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February 24, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-02-24

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" ofXJaiI+
WfCH L M M~iL His studies in thes geld have i been Jiudged from tine fa(ct that tie large AINl the experience of C olege
Acs f the nvriySenate Madei t ndces r tt teusp is es the is oudienece rema iei to lear it all. Menis swio know iindiaipreeite
Rgaring D .W ce. to d n s erlsaes vc 13i Thepicpseces o h vn ecareful sitcruitii tit lee t-
Dr. sinceseias a c inifisslec5turerscausesd eilt i ieri
- is t' Snt e ic eslint ide iii s to bei toli dt on u r e made tby Jo~n PattonJr. i s t vnbli asi*latge sors oi skilled
i t le~ e ssiiioll ingig nicsoia sin lituiln t iiiiouti ti iiitiO p ttii neltstf Chiago; juge . Ibin1 s inet fluodte ad ose o rje el y
i t t ftie late Prof. \\tis teti iiform. Ils t eral} artsti iisisiisiuiss I ispis I i tsi s i ido, idisec ils
tasif titiudiiititi r eiiti 11, . 1. issssiit estlt greter tiiii iis acinI ii i lc , oordio ississitilioeIi i s iianpsisuu te preissi
au1"litai }sestern yItIIsIngsi in n ho of t les lw kc or a ob i Itie si t ffl clrd ttoesWe ae n ia pisition tos pro-
sit o hste a" \. h ~na sttc ie)s1iteasi one O duce the finses t as ndt;jseled
paiu St tec ullti u i i .ui cilheiiiivii noi the cviliu-.ititresssiiiititth
e to eiiet iitiii ttie 5\ trcilintiisccliitvhih r
esp 0 ~~~itit fi n hiie stieii and5iiIt Bl'hhlIllS
Su ss orfJEWEfsrrw anLEoat Ih N c (ustS n oi
55 i t us es i e b niil I itieca rrepiwa s t e res erlt f i ib )iti i tiiisr te ue i e
tt feil ieiho ii iiit iittte aii ii iia s ael eev nc i ii 'eta ii fo is eueiu iiti t situ d A Ihi't' u a tl (t ( VEL laS
iirt0 'esestil ir e t~ei een taistteiini it e cosuiaisut Dotroi. i1o /
iet f 1hi incrhic ohela'le tu r itin- ifi'iu nl tiiitliiur C Arutucistir
thiete eiiercai .,fetloca sit ii o lani , aii ettorm att th tne i u Impe liiloso husaenatli
los fe1tieatV nl nes n isntretystih sviscii iof . sv ana theirea tradi gEeryodiy oeps a-seel Chap. 5, peJ11er &
Mtpjone- ats mst stki ndore iiy5 aiie.ea hreeondte riiiiis iti sfa c ~i asvti y tueperatsinet
taien d r o ne hofue aditioro f anits osnisscoknrt arrds5 in masi, and unprejudicdversiew Oftlittertu
th dtesO hs prfesrsi csniheof hhis boks trasae intil -n .sThSoureSTAE S
tt5aon.utiee iiaa Iegreeorariyabcctarted _______ _______
a e m rta mosstor mea ea d otoerloks ages ths tarr igsis id htirsand iou Setsr,~ i ft r
aeltih nameanteithce taetaniaofithsa"i
the a tiheigiteisisptinc;ubieantsftieosniocad two C liou subtul wa it .~I..It~
tuurea iti t o utie ret, Iwith ashich is nilassaltsin ri. E e bd e pese
C~i~tybyiesdiiIl'leas tseieIs si s ee ttStti ois isinte M uf' l se 55I fk]N S i
Yetletdteitt taii ue w y lin k e , fre ynd tints ofiv e s no t isfact onis h hyea f ebasq etedt
nt~lu5~h oe xcptonofa~ony lileaiy i atisifesulie ue tneroweopthsn o tnefldyet
busofI as iiistponscoentrty; crring h emrisi ne't _eliein'-ons - ti i- - il "f I2P1$ it '5Out itters,
