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March 13, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-03-13

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I -N 1 U tiNIVEllII IT (hi MI(IIIG N
FRIDAY. AlAR('ll 1:1), Ils" l. (4:-Nrs.
r i4 ,
ETHICS OF MACHINERY. t~t't ~ 1 irMinstrels. AtNlhexeperienceo lee
Mr. Wright's Lecture. errcie is' lull shaire of these 1 Melt who know liii ,Ii lplectate
ii sttio. ilitileilitis ithit lo il. No 1 ilt tt tit it is (Yeiieritiiy kinownt there is to eteo elllsc 'lreSo
Isle, a,1) teit le \o. tl ih tiil - not j 'tietcatefultitiititt itosit flit. I ittt
t todi 55)55:s Iiiv'ntionst, 1as Z O~seutbesae thul i etis, hatving a large (011ps of skilled
l t t ti I t citlig i ohs I Dar of lieui fo~r the hbintefit of the r esigiters antd Jewelers specialty
11lrel riia 1re t i' i 1( Iltse ita ('ltb. A1 respres ntatlive tiraiiied for badilge 1iii, tht iwi'o~al--n ctewetta
tI e sve. bief tte - lo 5 ~tii o il f t liii iv calle1 up~oin NI r. 1 ttiiit. ititioitiigr. as twe do, directty
tthe e ie iso ol ofi t cs "f l it thie Pa s r itevgu tpee t1 Stones. Wie tire ini a positio to Ipro-
0145itt itsi 0 iii tla ie 1. NI o tn o it te1 lark hit as iSduetei flinest plan ill jeweltlir
lpeWright r~i le ok
itriaotitltl 'liarl oitt Iags of tilt tintt whINi vx~'it~ 1 i chi~ 'r.
it sii, o i t et ute stei ttt > ciittiely 1 r t it ettt'u thl i i tiiw viii i li c I'. 3 h iisc.a d P o .I I.Itrnl<ttlc~lltt i u t
' Sai 'tc 'ha hase br ui) thoor ollin the tiug t S1tal 'trr'tit''
Ott',s Pr esent ti- e ss tha ii rn~ tf tol b anlte ioais . ie titi ilts tt i- tt
(forth cul th itityrot 'toon vii tli r it it
theo haafe he ttti h1 Siir xetitietft eia art ofee t o jroraj the Wil brigh , er '. o
etatr tni b callo d acioiihs.t lahor b iliietais ithO'e~d min oifu n~titit~ ie
t v hor iici i ffood s 'f i ie o as h 0 hr'olm a e of a1 I hitf r~o lls ar'tt be . its le 1 I ' l"' t ,. ~<III
laiiiiig e tI by the tn dsrke or rc of ritiiyi sr. Astni nses~ ult
titthir o t o i > i tno e si i te es a etitlliatesi- rase iisr ti nhi t0 sso h tl uri 'A'i r
Iirtt tsit Mahier a. t1. Saciiii tas ttiioiit hoin htteee liter
tinlahnr, andoas (2) miereyin r ithe dultesrcion f icl ie hiarly rtilehtI isdnio th itni IE ( 3 LRNG .AI S 1SH
a' huI tasss n p o u latar otisiwin ofs tind ais stitertaiitniso ite Q t o~
iltiodili ieetheitsstutht itatis' re al y quhatl iti es 'aIetiis thakNt ' lttaietl rei t
upt the litli mite resttieii asituritd tha is.s A7oet-tik itPuli
itfor a , t e a t e bl nc g btet - woknst h e reigs s ixp ediire of0t tu e te tiltitliitts o ta s is oi
iee la or tad rof cierse i es- labr.iet Bt lif e m ptitly en l ive t'e i moti nt i t f t heueg an wl h p .S e lrd c eo a h i ' ch iactr. 1 h Br' ai se
s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i taite arndt theod etierit tmtrkett reric ofh mntyiitti. mn U ieriyO ttes
rs tho rtle the astbditein oftt cat ot osupeti t edit 'a topiated sob___
l ilyr as wsatsct, oti' ttiyn iIel etiusn h gaiseit fore te Ienaleit ifth sen th )1ci-rxSr -
