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February 26, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-02-26

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lkSlAk\ FLI lul k1Y 26, 1TIi I io i RF ETo S .t~i
T U1t
10WILL BE THE WINNERS? pirobablyi ) is follaws: ()n delivery
th reliiolna,.y Oratorical Contest iIll.Dn-I ikno.Dtot
tbyHeld To-morrow Niih.e io. .S.IFitcli.L1nin11a51 11-'
Muhiiiieretis liing tknii i an cini itillPo V -i A (;(°e
thosiierll slieciilatiiiiias to wo wo anig:l l I.'
i ate sfi l i ni-I liii, ii ill "-+
lull1 lie lic l yali10vrilsc iss! Sergios Stepniak.
were-v rtI I in cd il 2 o lii iiiirr iii iiuivlinl ig 1 ~ ar
carnevf-rli the.1aws1anditi;vwi iieil cdfor tiii leviiire to lie
frot theits.1'll seior aws i~- e iveii Saiturilavevelijig. yiclve-G
theil rae led rof tI luissian reviilts-I
r4 'i t iiibr ioilill onar party, SergTius -lieliiak -
14(iccolinil iiitheir niiii iit loi lirei asa
i llciSart bmthe apr Abutt .iie 'fa g lie first
to Ylcme ntopilic noitice by t uini h av'cai il xliulilisli-
S test iuponi thoulght and delisvery iiiin lliai UndergiidEs
re'bravlsliasv Judge Chees-er and ~1~1s~iilhshdeine
'Pal eighlt conitestants wlhose tliein le has beeii in Ilnglaiie, iwriting
ar eced[i elli lid aiid spvaking in behalf of the Nilii-
W uere: L. S. lBaldwvii, J. R. New sts. Is recent works are, ''Ens- J C et-
eri s als, .C ~lia Underthe 'Tears,'' "['lie Career
eth . . lrle, ~n. ui- f a Nililis,'' ''Russian Storm
4%,s IIl- efeornd IVNi. Fre- in1
illt he eeanJ-N.II Cloud', '' 'Riussiain 1 'asantir.
-1ll conitest to select iswo oul
ofleightswill lie held at the NVebster '['le folloswing is an oiutliiie of the
rosand thle judges will lie:.iPriif. lecture lie is to give here
noltonI Dr. Nancredle aindi - 'Ntlil. 1551,'' iT'ksOrITO15 ii'ANDI
titrian fi'-liePRlOSPECTS.
'pI Nnc. hal Nihillisni is. Liberals apd
e i eight conitestalnts fromt thy\riliilists; their respectiv'e positions.
oilr law class are: 'Thonias Lowsry, Democratic teiidency as the cliarac-
'" ,ChurchI-F. I.. Granit, B. A.Steirstie common to liothiparties.
lfrbtrly n..IC Ein, Great exaltation as [lie chief peru-
glonl liarity of [lie extreme party. Its
Y J.rt Browning anilJ.I=I caiise Russian universities as seni-
obrs t Tbo'h~e contest to select oiie iiiaries of Russian thought. TIhe
yo heaoe will be held ii quiz- intensity of intellectual life going on
roand Prof. '[hlompson, *Dr. there below [lie surface. T['rgue-
4rtIn and 1". F. Johnson will actiieff's graphic account of it. 'Te
Sled nmilitant Niljilisni of to-day. Is
ges. character and prospects. '[ilie cer-
T[he [hr ee enitries fronth[le senior tain advent of D~emocracy in Rus-
i s were: NV. It. Nichols, N. sia, andth[le change it will bring in
1Kelly and L. S. 'Tuirnbull. Tlo her international position. Condou-
of the three will be selected at : sion:'[he movement in fas-or of Rns-
- jutloes sian freedom, started in Eiigland.