iatrs itisadeIisiuineivfressesietysgy ifeorsin I
fwIY fot eas ndoyears of g e tinsaovsisier heetiewoldoILE__T~u
his ierari I ss h aissihaladrin g i oade aesy t o rded ios fon h lrur, aih M
tIdtchlesi enean ass of sciesces'lne tulleisilts pirr pue h iits e plyg ram on Stusta te fc E G IH E G
bitninul iis attatsusenl otsthe Uea. Thy av hd n n-nth a h ssrediouthibstcntiaillyass
i$! b 0 ]urasIsince daspan i ayeilhich fefrotey h ok accuntoft n1tooe arahe toth
Y es.' vayswth seasxcete i reaoflyi tsi v;esterla h dth heyc hi av e ntl ac nt in G sei lr Iar er C A 3 IL
fr1 i3h tcne nr as7, isro-so l aetei uhron fte themDevtok moccasos tohpOld t i heafrsiuet
bein nn 1rasfrelmtotesea tt uiprom nAutArguoresOft accnist of fl e lirature s f flewod, onflu
ee e oloyu ooogyanr(ta schenhace ut o haem iehig amChub sorynof creafio n d lneringccus-tcinB nK N + i G D
h enW lruly ahn uen alsAterarvin i nt-toifu by enei. Gnessy s oneruly
gu55 ines, mndit as oly lue usrcled suprde inerso ane"iin ofs
h'niewase un'is ersty ael itret'onfeefrom tr.earditestat are-
inch heiar esaafe is ar andlf u mssthliersitel, utl They pat'o se routsr coun th. f.
ly e ageaof aneofy-sciencewlsicis reached Wo od r aeuuewlen DaaEsaGreenlyHeaSinEeRhsE
Re e egee asuunay ut-teyscttrdbu -fr lrg a t hryewsyinBle c tdeieredatE 'SEIL
Cf \Y Of hsatll l e tsers. el 't'of .Reu lia Cu a l
her o u htndripedsaed Iin ' tt e Detroitis. acuto h lo aallt h
d 55 cou e hs r i t e n o t 'a c u t i en s s a r e i h f u
th ntoki cai nsop it ott e r JTTh ys l ad nineewasnapratice od 20t cetbasqfoethfle aeuctoflPofrS ott'
Ath niversityatioGeologyt hi the UiversiyTyellfuntiBthLy$
a seaainpaptofer oietheraryountsPctof LIti is lsS~t
'i i ge ams gog se n esehchral easthedtWodtmerousandethug-Daals'h as it t e saffi sappy,~
Wnt Inne ougcre fnhsutmsar nd rcnl is
elarCtofalsithsairofth ers oohgy femto musaly t ai n viin twals fee- eare itsefitat leserve'delmored t SERs'uSPECIor
ai ruh dieath swiholaerst iu r ni rey trpfre yaleopa sg tntie tne ota ten&E TL ME S UTI'S f
acon in Genhonorsrewhichh haveHASEeen
lit, "ewslpo Iu. H attineatit'of terseeranseetunseofnclassil amid untivered ology.u ProfC,'' ts D M 1 A $A yB L
ua , rh eadivas oeita ozof f lu batonalusic by Scnhtareossi er' o pIaper oAgehmintrry fort f ARG I I o tam Lnud y
lb a gll reolognis psi d fcstranauo d the iocantirougbh-' Ilse"ewsnintsesu as ransqekdlspymi el n
Was outia oceyo nerc ali t oeevniGn eth ineastin e - eremoUnvrit ai.'hesb
i nternanthugao, cprt h andinc.mtohee l , n wriiast wn einy n s a gs
sub1jCness ofluheswti enedItqwas$a piece of&lit-
th5 tin b held th h in 0golgy t mehesavly uvtabs we ad fe on- flul tht eectu mrethandLNEO
Ityar ofIl et ihtem s itl erly nlig eyter aanseringflueninSluerverseorde
I~~~~~ ~~~~ pasddntcnfn ss Tespaiglse aotfu ositu tedfuece. TeatronCE TE
Ib~lea hnrselcl hv be
hh Goistrofesindties. surs, and tits caaternmy eCisda hidPg ~ A N ARO, ' - MC

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