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March 06, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-03-06

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~Ij U.o
5tt O-N 1fIN'\EislX01'l 1
, n . W1ail
1{ cp, I ii w,;l: CENTS.
THE GYM. BENEFIT. yard. 1The attempts iiaV('ini eachisPROF. THOMPSON'S TRIBUTE. XVING thiexir (pffiee (of College
R l5e Entertainment and Well 5cse~ faiiled for want of proper step Eloquent Words From One of Prof. IMeii who knoiw aiid ippreciate
Patronized. }sort Ifromiithe professors of tiC Lni- Weis' Asocitesul ii ii tnti of ('oliege Stii-
1'11c versify, wh i were, from tm o-rf i.A. ii lillatth b- dents.mviii" a lirg'e corpis of skilled
'5Iii iiasltIiii enteltaiiit iishDi esi''ers aind Jewelers speeially
rdaS een',inin-lii of hIIs lecture to the junior (lrainiii ' or liiad'e aid other jesselied
rya C iiiii. 55 s 1 rce ss Wi ithiniitise sass year, hotsre lw esiersta raftern00n5paid the woirk. Inporin I ii ssr'iJdiels
Ire al i asir-e audience iwas im iiii nterpsrisehissbieeni sitarted ",fo aiIo~o n litra
-i ~ liiii here ihiiiii;vus I Oiiiiioiiofiiiil .fesior rells:
tiier ai iacxedni i ii i sorsiiiiiii i i ss si onir Iliiiions andi ltii-ireious
ailed ifortw iili iirs and as hal5 .iiCI St in's. Wi' ai-e in a piositisoin ssto i
pro cieriss.iiiiiti5 Iiiisltne isiltei'' liii liisreshils tiiiil fossto is
ai afesw Basrssaso iyscri s s s ls Siety iaasii of'5 sll kinds sichresit
t' sler > sii iC ssi.t.S fiis ii iC rlisi I _ts tii ii sasIh sl I i anfat'redil hs ont
cSiiui, I o-etsr iihssom spiiict. sn" esre iiiiii ! c>lect r hiKctht Prfe&orijo.h
add it i i ifileCie is iisi h Cit pi i ii,4 ' 11 11, . W C
ills, I -Mis ilshe lispokraisfiknonasith scarheiInisandli C ss isiili Ii s ldae his iisplaru itilss.sNi
Ate th~let ' ileRm-iis~llsed55oa rik is a i i loui reatsuil a,tioreartico- j Ni'x pu> ( 1IWIiix
e t i g n t e tigi
elp nwhich the leaCd irng 15s lsr. io srIi larly to the lass departmen'ii. lie
were takes byP. 11. Smith lw hgooks have heeii issued:iossei lst bttl earing. that Dor L.f ih
iand a ly oyieolil lime gentlemsanlyimainner that
llsId ihhartl. Pauil Honey- < Ouitliines of a Critical Thoryof Cir-e e- i inliaouelarjhp p
isanis y (hrceie h ec n hebrC a .S l ,,Ywo aal ons young hiishand,i'thiics,'' hy Johin Dewey. I'ie of ItiC last geiieratioii,silt oiniy iniiX
Th staiig1t alessoisby is- iisfC. principles of Styles 'Topics and the~ir iiitercosirsewiihliearlsotlier, Univ-ersity-Ottlitters,
P1l1tswas ingenissoulandii'eart-Rfrec w ,s reaor b ut initheir intercotirse isiths the
Necllent. srld. lie ssas a nian of profoiuid 2_W, S or isS-i' ST.
