AT. WaiIp.
Oa Wht--Wil Perform This Won-
detF eat Upon the Stage
Saturday Night.
Thie tet
n e r n1 to be given to-
ior night in the University Halal,
Promilss to be one of unusual inter-
esIn addtion to the good time
ofredthin iole' all "oes to the
aynkt ateli large number twill no
d i atnd
tltl'e dotor has een investigating
rrietlods of 1. A. J ohstone for
stie tm past aid has comie to the
tuin th at there is notinit in
tlis-atle ther ory of mindn-reading.
ttheeisg utsometin= iimuscle-
"'il I f rcsewt will deny, ht that
sl51- rik of mind-readers are
sgo of hand performances aided
ehaby muscle reading.
84 herJ0hnstone wasinChicago last
mile r lie reated a great fror by
PulcyOpening the safe in tlhe
1kre gon5 Hose; oeratig 01p01
ttt well hnown ote, and succeed-
e tltat isincing omost of tose jres-
althathelprocess was one of act-1 ainredg.BtD.Gchl
lisdcivd ytheD r. ntl
myser Afe studying tie ntth-
ce o Josnstone, tlhe Professor sit-
ceeet of rPeaing nearly all te
tatslkfJostone Ad 'wvheter his
'uods are the same o on n
canlsal, Yt it is certain that the re-
ulsaenot essentially differet.
nhedoctor has given sone very
fu rieate entertainments to
fripendsto ut has never
etst topen asaewith a
Wktn atm15 lock unitil yesterday,
ti~5 is thte presence of representa-
we~nSt difiiticult nfat iao ootn
a5sesfe l y perfornmed.
e8a enoetedsas that in Watts
Sfy estore, urglar-proof withs a
l1k lret manetics.lock adoee
o 5~t k~b . 'iseopeiing of
~t aeo a een the more difficult for
, or ecause he was iot pres-
Ckii agti the t rick'was'perforned in
Ake Ov sua precautions were taken.
0 55ewa douled uip and ound
A thik eye by a handkerchief.
ittd black hood was then exam-
y hs resent adptoe
8is ed sigh utterly im-
5u ki=e Cotton had~been stuffed
tke 1,50o that he could not hear
ttthiblers of the lock fall.
Penzce, THRcEEnCaES.
Hoavy gloves were taut on to deaden A Chapter of Liberty. AVING the experiettce of Colleg
the use of feeling. He then testedMewhknwadprcit
At eightt o'clock yesterday evenhing /Mnwokovtt prct
thtose tupotnwhtomstlie svas to (sperate, teewsa uhd hsehligtents.eflsg inreyo of lledu
'dvr. Watts andrta clerk, as to muscle- ttr a rssodhseIoci"tenthirefulrtiny r of o lledn
reatitig -attd miitd-reading 'Ttis, tickets for reserved seats at Dr. Dbesigniers taid Jewelers speeially
the octr sidwasgenraly dne ussanlus' lecture betfore the S. L. trained for badge and other jewelled
A.'lThos. LtevI, tpresident of te work. Importing, is we~ do, direetly
by professionals, to cotiftise ite suh-frmPis onnadAstdm
Associatiotn, initrodutcedt the spseaker, fotPrs odnti ittnli
jects" our Diamonds and othter peiu
Tleythniroceedetoe hesae, tothngvhiddre'ss. li'eStunes, We ae ln i ositioni to Isro-
wichelthad beetn locked anid carebully iieta htirofIiet iet i(' tma lsadjeswelled
exaitttteil thoseoccseried his attentiont wa', tte li-Society Baduges of tall kinds 'wvhichi toe
gin ningo oen ieti.e shanuzfactutred iin this coiiiitrv.
first attetmtpts 'were unisutccessfullb-ie nt oftio erti li
iirlnioiof Uhiristiaity. ~ ~
in anyexpierimsenital, as this 't swakrs au htJoi tttr Ar '~ i .Co.
the~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~11 has ii h ioeso ii t \ l tviti' finishiedl 'riting'hits .~G 'O
temte t opn sfe. Ve echessay ott liberty, remsarkeit to his IM1POlt'1'EltS, JI EWEILEIIS
time lie catme very near the cornet frietid George H eisry L e'iists-st lieAN
nsumbers. Te'od n'bnagsMANtUFACTUtRING JEWELERIS.
the ood iid anrlgeshad learned that the story of Liberty
were thenS taketn off, exantined antd could not be wiritteis 'withtout britng- Detroit N/1ChRan.
