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March 02, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-03-02

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A, A
---- -- ---------
IONDAY , JIARC'II. 2, Dial. PIZIC ,, Taizti. CE PS.
, _'I
'111Sm.its Past, Present antd Fu-
11)tQ ik'sltu re was a rcccia-
chascc bledl in V eicccsitc 1Hal
asttuldi night~. lie decclarc(d
te1vWord1 Nist to eamsoe
an sillit was 11111 01110 iii ocrsia
l'uruatch-, Ahica111ht d oi11-'
laticli rcfiorii r lRssawith
lisre crr ' I W. I i partyof an -'
archy ci criln ist l usa n
arhssare agai1st1any lormo o l-
Itili Cot -t ililists wxottld 1gicily ac-
t cotl Ittoa monarichy as a
;T h N i il st c m o v e mn t i t b e ga n in
151011 tailows snite bttt 'linie-ser-
sutoact as professors, yet the
the . isoon became imtbuecd wit
lirvesi~t5 of foreign authors 01npo-
talil siicial qoestionls. 'l'hey
Soilndlihis in their enthls-
co5 1ndeaor itiproplagate ideas
ty contittiona11lgosvernmnlt anon;il
t aantc Fle 1 owithi zeaiifor
tei close thley took utilhetir aboile
t 0 te omolln peoleicin0oriderc
aete the 1111cr tn liberal vitewss
Asp2ire themnit1111a.dtesire fcir
cl tttional freedomii 1115si-as a
tly andlel
till asuetgasvcliiiscicial1posi-
wetalth, lhoime, andliesein life
1111l 111 order to carry 11o il e goodl
le lass iif tile peolie were ill 1
1 lcd ie c inditioin andlIha111beccltl I
it ss Itomecl to despotic rule 11111
fasa difhcult natter to routse theiii
s222 their apatbhy. Ihey were colis-
lioksedftheir idegraclation, ibot ever
ckdtilte Czar for relief. Ac-
cor, g to their suipersitiouis belief
heiwas anious for reforns bot was
at ill lets pulrpose by the goc-
touet, Illicht always camne between
a nd hsdar people. The Ni-
Iisteneavoredl to shsow thiems that
thr edy lay in their own handls.
e0pniak joined a secret society,
p ldg.s in suburbs of St.
w rformiedlacquaintances
dworkingen and on Sundays
amIvred lectures to tuhns on social
npolitical questions. Under no
ciumsances did he advocate vio-
lent measures, but all his remarks
had mre of a moral than a political
becarinig. IThc govecrnmenilt,- hiweivsr.
decliredl such lectiiring; a11cir ile sod
Fayerweather's Bequests-
Last wsyk h te three execcutors If
afixed to11 hesa. . a. peittyI of ir.I Faycrw1eathicr's W ilresw liia
1 r1li tell ti tleyer'Iprsn aeetiiiniiich tccy Ol inq000i
a1false pitsot (llilel11111 ilcisiare I lii. s il1ilic-now1 lee Woili get
made rlit 1o)11-oNl, f tll lirpsspti, S}3,00oo.cacti - Ie'm'cioes Aivrt
Nlilisthe govermen1t b1caimeimoicalSchscol ,fr 1011crn. -andoPrci eil,
party, aiiidcendeaoredl to accoto- $zoo,o00. After all these clleges
pliish its puirposes bsy means whirls hasvc receiveid their share of the prop-
the speaker cliaracterizedi as Asiatic erty, if thsere shioulid still lie s resi-
and not Eoropean. F-roiiterrimrisim tiue, Harvard wiii get one-tenth, aind
the miciemenltpssetd to mlilitary PaIc, Colusbia, Priiiceton, the AiVo-
conspiracy, but at presenlt the ciii mn's anid Presbyteriain IHospitals of
elemnit is msost pironouniicedin i Ni- Newx York, wiii receie the remiainl-
hliistic circles. iug line parts.
