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February 07, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-02-07

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I -&\ ) illU\NI\ EITY OF M1ICIIAN, A
'I'IIDAY, FT:IIILI*,iUZY 7, 1191. I mcT:, TliIZ :E CFNTS.
Th Y.Fund Grows Steadily.
Th GII "fund (comitteemen,
Ihiou Ill-eviously acknow ledged
an~itto o ''hrehaieen
IIIa(Tt, o Cit 1> turniedtin ii (liii 1D r.
t~ae ell's lecture. h Cis o ete
iion studetcs in the post fec
ltila , Ii y t (, s u e t 1 ) t
2itu fliC moit of the canvaUSSiu
hsIll cllone in the I it. I 'pact-
Iletlditis beleveilthat S$1,000
fore Ci Ile securedl frioiiithis de-
iluagiii theCswurk of canvcassig
t lst of recent subscriptions is
z5' «'tH.Nichols, D. 'Traiser.
I°tttrd I. Mutliken, F. 7M1.
a ' 1,. tdclLitiben, E. C.
=N. A.Philitips.
ie olloing'are S.oo sutiscrip-
(I 55r L. .tlen, Laurence, 1).
Cah11ttrlBarncs, (. ooarteis,
tol, le'riCheney, Fassett Cliafa-
iit htwoirt, R. 1. halt, Wot-
Rtt obertsonIHoy t, Ncivell,
li r, Keyes, Siiincr )ectlIt.
Seel, ItrennansL.I:I Schmid,
IsFStoine, Ryan, kcrriitge,
lil tiitiaultt Shoemaker, MeLauigh-
tefoloi g 5conriutd ii r
faller ahioulats
rI1 s PGreen, RoweC(1alkiiis,
ltflRoberts, Ioian, Ostoby,
u' rlsoo1 braceI iiterIPyle,
' Titc I articekXWilsonsIPiersal,
Tt r ettl:C. F. .il11cr, Oldftthtter,
-reetSalilnski, Sawyer, I.Sinitti.
llild K uheriland, XXWaters, Sale.
0pebee fr the Gym Fund.
s, iid aninounced a wecek a th
tity Clbih tas made definite ar-
htjnents with Jamoes I-ay Aptple-
r t liectusre in University hallt on
}ees venilng, Feb. 25, fur ttie
ne t oftheli Gym fiund.
arieuebers of the Unity Club
Q r1~te 1g very thard to nmake this
e asucssand lthe club ivill
toith expenses connectediwilt
s~l d put the entire proceeds tc
of llth fund for a Gym at thse U.
IFPPlebee's subject will be
iees entimentalist and
To rist, and as we all know hsow
_ {
successful a course of lectureostMr
Atutieti vaeeeka agot5oin Shiake-
speaire, ice iicalepecit aniilter estingi
le cefoc i o Dces' is a chlice agal~ ii tt ttith
studienits to iioisomes thiiiifir theic
liccet Sr. Atititctiic It we do it),
flitha wcliit htgiltzo'ydrc~~
iocilie ty fundiithot Ii cre
Emrlzst a'M :I reply tii various inquliries, I
wsould mnake the folloinii gesneral
stateenit as ho the cousces to hae
givesi lyi ne next seniester:
Ciasrse 4 is, ini a senise, a ciontiniu-
atiosn of thse cousrse in Elemntars-
Sl~d Esiglists, sncd will consist oif a
stuidy if 'rasnsitional aiiilEarly
Mddcle Englishs."Morris c4 Skeat's
Stecisnsoif Early Esnglishi."' Pact
COMMUNICATION. gA VINii the extierienice iif College
Cc mii U.~ as.0 Mes ictn kiuss-asi plpreciate
l~l~(x;U l e h nwadI ishtosa a ic ords ii ii lie caresfilst csrutisy of College Stn-
; crui th on sied vstriioftents, having ' large corps of skilled
Deesiers ansd Jeswelers speieally
mainiagemniCI t opted i) theILawideICtcaised Ins- budge asnilother jewselled
p~artnicnlt oittIs LI III ch~i liiTOic- Nsok. linpustin-- as iweldo, diriiectly
in it we Iwisl i to he otlillit oIsfrom IaritsLonioniail A osstes'dass
oiur esCene S lllocldc lfr toines , e irein i :IS positiiinitoi 111-
(1uce theifins-st 1);11aiidsjewcelled
IV(' hae.II I raontolil ta o iety It Ibis ofS.It1kiinds wichlare's
Wright, Kay & Go.
