Llfjc jKI, of
~n. WaiIjj.
\CV '--N0 d
Noe nthe Coming Base-Balt
casional gause somte day lTuring the
week. It swouldl certainly seem that
such p~ermissions would do imucth to-
It ibsnug I . c ha ah ati. aris stakling the Ctimtolasilsr
ntte tat the lU. of i,.,iillitCSI)((- a inrh ratb d f su e t
o0n at its sareofois siipportmui colie
di t verattsmooth s trustsstiso a1ar
etltati0o teI a lstieII)- :sstatlwslpruesaetob
cc tttl aseb l za ta d statmi tsa sassnistiay sotre t ie-
all the hasiti facts fls ierfesta to Intaie tlsistii sta
az55 fa teresth thstudtils t ee a wis a candite sholt
us ]5l5issI
U iiliiietich het iiiiasesssi sitoi tisyi lietile ca1-
(ia-s thate -mrssdwt
sice ta e blievices the osl taisoisststhlisarsielst oii srtiissts-.
Wa.tol iistl isstt resutitsssmt Ate tesslise itoiulsd stakeait saisiait to
4at 51 ofthe teams is to treat theimt le ottlsasndlfor lpraactaae jst atsoftesn
ft actllas Ispsssibie. as lisesossibiy cas.Thlisarisnk wiii
After theta sslcen escrdb omroadwl
p a n i b s p r e s I t oC u s t C is e m e i n - b i e o lse n c vr r y s la y f r o n t hC r e e C o
sot te best possible sisapet ie for all comesrs, untithsa canspus
W tlexprt scisolars osf IHarvardi gets ito susssihiatpr as to resiser
talb h5ow reai lire ipersossfrosssfurther is-door stork sssssecessary.
art pt lsag ball. Arran-egensts Wises thtse tasona psiu p ttansi
ho e niasle whiereisy it is osstdosor practice iaecosses ipossibie,
t~lto se sl ates for a brief theiandssidates whtavs ae ssotshsown-s
if sssisetsssrgsaa tp stall %salbe rdroppiesdfrossstinse
t If this trip is taken, asdsin- tos timetauntil cigitteest or twentty are
ssseutnfoirseesn contiss-'nesa lft
W i s ll si a l s t f
W ' isroly a l e s sn a e s o p ei s a n dats s ta k e s till le s e t nit
tes pltayed wt pCisina nte casmpaus it susiah a sssanner as
r, akngthseir asisual exibi- hartse ite crowdasiasay fros thie
iio be Ps - Manager Abboaatt Itopesdiamndsandasievery afterstoos at
ablst arrasge a siate as stis tour o'coah twroeamos seleatedi frons
5 117 wl be emsinsently itroiper for thseibest bailCthey are jointiy snd
to Peron ats siay intshiaC gasue satverally capale of, usatil it be-
Ci~ste greatest of all se-balsitosa easvient tthie capltaint jusst
Portat quite closely. Nso betterop-swisht tases wsouseem ratsto be ibest
it ty coutid lie offeresi fur learn-fittedsifor catrryisng the "NYellowsanads
l isa e satt fCt gamie. lii ii5itt",i ie otst
ilt Prte airntsifterfrwiheery ite strug'gles.
tiehtrevehardiest,Ihowcever, wst-l s 'Itsr is a stroasi, isclinastiont
ar Cj -to gt tupont te easternsig ait th sinpoweratotisget sstile
o tisao alantsassredatinsg. 'illI eterani 1plar like Suntdais tr hess-
r5 lt ' nt i bieens siicislivr - nestt to cocia te ism. If ssuts a
ar yt in ill pasrtiulastaut the- thinsgsispossibitashousldl he dotnejj
sti 'zthelrst, W5ili anms U sitser-stss ssmapit tis ih, Asit p rispsarly
tri t rr iss tnt"lesarvrdundrstosimastis urls tile title of s-ia-
y, e ' Cousiai Irincton.is A tory it a clioseiy cosstestesi gtase.