ttopc :Mc nr afet fachite withoui beinge relttered yebocre EN LSyE G
tl es I)iu thcreesn or is - to e expettt ri te. I tend o de.eNotep i ltes u sru ofun h
ttfei n' geiera birfe int shoel theyt rut tie antin Eoutr Nlle r: L I S H
cre' ndre iter ret sof latto -itreawt a soodre.v' ngeis te Iaits a sucttie ssr ti ener a n e Cis l M T.. lT
t a r p r d e i n i s t r l ~ a l e a y r el ii Ii t h
gor l 25r perrt rent inie tottun tatkeros tof reanrieoodupnpie--__
Eg ds ltces laorachii e l grictound ths o e rc i gi u W or to , is the --TeS.C .Bul-g
0d tre met an ena cafrsneof the evils of. society. re-
ltlng array of ieienotaes Ifole y ou ar e sow to gie ai etlli, 'l'Ite IrGte fteS.C .hu OOD$*
toig di tce en in. dlitisoent ino no charty givet i w . ante ot t tg o yetra afern ancivd 0 t
e parnnt of lsuty ille fsoofratr oneih oi tide e belait f the raisn of
(o)ly asws dued mn masnyc npeapls wthe usiacpaio te dmwtone repres to coeeGIH EG
hi tento a thd e hu orutof psi t. Tahrue. thee i seeN Nthorwtal
-t5 he eaorit n ga o;te li years were fondsuypput ltheaslvest r ennshst~u tkn ll ER'SEIL
14 nu r of ae, cit o ape r ii sin iicea~ t are. totei sithlan. ront te okonstetingen, arragd it is ChAS &tPI4TIT
been s of emio(et hig animrmn fti ti a e wil thteonl m todeby whcah the B TSA DB L $
i en to emahiey;in thes coe . The in elen eniane no --aisn eoelngt'a'h reet .o. I11 't
uto wa shfntauh e ide ure. le tthettuit itettnds tol th ie itntracttiST ifRI-ED.
ra f or ter cnin btroa m ha prss to realze a i i he c dons iiona hsci etoietehte lo
p (ag iie r ci ta on iiiil lies isapltclatt ir fco.he ofad forety usk oo ste a- T e S ont t.A.B inin April, itiz nd. Lof the e;i4arag5a-aeto om fteeiso scey I
lul'r~i n o e n ahpoed h s Ic- Net the bshah t keep thve an thac n d ie atteofthe iti . lie ad111
all depfartmen tns of dsraiya. s tivisa-io er. l ier prouce tha ranieeough n ftoryit e the car-in of TE E ' F R IH
1 bt tnotpcey z), thatcthepersn s x auhlcntteittioit mahinty peittes ate tmacipatio the moesrqi e oco lt e tory 0000 ti
aye itehf aiatuned be r os ofn th foe lieb seks ah close allian e wb h e hldiglecoilt__
i1 }'tther ofr tfne mlyci n i o eroit the n sp ake rtied b . o Agn1 o n ro ta aniy
ancrea tir wages . a n rduchs agic itonbu the ethicavtence F of the 'will he aoli eting ofd ite tis e CHAEer ' niett ok.
O icresiae ofexpotde t laortith- tan istmn of tlar maast poned Fored Medial Snociety Satury eve.,be
weall diaiv n g etih hae othtits th rouom he itelghn cha nent life 730ine beoront o ao the chesialnt ~
lt t wad shoIn fat tite de- hidue ce s. ineors of e nuaune ideteneyoh c Tntcor.ieof i ~
reased uas prci ta hysu pto lahsapoiiaondmrlfatr eradyor e om trm e nArl Fntai L ary=_
41 lrd aht)ovr nt aex e ou ei- that te iaorer advancs toe acer Herdty,' by Dr.mp Hweil be Plaeu-o LNVRITY orT' TE
l~ Po pulamertionaso airado a hraer plae. H knw thtraisy, enh F.R.onchrd 91. ANNp ARBOR -ar E TE E ' FU IHIG

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