENTS. W D1 Appiebee Lecture. Th etre go-cit lasteveini tt Vtertty all for the lbenefit of te a n fudvas not as succsssful from fibasec-ilIoint ttf vjet tas iws mih ra, islieds. 'kI t nitts Clrb uner wshose- ausptices the lc tor wsrgitve- still ltrolbttltlybe alt to1 tar ert 100 ti hen11elct tt atatth 1 tatsal Clur5 tatfew* ti; s-ks a-twere. lea-iset tttef oulttettt l...…

February 19, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…~Ij U.OfT l. lp.~t~ 5c* 1I'-No. O.U ATER NEARLY FORTY YEARS' LA- BOR IN THE UNIvERS:TY. At 1reoio Nine O'clocka sefoul Career Ends.---Th e University not the Only Loser. th nid of Sthe tniversity ac a 'iii called up1o)00to omourn the dethifoneswho has lbevn forenost NrlmthUniversity what it is. C aew alone in our grief. The efiC wod hlas lost ao ardent Nre an original tlinker adola Poof extraordinary speclate H'InHnanity itself losesa thtthhas...…

February 20, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

…'s ±oIJ L- o , ;. I IVEIL'ITY OF MICIIIGAN I-N i Nt\EbIIa 1 MI 1k \i 'Ii DAY,11I111111 TARP 20"111. lRIG,:,Toatot ('CENS. T V FT T DR. WINCHELL. What he Was, and W hat he has Done ''What Some of his Colleagues Have to Say of Him. The Dramatic and Glee Club Enter- President Roger's Installation. tainment. -- The Otini ier alliositil st se Vester(hais-was a great lay- for thei I orthwestersi liiirersitr7 it not issli i I i lh 1 tbeeniiia ii rnos...…

February 21, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 97) • Page Image 1

…~1$ U. o nor. I-----No.1,11. ULNI\ ERftIIX O1 MICIIG UN, I IlL) AY I{ I kiAlXI21, I1)1. 1 tntcl, 111111 CET SATrr BIBLE INSTITUTE. 0r. Harper Talks on Isaiah. e Bble t~Intstituite trovitded for ttieStudents' Christian Associa- tinhgn esterttac eveiig. II ii flent h tdnsadpolet of y it lbwere 1in attendlane, tter ere delegatesnreon t fronti ei-t1ackol jls1 let n Ililam*t a ther ptlace. Sverl f our Str j(~ - i 1 1 fnoto 111 I Or r asisting ttn t...…

February 24, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…" ofXJaiI+ 118 it. UNIVEIIITY OFI'MICHIGAN , TI SIAY FEII17ARY 54I, I i0.E1'ra xltECENTS. WfCH L M M~iL His studies in thes geld have i been Jiudged from tine fa(ct that tie large AINl the experience of C olege Acs f the nvriySenate Madei t ndces r tt teusp is es the is oudienece rema iei to lear it all. Menis swio know iindiaipreeite Rgaring D .W ce. to d n s erlsaes vc 13i Thepicpseces o h vn ecareful sitcruitii tit lee t- Dr. sinceseias a c...…

February 25, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

…tjc IK. of AT. ii*j voL I7.--.&Y 1 TEILNE. tlerary Monthly of the U. o To Apear Next Week. lltgiil th e editors of te larer hv n t yeiubil anpc i hedt of its irtfp i it i redi fromi a rl Pa if lesthe I'lsisa 0(a.o ex ek ii t he 41 he storie, iid it is all iii to o standlardi of merit tiat has h emiL )" This ssufficiently ati We iskiown that the fro 1 e Pens oft President ca actr r. dansTe literaryc itf55 f nswhich have bens reei ae allthne ofl...…

February 26, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

…*of VOL. I _ 1+(i U- I\ EITY OF MICIGAN, IA lkSlAk\ FLI lul k1Y 26, 1TIi I io i RF ETo S .t~i T U1t 10WILL BE THE WINNERS? pirobablyi ) is follaws: ()n delivery th reliiolna,.y Oratorical Contest iIll.Dn-I ikno.Dtot tbyHeld To-morrow Niih.e io. .S.IFitcli.L1nin11a51 11-' Muhiiiieretis liing tknii i an cini itillPo V -i A (;(°e thosiierll slieciilatiiiiias to wo wo anig:l l I.' i ate sfi l i ni-I liii, ii ill "-+ lull1 lie lic l yali10vrilsc is...…