' easasartstair fI.say,"hby1'.N. Scott. '' AesthetiCs: learniung, nit only iii his chosein pro-
mttsei va a d budacenf iIts Prohienis and ILiteratiire,"9byIF.fession lint in almost every ibranschsof
laeduigthe evening, the Ches N. Sicott. '' Paragraps-Vs 4ritisg:Iearinig. lHe had beens a stuident E N G L I S H
f gons5 the Iliirersity Glee anid WithAls nicson espprfromnshis yut- ua h5en tuet AlTs m T
an -ihs n ~ enlcs Ns'iae isiansi ci is as seshIi n 'tII IUUI h
an Clubs, and lie Masndolisn Style ' anti Proof-Readling"byadasaehohd s'iltdhi'
sy ' ,iahl1participiating ini it. F. N. Scott. ''fine IHtundredi Sum-o ecg - tii hus u aois
e N i-hishsal1tei sletinsexpress hisiself clearly asisl higi-
e l pin whichslos-dthatihslestios re stlo is to ShorthandshStildents,"Calls lie Ihad less'if asny superiors. T ~ l~
coedsowd .ht he ler iy S. <'. orali. "There are in thinik ou wsill all hear me out iin thieapectdbyheuine.rss wo ate tclwrk asrtntatfrhettmntfa
ifelaps the miost "'taking " 'par~ts sswhilchsssill lie pubilisheil*ii a few legal piropsosition, clear cut, ssell le-
hietetimnwr thue Pestilfiedlie 7hsd ino superior uplonl the ENGLISH SERGE
iuusn onthss.lThey are, "Thile Mathe- lecture platforms. lie isas niot only- o
s l by S. C. 'ark, asnd mind lasid Iliiatical Theories of Planetdlary Mo- a profouisd scholar, hutnthiere wsere
15th e'readsing bsy thse salue geistle- ( ions ' hy IDr. Dieohek, of Ger- few if any smn in thse iounltry his CO lS AITP T USE S
le 'n personatedl as 'rof. Gastl nmany. This edition is a translation superior as ass eloqhuesit msaliilint- RIE
nsnderaetw.Seldlois ,a by'M. V 'he the orator, a polishsedhorator. i istts50
rfs Jas. esow'..iy Harrington. r "lie syas a model iss esery ssay
tiiosa irwicesfl s n sork is a translations of for the young to ossitate; is
is l thiansi r. P skvas yester- Dr. Netto's "'i'le'Theory of Suh- scholarshiiphIis gbtenal ear- TT D/liU ii''JJ
as ening. 'i'he oindl-reasding stitutions and itssApplicationsto iny his polishsed mianiner iniIis iii
was ~tercoturse switlh you andwstllsthe v r_
osprectuimitation of the nmeths- Algehra,''by F. N. Cole. In addi- wrda agtersetslihle___
pi uiually emiployed hy so-called lion thsere are in preparation ''A sdwora agthe igsts eftotwseshtlsa
nlra asGnerl hayd fl . orathy eigsv hershatl
11 aders,an greatly pleasedc enra Chemistry," alC
ldineFreer; "Fsundanmental Principles of sways chsaracterized the har, a reach- }
Tethank5 of the students are Musical Science," hy A. A. Stanley; ing forward anti taking hold of any- SEARS SPECIAL.
mat he arious organizations that so a "System of Harmony" aid "Book thsing which pronsised to hetier CHASE & PETTiT'S
Iy tie11 aided the "gymis o.'uic'" Isaeauho;dh either the har, the state or society
a o Muic byth sae athr; heat large, oine of thsose mien wvho have CNflI$ BAT$ AflD BALEI$
menivisg this excellesit cntertain- "Plasiislslere,' hy Mt. XW. Harring- made the liar so pronilnent in all zLAit uAE N ~STO5CK
tons; "Logarithmic Tables,''byhyi'p'. age, to-slay a great conv'ersatise
~- - "I J. Hussey, and "Practicah Astrono- eleenst, aye, and also a great prfo-
The inland Press. grsieeeeti oithlig Fns n a s
N o' - my,' by AV'. Ws. Canmpbell. Thse gess lnes isscey sliig Fnn thL
i o rovsio ha evr ben adein itself the virtuses of this age, aid
the Vsobase'rbei id ooks thus far ptihlishedh reflect discardinignsaoy of its v ices, hasving z~l Eif
get n 1siy of Msichsigan, as in credit usjon the new enterprise. prfudahorecoflllies ENLM 'S FRIH G
ea leasing universities in this praodfondbhorrat of atIall forqteir GEN oLsMN 'i'iiiI ,
futy, for a departnments of publi- TPhe engineers will give a baitquet object the robbinig of osne for theGODINTE r'
55is In times past several enter- to thse ensgineriing faculty, alumnibefi of anothser.
rngpublishers of Ann Arbor, and members, asstlnot a sall as has ''Of course the piast cannsot he re- Agent for Ann Arbor Steam Lausndry,
iii 'lung tene fsc a de- been stated. called, but you are fortunate in hay- qusick delivery anid best work.
partt ie tenedofsdslg been liermitted for a year, or ___
atlet , save made unsuccessful Thse first sessiosn of thte second twvo years, in associating with such a
150ewt to establish a publishsing annual convesition of railroad coni- man and having him as a niodel." q5A $ Q q~& O.
wh hc ol et n ro isoesi nssinti eki P LI othe Clatendno Press is to Ox- Washington. Judge Cooley is chair- Hlarsard took no holidas on UNIV ERSITY Ot'TFITrTERS.
dor the Riverside Press to Hat.-nman of the convention, Washington's Birthiday. ANN AIRBOR, - - MICH.

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