readjusted, it htaviing beein suggested it ~ h tr fClay Ihv
that by some trickery sighst wias pos- C aarpelr p
sible, hut everything was found as fv ra a ocrsigc a .~ e~r &~
first fixed. Liberty which Christ iittroduced in-
Aftortthe world. First, a isew cocelp-
After a short rest the doctor psro- tiotn of aristocracy. Thse history of
ceeded to a new trial. 'PTe numI the wiorid has been - history of -NI EWA STORE.
tiers necessary to opeisthte safe were -
27,45 nd 2, ccospasie byi~saristocracy. Tihse first aristocracy___
7 ad ga acompniedby n-tas that of the bruste. Even its cot-
nunseratile turns. lege life to-day there are somse thsings FL RS ItTTE N
't'sefirt f tueiseitattmltsthat ismake it seeni as if pshilosophy CLOVES. LATEST IMPORiTA-
failed, hut coittinsgswithtin site numn- wr pinladmsl eurd
her of bseinsg correct. Th 'TION IN TIES AND SCARFS.
a '~The aristocracy of possesi5on conies
'rhe text attempt pros-ed entirely nx-i stt rsorc a ah LINED AND SCOTCHI
successful, thte correct nusmtbers steve -
stukadttedo' pnd it is whtat requires a girl to constilt WOOL G L OV_'ES.
B lradstreet before slit receives calls ENGLtSIL ETON
The entire test reqluired aboutfrmtesm ma tui. FomCtSLtt.
sishou anI tsre-titarersand00the aristocracy of possessions conies
the whole was msore successful thtan WOOLEN UNDERSWEAR,.al11Grades
the aristocracy of fansily, whuich lives
Johnstone's attenmpt at Chicago, con-istecmtr.'~taitcayo SILK MUFF'LERS, HIANDKER-
sideriisg that each steve unssuccessful fansily reminded the speaker of CHIIEFS, COLLARS, talliBrands.
in the first fewe trials, but that John- ls liah
stone had previously~ perfornied tieSPCA NE LIEO
feat aisd Gatchell had not. H eeiesour Mary Annlairest 1M $ttEL L AS, till
Utica oia Father Abrahami's breast,
Most of our readers whoi rensaineid tileite hit is titne tor Mary Anni prices. ATHILETIC
litre durits' the 'Thanksgiving vaca-' It is pretty rough on Abnahamc. an GYMNASIUM
tiots, remember the exhibition given lBut the gratidest aristocracy ofGOD
hsy ohoton intli opra sosse.all is the aristocrachi of character.
Johsnstone had advertiseil that, 'Plis is the aristocracy of Chsrist. Of every descriptioti.
tilind-folded, lie wouldl drive through 'fli second great idea tof Liberty Sole Agent its Ansn Arbor,
thue streets of Anni Arbor. lBnt Dr. is the fatherhood of God atid thse
Gatchiell liavitig performied the sanse brotherhood of miais. WHIOLESALE & RtET1AIL,
feat a day or twvo before Johnistonie 'lhs third idea is that Libserty is a for
arrved, the halter did niot attemtisitpersonsal affair, suit the fourth is -77-MI-7 . Z: ZDIT9O',
it. that msan is msore sacred thani insti-
Saturday night thehpublaic stillttos Teefu-getiea r TtONo.
huave aisopportunsity for the first btuto- thte frbyteafhthesar e- GnieEgshM knth,
time iof seeing Dr. Gatchsell perfornm. bud ogetirty teffhta e eun nls aknoh
'The principal feats of J ohntstone and fore thse great throne of power all msen FULL LIN
Bhishiop are to be duplicated, a con- are equal. 'fli five ideas are the
plete exhibition of the deceptions of fingers of the hand that shahl crush Agent for Ann Arbor Steam Laundry,
"osind-readers" will be given. Tihis Cradtrnis n prs quick delivery and best work.
together with the niusic by the Glee Czar, and tyrs andiestadoppre-u hudbi u eeysuet EL
and gym enthusiast in town. o ndtethishd. i la fteqIA.$ELE~& qo.
While the subject of the lecture UNIVERSITY OUTFITTERS,
Five of last year's victorious crew and its manner of treatment
are candidates for this year's boat might have been more appropriate 2%j SOUTH STATE ST.
at Yale. t[Continued en Third Page.] PLEASE CALL and examine.