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February 26, 1891 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-02-26

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Baj SUt IC6 x p n out,Moll(illespie;
J(.of"'1i'' ~ 1~ extemtporaneouts speeclh, )Ii . JonC(^1 son;TpkTnoncIlY
i ''1iiet i citg soti; il stiltxSd its haduii'gtoe' WE WILI IOR THEIJIE LT FE 01 i VEXELKS u
the olice y~at , 1) (b te, 521st itt tid, t t a Nattinadl ( r I] ti -e tns of ppesr ofall kids to b 501(ldo thiecp und at rerdla
m IDEINI1'N( AS tITIN. ui%'itt't i ltd le esiahli cd te a' i11raes. fr our (row m ltpeeialLnn t1lt it 2; ient Per
WashiIiinton 10' the elierat 20 n -' pouitndl. 10on1Pper, Thesis,tond Isypewriter Paper at
Shcit io tt)pr'e)peri ,1ait nttt ;ineptI. H 1 ). Ilaihit> tii p . p1 (reat IBarains. Fmc''lpes 0 to atc all papters
ie d u ' " ti Oi ~nt()t.ti c ItI' "el. retly' rednI(cdrtlet's.
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NbcI and l o. iOS N1E R LOCALO
it 'I' I11 oritltttlit ", O'i ' 1)A111.Vt 111"'lls oute.
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I ntifTHE 'U.-_ct 1.1"DAI1LY Ilet tite iii ii l I blt i sp l ti t c ii till'- S SI) I IlL Rote.
thtJlutt~c[I~ilr. A t1 AI eb tiiH s11i I a ttt. slIt li o it)' ;;,(Ilii<l.iy ie1 c
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s e~uh lato.,iti }t't tdelicitel t{ill
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hei eitlftle 1 11 tII, s'.It Itli ilik I'a il c'Iod utull. lttilt.^etiitt I chian Raiwa
II30 iiii:trt1 l C.1' sex it e lut It (It1tltiitc N It 5lai111115', till stitle1
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Iloolinhliot tiopoportuiin ity to ttiiisme- . it' i: t~ld Tle>1 ~ 1
1t't t'e . Ietisttt 55"N I ech il l Nt 'I .Ii d (u; iti tl iil i t t:S. cuiot's I\atll t nt xI tftc D
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Ila o h r o l nweg e a lit Bt 1tuistsd ill ]:it')' l n))tic 6it Alit l iimof: 3z-
c ,tt 11 inatittyt N icti tilt lit hullo 1 ' ii 7iet- ?for f eNt- D tri. iiot ceatc i "
orke .zhoi c l t iiin tti r lini trt I i mi ii i n ec l e I li icoti of 5 It 8 otirluii
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'Irou ilict nI inheI Its ltut ittN '11 l0 ilaktlt rl tttllsIllhpuflt-. I illo .
ill i tIIr l ticn , luip'i't it ac.; sodi et t
contest I IIirlthtlitlit C tiiclItiliklc''.aN
Isu~l.I N i]iiucue tt1 o I lh s i-tl a da ll";.c.11ti FridayM1lEvening,5 Feb. 27th,11191
ih tlssiille ilitsI li Tit o l the Nei .ANtk1i irlls tihltl f t So Nrt .~
tie ttitithe . I t is i pasil th a ti l l ite iet'e'uit's 01r t ct i s etrlt usNA c 2?h ri8
at t tiIiit ap lyill 1 so lieisuuis St . n o'p o y° . o-
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suS'ti.p)cI.(il) il h tite pe tit "wltt t i nt eltol 70--4k"41!..Durod... 85
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U.eft M.oi.ing is tie rgrn sn omthnownewhosfaleynanes in the T ERTi s-I S ARE IH.W.NSLEYRAODUCEDE~
ol te A el -i fe it- Iia terik ne tsentoe t tiltoyftae,1311ee0 1 Sewn rtan Tedo,AArLborD. L nd orh

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