dell will la e arrantgedi sitsh(Cos- It trill proalysnit ise tihisghst
stll be pllayed stin Dtrso it pss iest Co sntrosince te pledge s}-stemt
Cestd Curheiates ssenstionsedanitona-'temsesmsbers of te teamt,
kans threusade switte D. A. but eachs one is reqiuestedtI ssttslo
55a5tsis -oI'-. A, and efforts st-itlbeanaytising whlichs till tendilto rendier
coigeltCite Unis-ersity of Wit- hits itsansytray usnfit for hsard
Ia o dtome to Ann Arbor. asnd exacting iabor. Smsoking and
able toer tat the students may be drinkingsrill be discouraged its erery
Itve n see more games thsan they possible manasner, as tensdinsg to its-
it eeretof ore, efforts will be made juriously effect te nerres. Mana-
ser eoision to play an oc- ger Abbott has already seieceted te
tea suaits st-iis-tle still submsiit Co
te boisardsof directoirs. They are saf
heavygeinefulpde hts, sitarosossstockissandsitrists-site
sssssgs.- Itsaen all Ciigethser tey area)teinetuiomswihl. sfN r
hail -plaassestaestoatsusitoCdtie AIt
ftr l i t heie iris1 all ois as o
the II is Curhasiosicts 'l- St
Sisonl Ciati tse prs pecls ts fli st- - basll !cI
sirs- btiehelisthtis sisrisi ta theylus
mtosst hopelse ignsus is thincisslina tions
NtvIlih llptser s swt isrk sis
tile iterests osithlel isatsin 115 eaeta l
saidI ntsosmscsisfsotshlit w ni
victal gliysis iates Ci thatI
teams-wsorbkl taheamsst essesatialtair
Pt tar ;,Tsiti-s CTSr.
- AN tIt, the exiseriensce of College
) Mases iso bknts- sansI apprecaste
eartetfitsa sc'tit sof Cosllege Stsu-
sits, his-stg -t l-rge acorps 01:skilled
esigttsrs sitd Jewelers spaeially
sit-si ftor badsge i anothser jewrelled
sib. Imipotrting, isstitoits rlsec~tly
tilt ParisI tiLondon and AmI~~stda
11 s Dimttsttsi ant titer speciosss
siot-s. 'Wesaresitnisa5 positiottt 1prla-
iels t te ilst I sitplns cnd eeledI
seis a tssg-s ofitllsit dsisls hicarsie
allssfstcel --tits this sisttit.
/Vrighf, Kay & Co.
flntrnct KMicfhgrn.
msesitsaf susccess, still be psresenit its
no~ unscertaiss qusantities i inte eta- Chap Speler
dleas-ors os te comsing teasms ' se ap ei r
DAtL p iropshsecies ChatCise IU. of Mi.- >C)' SOUnTHSTIAT5 Si.
base-ball teans far 'qu will set a isace___
whtichi till I, of sucs a nature that
nisumbers of tither institti~osswsill =1_T S =
not ite its it. MAOKINTOSHE3
'Othello: A Drama of Faith-"
Jsamses I-ay Aistlehsee, tehe kes SWEaATEIS B OXING (GEONVES,
Shsakespseare isterlreter ands forcibale jFIoLSl'OiCTCNG, GYMNASIUM
tecturer, wras againi greetedi antis - AND) ATiHLE'TIC GOODS.
largestnd appsreciative ausdience, at I tltASi NANAta~
te U itarian cdisraitlast sigrht "tT R~Ias h _a I
Mr. Appliebee shiowresinto l ItI 55
very arefit studsy of theCragesdysaf W RIGHT & DITSON,
Othello, bit atso paainsstakinsg re-
searchs, its a broad tray, of te liter- Io41 \
ary anda historical realmss of thought. A UL NFO
tHis allusionts asns references Co
other itroductiosts of genius -are so z'=NTNIS t GOOD7-S
amtply applsiedi thaCtte great ibeauty
in Shtakespieare's dielinseationts scess
enhasniced ands ste tessostClereisn
constainsesiare vigorouslr ensfoarced
utpotnte mtinsof listenuers.
Tihe lecttirer's entstiasmssfur the
chasrsacters intshle sdrassasis upreemai-
Isheal clsaracters all ".
'tat the isiesal chasrsacter hass ntie-r
accompssilishe-si tile sits usasitossardi
insp~i rintg Lofty stud wourthy- amtbiition
is has the hlistorical mass or wromtan.
IHis asnals-sis of the trute inastinct of
wromanainitess, as ilustrated its Des-
demsossa, ciharacterizes imn as a
remsarkably close observer of human
nature atar a profosund adimirer of
actual beauty and intrinsic avorthin t
TCo-morrow night the third lecture
of te series will be given on "Ham-
lets: A drama of destiny."
Chteviot Shirts, 'Tenis T rouisers,
A GOsiO'-tEs t ttt5 .
Pasrrintst'isque Glares, Entglish Caits,
latest. Wolentrij idersresr. sit grsades,
Speciali Newa Line of 1stthreitas, nl
5 sLBORTOsst'
Agenst for Atn.Arbor Steam Laundry,
siitk delivery anid best wsork.
qA5A$. $PCLLCR & ~q.