Po tin Room 24 before -ud [:Is significance and bearing.
prof D'Oogprof. Watter and
'[he juinior lit class is entitled to AVci fKetmna
oo ersnaie for which honor 'Ilere can be little doulit [hat the
Ii illenback and F. J. M eEl- student, J. A. Foster, arrestvd for
weswill contest in [he AdelPlii burglarizing lehueo r uhr
and rof.Thoms, Pof.land, on South TDivision street, isa
jidaeat[ro.'uttrlacii victin of kleptomania. Mr. W hite's
ges,~ family, wvhere lie livedl, say that for
J. tLadid is [lieonily aspliranit sonic tinie lie has acteilvery strange.
till the~ sophomore lit. slass and ly. Whenever aiiy of [tieni exptress-
itherefore have everything his ed a desire for a book or other
WnWay until the local contist. article lie generally wvoulid brine it
l'e public local contest will be to them in the course of a fesw days.
ld1Mrchi zo, between the seven Nor did [lie articles often look ccev,
.Tiuitrs of the preliminary contests. as if recently pturchased. Only a
hjudges for this contest wrill few clays ago a young laity at Mr.
W~hitv's askedvitlii if lie hid iiiy
ilil niviktives'a ltii Ilie no lodi'er
jnusidis shii waniiiiv thenviifliisonic
happe i n'ohi' i v nd"viii vi g
wei liii io t iiiia I iii iiiii li 11111 v
had. i~s akes t iappar.tit is
woirsitfaut i s ti ciieriy I vv llilv)1
weakniivss. lle is sion ofa a
giold iiilil 10a1n111one thtliiinp till thy
preselntiasLid a good i vlit ilioli
ThIle fact that lie simiply take s ariclei s
to give to iothers wo hii ppenlli to iidi-
sire thieim, shioiws[lie lack of i criin
iinal motive iii his hart aiii that liv
is only [lie sictim of a niania.
Sunday Legilation.
'I'liere has recently aplpeairedl froii
[lie press of [lie Natioinal Religious
Liberty Association, of Newr Xork
aind W\ashuingtoin, a s-oliiiie of dlocii-
mients [oiichiinguploni Suiiivay legis-
latioii. 'l'he ioliiime is entitleil
'Animericaii State Papers Bieariiig ozi
Sutniday Legislationt,"''aiiil was coni-
pileid ainileiiteilbyis' Mr. Wt. A.
Bllakely, a .Seinior laiw stuiveii[ of [lie
U'niversits-. It is aii octavo volume
of iearly four huniidrevd pages, with
miargiiial notes, anid excelleiit [tlt-
graphical work.
'hle work contains [lie ideas and
opinions of many of [lie fouiiders of
our Anierican political systeni uplon
Sunday legilation, extracts from
tlie national and State constitutions
and other governnient documents
bearing on [lie question. Among
others [litre are [lie opinions and
decisions of Jeffersoii, Madison,
John Adams, Patrick Henry, CoI,
R. At. Johnson, Chief Justice 'Terry,
Justice Oarton, Judge Cooley and
General Grant. '['le ilitor has
niade a careful selection of docu-
mentary esidence relating to [lie
Suiiday qluestion, and has tiy these
extracts aiid reports not only shown
Sunday legislation to be contrary to
[lie spirit of mniy of our constitu-
[ions and to [lie judgmeiit of sonie
of our leading statesmien, but lie has
also niade a valuable cointributioii to
[lie literature of this subject. '['le
copious annotations and foot-notes
give esidence of careful aiiilpaiins-
Miss 'MauvlI:. M. Caldwsell, lit
'93, hias retunrued to college.
b AVtNNlG[lie dexiperiei f College
hei -c luiftl scrti nyils ofi Coilhegi'Sin-
de'nis, hliti nug a largeei~ic lili
I )siuti'u-s and .eleeis specially
tandfrbadge 110 Iiothierleeselleid
-orhv. intporhing au Nee odietly
hri auls, IiLiiiion and 1Amstieiriami
duce ii the fitiest l luiis hahd ijewelleid
ISun-etv iiuhitin iiiall kuind swhiichi lu-
I iiatiiiiii ti el i illiiithis iciiiiili .
Wright,, Kayi & Ca.
a INiII['( 1:11',, .IIAX'l 1111".
Chap. Speller & .
U2niv ersify Outfitter,
FirEct and LargE-l
i.IN+Et 0F
('0000 IN rilE wry.
Agent for AnArbor Steam Laiundry,
quick idelivery andI bes[ work.
qI5A$. $PELLC1R & qO.

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