11ICt theli acC'Pullyo hcwt n rtl xetos, isC i "l0pse'lIof Il\1PORITIElls,11uWEEt
tIpr(f's>s C5 uic'aly n;lt ii4C iCA Nii
ill thircenl-lcments. Te tue t 1A-NUtFAC-TUltI GhJ.1;EXELEIS.
cit theidepalrtmieint are ciiitinu~allyS in D 'tr0i t, Kiloh!,Won
O state of ccexingim ccrtai IIitt. i - -
order cifscork foir the sut cceingdlay Chap. SpellIer &O(
either, is snever tiultetineit until aiinesnbehu, rcagda >)>StTlSAESr
tuimlelihe isoe has suit theoppor
tntcninnlorohvieofjjgainisig such ifiorsatioii.'The till EEiEI~
mdaerslsosuhasa faffairs is to) obviouis. Champion Light Weight Boxer
The siecessarysnelet tfIformeruc r 's INN <5 50N I .
Coursce 6 is a gceneral course Cin prepasration upon lectures, teruti-
SEsiglish Literatisre fromt the bine ofn ates in an ettsharr~tcde que-or
Chaucer. Pdorley &Tyler's San- "flutnts."'Examniatiius that should
menal will bae used as a text and refer- hav'e eeun held aefore the holidass
'iice booik, tut reading of the iter- hav-e been either laio thic tablhe,"
aice itself will lie extpectecd. or gh-en toi is isithiout regardl ti
Course 8 continuues thse study of numbter or coni ctiiis. Ilesiles the
Old Englisha-thse poetry in Swveet's abaov'ecexinag facts, there ace mainy
"Anglo-Saxon Reader." others that msighut be meutioineid iith
In Course 16 thse attemspt iittbeeqabarn. utomkeaog
iiacde to teach the elemsentary of story as short as possible, it wcoulcd
Pihonetics iwiths especial reference to tie reasonable to coancludie that the
English. Practical drill in the ac- suddien chusnges, that are character-
'uquisition of Ithe souindls thsemselvecs isiic of this sdepartnsent are wsorking
swill forms a large part of the swork of "vecy great snury- to thoise wcho
the coaurse. 'Thie class will use ace receivininhstructions. let thosae
Swseet's "Primer of Phonetics. wshoi teach systemi, prctice system,
Coursez 7 iwill cionsist of ceaiiigandh this great grounid of ciamplaint
ini aid ultt of class, o01 Eiiglish otf u-illI he iine saayuithi,andt hess ite-
thie i 5th aiacl Stli cenuieis.-Phie trinient wililh te suifered oii thie hart
3course is, in a senise, a ciantinu latioun of thie studecnt.
oif the studly- of Chaucer. Studecuts -w
iwill proisie tieumseives uwithi 'it
, -Specimenus of English ILiteraturce." lCurse20. Phoitographiy.- TO
Cotirses S, f6 anii17; sttudcnts inchide phoutomicrography . Attw-
wvill meet for conisultationi as toi per-ifthis coturse,u-hiahy laboiratory- wtork.
isaent timie and place as follows: SFor thiose whoi have hail quiaitatit'e
analsios, sand ((ne other scotrse in
Coure 8,011 nglils tCetr, chemistry or in physics.
-Montday, Feb. x16th, at half-liast A. II. SrTEVENS.
1four, Rooms 14.
S Course 16, Phsonetics;TuI esday,
Feb. 17th, Isalf-past three, Roonm14. Course 19. Organic Synthesis.
Course 17, Early Modern English; Seminary wvork, Tuesday ansd Thurs-
'Tuesday, Feb. 17th, half-psst four, day, at 10:30, and laboratory once
ROOM 14. a week, making a thiree-fifths course.
f Courses 4 and 6, as in thec An -For those who hsave have hsad courses
Tnouncement. GEORGE HENIPL. 1o and 11. A. 1B. PR.ESCOTr.
For pirticulars ielqijnie at thme store.-
Professor Hobsonss
C y-muasiliu5 Supplieilat XXloe-
sale Prices. Call aid Examnca.
-'-Nso- ~cvmos
Agent for Ann Arbor Steam Laundry,
quicek delivery and best wyork.-
5A$. $PELLER & ~q.

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