The speaker deprecated the use of ---* -
Foster Nut a Lwaw Student.
biombls 511d1iynaimite,butlaitdsllthe I -
blanse for osinig them up1o0n1thuIls- It has beeni1 te wiideliy circulat-
sian governmieint, wh-lichi le said pro ed that J.- A - Foster, 11011 in jail for
hibiteid all pieaceful iieaiis of agita- buirgla ry, is a law studment. - 'All cx-
toil.- The Nihilists.- le comntinu edl, siillaioil of the reginter idisclosedl
arc nut ilesirous 1of repeatis'tlhc 'hi .:ct that no such name1d oxsoregio-
bloocdy scenles of the Frenchi rev.olu- teredin i that tdepartmsent this year.
l ion, but1 hopie to obtaiii thcir cinds Mr.IFoster seas seis to-clay and says
biy less sev-crenieasures. All1 edu-ilide11a1 inithe ch Ipartmenc~t last year,
rated Russians arc in favor of refoirml but has not registereil this year, anid
aiii if the people xere reaidy athecrifore 1101 a iiiciiber of the tie-
IHI laiil great stress oiiforeigns It has becomte a comiinioim hing
1liilic ~unin ~~potent factiir iafr ipersons involxvec ini any difficulty
the eiilighiteiiiient (If the pecolctc claim to be a stuiieiitiif the Unii-
anc1 considered the articles sritten estadhrbyekto lit
by George Kieisoa as beini-' iliiost thae symcpathiy of tile stuideiits andl
bouindless in thieir infiuenlce. others. Care shiimuildlie usedinisr-
culiatinlg such reports, as they- teiit
At the ciose of the lecture lietilrigiillcrcii-iiiyioi
calledl fcir questionis, sandilamonlg othi- (the iiversity iir tile particuliar (le-
ers the followxing illterestilig facts lpartmlent.
xx-ec tmoiigit frthRobert Man teli as HamleL.
One millihon Ruissinhpeaisasdie
annullly froni starvationl oxwing, to Possibly- ini110 llay' lately- prodluc-
imamd gov-ernmencit sad exorbitamt id by Robsertl Maimell~las lie attract-
taxes. - - ed such widespread attention as lie
AXING thme experimilce (if Comllege
hm ciieflisiirmitiny of Coli'gm'Stu-
lc'itS. hhi Ill ire corps of skilled
h~iesu''ns-iumIebiccierS Spmeiailly
lriiliforii'ad;l''4e11a1d otherl jewcellemd
xiiii1. hinmih iliim-' as sic hi. hdi-ecti-
tlmsii'an~\i' lii'an1 oher peii ous110
soty ll di''1sioll i iills wch -iace
imalufiailim-e ll thIlis m-iminlr-.
Wright, Kay & Car
151 P1)RTEC', hEIIt'-.
[Detroit, MhhiB.
Chap. Speller & ( .
Univ ersity Outfitter..
2011 Simi iit Si iiE' T
87SUBILL G001D9,
G gm._J3eijefit I
3Dra.~ato Club,
Cleea Club,
and 33anjo Club
The Guitar sod Mando-1- (1'.iotettes,
Mr. S. I. Park, Ventriloquist,
Tlie Ohoqaumnegon Orohestra.
Thursday Eve., March 5, 1891,
mm AT 8 O'CLOCK. I.
Reserved Seats Monday. 2:10 P. M., at Oeii-
ber's and Sheehan's
Onie 11ou ofltirteeis attendml1111-
hrc school, but one out of three cain
read aiid write owing to private tui-
lion. The religious sects aid greatly
ill diffusin" educution. T'he major-
ity of adherents to state chitrch are
indifferenst in matters of religion,
and as a result there are fifteen mil-
lion protestants. A very small per
cent. of the Jews are usurers and
their persecution is due to bigotry
and not from political reasons.
s peare's siiblimse ragedly'"Hamlet,
whichs our thieatre patrons nsay hxave
thse pleasure of seeing at the Grand
(Opera House, on T1uesdlay evening.
While lie does not play it as weell as
B~oothi, nor is it expected that he
should, yet hsis interpretation is full
of promise, and nsany of our nmost
learned Shakespearian dramatic
critics have only made comparisons
wills the greatest Hamlets known to
the stage.

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