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February 25, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-02-25

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tjc IK. of
AT. ii*j
voL I7.--.&Y 1
TEILNE. tlerary Monthly of the U. o
To Apear Next Week.
lltgiil th e editors of te
larer hv n t yeiubil
anpc i hedt of its irtfp
i it i redi fromi a rl
Pa if lesthe I'lsisa
0(a.o ex ek ii t he
41 he storie, iid it is all iii to
o standlardi of merit tiat has h
emiL )" This ssufficiently
ati We iskiown that the
fro 1 e Pens oft President ca actr
r. dansTe literaryc
itf55 f nswhich have bens reei
ae allthne ofld le desired.
151fleon o the objects of
fif 5r i to stimulate unider-g
dff itork, the fact of grada
ahntt1bten mate a lbar. Iii
thr is every reasou to believe
f ist 1Ifictonof alumni i
g h tilte studets
lirer t increase the stimif
teas iat as be u seen, Sler
toreso to fear that the lift
f ll"a elut acetiously remarked,'
Mend upon rejection."
Mr.Frnertys Address.
yesed ay afternoon, IUive:
HallWa well filled to hear Mlr.
fretl iithe famous Irish orator
flor Promptly at two ocloc
P~aeupon the platform, esc
TbyDean Knowlton, I
two5 1son and the presidents o1
r"Finerty is a magnificent
PiJvtdngan and Iis presence c
ilef the audience from thef
atrthe usual allusion to the
futur it store fr our nation ,
tthueg out into a considerati
e ha ~rater of some of the
w hae Ifelpei to make us 6
All 10w ae, the greatest nato
1 l e.
tt.lbert y's treatment of
foign orn citizen ad the Ix
whc thiovrnment sould
suetwads hint'was eloquent
tNat5l Ho over, he looks al
(Iftiestiofi froni a sootewhlat different Winhel Memorial.
>f M. staindpioinit fromf that of the majofrityl
of piblic sieakers iof to-da. (cocludiel tiifrum ss-Iv le
%Vbiliils eloquentiltafo totr- But iwe feel the los of Sr. wi- len
I atotofialt rttids, colors foil raceso helt oiiy beciise ofliietfntct Des
ihichsfoieldiiif worikinbut alotLia
a Iwa enh si stle lli ree i ive , he teau f ii itrsoial ii iies.ii isi
1u ftltea i ii w thichsestoiiundelieltthis Ile tvsa anof iinrssst p Iro
le ic a ist hitasi I iiiii or tht oppiress- j 111111 i col leaiiieiali nd i aihfu lii"1ff
0ri ii o itheworldwhe tier t he on ifieidtai fill thok towini bs l
cru esei iit1i i ili tieuti tlistiit gtr th enes ;iii
t dit iInhan'il t. lifiiietvis n r itien ri- siitfc fsiitleieii i
to hepliwo'lest rdtylf silee titthe litt K s tiee l etiit wiatsiiitas ouie, ii i
itt aioi falfrevntato h swerving thtscianegiaindceveowatoo [
speke h imeyTies oell cou blid obe theiitlit. Ilsfith y
tht ihtM.iinrt salrto f a resciertfinscincewasirmless
the he ihtypFesli en ierdopictlivttavlltnhiws ofaith diileei
mors hasve becn having a high old gion, and, ini earlier dlays, when such
oil- ein lit out the fire in the Sibley teiin bitter criicisn,le dared to
is cd Collee, then one clinmbedl up tSlin assrt ani maintain that geology and
revlatiiiii were iii acori. Un-
tesidt of ltethinney to he top, oser oovei by the sturmnichiehle hail
rao-10 feet, anid fixeil a 94 banner raisei, firmi in his convictions of
rion there. Thlis is tlit oost daring feat sieitific truth, aii dtesout lby
lecdn ever performietd at Coriel. Thle nature, le teii passed oft to the
dedFreshiein i the climiey was nearly suity- of he great prbhlemis of rea-
iiothiereid two or three times by the to;polm owihhsdel
corks religious feeiig, iii love of nature,
gas. 'This bainier sf aniioyed the aii the natural bent aiiilgaspi of T
tiill Sopls. that they drove te IFreshmini his minil all irresistibly turiedl him.
iu.srmte aps With a reverent, ut master haid,
'is A large crowd of Soph. theii sur- lie enteavored to lift the veil of the
of rounded the house where C. S. Hoyt, as, to folowv the stels of creation,
con-tosoatrf ascertaint its lass, aid follow its evo-
tosmse fthe Freshint class utlo. 'These were the problens r
'will livei. After capturing hilot le was to which lie delighted to devote Co
lpt into a closed carriage tanh hur- himself. His other studies were
ried away. Heswas seen no more only incidental to these, or to the
till I ;30 the nigiht of the Freshman duties of instruction. Itt sas under
banquet, when le appeared in the te inspiration of these grad rob--j
rsity banquet hall. ems that his most influential ooks B
Fin- The Schoolmasters' s Club. were writte, and his nost eloquent
anti discourses delivered; and, as it hap-
kh li It was deemed wise to defer the lens, his last public lecture, the last
mOt-teeting of the ?Michigan Shoolmas- lecture he was destined to deliver,
curt-when te feebleness of mortal
'rcf. te hbfroewe.'h et disease was overcome by the inspira-
fthe itig will be held in Room 24, t'ni- tion of his subject, a lecture which
versity Hall, Saturday Feb. 28th. called together so many that his
T'he music is in charge of Prof. class-roonm had to be exchanged for C
al) Stanley. The program of the meet- University Hall, that his last pubic
apti-.- address was again devoted to one of
first, tog s as folows: the noble problems of creation. It
tra . Music. was a fitting subject for the last dis-
2. 'The Departmental I'lan: Paer course, and a fitting cose for te
lie -Supt. Henry N. French, Kaama- pubilic life of so great, so able, and
in of zoo; Discussion-Supt.W. D. Clize, so ievout a moan. G
men Ionia; Supt. J. N. McCall, thaca. A. nobie and strikin personality,
what 3. University Shloarshiplinit the a man of great learning and lofty
Pight School: Paper-Prin. J. O. ideals, has been stricken dosn, and
n of R eed, Saginasw; Dicussion-P'rof. we grieve at Iis loss; a gentle adAg
M. S.. D'Ooge, . of M. earnest sirit has left uts, and we A
the 4. Music. mourn.
licy 5.Theit Frech Lyce: Paper- SWe extend our heartfelt sympathy
pe-Prof. W. W. Benan, U. of M.; to his famiy in their great bereave- ~y
per- Dicussion-hProf. I. R. de'ori, U. ment, and we desire in a body to I~
adof M5. join witht them in the last sid tribute
a his . General Discuassiou-contintued to the mortal remains of our late
this from meeting of November I, t1go. associate. A
'iti, TuvitipCENTSo.
AVINthetiiexpqerienice of (Csllege
Altu swho knotsanitoh eiatt te
tcaiefuli stcriu Iitti'Colge -Lil-
its having i at'e corps oh skilledl
signsurs anidl Jeweilers spfeilly
tined lfe orIde anid other jewelehId
ii Iaris, I onlhff aniiil iistertil m
ri iinonIs anhh ii'er eioufs
u'iet i1,so alus indLuius whii a re
olfatureu ini this saiountri.
/righf, Kay & Co.
IMM)IFI'llt'its, . t'-EI
Detroit, Miohigari.
has. Speller & .
Univ11ersity Ouetfitter,
Flinest antd Lam9est
,rent for Ann Arbsr Ateam Laundry,
quiek delivery tad best wvork.
,A$. $PELLC1R & fqO.

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