February 27, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

…or. I-- x1l .I NIVEibsITY O1 '\II..III \.N, tn. W i , FRID)AY, IlIZUiilAiLY 27, I1591. PInci.:, ZToIn-c .Y UNIVERSITY FUNDS. j Where the Money Comes From to Run-.This Instituticn. 1 . lie onIe-twventieth If aitnmill tax is a gixeral lax, and~ was author- izedl by section i, act ;2, laxis of TIhese are the characteristics wichel dleterine imthe kin;g()t ti)-ilxi. N\u- lxiii iii5 iilistraiti~Sio s eelriiu-it tii I' -(Il~iiiistate Ireasarer Dais ...…

February 28, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…'--N. is. UNSVEWTY 01 MICtOIG; A, ~nAMWail -AT[URDAY. VE1BlUA1RY POOL'ij Vjzicv, Tmzvi,: CENTS. Th y und Enter tainment Pro- grant T I il' ) i Plt rt rih fr te c tran iiiiflto tael i vcnto (le t o I Iscl n h h t , i th r i v (2 r i t y h li l .iac b c tie©la Olley ions to 1t.k 11pa Sin th. e trtanmc~t rc heDa raatibr Suhterr i . C e lu Bao l nn aid the C( (umc-n Orchestra.... Y11ersity (ii ee Clnh............ co.edellota.t ~e tl oi tetten........…

March 02, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…I -N I NIN MEI ITY OFIIMICIIIG NI A, A ARAM ---- -- --------- IONDAY , JIARC'II. 2, Dial. PIZIC ,, Taizti. CE PS. , _'I STEPNIAK'S LECTURE. v '111Sm.its Past, Present antd Fu- ture. 11)tQ ik'sltu re was a rcccia- chascc bledl in V eicccsitc 1Hal asttuldi night~. lie decclarc(d te1vWord1 Nist to eamsoe an sillit was 11111 01110 iii ocrsia l'uruatch-, Ahica111ht d oi11-' laticli rcfiorii r lRssawith lisre crr ' I W. I i partyof an -' archy ci cr...…

March 03, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

…!, c . of , n. Wa~Ip. __ °I'" 1"-ti . lt . - ___ -- - - - - C~ . , _ _ . tiN\IVE~I'sITY OF(IFMICIIIGi-AN, TUESDAY, MARCHiff8,<;1~. P'lceaTumi,:iCENTS. 0httt On f the U. of M. Inde e,7 It shill be the dity of be div ided anioni the remainini of \\AVI G the expeien1e( of College endent Association. ftle \I ana-in E itr to cll aid icecrsof the lioardin p froportioni to 1 h 110Li t lliirt f-fl'h 11- ,. 1 ~e de it ill null li s ot thoc 1sso- en th ...…

March 04, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…i } .. i. ,,. 1 t >>. t,' IN TEIII i'1 OF 1IIC'IiICx:1 c ~ I~ xicLi X I 'lf ~(~XN E A l)X X tI( I4,1(ilIL.I Ijic IN WEI rE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGANI AGAIN IN MOURNING. the Kent Professor of Law Ex- Pred this Morning in Detroit after Delivering an Argo- tt1eflt in Court. --- His Biography. Th llversity of M11ichliganl is ilt called 111)0n1toImourn Ithle M flrs(one (If its (distingulcished adVPof ilians1). wells 0is Imorninrg unlexpectedly. 01 est...…

March 05, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…. of , nl. W'ail. r - . ol t"\ VEIZ ITY OF ,IIC:IIJGA\, TllI"I SDA)'. MAR('II <), 1 o.q. 1Cur ICA, THREE s:Cs-as-i' FESRWILLIAM P. WELLS . ati avnrn5asl I1( Afeting Scene in the Court ' ImP soeIn illsouas befrothisiatiii Room. insist fin uishiosawyer at the.'1Detrit hesai l ilstli itf'iiifrssir Well 0bar nal oneusd iiiiinersan is Last gloomii iiovier the CItslver- 1ll, l'i ti, Citisfit i ne is keeiilyrfelt jt ed o i e ak be rei li airstiiilect...…

March 06, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

…~Ij U.o 5tt O-N 1fIN'\EislX01'l 1 , n . W1ail 'N, FIN-DAY, AIARCII 6, ISIOL 1{ cp, I ii w,;l: CENTS. THE GYM. BENEFIT. yard. 1The attempts iiaV('ini eachisPROF. THOMPSON'S TRIBUTE. XVING thiexir (pffiee (of College R l5e Entertainment and Well 5cse~ faiiled for want of proper step Eloquent Words From One of Prof. IMeii who knoiw aiid ippreciate Patronized. }sort Ifromiithe professors of tiC Lni- Weis' Asocitesul ii ii tnti of ('oliege Stii- 1'...…

March 07, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

…Vol- L N to.U IVEIPiSJTY (91 MICIIIGrX iK IA IX(I nI Iiu Tt ti i ATI'EPAY. AMARCII i, 1, 1. I'xic :, Tiijai, C1,,N'I. . r, S1) THE INLANDER. "1tReview of Our New Literary Monthly. "Ytihonor fitsOwhrot. The falling snotwi Bueilds shrines antidoown oof itsoahl oth ite, 'liesummer wnd yedsOwehoitt s f ntnmmsoj lycliste-o-rsren the hirds' swert r aises,I And 1 , tt thy- humbrerhhild, unskilled t write, ( 1'ti t i lt tote ereinth ur )ife c. , puli ...…

March 09, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

…01r, J -\i o. _ U- IVEId ;ITlY OF )1 M IGA ] ~n. Wai p. .N, AIO .DAY, MAR('h 9;, lh9l. Pmi :, Tonta:I: CENT. Addtress Before theWesleyan Guild by Ur. Bashford. Dre. asliford, president of the Wesleyari Uiiirersitc , ofl caa re. hi5 bocupied the pulpit of the 71. chrch resterilaic norlimilandI delivered a verrs able sernioni ou lie text foundiii h. 2: 1i Choral Union. Ilie tbird concert of the (boral t_'ooii series swill be tijeeli liytile (Chi...…

March 10, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…/* of AT. WAL v )I,. I .-No. I I0. U-NIVERfifITY 01FIICII~I-TAN, XIITEDAI)EDAY, \IA IZ('l 1 x, i i l(i, iiii:(txN's TIE OUNDING OF THE S. C. A. Icrxe r s I \ . o1.penlieiuiother 1fxiHon. Carroll D. Wright's Lecture on An interesting Article by President I IIIof. \_ K. Spxenc'eenionedxx above.Statistics. Adam-s, of Cornell. 1Of i (the 1 .classof180 0vryacivexnx lli 1Kfollottixxe. article frontil lPiis . 11 x xxbxxce pxxxxxi ;tlix xixiof tile B ...…

March 11, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 111) • Page Image 1

…" I"-Ni. 111. VUNIl SITY OF MICIIA N ii E D-N E'SDA Y, 1I:1 ItC H 11, Po 1. PINcF., Tip i;r;i,, C'ENT, . ti , : TRIQUTEs TO PROF. WELLS. Senate Memorial. tefollowing is, then.minionl of tt-'iiVersity 8111 ite u11)01 thei late ile Pages of ou0 ournal reor. th fa' . itt rnon te pat srrll l - ttk lti aiv of t Ir mt ial i-ni- it ii5e10rs1 niii of the oldest and h11t wId oho kinni itf our iinumer, I"1 the midstn of onl hnreneioen t ove 0l iecnnnt d...…

March 12, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

…~1jc U. ELI'Ot'IIII: 'I -I A. (l . WM NTp. N, '1'I TRBTSTO PROF. WELLSa, i stonedf b a a ii f (0(1a gieat loss to tihe Oi Li siti_ Senate Memorial. i that (11s1inguiishid (1aw ii fi titi whih 1to thebai ad o is pcirsonailly, ________iuai be said :to i t i Lbeenii 1fluen- tlierL orc lieit [Cuntiiinii from yesterdaot. ticeai in cxtaiili'tong our tresn A R se da' li t uc togetter ex- tent Offew bn a he la f t em ofintru cctiiron. otpxressclx cxth...…

March 13, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…I -N 1 U tiNIVEllII IT (hi MI(IIIG N A, AL LU FRIDAY. AlAR('ll 1:1), Ils" l. (4:-Nrs. r i4 , ETHICS OF MACHINERY. t~t't ~ 1 irMinstrels. AtNlhexeperienceo lee Mr. Wright's Lecture. errcie is' lull shaire of these 1 Melt who know liii ,Ii lplectate ii sttio. ilitileilitis ithit lo il. No 1 ilt tt tit it is (Yeiieritiiy kinownt there is to eteo elllsc 'lreSo Isle, a,1) teit le \o. tl ih tiil - not j 'tietcatefultitiititt itosit flit. I ittt t to...…

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